laravel : sanitize request data before validation - validation

there is a UpdateUserRequest form request that verify fields value against its rules defined in rules mathod .it has rules() and authorize() methods by default. i want prevent verifying and updating empty fields (such as password) .
using sometimes in rules is not useful as html inputs will be present in POST request even if they are empty.
array:6 [▼
"_method" => "PATCH"
"_token" => "Cz79rRez2f6MG0tTU17nVwXD0X1lNGH1hA7OORjm"
"name" => "john"
"email" => ""
"password" => ""
"password_confirmation" => ""
so i should remove empty keys of POST request before using sometimes in rules.
the question is : Where is the best place to purge Request array?
is there any laravel build in method to manage such situations?
P.S :Solution:
#Bogdon solution is still valid and works, but there is another simple ,nice ,neat solution adopted from here:
just override all() method inside form request
class RegistrationRequest extends Request
public function all()
$attributes = parent::all();
if(isset($attributes['password']) && empty($attributes['password']))
return parent::all();

To make this work you'll need to modify the contents of the App\Http\Requests\Request class to allow a way to sanitize the input (class code taken from this Laracasts post):
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
abstract class Request extends FormRequest
* Validate the input.
* #param \Illuminate\Validation\Factory $factory
* #return \Illuminate\Validation\Validator
public function validator($factory)
return $factory->make(
$this->sanitizeInput(), $this->container->call([$this, 'rules']), $this->messages()
* Sanitize the input.
* #return array
protected function sanitizeInput()
if (method_exists($this, 'sanitize'))
return $this->container->call([$this, 'sanitize']);
return $this->all();
After that you just need to write add sanitize method in the UpdateUserRequest class that removes the password field from the input when it's empty:
public function sanitize()
if (empty($this->get('password'))) {
// Get all input
$input = $this->all();
// Remove the password field
// Replace the input with the modified one
return $this->all();
Now using the sometimes rule for the password field will work:
public function rules()
return [
// Other rules go here
'password' => 'sometimes|required|confirmed'

I'm not sure about the best way to purge the fields, but this is how I currently handle user updates on my system.
I find the user based on the $id passed through and then update the appropriate records. I assume that name and email will never be empty, it is only the password that can be empty - and so we can just set the name and email fields to the values passed in and then use an if statement to check if the password field is empty or not and update accordingly.
Something along the lines of this is what I use:
public function update($id)
$user = User::find($id);
$user->name = Input::get('name');
$user->email = Input::get('email');
if (Input::get('password') != "")
$user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password'));


Store json array in the api controller -laravel 8

I'm a little bit confused to how I can store data in my api controller,
My json looks like this:
{ a: 1 },
{ a: 2 }
I have my rules
$rules = [
'*.a' => 'required',
I have my validation
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
if ($validator->fails()) {
$error = $validator->messages()->toJson();
return response($error, 200);
and now there's my "problem": I would like to make a cleaner code.
My old option was pass the request->all() to a variable , json decode the contenent and make a foreach cycle to store data as here:
foreach ($datas as $data) {
$data = new rawData([
'a' => $data->a,
can I do a cleaner thing?? and How?
You can put your validation logic in a custom form request validator.
First, create the validator
php artisan make:request ExampleRequest
You can find the newly created a new class in app/Http/Requests/ExampleRequest.php and you can add your rules as follows
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class ExampleRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
'*.a' => 'required',
Now your controller method/action will not be executed unless the request passes the validation rules. you can use it in your controller method as follows:
In app/Http/Controllers/ExampleController.php
public function store(ExampleRequest $request)
// Your normal code.
that looks quite good. There is only one small thing I would have done differently. But it's a matter of taste.
foreach ($datas as $data) {
And you can you use the request object directly to validate. or you implement an custom Request Object what you pass as parameter in your function.
'*.a' => 'required',

Does Laravel support "typed" requests?

