Spring Boot validation with Hibernate Validator - validation

Anyone know if it`s possible to create one method in my entity, to execute when I put the annotation #Valid in my class?
I have this Object:
public class Area {
private String unidade;
private double tamanho;
public String getUnidade() {
return unidade;
public void setUnidade(String unidade) {
this.unidade = unidade;
public double getTamanho() {
return tamanho;
public void setTamanho(double tamanho) {
this.tamanho = tamanho;
And I have this method:
public class RecolhimentoController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public boolean getRecolhimento(#Valid Area area){
so when I call this method the Spring Boot will validate my model Area( but I want to create one method that will be execute when I use #Valid.
it`s possible? how?

Yes, it is possible.
You can find examples in this project: https://github.com/malkusch/validation


repo.save not storing data in H2

`I have created simple spring project where I am using requestmapping to store data in my H2 database. I am getting parameters in URL but data is getting saved.
I am new in spring boot and facing this issue. Please help me with this. Thanks
//Controller Class
public class TrialTwoController {
Repository repos;
public String home() {
return "home.jsp";
public TrailTwo post(#RequestBody TrailTwo trail) {
return trail;
//Model class
public class TrailTwo {
private int id;
private String name;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Repository Interface
public interface Repository extends JpaRepository<TrailTwo, Integer> {
application properties
Inside your controller, you want to return TrailTwo entity. However, because you use #Controller and not #RestController, Spring won't be able to return the entity and will try to render the view instead which will result in the exception.
In order to fix this problem, you need to add #ResponseBody for in your method.
public #ResponseBody TrailTwo post(#RequestBody TrailTwo trail) {
return trail;
You can also separate the concerns and have UserController which will be annotated with #RestController and ViewController which will be annotated with #Controller. This way, you won't have to add #ResponseBody annotation inside #RestController.
On another note, make sure to use POST http method for adding new entities. Instead of using #RequestMapping, you can use #PostMapping which will limit the supported http methods to POST. For POST, parameters need to be passed as a part of request body.
Make sure you understand http methods and how to use them to build robust REST apis. It will make your life easier. You can read about different http methods and how to use them here https://restfulapi.net/http-methods/
For the full working example, you can take a look here: https://github.com/CaptainAye/repository-h2-sample

JSON field Desrializing to lowercase in Spring Boot

I have a Spring Boot Controller -
public class UserController {
public UserResponse register( #Valid #RequestBody UserRequest userRequest) {
//return ....
Below is UserRequest.java
public class UserRequest {
private String email;
//other property
I am sending below json in request body -
"email" : "TEST#Example.com",
//some other fields.
Sometime client send email in uppercase or in camel case so in userRquest I want to change value of email field to lowercase like test#example.com while de serializing to UserRequest Object.
Is there any easy way to do this. Can I introduce my own annotation like #ToLowerCase how I can create my own annotation and use that at field level in UserRequest.
There is no easy way just by introducing a new annotation #ToLowerCase,
because then you would also need to implement some annotation processor
for doing the real conversion work.
But you can achieve your goal in a slightly different way.
In your UserRequest class annotate the email property
with #JsonDeserialize and specify a converter there.
#JsonDeserialize(converter = ToLowerCaseConverter.class)
private String email;
You need to implement the converter class by yourself,
but it is easy by extending it from StdConverter.
public class ToLowerCaseConverter extends StdConverter<String, String> {
public String convert(String value) {
return value.toLowerCase();
Jackson will use the setter methods in your class.
Perform the conversion to lower case in the setter.
For example
public void setEmail(String newValue)
email = StringUtils.lowerCase(newValue);
StringUtils is an apache commons class.
You can make a general StringDeserializer and register it in ObjectMapper as shown below:-
StringDeserializer class
public final class StringDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<String> {
public StringDeserializer() {
super((Class<String>) null);
public String deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
JsonToken token = parser.getCurrentToken();
if (token == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
String text = parser.getText();
return text == null ? null : text.toLowerCase().trim();
return null;
JacksonConfiguration class
public class JacksonConfiguration {
void mapper(ObjectMapper mapper) {
private Module initModule() {
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(String.class, new StringDeserializer());
return module;
The above code makes jackson deserialize all strings to lowercase and trimmed.

