Self-explaining version of bash expressions - bash

Expressions like this are short, but not super-readable:
if [ -f .bash_profile ]; then
There are also other possible flags for expressions, for instance:
-d file
True if file is a directory.
-e file
True if file exists.
-f file
True if file exists and is a regular file.
-L file
True if file is a symbolic link.
-z string
True if string is empty. (most innatural IMO)
-n string
True if string is not empty.
... and others...
Are there longer self-explaining versions? Something like:
[ --file-exists .bash_profile ]

This is extremely well documented already. As you can see, there is no long-form version of those conditional expressions.

If you want to use these in a more readable way, you can always create your own functions:
function is_a_file() { test -f "$1"; }
function is_a_dir() { test -d "$1"; }
if is_a_file /the/file/name
#do something
test is the canonical name for the [ command that is typically used. Its return value becomes the return value of the function, so we can use it in exactly the same way in an if statement.

No, use comments or use something less cryptic like Python


syntax error when assigning to command result to variable

I'm doing some basic unit testing with the shunit2 unit test framework.
I'm getting the error " syntax error near unexpected token `nodeError=$( node "node_fake_returns/return_error.js" )" on the first line of my function. the function is as follows:
function testHandleNodeReturnError{
nodeError=$( node "./node_fake_returns/return_error.js" )
if [ grep -i "Error" <<< "$nodeError" ]; then
assertTrue "true"
It is suppose to run a node script that returns an error message to stdout, then assign that output to a variable. Only this first line in the function is important.
I'm quite new to bash and I've messed with the formatting of this line, mostly just adding spaces in different places, but I can't seem to find what's causing the syntax error. This is probably pretty simple but if somebody could show me what might be wrong I would be greatful.
By pasting your code to shellcheck I was left with:
function testHandleNodeReturnError{
^-- SC1095: You need a space or linefeed between the function name and body.
Which is quite literal. You need a space there.
function testHandleNodeReturnError
Using function keyword is deprecated. Just use function_name() { function_body; }.
if [ grep -i "Error" <<< "$nodeError" ]; then
This is very wrong. This is outputting the content of nodeError variable to standard input of [ command. The [ is a command, a executable, just like grep, it's an alias to test program. Then it runs [ comamnd with grep, -i, "Error" and ] as 4 of it's arguments. You don't want that. If you want to check for Error string, just use grep's exit status:
So do:
testHandleNodeReturnError() {
nodeError=$(node "./node_fake_returns/return_error.js")
if grep -q -i "Error" <<<"$nodeError"; then
assertTrue "true"

Expanding string variables in bash to toggle a value in JSON

I am trying to create a bash function where I can switch environments, below is what I tried. I installed the npm json package globally to edit the relevant file inline, but that may not be needed.
devUrl () { ''; }
testUrl () { ''; }
switchEnv () { 'json -I -f config.json -e "this.url = (this.url == "$1" ? "$2" : "$1")"'; }
alias switch='switchEnv devUrl testUrl';
what am I missing/doing wrong?
I also tried to template the strings devUrl and testUrl inside the double quotes in the switchEnv function, but that's where I got stuck.
I tried this:
switchEnv() { json -I -f config.json -e "this.url = (this.url == "$devUrl" ? "$testUrl" : "$devUrl")"; }
but got the following error:
this.url = (this.url == ? :
SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
at new Function (<anonymous>)
at main (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/json/lib/json.js:1289:27)
it doesn't like the : after https for some reason.
The below is a sample implementation that does what you're looking for; see the notes below for some details on why it was implemented as it was.
# String assignments
# Functions
switchEnv() {
local tempfile
tempfile=$(mktemp "$configFile.XXXXXX")
if jq --arg a "$1" \
--arg b "$2" \
'if .url == $a then .url=$b else .url=$a end' <"$configFile" >"$tempfile"; then
mv -- "$tempfile" "$configFile"
rm -f -- "$tempfile"
return 1
switch() { switchEnv "$devUrl" "$testUrl"; }
Unlike aliases, function bodies should be actual code, not strings containing code.
Storing data (as opposed to code) should be done using variables (be they strings or arrays, as appropriate).
Passing data out-of-band from code allows a malicious value of devUrl or testUrl to escape its quoting and run arbitrary json or jq commands. This is wise, in no small part because these languages become more powerful over time: Old versions of jq had no operations that wouldn't run in constant-time, whereas modern versions of the language allow code to be expressed that can be used for denial-of-service attacks; future versions might also add I/O support, allowing malicious code to have a wider array of surprising behaviors.
Now, let's say you were going to ignore the warning (above) about the importance of separating data and code. How would we modify your current code to behave "correctly" (when the strings being handled are non-malicious)?
switchEnv() {
json -I -f config.json -e 'this.url = (this.url == "'"$devUrl"'" ? "'"$testUrl"'" : "'"$devUrl"'")'; }

