How to exclude a class from Jacoco coverage? - maven

I want to use Jacoco in a way so that it excludes a class from the overall coverage. To achieve that I have included <exclude> within prepare-agent goal in maven pom.xml
Jacoco plugin:
Surefire plugin:
properties section:

This is the right way to configure excludes/includes for JaCoCo:
For more details, you can go through this documentation:

Here's my solution, please note the exclude class pattern is class.path.className.
And for the config detail, please check this doco, hope it helps.


Jacoco test coverage report is not generated

I have configured the maven jacoco plugin as follows in my pom.xml file
I tried by setting different parameters but could not make it work.
Whenever I am running the test cases using mvn clean install or mvn jacoco:report I am not getting -- Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.
when I removed this param in maven-surefire-plugin
the reports were generated but not sure what is the reason behind it.

Exclude in the generated jar

I am using maven-compiler-plugin to build a JAR from one of my module, and I am not able to exclude from the generated JAR.
I tried:
But this does not work. I can exclude the file globally:
But I don't want to do this as this impact the Eclipse build, and makes it impossible to run code from Eclipse that uses log4j.
I tried to see if the included was mine and not from another module, and it is mine. I've read numerous posts on the issue, including some here, but I still cannot solve it...
If this matters, this module is a submodule of a parent package, with the following <build>:

Maven-replacer-plugin is not invoked with maven-war-plugin

I am trying to replace string %APP_NAME% with enviroment variable in using maven. I have following configuration:
<!-- First step is to disable the default-war build step. -->
<!-- Second step is to create an exploded war. Done in prepare-package -->
<!-- Last step is to make sure that the war is built in the package
phase -->
<!-- <compilerArgument>-Xlint:all</compilerArgument> -->
When i invoke:
mvn clean package
mvn clean install
the replacer plugin is not called. Can anyone can please explain why and what can I do to let it work? Or if replacer is not compatible with future war plugin can anyone explain me any other way to replace some string in before building war? I saw also ant plugin but with same config it is not called too.. Example below..
<replace dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources">
<include name="**/" />
<replacefilter token="%APP_NAME%" value="${env.BRANCH_NAME}"/>
The plugin is defined in a <pluginManagement> block:
Find the <build><plugins> block for the POM where replacer needs to run, and add the following:
Plugin Management is rather like a template for what should happen when the plugin is invoked. If the plugin is not referenced in the <build><plugins> block, nothing will happen.

yuicompressor maven plugin and maven-war-plugin

I've been struggling with getting this plugin to play nicely with the maven-war-plugin for a couple of hours now and I thought it was time to ask for help. I have the plugin defined as follows:
If I remove nosuffix=true then I can see the compressed/minified -min.js files get into the war as expected, but with this flag on they are being overwritten by the maven-war-plugin (I'm assuming) when it builds the war file. I really need the file names to remain the same though ... does anyone have an idea of what I need to change in order to use the same filenames and still get the minified versions into the final war?
OK. I finally figured this out. You need to define a <webappDirectory> in the yuicompressor plugin that can then be referenced as a <resource> in the maven-war-plugin. In the example below I'm using <directory>${}/min</directory>
Just configure 'warSourceExcludes' on the WAR plugin.
I would like to add the configuration which worked for me:
First, to fix m2e complaining about the 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle' I added the following in the parent pom taken from this post:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse
m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
Then in the war pom I put:
This generates the minified css and js files in the project build target directory while excluding the original files.
I hope this saves someone time.
this is my configuration, and it works fine in my maven web project:
<!-- js/css compress -->
<!-- war -->
The approach I use is a bit different.
First, I've configured my IDE to run mvn process-resources before the compilation/packaging. This way the files are created before the war is assembled.
It is very important to set <nosuffix>false</nosuffix> and <outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> so the files can be created in the same directory without replacing your original source files.
<outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> <!-- by default the plugin will copy the minimized version to target directory -->
As Jakob Kruse say, you must deal with the *.js, but no *.min.js, so my configurations is below, please notice the use of %regex[] :
Without pom.xml change
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress
To force compress every js and css files and fail if warning
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.force=true \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.failOnWarning=true \
For more options:

maven-compiler-plugin exclude

I have a following problem.
I would like to exclude some .java files (**/jsfunit/*.java) during the test-compile phase and on the other side I would like to include them during the compile phase (id i start tomcat with tomcat:run goal)
My pom.xml
<!-- <excludes>
</excludes> -->
<!-- <execution>
But it does not work : exclude in default-testCompile execution does not filter these classes.
If I remove the comments then all classes matched **/jsfunit/*.java would be compiled but only if I touch them!
To exclude files from the default-testCompile phase, you have to use <testExcludes>. So your example above would look like so:
