Add space at end of a constant char in ABAP - char

I need to declare this constant:
CONSTANTS: const_sep(3) type c value ' - '.
but with this command, ending space is not considered. How can I declare this constant value?

Short version: You don't. When working with fields of TYPE C (which are always fixed-length fields), the system always trims trailing whitespace. Switch to a TYPE STRING if you need to keep the trailing whitespace, and use the correct delimiters for strings:
CONSTANTS co_sep TYPE string VALUE ` - `.
" ^ ^


How below REGEXP_REPLACE works?

I have query in my project and that is having REGEXP_REPLACE
i tried to find how it works by searching but i found it like
w+ Matches a word character (that is, an alphanumeric or underscore
(_) character).
but not able to find '"\w+\":' why these "" are used and what is mean by '{|}|"',''
UPDATE (SELECT data,data_value FROM TEMP) t
can you please tell me how it works?
This appear to be a regular expression for stripping keys and enclosing brackets from a JSON string - unfortunately, if this is the case then it does not work in all situations.
The regular expression
will match:
A " double quotation mark;
\w+ one-or-more word (a-z or A-Z or 0-9 or _) characters;
\" another double quotation mark - note: the \ character is not necessary; then
A : colon.
'{"key":"value","key2":"value with \"quote"}',
'"\w+":', -- Pattern matched
'' -- Replacement string
Will output:
{"value","value with \"quote"}
The second pattern {|}|" will match either a {, or a } or a " character (and could have been equivalently written as [{}"]) so:
'{"value","value with \"quote"}',
'{|}|"', -- Pattern matched
'' -- Replacement string
Will output:
value,value with \quote
Which is fine, until (like my example) you have an escaped double quote (or curly braces) in the value string; in which case those will also get stripped leaving the escape character.
(Note: you would not typically find this but it is possible to include escaped quotes in the key. So {"keywith\":quote":"value"} would get replaced to {quote":"value"} and then quote:value which is not the intended output.)
If parsing JSON is what you are trying to do (pre-Oracle 12) then you can use:
'{"key":"value","key2":"value with \"quote","keywith\":quote":"value with \"{}"}',
Which outputs:
value,value with \"quote,value with \"{}
Or in Oracle 12 you can do:
'{"key":"value","key2":"value with \"quote","keywith\":quote":"value with \"{}"}',
value VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '$'
Which outputs:
value with "quote
value with "{}
example:::REGEXP_REPLACE( string, pattern [, replacement_string [, start_position [, nth_appearance [, match_parameter ] ] ] ] )
| is or(CAN MEAN MORE THAN ONE ALTERNATIVE ) , is for at least as in {n,} at least n times
"where I got my info"
'"\w+\":' why these "" are used and what is mean by '{|}|"',''
Matches a word character(\w)One or more times(+) this has to be messed up it's missing the right quantity of close parentheses by putting \" w+ \"
they allow the " to be shown. This expression takes one expression changes it then uses that as the basis for the next change. Good luck figuring the rest out. Regular expressions aren't too bad, pretty intuitive once you get the basics down.

FoxPro convert currency to numeric

I'm using Visual FoxPro and I need to convert currency amount into numeric. The 2 columns in the table are tranamt(numeric,12,2) and tranamt2(character)
Here's my example:
I've tried
replace all tranamt with val(tranamt2)
replace all tranamt with val(strtran(tranamt2, ",",""))
both results give me zero. I know it has something to do with the negative sign but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
Try this:
replace all tranamt with VAL(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(tranamt2, "$", ""), ",", ""))
This removes the dollar sign and comma in one shot.
need to convert currency amount into numeric
tranamt(numeric,12,2) and tranamt2(character)
First of all a neither a Character Field Type nor a Numeric Field type (tranamt2) are Not a VFP Currency Field type
You may be using the value of a Character field to represent currency, but that does not make it a currency value - just a String value.
And typically when that is done, you do NOT store the Dollar Sign '$' and Comma ',' as part of the data.
Instead, you store the 'raw' value (in this case: "-710000.99") and merely format how that 'raw' value is displayed when needed.
So in your Character field you have a value of: -$710,000.99
Do you have the Dollar Sign '$' and the Comma ',' as part of the field data?
If so, to convert it to a Numeric, you will first have to eliminate those extraneous characters prior to the the conversion.
If they are not stored as part of your field value, then you can use the VAL() 'as is'.
cStr = "-710000.99" && The '$' and ',' are NOT stored as part of Character value
nStr = VAL(cStr)
However if you have the Dollar Sign and the Comma as part of the field data itself, then you can use STRTRAN() to eliminate them during the conversion.
cStr = "-$710,000.99" && Note both '$' and ',' are part of data value
* --- Remove both '$' and ',' and convert with VAL() ---
nStr = VAL(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(cStr,",",""),"$",""))
Maybe something like:
REPLACE tranamt WITH VAL(STRTRAN(STRTRAN(tranamt2,",",""),"$",""))
EDIT: Another alternative would be to use CHRTRAN() to remove the '$' and ','
Something like:
cRemoveChar = "$," && Characters to be removed from String
REPLACE tranamt WITH VAL(CHRTRAN(tranamt2,cRemoveChar,""))
Good Luck
A little late but I use this function call
function MoneyToDecimal
LOCAL lnAmount
IF VARTYPE(tnAmount) = "Y"
lnAmount = VAL(STRTRAN(TRANSFORM(tnAmount), "$", ""))
lnAmount = tnAmount
return lnAmount
And can be tested with these calls:
wait wind MoneyToDecimal($112.50)
wait wind MoneyToDecimal($-112.50)
Use the built-in MTON() function to convert a currency value into a numeric value:
replace all tranamt with mton(tranamt2)

how to document a single space character within a string in reST/Sphinx?

I've gotten lost in an edge case of sorts. I'm working on a conversion of some old plaintext documentation to reST/Sphinx format, with the intent of outputting to a few formats (including HTML and text) from there. Some of the documented functions are for dealing with bitstrings, and a common case within these is a sentence like the following: Starting character is the blank " " which has the value 0.
I tried writing this as an inline literal the following ways: Starting character is the blank `` `` which has the value 0. or Starting character is the blank :literal:` ` which has the value 0. but there are a few problems with how these end up working:
reST syntax objects to a whitespace immediately inside of the literal, and it doesn't get recognized.
The above can be "fixed"--it looks correct in the HTML () and plaintext (" ") output--with a non-breaking space character inside the literal, but technically this is a lie in our case, and if a user copied this character, they wouldn't be copying what they expect.
The space can be wrapped in regular quotes, which allows the literal to be properly recognized, and while the output in HTML is probably fine (" "), in plaintext it ends up double-quoted as "" "".
In both 2/3 above, if the literal falls on the wrap boundary, the plaintext writer (which uses textwrap) will gladly wrap inside the literal and trim the space because it's at the start/end of the line.
I feel like I'm missing something; is there a good way to handle this?
Try using the unicode character codes. If I understand your question, this should work.
Here is a "|space|" and a non-breaking space (|nbspc|)
.. |space| unicode:: U+0020 .. space
.. |nbspc| unicode:: U+00A0 .. non-breaking space
You should see:
Here is a “ ” and a non-breaking space ( )
I was hoping to get out of this without needing custom code to handle it, but, alas, I haven't found a way to do so. I'll wait a few more days before I accept this answer in case someone has a better idea. The code below isn't complete, nor am I sure it's "done" (will sort out exactly what it should look like during our review process) but the basics are intact.
There are two main components to the approach:
introduce a char role which expects the unicode name of a character as its argument, and which produces an inline description of the character while wrapping the character itself in an inline literal node.
modify the text-wrapper Sphinx uses so that it won't break at the space.
Here's the code:
class TextWrapperDeux(TextWrapper):
_wordsep_re = re.compile(
r'((?<!`)\s+(?!`)|' # whitespace not between backticks
r'(?<=\s)(?::[a-z-]+:)`\S+|' # interpreted text start
r'[^\s\w]*\w+[a-zA-Z]-(?=\w+[a-zA-Z])|' # hyphenated words
r'(?<=[\w\!\"\'\&\.\,\?])-{2,}(?=\w))') # em-dash
def wordsep_re(self):
return self._wordsep_re
def char_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
"""Describe a character given by unicode name.
e.g., :char:`SPACE` -> "char:` `(U+00020 SPACE)"
character = nodes.unicodedata.lookup(text)
except KeyError:
msg = inliner.reporter.error(
':char: argument %s must be valid unicode name at line %d' % (text, lineno))
prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
return [prb], [msg]
app =
describe_char = "(U+%05X %s)" % (ord(character), text)
char = nodes.inline("char:", "char:", nodes.literal(character, character))
char += nodes.inline(describe_char, describe_char)
return [char], []
def setup(app):
app.add_role('char', char_role)
The code above lacks some glue to actually force the use of the new TextWrapper, imports, etc. When a full version settles out I may try to find a meaningful way to republish it; if so I'll link it here.
Markup: Starting character is the :char:`SPACE` which has the value 0.
It'll produce plaintext output like this: Starting character is the char:` `(U+00020 SPACE) which has the value 0.
And HTML output like: Starting character is the <span>char:<code class="docutils literal"> </code><span>(U+00020 SPACE)</span></span> which has the value 0.
The HTML output ends up looking roughly like: Starting character is the char:(U+00020 SPACE) which has the value 0.