Saving function output into a variable named in an argument

I have an interesting problem that I can't seem to find the answer for. I am creating a simple app that will help my dev department auto launch docker containers with NginX and config files. My problem is, for some reason I can't get the bash script to store the name of a folder, while scanning the directory. Here is an extremely simple example of what I am talking about....
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
return $folder
getFolder FOLDER
echo "Using folder: $FOLDER"
I then save that simple script as and put it in a folder where there is only one folder, change owner to me, and give it correct permissions. However, when I run the script I keep getting the error...
./ 8 ./ =test_folder/: not found
I have tried putting the $folder=$d part in different types of quotes, but nothing works. I have tried $folder="'"$d"'", $folder=`$d`, $folder="$d" but none of it works. Driving me insane, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If you want to save your result into a named variable, what you're doing is called "indirect assignment"; it's covered in BashFAQ #6.
One way is the following:
# ^^^^ not /bin/sh; bash is needed for printf -v
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder d
for d in */ ; do
printf -v "$__myResultFolder" %s "$folder"
getFolder folderName
echo "$folderName"
Other approaches include:
Using read:
IFS= read -r -d '' "$__myResultFolder" < <(printf '%s\0' "$folder")
Using eval (very, very carefully):
# note \$folder -- we're only trusting the destination variable name
# ...not trusting the content.
eval "$__myResultFolder=\$folder"
Using namevars (only if using new versions of bash):
getFolder() {
local -n __myResultFolder=$1
# ...your other logic here...
The culprit is the line
which is treating the folder names to stored with a = sign before and tried to expand it in that name i.e. literally treats the name =test_folder/ as an executable to be run under shell but does not find a file of that name. Change it to
Also, bash functions' return value is only restricted to integer types and you cannot send a string to the calling function. If you wanted to send a non-zero return code to the calling function on $folder being empty you could add a line
if [ -z "$folder" ]; then return 1; else return 0; fi
(or) if you want to return a string value from the function, do not use return, just do echo of the name and use command-substitution with the function name, i.e.
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
echo "$folder"
folderName=$(getFolder FOLDER)
echo "$folderName"

