Add new system call at FreeBSD - makefile

I wanna add custom helloworld syscall to FreeBSD. I used following link as my guide: In step 4 says: Modify the Make File to include sys_hello.c , etc and recompile the kernel! Which Make File? Where is it? and how to compile it and how call syscall hello?
The error that I faced with it, is:
init_sysent.o:(.data + 0x6638): undefined reference to 'sys_hello'
I think that it is because of my Make file, because I don't know I should modify which Make File.

I'm afraid you are not ready to do any kernel development and as such strongly suggest you refrain from it.
I don't know how you ended up on that guide, I have trouble finding it when I look for ways to add system calls to the FreeBSD kernel.
The guide has bits which are outdated and some which were always wrong.
You created a new file (sys_hello.c) but did not add it to the build process. Figuring out how to do that should be trivial.
1. pick a syscall which is always provided, like fork
2. find the file implementing it
3. grep the source tree for mentions of that file
4. profit
Performing the steps and getting the answer is left as an exercise for the reader.
int syshello(p, uap)
struct proc* p; struct syshello_args uap;
K&R C declaration? Just how old is this?
The first argument for several years now is struct thread *.
sprintf(uap->buf,"Hello"); /* fill the buffer with Hello */
Fundamentally wrong. Consider what happens if userspace passes a kernel address. Also this assumes shared address spaces to "work". The code should have used copyout. Except the code is additionally wrong by not having an argument allowing the userspace to say what the size is.
p->p_retval[0] = 0; /* set the return value of the system call*/
return 0;
As noted earlier, given your difficulty with figuring out what to do with the new file it is clear you are new to programming and as such you really should not touch the kernel until you grow.


Where Is gcvt or gcvtf Defined in gcc Source Code?

I'm working on some old source code for an embedded system on an m68k target, and I'm seeing massive memory allocation requests sometimes when calling gcvtf to format a floating point number for display. I can probably work around this by writing my own substitute routine, but the nature of the error has me very curious, because it only occurs when the heap starts at or above a certain address, and it goes away if I hack the .ld linker script or remove any set of global variables (which are placed before the heap in my memory map) that add up to enough byte size so that the heap starts below the mysterious critical address.
So, I thought I'd look in the gcc source code for the compiler version I'm using (m68k-elf-gcc 3.3.2). I downloaded what appears to be the source for this version at, but I can't find the definition for gcvt or gcvtf anywhere in there. When I search for it, grep only finds some documentation and .h references, but not the definition:
$ find | xargs grep gcvt
./gcc/doc/ C library functions `ecvt', `fcvt' and `gcvt'. Given va
./gcc/doc/trouble.texi:library functions #code{ecvt}, #code{fcvt} and #code{gcvt
}. Given valid
./gcc/sys-protos.h:extern char * gcvt(double, int, char *);
So, where is this function actually defined in the source code? Or did I download the entirely wrong thing?
I don't want to change this project to use the most recent gcc, due to project stability and testing considerations, and like I said, I can work around this by writing my own formatting routine, but this behavior is very confusing to me, and it will grind my brain if I don't find out why it's acting so weird.
Wallyk is correct that this is defined in the C library rather than the compiler. However, the GNU C library is (nearly always) only used with Linux compilers and distributions. Your compiler, being a "bare-metal" compiler, almost certainly uses the Newlib C library instead.
The main website for Newlib is here:, and this particular function is defined in the newlib/libc/stdlib/efgcvt.c file. The sources have been quite stable for a long time, so (unless this is a result of a bug) chances are pretty good that the current sources are not too different from what your compiler is using.
As with the GNU C source, I don't see anything in there that would obviously cause this weirdness that you're seeing, but it's all eventually a bunch of wrappers around the basic sprintf routines.
It is in the GNU C library as glibc/misc/efgcvt.c. To save you some trouble, the code for the function is:
char *
__APPEND (FUNC_PREFIX, gcvt) (value, ndigit, buf)
int ndigit;
char *buf;
sprintf (buf, "%.*" FLOAT_FMT_FLAG "g", MIN (ndigit, NDIGIT_MAX), value);
return buf;
The directions for obtain glibc are here.

How can I force the order of functions in a binary with the gcc toolchain?

I'm building a static binary out of several source files and libraries, and I want to control the order in which the functions are put into the resulting binary.
The background is, I have external code which is linked against offsets in this binary. Now if I change the source, all the offsets change because gcc may decide to order the functions differently, so I want to put the referenced functions at the beginning in a fixed order so their offsets stay unchanged...
I looked through ld's documentation but couldn't find anything about order of functions.
The only thing i found was -fno-toplevel-reorder which doesn't really help me.
There is really no clean and reliable way of forcing a function to a particular address (except for the entry function) or even forcing functions having a particular order (and if you could enforce the order that would still not mean that the addresses stay the same when the source is changed!).
The biggest problem that I see is that even if it may be possible to fix a function to some address, it will be sheer impossible to fix all of them to exactly the addresses that the already existing external program expects (assuming you cannot modify this program). If that actually worked, it would be total coincidence and sheer luck.
It might be almost easiest to provide trampolines at the addresses that the other program expects, and having the real functions (whereever they may be) pointed to by these. That would require your code to use a different base address, so the actual program code doesn't collide with the trampolines.
There are three things that almost work for giving functions fixed addresses:
You can place each function that isn't allowed to move in its proper section using __attribute__ ((section ("some name"))). Unluckily, .text always appears as the first section, so if anything in .text changes so the size is bumped over the 512 byte boundary, your offsets will change. By default (but see below) you can't get a section to start before .text.
The -falign-functions=n commandline option lets you align functions to a boundary. Normally this is something around 16 bytes. Now, you could choose a large value like for example 1024. That will waste an immense amount of space, but it will also make sure that as long as functions only change moderately, the addresses of the following functions will remain the same. Obviously it still does not prevent the compiler/linker from reordering entire blocks when it feels like it (though -fno-toplevel-reorder will prevent this at least partially).
If you are willing to write a custom linker script, you can assign a start address for each section. These are virtual memory addresses, not positions in the executable, but I assume the hard linking works with VMAs (based on the default image base) too. So that could kind of work, although with much trouble and not in a pretty way.
When writing your own linker script, you could also consider putting the functions that must not move into their own sections and moving these sections at the beginning of the executable (in front of .text), so changes in .text won't move your functions around.
The "gcc" tag suggests that you probably target *NIX, so again this is probably not going to help you, but... if you have the option to use COFF, dollar-sign sections might work (the info might be interesting for others, in any case).
I just stumbled across this today (emphasis mine):
The "$" character (dollar sign) has a special interpretation in section names in object files. When determining the image section that will contain the contents of an object section, the linker discards the "$" and all characters that follow it. Thus, an object section named .text$X actually contributes to the .text section in the image. However, the characters following the "$" determine the ordering of the contributions to the image section. All contributions with the same object-section name are allocated contiguously in the image, and the blocks of contributions are sorted in lexical order by object-section name. Therefore, everything in object files with section name .text$X ends up together, after the .text$W contributions and before the .text$Y contributions.
If the documentation does not lie (and if I'm not reading wrong), this means you should be able to pack all the functions that you want located in the front into one section .text$A, and everything else into .text$B, and it should do just that.
Build your code with -ffunction-sections -- this will place each function into its own section.
If you are using GNU-ld, the linker script gives you absolute control, but is a very platform-specific and somewhat painful solution.
A better solution might be to use the recent work on gold, which allows exactly the function ordering you are seeking.
A lot of it comes from the order the functions are in the file and the order the files are on the command line when you link.
Embed something in the code that your external code can find, a const structure with some ascii code and the address to functions perhaps, then no matter where the compiler puts the functions you can find them.
that or use the normal .dll or .so mechanisms, and not have to mess with it.
In my experience, gcc -O0 will fix the binary order of functions to match the order in the source code.
However as others have mentioned, even if the order is fixed, the offsets can change as you modify the source code or upgrade your toolchain.

