When I load a .dae file in a scene with colladaloader (first one with the 2 behind it) it works all OK except that transparent objects aren't shown as transparent, the controls work like the OrbitControls should work.
But when I try to change the colladaloader 1 to the 2 version it loads all objects and the threejs scene is fine but the controls are like trackballcontrols.
If you need an example, I can make one.
i found out, that on colladaloader 1 the object isn't correctly converted to its position, so i repositioned it by rotation.x to 4.70.
on the loader2 i didn't had to do this and it also fixed my problem!
I textured an object in Blender because it wouldn't texture properly in Unity, and then imported the object and texture to Unity.
I don't know how to fix this, I'll put both pictures here.
Blender Texture Before Import
Object In Unity
Okay, so based on your screenshots..
You're going to select everything then add a modifier called "Solidify", then set this to something very small like .03. (Unity doesn't like objects that are just planes).
double check all your normals are facing out. Let me know if you don't know how to do this...
Go into edit mode select all edges, then right click, select "mark as seam".
Open UV editor window (should be split screen with Edit mode on one side, UV view on the other). In the Edit side select all, then go to UV dropdown menu and click "unwrap". You should then see your object unfolded into flat planes over on the UV window side. There's different unwrap options, like smart UV unwrap, etc. I think just "unwrap" has worked for me, but play around and there may be something that shows your object shapes in a less distorted way..
At this point, since your pattern is basically repeating. If you export the OBJ file and take it into unity, and you add the image file (make sure it's dimensions are perfectly square) it should receive the image file as an Albedo texture much better than in your screenshots. You can play with the 'tiling' and "X/Y offset" till it looks right (you might face issues with rotation though.
If you want to line it up very specifically, you can export the UV layout as a png from the UV window in blender. Then use photoshop or another photo editor to change/rotate and arrange your texture so the sides line up properly. In blender in the Edit window (assuming you still have both UV + editor open) when you select a side it will highlight in the UV window the corresponding flat plane, based on this you should be able to figure out what should be rotated up/down, etc. Then when you change that 2d image and drag it into Unity, it will adjust and wrap around the object.
I'm pretty new to both, but the advice I've been given is to not do the texturing in blender, but instead to do it in Unity.
This is a 10-month-old post but incase anyone is curious or struggling the same, Blender exports models with a scale of 100 so you need to scale up the tile of the material (in material settings) to see it.
This is a bad solution however because then you are not working with objects on a scale of 1 so you actually want to check "Apply transformations" when exporting the FBX model in blender
I’m having a hard time getting an aoMap working in three.js…
I have a glb asset with an aoMap on the red channel or something. When I bring it into to the babylon viewer, I can see the ao just fine, but it wont show up in the three.js viewer or my project. I think this has something to do with a second set of uvs, but I can't find a resource that involves doing that on top of using the gltf loader… I really don't know what to do here. Any response would be greatly appreciated!
Here is my code (I’m using a html-canvas as the texture)
And I get the model’s geometry and diffuse texture (all white) as desired, but the aomap isnt showing…
babylon viewer
three.js viewer
working application with shadows included in diffuse
not working, diffuse is just white, and aoMap is not showing
You're right about needing a second set of UVs. The reason behind this is that diffuse textures often repeat (think of a brick wall, or checkered t-shirt). AO shading, however, is more likely to be unique on each part of the geometry, so it's almost never repetitive. Since this often would need an alternative UV mapping method, the default is to use a second set of UVs.
You could do 2 things:
Re-export your GLTF asset with a duplicate set of UVs.
Duplicate existing UVs in Three.js by creating a new BufferAttribute in your geometry:
// Get existing `uv` data array
const uv1Array = mesh.geometry.getAttribute("uv").array;
// Use this array to create new attribute named `uv2`
mesh.geometry.setAttribute( 'uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uv1Array, 2 ) );
.getAttribute and .setAttribute are methods of BufferGeometry, if you want to read more about them.
I have recently imported both .blend and .fbx files into my game, and I would like to change their color in-game. To color them, I am using diffuse shaders, and have tried this command:
gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.red;
as well as this command:
gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", Color.red);
For some reason, both of these work perfectly on pre-generated Unity cubes, but not on my models, even though they have the mesh renderer component. Any suggestions?
There could be several reasons why your code doesn't work.
I would recommend changing the color of your object in the Editor, if it works - your objects are fine.
_Color is just a label, that usually marks the Main Color. Open your shader and check if the label _Color exists or not. Please check this from unity documentation http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Material.SetColor.html
maybe you are changing the _Color of the parent object, but the material you are looking at belongs to the child object.
I want to bake my model lightmap in blender then load them all in three.js.
So in blender i set two uvs for each objects and baked ambient occlusion in second uv. finally i exported whole scene via three.js exporter into js file.
(exporter has problem that the baked texture goes for diffuse-map not light-map which is correctable by editing exported js file).
But the problem is when i load js with SceneLoader, the textures especially for my floor goes wrong, like upside down.
here is my test files: Test Light Map
So is there something wrong with my blender file or ...? Which loader i should use for it?
I just upload some images to see what i mean:
Messed up textures:
After edit js file, it's get better. but still there is problem at the edges:
And specially at floor, the light-map goes wrong:
Ok, i don't know why, but it seems my uvs was messed up in blender. i did some recaculate normals and flip normals in blender and now textures map fine on objects.
But i still need to edit exported scene to change map:texture.png to lightMap:texture.png.
Actually this is a bug related to three.js scene exporter: Blender Exporter - Scene Exporting
[Final Answer]
The problem was about my model which had a negative scale in blender. i select my model, hit crtl+a then choose scale. now everything's fine.
I'm trying to create, modify and update (directional only for now) lights and shadowmaps dynamically. The light, shadow and shadow camera helper gets updated correctly as I move the light around or change shadow properties, except from the light's point of view, everything behind the origin (0,0,0) is shadowed for no apparent reason.
http://i.imgur.com/a6dqMGo.jpg (new, with spotlight)
You can see a scene with car and a piece of ground, they belong to a geometry imported with ColladaLoader. The problem is with shadowmapping, the car throws shadow correctly, but there are stripy shadows on the ground even though there is nothing else than the car obscuring light.
If I add more similar lights, they also have the same 4 stripes. They also appear with spotlight. If I change shadow map resolution, the stripes' size changes relative to each other, but there seems to be always four of them, spaced from center to both directions.
EDIT: JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/cL3hX/1/ There shouldn't be any shadows in the scene, unless some new geometry is introduced inside the shadow camera frustum.
Couple of notes on the fiddle:
I have r55, but the demo is r54 because jsfiddle apparently does not yet have r55.
I could only reproduce this with a Collada file. So it probably has something to do with the model. I created a simple cube in Sketchup 8, and tried to export it with various collada options.
In the JSFiddle I could only reproduce the bug with a file exported with "doublesided faces" -setting enabled. In my own application code, I do have the same bug on models created with or without that setting enabled, but in the fiddle, the bug seems to be triggered only when "doublesided faces" are exported. Anyway I do need to somehow show backsides of faces, because the tool I'm developing must work with Sketchup exports, and it's very hard to make models in Sketchup without having a mess of frontsides/backsides visible.
The very simple Collada file is included in the JSFiddle as javascript variable. Here's a download link for the same file: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14489569/shadowmapdemo.dae
The problem is your Collada model.
Your "plane" is actually multiple coplanar faces back-to-back in a single geometry.
It's no wonder there are artifacts.
Replace it with a THREE.CubeGeometry.