sed: file skripta.txt line 1: unknown option to `s' - bash

I try to use:
sed -e 's/miza/stol/g' datoteka1.txt | sed -e '/klop/d' | sed -e '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/janez/Janez/g'
in a file named skripta.txt with "sed -f skripta.txt > datoteka2.txt" to save it in another file and I get this error mentioned in title.
If I run this code seperately it works just fine.
What is wrong here???

This is a shell script that uses sed, not a sed script.
Run it with bash skripta.txt > datoteka2.txt

So let me get this straight:
You have a file called skripta.txt that contains only this line:
sed -e 's/miza/stol/g' datoteka1.txt | sed -e '/klop/d' | sed -e '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/janez/Janez/g'
And you try to run it with
$ sed -f skripta.txt
Is that correct?
The error is not surprising then, because it expects just the sed commands, not a call to sed itself, inside the script file.
It interprets the initial s of the first sed as 'search and replace', but the following syntax ed doesn't match.
You can either change the skripta.txt into a shell script: (You could also change it's name into
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -e 's/miza/stol/g' datoteka1.txt | sed -e '/klop/d' | sed -e '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/janez/Janez/g'
change it's mode to executable:
$ chmod u+x
Then you can just call it:
$ ./
Or you can turn it into a sed script by removing all the seds:
Then you can run it with
$ sed -f skripta.txt < datoteka1.txt > datoteka2.txt


Using sed to replace tabs if input is not guaranteed to contain tabs?

I'm trying to extract a list of names from a website using sed, but I'm not sure how to go about replacing the tab characters separating them.
This code:
curl -s "" | sed -nE -e "s#<div class='names'>([^<]*)</div>#\1#p" | html2text
gives me the names for September 12th, but they are separated by a tab character:
Åsa Åslög
If I change the sed script to replace tabs with comma and space, like this:
curl -s "" | sed -nE -e "s#<div class='names'>([^<]*)</div>#\1#" -e 's/\t/, /p' | html2text
it works as expected:
Åsa, Åslög
However, if I try on a day that only has one name, such as September 13th:
curl -s "" | sed -nE -e "s#<div class='names'>([^<]*)</div>#\1#" -e 's/\t/, /p' | html2text
I get no output; the first sed script without the tab replacement works fine in this case though. What am I doing wrong here?
I'm using GNU sed 4.8, if that helps.
You need to remove the p
curl -s "" | sed -nE -e "s#<div class='names'>([^<]*)</div>#\1#p" | sed -e 's/\t/, /'
curl -s "" > f1
cat > ed1 <<EOF
71W f2
ed -s f1 < ed1
cat f2 | tail -c +20 | head -c -6 > file
rm -v ./ed1
rm -v ./f2
This will give you the names, whether there are two of them or not; and if there are, you can just seperate them with cut.

How to replace '/' with '/\' using sed in shell scripting

I am trying to replace
prakash/annam/DevOps ---> prakash/\annam/\Devops
I am using this:
sed "s/'[//]''///\\/g"
Unfortunately, it is not giving the required output can anyone please help with this!!!
you can use a separator other than slash:
$ sed 's#/#\\/#g' <<< "a/b/c"
$ sed 's#/#/\\#g' <<< "a/b/c"
You can use sed with -i flag to place in place changes to the file
$ cat test
$ sed -i 's/\//\/\\/g' test
$ cat test
$ cat test
$ sed -i '' 's/\//\/\\/g' test
$ cat test
sed -E 's/\//\/\\/g'
$ echo "prakash/annam/DevOps" | sed -E 's/\//\/\\/g'

multiple sed with -e and escape characters

I'm trying to do multiple replacements in a gzipped file and have been having trouble.
zcat PteBra.fa.align.gz | sed -e 's#Simple_repeat/Satellite/Y-chromosome#Simple_repeat/Satellite#g' -e sed 's#Unknown/Unknown/Y-chromosome#Unknown/Unknown#g' -e sed 's#DNA/DNA/TcMar#DNA/TcMar#g' -e sed 's#DNA/DNA/Crypton#DNA/Crypton#g' -e sed 's#DNA/DNA/PIF-Harbinger#DNA/PIF-Harbinger#g' -e sed 's#DNA/DNA/CMC-Chapaev-3#DNA/CMC-Chapaev-3#g' -e sed 's#SINE/SINE/RTE#SINE/RTE#g' > PteBra.fa.align.corrected
Note that I'm using # instead of the standard / because of the presence of / in the text I want to replace. Each individual sed works with no problem but stringing them together yields this consistent error:
sed: -e expression #2, char 3: unterminated `s' command
I have looked all over for a solution but finally, to get the work done, just did all the sed's individually. It takes FOREVER, so I'd like to get this option working.
I've been at this for hours and would appreciate some help.
What am I doing wrong?
You don't have to write -e sed each time! -e will do.
zcat PteBra.fa.align.gz | sed -e 's#Simple_repeat/Satellite/Y-chromosome#Simple_repeat/Satellite#g' -e 's#Unknown/Unknown/Y-chromosome#Unknown/Unknown#g' -e 's#DNA/DNA/TcMar#DNA/TcMar#g' -e 's#DNA/DNA/Crypton#DNA/Crypton#g' -e 's#DNA/DNA/PIF-Harbinger#DNA/PIF-Harbinger#g' -e 's#DNA/DNA/CMC-Chapaev-3#DNA/CMC-Chapaev-3#g' -e 's#SINE/SINE/RTE#SINE/RTE#g' > PteBra.fa.align.corrected
or you can use semicolon inside sed string expression itself
zcat PteBra.fa.align.gz | sed -e '
' > PteBra.fa.align.corrected
As you already have a proper answer, this is not yet another answer
but a small suggestion for the actual operation.
I imagine writing the sed command in a line may be a messy job. How about
preparing a look-up table which describes a replacee and a replacer
in a line as a csv format like:
Then you can execute the following awk script to replace the strings:
zcat PteBra.fa.align.gz | awk -F, '
NR==FNR {repl[$1] = $2; next}
for (r in repl) gsub(r, repl[r])
' table.txt - > PteBra.fa.align.corrected
Hope this helps.