Custom Source presence checking method name in MapStruct

is it posible to generate a custom "presence checking" method name, being a method of the property itself rather the owning object?
I know I can use hasProperty() methods to check for presence of a value...
but with Optional or JsonNullable (from OpenApi nonullable) that checking method is on the property itself, not on the owning object... :-(
I can map JsonNullable or Optional easyly 'using' or extending a simple custom Mapper
public class JsonNullableMapper {
public <T> T fromJsonNullable(final JsonNullable<T> jsonNullable) {
return jsonNullable.orElse(null);
public <T> JsonNullable<T> asJsonNullable(final T nullable) {
return nullable != null ? JsonNullable.of(nullable) : JsonNullable.undefined();
what I would like to achieve is something like this as "presence check":
if(source.getProperty().isPresent()) {
Any one found a solution for this?
Thanks and regards
I have managed to implement custom lombok extension which generates "presence checknig" methods.
Here is an example project. In short I added #PresenceChecker annotation and implemented Lombok Javac Annotation handler.
It's possible to use it together with other Lombok annotations:
public class User {
private String name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private String name;
//MapStruct Mapper interface declaration
public interface UserMapper {
void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, #MappingTarget User user);
Generated code:
public class User {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private boolean hasName;
private String name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
this.hasName = true;
public boolean hasName() {
return this.hasName;
//MapStruct Mapper implementation
public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper {
public void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, User user) {
if ( dto == null ) {
if ( dto.hasName() ) {
user.setName( dto.getName() );
The answer is unfortunately a straight no.
It is not possible in the current version of MapStruct (1.3.1final) and its not on the shortlist for 1.4.0. You could open up an issue on the git repo of MapStruct as feature request.

How to use Method level validation

I'm trying to validate some parameters used in a method with javax.validation, but I'm having trouble doing it right.
This is my method:
ServiceResponseInterface getEngineTriage(
#NotNull(message = Constants.MANDATORY_PARAMETERS_MISSING) String riskAssessmentId,
#NotNull(message = Constants.MANDATORY_PARAMETERS_MISSING) String participantId,
#Pattern(regexp = "NEW|RENEWAL|EDIT|OPERATION|RATING", flags = Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE, message = Constants.WRONG_PARAMETERS) String eventType) {
~Some code~
return ServiceResponseNoContent.ServiceResponseNoContentBuilder.build();
The class has the #Validated annotation, at this point I'm stuck, how can I check when I call the method if the paramethers are validated?
Basically, if your configuration is right, your method is not executed if any validation error occurs. So you need to handle your method with a simple try-catch block.
I will give an example configuration for method level validation in Spring below.
public interface IValidationService {
public boolean methodLevelValidation(#NotNull String param);
public class ValidationService implements IValidationService {
public boolean methodLevelValidation(String param) {
// some business logic here
return true;
And you can handle any validation errors like below:
public void testMethodLevelValidationNotPassAndHandle() {
boolean result = false;
try {
result = validationService.methodLevelValidation(null);
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
Note: You need to define your validation annotations in your interface if you have implemented your component from one. Otherwise, you can just put it in your bare spring component:
public class BareValidationService {
public boolean methodLevelValidation(#NotNull String param) {
return true;
Hope this helps, cheers!

Update database ManytoOne relationship (Spring Boot + MVC +Thymeleaf)

I have two entity class.one is PhaseEntity and another is TaskEntity. PhaseId will be the foreign key of TaskEntity class. I can create and save the value to the database but cannot update the database.
Portion of TaskEntity class:
private PhaseEntity phaseEntity;
Controller class:
public class TaskController {
private TaskService taskService;
private PhaseService phaseService;
public String createForm(Model model,Principal principal){
model.addAttribute(new TaskEntity());
model.addAttribute("body", "task/task-create");
model.addAttribute("generaltaskDto",new GeneralTaskDto());
model.addAttribute("phaseEntities", phaseService.phaseList());
return "layouts/default";
public String createFormPost(Model model,GeneralTaskDto generaltaskDto,BindingResult result){
TaskEntity taskAndPhase=generaltaskDto.getTaskEntity();
return "redirect:/task/list";
public String updateTask(Model model,#PathVariable String id){
TaskEntity taskEntity= taskService.getTaskId(Integer.parseInt(id));
model.addAttribute("body", "task/task-create");
model.addAttribute("phaseEntities", phaseService.phaseList());
return "layouts/default";
GeneraltaskDto class:
public class GeneralTaskDto {
private TaskEntity taskEntity=new TaskEntity();
private Integer phaseId;
public TaskEntity getTaskEntity() {
return taskEntity;
public void setTaskEntity(TaskEntity taskEntity) {
this.taskEntity = taskEntity;
public Integer getPhaseId() {
return phaseId;
public void setPhaseId(Integer phaseId) {
this.phaseId = phaseId;
here is the client page of the application
can anyone help plz how to update the database with controller request. Thanks in advance.
Please try adding these lines in your controller under updateTask method after TaskEntity taskEntity= taskService.getTaskId(Integer.parseInt(id)); line.
PhaseEntity phaseEntity=taskEntity.getPhaseEntity();
model.addAttribute("generaltaskDto", generaltaskDto);