To transform a database entity to an API response Laravel support resources, eg. UserResource extends JsonResource. The resource allows me to cleanly define which fields from the entity should be included in the response, how to transform them etc.
Is there a similar functionality for requests? My requests typically look like this:
public function create(JsonRequest $request): UserResource
$data = $request->json()->all();
/* Remove, transform, add request fields etc. */
$user = User::create($data);
return new UserResource($user);
In our case we have a legacy database behind a modern API so there are a number of fields that need to transformed, renamed etc. before pushing them into the entity class. The fields differ from request to request but the steps are very similar. Is there a less boilerplate-y way to do this, something similar to how resources transform entities to responses?
Something like:
class UserRequest extends JsonRequest {
public function fromArray(JsonRequest $request) {
Then the request could look like this:
public function create(UserRequest $request): UserResource
$user = User::create($request);
return new UserResource($user);
I suppose, that most of your problems can solve form request. See example below
Form request class:
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class TestRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
'date' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s',
'name' => 'required|string',
// here you can specify custom error messages
public function messages()
return [
'date.required' => 'No date specified',
'date.date_format' => 'Invalid date format',
'name.required' => 'No name specified',
'name.string' => 'Invalid name format',
// here you can implement some data mapping before validation
protected function validationData()
return $this->transform($this->all());
// some data transformation logic
// You can place it anywhere in your applciation services
protected function transform($input)
$transformed = [];
foreach ($input as $field => $value) {
if ($field == 'name') {
$value = strtoupper($value);
} elseif ($field == 'date') {
$value = Carbon::parse($value)->toDateTimeString();
$transformed[$field] = $value;
return $transformed;
public function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
// here you can implement custom validation failure
Here is my test route: Route::get('/test', 'TestController#index');
And controller:
use App\Http\Requests\TestRequest;
class TestController extends Controller
public function index(TestRequest $request)
return response()->json($request->validated());
So, then requesting route: curl -H 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8000/test?date=01.01.2019&name=petya'
And getting response: {"date":"2019-01-01 00:00:00","name":"PETYA"}
And dont be shy to see source code of request and form request, cause of not all methods you wish are described in docs. Hope this helps

Laravel 5 - sanitize certain inputs on validation

Is it possible to sanitize certain inputs on (or before validation)?
I have this rules for now (as example):
public function rules()
return [
'name' => 'required|min:3|max:255|string',
'description' => 'string',
'hours.*' => ['required', new Hours],
I want to sanitize name and description, but I don't to sanitize hours. Is this possible to do on validation, or I have to sanitize after validation and before insert?
I don't recommend to do sanitization after validation.
Suppose we have a blog system and guests/users can comment on posts, and the minimum characters in a comment is 10
If someone comments with thank you (there's a trailing space), it will be passed at the validation level because it's a 10 chars comment, but when we sanitize the comment, say we trim it, it will be left with 9 chars. This is a silly example but can be something very important in your business logic somewhere.
Sanitize then validate.
To do request inputs sanitization, this article has a good pattern to do it
To cannot do this before validation as the original value will still be there in request. It can be easily dealt with mutators.
You can use Eloquent's Mutators to format attribute values in Eloquent Model before insert or update.
To define mutator, add set prefix and attribute suffix with the attribute's name. Like following
// Name mutator
public function setNameAttribute($name)
$this->attributes['name'] = strtolower($name); // used strtolower just to show the mutation
// Description mutator
public function setDescriptinAttribute($description)
$this->attributes['description'] = strtolower($description); // used strtolower just to show the mutation
Check documentation for more info
The only way I could think of validating the input like that would be validating it on the client side. So basically using Javascript to validate it. If the user for some reason disables Javascript your server site validation would work. What you could try as well would be to post the data asynchronous using Ajax for instance and immidietly return an error message if the validation fails, this approach would be server side.
test this :
Route::get('test/', 'TestController#test');
TestController class :
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\PostRequest;
use App\Post;
class PostController extends Controller
public function test(PostRequest $request)
PostRequest class :
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class PostRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
public function sanitize()
$input = $this->all();
$input['name'] = $input['name'].'some change';
$input['description'] = $input['description'].'another change';
As you can see, I defined a method called sanitize in PostRequest
Now when I set the value of the name to the ‍‍ali in URL, but the ali some change value will be printed.
You can also use the daylerees / sanitizer package.