Removing text in unix shell

Sorry, I'm pretty new to coding. I'm just trying to remove the CST that follows the end of the string. The final output that I'm trying to get says "Sunset: 4:38 PM CST". Exclude the quotation marks.
Here is the code that I'm using within the shell.
curl | grep 'Sunset' | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba' | sed -e 's/Sunset/Sunset: /g' | sed -e 's/PST//g'
Just change:
... | sed -e 's/PST//g'
... | sed -e 's/CST//g'
You might also want to invoke curl -s instead of just curl to omit all the downloading stuff.

invoking sed with a shell variable

Why doesn't this work?
$ s="-e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'"
$ ls | sed $s
sed: 1: "'s/^
": invalid command code '
$ ls | gsed $s
gsed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `''
But this does:
$ ls | eval sed $s
... prints staff ...
$ ls | eval gsed $s
... prints staff ...
Tried removing single quotes from $s but it only works for patterns without spaces:
$ s="-e s/a/b/"
$ ls | sed $s
... prints staff ...
$ s="-e s/^ *//"
$ ls | sed $s
sed: 1: "s/^
": unterminated substitute pattern
$ s="-e s/^\ *//"
$ ls | sed $s
sed: 1: "s/^\
": unterminated substitute pattern
Mac OS 10.8, bash 4.2, default sed and gsed 4.2.2 from Mac Ports
Simple looking question with a complicated answer. Most of the issue is with the shell; it is only partly a problem with sed. (In other words, you could use a number of different commands instead of sed and would run into similar issues.)
Note that most commands documented with an option letter and a separate argument string will also work when the argument string is attached to the option. For example:
sort -t :
sort -t:
Both of these give the value : to the -t option. Similarly with sed and the -e option. That is, you can write either of these:
sed -n -e /match/p
sed -n -e/match/p
Let's look at the one of the working sed commands you wrote:
$ s="-e s/a/b/"
$ ls | sed $s
What the sed command is passed here is two arguments (after it's command name):
This is a perfectly fine set of arguments for sed. What went wrong with the first one, then?
$ s="-e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'"
$ ls | sed $s
Well, this time, the sed command was passed 6 arguments:
You can use the al command (argument list — print each argument on its own line; it is described and implemented at the bottom of this answer) to see how arguments are presented to sed. Simply type al in place of sed in the examples.
Now, the -e option should be followed by a valid sed command, but 's/^ is not a valid command; the quote ' is not a valid sed command. When you type the command at the shell prompt, the shell processes the single quote and removes it, so sed does not normally see it, but that happens before shell variables are expanded.
Why, then, does the eval work:
$ s="-e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'"
$ ls | eval sed $s
The eval re-evaluates the command line. It sees:
eval sed -e 's/$ *//' -e 's/ *$//'
and goes through the full evaluation process. It removes the single quotes after grouping the characters, so sed sees:
s/$ *//
s/ *$//
which is all completely valid sed scripting.
One of your tests was:
$ s="-e s/^ *//"
$ ls | sed $s
And this failed because sed was given the arguments:
The first is not a valid substitute command, and the second is unlikely to be a valid file name. Interestingly, you could rescue this by putting double quotes around the $s, as in:
$ s="-e s/^ *//"
$ ls | sed "$s"
Now sed gets a single argument:
-e s/^ *//
but the -e can have the command attached, and leading spaces on commands are ignored, so this is all valid. You can't do that with your first attempt, though:
$ s="-e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'"
$ ls | sed "$s"
Now you get told about the ' not being recognized. You could, however, have used:
$ s="-e s/^ *//; s/ *$//"
$ ls | sed "$s"
Again, sed sees a single argument, and there are two semicolon-separated sed commands in the argument to the -e option.
You can ring the variations from here. I find the al command very useful; it quite often helps me understand where something is going wrong.
Source for al — argument list
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (*++argv)
return 0;
This is one of the smallest useful C programs you can write ('hello world' is one line shorter, but it isn't useful for much beyond demonstrating how to compile and run a program). It lists each of its arguments on a line on its own. You can also simulate it in bash and other related shells with the printf command:
printf "%s\n" "$#"
Wrap it as a function:
printf "%s\n" "$#"
The sed worked for your normal replace pattern because it did not have any metacharacters. You had just a and b. When there are metacharacters involved, you need single quotes.
I think the only way sed would work properly for your variable assignment case is only by using eval.