Looking for C source code for snprintf()

I need to port snprintf() to another platform that does not fully support GLibC.
I am looking for the underlying declaration in the Glibc 2.14 source code. I follow many function calls, but get stuck on vfprintf(). It then seems to call _IO_vfprintf(), but I cannot find the definition. Probably a macro is obfuscating things.
I need to see the real C code that scans the format string and calculates the number of bytes it would write if input buffer was large enough.
I also tried looking in newlib 1.19.0, but I got stuck on _svfprintf_r(). I cannot find the definition anywhere.
Can someone point me to either definition or another one for snprintf()?
I've spent quite a while digging the sources to find _svfprintf_r() (and friends) definitions in the Newlib. Since OP asked about it, I'll post my finding for the poor souls who need those as well. The following holds true for Newlib 1.20.0, but I guess it is more or less the same across different versions.
The actual sources are located in the vfprintf.c file. There is a macro _VFPRINTF_R set to one of _svfiprintf_r, _vfiprintf_r, _svfprintf_r, or _vfprintf_r (depending on the build options), and then the actual implementation function is defined accordingly:
_DEFUN(_VFPRINTF_R, (data, fp, fmt0, ap),
struct _reent *data _AND
FILE * fp _AND
_CONST char *fmt0 _AND
va_list ap)
... has what they claim is a portable implementation of snprintf, including vsnprintf.c, asnprintf, vasnprintf, asprintf, vasprintf. Perhaps it can help.
The source code of the GNU C library (glibc) is hosted on
Here is a link to the implementation of vfprintf(), which is called by snprintf():;a=blob;f=stdio-common/vfprintf.c

LSM-Howto: Kernelmodule with non exported functions

I'm currently writing a Linux Kernel module which depends on the Linux Security Modules (LSM) at the moment it is nothing really, I just wanted to print out a simple message whenever a file is opened. The problem is: To register to the hook I need the function register_security, which - I found out after googleing - isn't exported anymore and thus can't be used by loadable kernel modules - only by modules which are compiled directly into the kernel.
Of course this makes sense for a security module, but it suckes for me developing.
So now the question to you: Is there a way of patching my module into the kernel? I mean, I don't want to recompile my kernel after every bugfix or for every minor change. I could live with rebooting my pc for every new try, but recompiling would take a little bit to long I guess..
Edit: Hm, noone yet :( I just had an idea, maybe someone can tell me if it's good or not: Can't I just add the EXPORT_SYMBOL in the kernel source for the functions I need, then recompile it and then add my code as a module? Of course this would be just for testing and debugging
Can't you just use fsnotify in kernel, or fanotify from user space?
It's not generally a good idea to export functions that the author didn't think it would be a good idea to export. If you call a function that isn't part of the public interface and that function has a side effect, you will probably break things. Besides, your module won't work on other machines, but maybe you don't care about this.
No, there is not. When a symbol is not exported, the in-kernel linker will not be able to find it. But adding the export to the kernel you use for testing should be OK. You can add your module to the export list by adding it to ./include/linux/Kbuild.
Also if testing in (user-mode-linux)[] or in virtual box, recompiling whole kernel might not be that big problem.
This may be a bit late as I see your question a while back. What I found to be a good solution is to write a module that you compile into the kernel and just exports the couple of functions you what to play with.
For example
static void k_register_file_permission(int (*my_file_permission) (struct file *file, int mask)) {
my_file_permission_func = my_file_permission;
Then you can just call k_register_file_permission from your kernel module, handy durring the development process.
You would also need a function like
int k_file_permission (struct file *file, int mask) {
if(my_file_permission_func == NULL)
//do nothing
return my_file_permission_func(file, mask);
return 0;
That you would register with the LSM at boot time.

How to read a call stack?