Evaluate variable in if statement

So I have an array like:
al_ap_version=('ap_version' '[[ $data -ne $version ]]')
And the condition gets evaluated inside a loop like:
for alert in alert_list; do
data=$(tail -1 somefile)
condition=$(eval echo \${$alert[1]})
if eval "$condition" ; then
echo SomeAlert
Whilst this generally works with many scenarios, if $data returns something like "-/-" or "4.2.9", I get errors as it doesn't seem to like complex strings in the variable.
Obviously I can't enclose the variable in single quotes as it won't expand so I'm after any ideas to expand the $data variable (or indeed the $version var which suffers the same possible fate) in a way that the evaluation can handle?
Ignoring the fact that eval is probably super dangerous to use here (unless the data in somefile is controlled by you and only you), there are a few issues to fix in your example code.
In your for loop, alert_list needs to be $alert_list.
Also, as pointed out by #choroba, you should be using != instead of -ne since your input isn't always an integer.
Finally, while debugging, you can add set -x to the top of your script, or add -x to the end of your shebang line to enable verbose output (helps to determine how bash is expanding your variables).
This works for me:
#!/bin/bash -x
al_ap_version=('ap_version' '[[ $data != $version ]]')
for alert in $alert_list; do
condition=$(eval echo \${$alert[1]})
if eval "$condition"; then
echo "alert"
You could try a more functional approach, even though bash is only just barely capable of such things. On the whole, it is usually a lot easier to pack an action to be executed into a bash function and refer to it with the name of the function, than to try to maintain the action as a string to be evaluated.
But first, the use of an array of names of arrays is awkward. Let's get rid of it.
It's not clear to me the point of element 0, ap_version, in the array al_ap_version but I suppose it has something to do with error messages. If the order of alert processing isn't important, you could replace the list of names of arrays with a single associative array:
declare -A alert_list
alert_list[ap_version]=... # see below
and then process them with:
for alert_name in ${!alert_list[#]}; do
Having done that, we can get rid of the eval, with its consequent ugly necessity for juggling quotes, by creating a bash function for each alert:
check_ap_version() {
(($version != $1))
Edit: It seems that $1 is not necessarily numeric, so it would be better to use a non-numeric comparison, although exact version match might not be what you're after either. So perhaps it would be better to use:
check_ap_version() {
[[ $version != $1 ]]
Note the convention that the first argument of the function is the data value.
Now we can insert the name of the function into the alert array, and call it indirectly in the loop:
declare -A alert_list
check_alerts() {
local alert_name alert
local data=$(tail -1 somefile)
for alert_name in ${!alert_list[#]}; do
if $alert "$data"; then
signal_alert $alert_name
If you're prepared to be more disciplined about the function names, you can avoid the associative array, and thereby process the alerts in order. Suppose, for example, that every function has the name check_<alert_name>. Then the above could be:
alert_list=(ap_version os_dsk)
check_alerts() {
local alert_name
local data=$(tail -1 somefile)
for alert_name in $alert_list[#]; do
if check_$alert_name "$data"; then
signal_alert $alert_name

In Bash, it is okay for a variable and a function to have the same name?

I have the following code in my ~/.bashrc:
date=$(which date)
date() {
if [[ $1 == -R || $1 == --rfc-822 ]]; then
# Output RFC-822 compliant date string.
# e.g. Wed, 16 Dec 2009 15:18:11 +0100
$date | sed "s/[^ ][^ ]*$/$($date +%z)/"
$date "$#"
This works fine, as far as I can tell. Is there a reason to avoid having a variable and a function with the same name?
It's alright apart from being confusing. Besides, they are not the same:
$ date=/bin/ls
$ type date
date is hashed (/bin/date)
$ type $date
/bin/ls is /bin/ls
$ moo=foo
$ type $moo
-bash: type: foo: not found
$ function date() { true; }
$ type date
date is a function
date ()
true*emphasized text*
$ which true
$ type true
true is a shell builtin
Whenever you type a command, bash looks in three different places to find that command. The priority is as follows:
shell builtins (help)
shell aliases (help alias)
shell functions (help function)
hashed binaries files from $PATH ('leftmost' folders scanned first)
Variables are prefixed with a dollar sign, which makes them different from all of the above. To compare to your example: $date and date are not the same thing. So It's not really possible to have the same name for a variable and a function because they have different "namespaces".
You may find this somewhat confusing, but many scripts define "method variables" at the top of the file. e.g.
The common thing to do is type the variable names in capitals. This is useful for two purposes (apart from being less confusing):
There is no $PATH
Checking that all "dependencies" are runnable
You can't really check like this:
if [ "`which binary`" ]; then echo it\'s ok to continue.. ;fi
Because which will give you an error if binary has not yet been hashed (found in a path folder).
Since you always have to use $ to dereference a variable in Bash, you're free to use any name you like.
Beware of overriding a global, though.
See also:
An alternative to using a variable: use bash's command keyword (see the manual or run help command from a prompt):
date() {
case $1 in
-R|--rfc-2822) command date ... ;;
*) command date "$#" ;;