Laravel Model conditional formatting

I have a database and model called Vote_actions that looks like this:
anonymous (boolean)
User can ask to be anonymous (that would make the boolean value to be true).If that is the case, I want to change the group_id and user_id from the returned model to -1.
Is there a way in laravel that I can do it ?
I know this question is old. I was looking for a way to hide some fields on certain conditions, external conditions like Auth Roles, and internal conditions like Model attributes, and I found a very flexible way to hide them.
And since I saw the other OP's duplicated post Laravel Hidden Fields On Condition asking for hiding field instead, So I'm gonna share it with you.
I know a mutator can change the value of its field, but to Hide it, you need :
the $hidden array attribute
the constructor __Construct() (optional)
to override method newFromBuilder method of Laravel Model
Here are the processes in the Model app\Vote_actions.php:
Hidden. Let's say you normally want to hide the fields created_at and updated_at of Laravel, you use:
protected $hidden = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];
External Conditions. Now let's say if the Authenticated User is Staff you want to unhide them:
public function __Construct()
if(\Auth::check() && \Auth::user()->isStaff()) {
// remove all fields so Staff can access everything for example
$this->hidden = [];
} else {
// let's hide action_type for Guest for example
$this->hidden = array_merge($this->hidden, ['action_type'];
Internal Conditions Let's say now you want to hide anonymous field is its value is true:
* Create a new model instance that is existing.
* #param array $attributes
* #param array $connection
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|static
public function newFromBuilder($attributes = array(), $connection = null)
$instance = parent::newFromBuilder($attributes, $connection);
if((bool)$instance->anonymous === true) {
// hide it if array was already empty
// $instance->hidden = ['anonymous'];
// OR BETTER hide single field with makeHidden method
// the opposite is makeVisible method
return $instance;
You can't play with hidden attributes and method inside mutators, that's their weakness when we need to hide instead of changing values.
But in any case, understand that calling modification on high load of hundredths of rows can be costly in time.
You are leaning towards an edge case, with special conditions.
Make use of accessors:
class VoteActions extends \Eloquent {
public $casts = [
'anonymous' => 'boolean'
* Accessors: Group ID
* #return int
public function getGroupIdAttribute()
if((bool)$this->anonymous === true) {
return -1;
} else {
return $this->group_id;
* Accessors: User ID
* #return int
public function getUserIdAttribute()
if((bool)$this->anonymous === true) {
return -1;
} else {
return $this->user_id;
Official Documentation:
However, i would recommend that you set the value in the database directly to -1 where necessary so as to preserve the integrity of your application.
Of course you can easily do that. Read about accessors (getters):
function getUserIdAttribute()
return $this->anonymous ? -1 : $this->user_id;
function getGroupIdAttribute()
return $this->anonymous ? -1 : $this->group_id;

Laravel custom authentication user fields

I created a table fields with costume fields names fld_ID, fld_Username, fld_Password but i can't use this fields type on simple laravel Authentication, so i defined my ID field name on user model except laravel-4:
protected $primaryKey = 'fld_ID';
and for Password name:
public function getAuthPassword() {
return $this->attributes['fld_Password'];
and finally for my username on Post Action Defined a username type for attempt:
$input = Input::all();
$user['fld_Username'] = $input['fld_Username'];
$user['fld_Password'] = $input['fld_Password'];
if (Auth::attempt($user)){
....Some Code Here... :)
but still i have problem with and Auth::attempt return false, my last Query log is this:
Array ( [query] => select * from `tbl_users` where `fld_Username` = ? and `fld_Password` = ? limit 1 [bindings] => Array ( [0] => username [1] => password )
and password is Hashed before save.
Because you changed the password field's name, you need to make a custom user provider and register it in config file.
As you can see in vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider.php line 138 the password field is hard coded and there is no other way to change it.
So make a class somewhere is app folder like this:
class CustomUserProvider extends EloquentUserProvider
public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials)
if (isset($credentials['fld_Password'])) {
return parent::retrieveByCredentials($credentials);
public function validateCredentials(UserContract $user, array $credentials)
$plain = $credentials['fld_Password'];
return $this->hasher->check($plain, $user->getAuthPassword());
Now you need to introduce this user provider to laravel. just add this to app\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php:
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
\Auth::provider('CustomUserProvider', function ($app, array $config) {
return new CustomUserProvider($app['hash'], $config['model']);
Just one more step. in config/auth.php edit the providers section like this:
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'CustomUserProvider', // make sure you change this
'model' => CustomUserModel::class, // here is your custom model
I hope this will help you.
The array you pass to attempt is simply an array; it has nothing to do with your database table. you don't have to use 'fld_Username', and 'fld_Password'. Instead just use $user['username'] and $user['password'].
Laravel is looking for the word "password" as the key in the array you pass to see which is the password.
Simply override the username function from LoginController and return your username field, just like this:
class LoginController extends Controller
public function username()
return "fld_Username";
No need to change anything else except the getAuthPassword method that you just did correctly.
I hope this will help you.