String literal without need to escape backslash

In C#, I can write backslashes and other special characters without escaping by using # before a string, but I have to escape double-quotes.
string foo = "The integer division operator in VisualBASIC is written \"a \\ b\"";
string bar = #"The integer division operator in VisualBASIC is written \"a \ b\""
In Ruby, I could use the single-quote string literal, but I'd like to use this in conjuction with string interpolation like "text #{value}". Is there an equivalent in Ruby to # in C#?
There is somewhat similar thing available in Ruby. E.g.
foo = %Q(The integer division operator in VisualBASIC is written "a \\ b" and #{'interpolation' + ' works'})
You can also interpolate strings in it. The only caveat is, you would still need to escape \ character.
You can use heredoc with single quotes.
foo = <<'_'
The integer division operator in VisualBASIC is written "a \ b";
If you want to get rid of the newline character at the end, then chomp it.
Note that this does not work with string interpolation. If you want to insert evaluated expressions within the string, you can use % operation after you create the string.
foo = <<'_'
text %{value}
foo.chomp % {value: "foo"}

PregMatch . space and #?

Can someone tell me, what's wrong in this code:
if ((!preg_match("[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\s]", $username)) || (!preg_match("[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\s]", $password)));
exit("result_message=Error: invalid characters");
Several things are wrong. I assume that the code you are looking for is:
if (preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\h.]~i', $username) || preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\h.]~i', $password))
exit('result_message=Error: invalid characters');
What is wrong in your code?
the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9 \.\s] is false for multiple reasons:
a regex pattern in PHP must by enclosed by delimiters, the most used is /, but as you can see, I have choosen ~. Example: /[a-zA-Z \.\s]/
the character class is strange because it contains a space and the character class \s that contains the space too. IMO, to check a username or a password, you only need the space and why not the tab, but not the carriage return or the line feed character! You can remove \s and let the space, or you can use the \h character class that matches all horizontal white spaces. /[a-zA-Z\h\.]/ (if you don't want to allow tabs, replace the \h by a space)
the dot has no special meaning inside a character class and doesn't need to be escaped: /[a-zA-Z\h.]/
you are trying to verify a whole string, but your pattern matches a single character! In other words, the pattern checks only if the string contains at least an alnum, a space or a dot. If you want to check all the string you must use a quantifier + and anchors for the start ^ and the end $ of the string. Example ∕^[a-zA-Z0-9\h.]+$/
in fine, you can shorten the character class by using the case-insensitive modifier i: /^[a-z0-9\h.]+$/i
But there is a faster way, instead of negate with ! your preg_match assertion and test if all characters are in the character range you want, you can only test if there is one character you don't want in the string. To do this you only need to negate the character class by inserting a ^ at the first place:
preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\h.]/i', ...
(Note that the ^ has a different meaning inside and outside a character class. If ^ isn't at the begining of a character class, it is a simple literal character.)