We have a native C++ application running via COM+ on a windows 2003 server. I've recently noticed from the event viewer that its throwing exceptions, specifically the C0000005 exception, which, according to means that the process is trying to write to memory not within its address space, aka access violation.
The entry in event viewer provides a call stack:
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0xa26c
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0x8af4
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0x13a1
LibFmwk!utilCLogController::GetFLFInfoLevel(void)const + 0x1070
LibFmwk!utilCLogController::GetFLFInfoLevel(void)const + 0x186
Now, I understand that its giving me method names to go look at but I get a feeling that the address at the end of each line (e.g. + 0xa26c) is trying to point me to a specific line or instruction within that method.
So my questions are:
Does anyone know how I might use this address or any other information in a call stack to determine which line within the code its falling over on?
Are there any resources out there that I could read to better understand call stacks,
Are there any freeware/opensource tools that could help in analysing a call stack, perhaps by attaching to a debug symbol file and/or binaries?
As requested, here is the method that appears to be causing the problem:
BOOL UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(LPCSTR pszDir, utilCDate& oDate)
if ((pszDir[0] == '%') &&
::isdigit(pszDir[1]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[2]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[3]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[4]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[5]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[6]) &&
::isdigit(pszDir[7]) && ::isdigit(pszDir[8]) &&
char acCopy[9];
::memcpy(acCopy, pszDir + 1, 8);
acCopy[8] = '\0';
int iDay = ::atoi(&acCopy[6]);
acCopy[6] = '\0';
int iMonth = ::atoi(&acCopy[4]);
acCopy[4] = '\0';
int iYear = ::atoi(&acCopy[0]);
oDate.Set(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
bRet = TRUE;
return (bRet);
This is code written over 10 years ago by a member of our company who has long since gone, so I don't presume to know exactly what this is doing but I do know its involved in the process of renaming a log directory from 'Today' to the specific date, e.g. %20090329. The array indexing, memcpy and address of operators do make it look rather suspicious.
Another problem we seem to have is that this only happens on the production system, we've never been able to reproduce it on our test systems or development systems here, which would allow us to attach a debugger.
Much appreciated!
Others have said this in-between the lines, but not explicitly. look at:
LibFmwk!UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory(char const *,class utilCDate &) + 0xa26c
The 0xa26c offset is huge, way past the end of the function. the debugger obviously doesn't have the proper symbols for LibFmwk so instead it's relying on the DLL exports and showing the offset relative to the closest one it can find.
So, yeah, get proper symbols and then it should be a breeze. UTIL_GetDateFromLogByDayDirectory is not at fault here.
if you really need to map those addresses to your functions - you'll need to work with .MAP file and see where those addresses really point to.
But being in your situation I would rather investigate this problem under debugger (e.g. MSVS debugger or windbg); as alternative (if crash happens at customer's site) you can generate crash dump and study it locally - it can be done via Windows MiniDumpWriteDump API or SysInternals ProcDump utility (
Make sure that all required symbol files are generated and available (also setup microsoft symbol server path so that windows DLLs' entry points get resolved also).
IMHO this is just the web site you need: - which is the best resource to cover all your questions.
Consider also taking a look at this PDF -
Point 2 and 3 are easily answered:
3rd Point. Any debugger. That's what they are made for. Set your debugger to break on this special exception. You should be able to click yourself through the callstack and find the different calls on the stack (at least delphi can do this, so visual studio should be able as well). Compile without optimisations if possible. OllyDBG might work as well - perhaps in combination with its trace functionality.
2nd Point. Any information about x86 Assembler, Reverseengineering ... Try: OpenRCE, NASM Documentation, ASM Community.
1st Point. The callstack tells you the functions. I don't know if it is written in order or in opposite order - so it might be that the first line is the last called function or the first called function. Follow the calls with the help of the debugger. Sometimes you can change between asm and code (depending on the debugger, map files ...). If you don't have the source - learn assembler, read about reverse engineering. Read the documentation of the functions you call in third party components. Perhaps you do not satisfy a precondition.
If you can tell a bit more about the programm (which parts of the source code do you have, is a library call involved?, ...)
Now some code-reading:
The function accepts a pointer to a zero terminated string and a reference to a date object. The pointer is assumed to be valid!
The function checks wether the string is in a specific format (% followed by 8 digits followed by a \0). If this is not the case, it returns false. This check (the big if) accesses the pointer without any validity checks. The length is not checked and if the pointer is pointing somewhere in the wild, this space is accessed. I don't know if a shorter string will cause problems. It shouldn't because of the way && is evaluated.
Then some memory is allocated on the stack. The number-part of the string is copied into it (which is ok) and the buffer gets its \0 termination. The atois extract the numbers. This will work because of the different start-locations used and the \0-termination after each part. Somehow tricky but nice. Some comments would have made everything clear.
These numbers are then inserted into the object. It should be valid since it is passed into the function by reference. I don't know if you can pass a reference to a deleted object but if this is the case, this might be your problem as well.
Anyway - except the missing check for the string-pointer, this function is sound and not the cause of your problem. It's only the place that throws the exception. Search for arguments that are passed into this function. Are they always valid? Do some logging.
I hope I didn't do any major mistakes as I am a Delphi programmer. If I did - feel free to comment.
