Update query not working - Webmatrix - webmatrix

I am doing a simple update query that just doesn't update the database. Can somebody please tell me whats wrong with the code?
JobID = Request.Form["JobID"];
Status = Request.Form["Status"];
var db = Database.Open("VouchFor");
var updateCommand = "UPDATE Referral SET Status=#1 WHERE JobID=#0";
db.Execute(updateCommand, JobID, Status);

This code looks correct. I suspect the problem is in your HTML where you are defining the form. Carefully review it and make sure there's like:
JobID = UrlData[0];
and then
<form method="post>
<input type="text" name="Status" value=""/>
or maybe you are setting the JobID when you create the page? Kindly post your whole cshtml.


Retrieve dynamically generate check box array values in controller

in my html i can able to add more fields using jquery and the field am generating is check box array. i need to retrieve this in my controller.
so far i have tried
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="washing[]" id="washing[]">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="dryclean[]" id="dryclean[]">
In controller
$clothtypeid = $request->input('clothtypeid');
$washing = $request->input('washing');
$pressing = $request->input('pressing');
//in here how to test if the checkbox is ticked then value=1 else 0 ??
I expect if the checkbox is ticked then i have to make 1 else 0
Thanks in Advance
So I did a bit of digging and found this Tutorial which suggests;
Setting the input type to "checkbox" like you did there..
Keep the same name and include the '[]' at the end of the name attribute so that you have the following in your form;
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="washing">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="dryclean">
Then in the controller you can get the value by doing the following;
// Loop through array to get the checked values.
foreach($request['check_list'] as $item){
//do something here like;
if($item == 'washing'){ //make db operation or assign to a variable..}
else if($item == 'dryclean'){//make db operation}
This is a very basic example as you can see and I have to say that I haven't tested it yet but I believe it will work. Try it and give feedback.
EDIT: There is an answer here

Aurelia validatejs not working when bind on a object

I was playing around with aurelia-validatejs and was able to validate simple fields on a page. On the same page, I tried initializing a object and bind validation to that object and it stops working:
user_data:IUserData = {
Id : null,
UserProfile: {
UserId: null
Permissions: null
this.reporter = ValidationEngine.getValidationReporter(this.user_data);
// if I just use this and not user_data object,
// it works and error message is displayed in UI
this.validator = new Validator(this.user_data)
// when I use this.user_data (user_data object), it does validate
// and I can see validation result on console, but it's not shown in UI
.ensure('Login').required().length({minimum: 3, maximum:10});
this.observer = this.reporter.subscribe(result => {
Someone mentioned that validatejs looks for a label, and I do have it, it worked when I initialize on this object but as soon as I want to validate on this.user_data property, it just doesn't display in UI, but I can see it on console.
<form action="" submit.delegate="createUser()">
<div class="input-group ${user_data.Login | loginClass}">
<input placeholder="Login" type="text" class="form-control"
keyup.delegate="validate()" value.bind="user_data.Login & validate">
this doesn't work, but if I clear user_data like:
user_data:IUserData = {
Id : null,
UserProfile: {
UserId: null
Permissions: null
this.reporter = ValidationEngine.getValidationReporter(this);
//if I just use this and not user_data object,
//it works and error message is displayed in UI
this.validator = new Validator(this)
.ensure('Login').required().length({minimum: 3, maximum:10});
this.observer = this.reporter.subscribe(result => {
<form action="" submit.delegate="createUser()">
<div class="input-group ${user_data.Login | loginClass}">
<input placeholder="Login" type="text" class="form-control"
keyup.delegate="validate()" value.bind="Login & validate">
This works and is displayed in UI. I searched a little bit on stackoverflow and got few results similar (My problem is similar. I have error messages on UI if I don't use it on a object but when I try to use it on an object, it logs on console but it doesn't display in UI)
I also found this but it wasn't of much help.
I found one more which wasn't of much help either.
I understand there are a lot of articles which might make this question marked duplicate, the reason I'm asking is aurelia is quite new technology and stuffs are changing quite frequently.
Thanks in advanced!
So I dug around a little bit and asked developers in Gitter. As it turns out, it's a bug in validatejs plugin.
Recent changes were made to make something available on all classes, and when that change was done, validatejs looks for validationError Reporter on same model even if we provide different model.
A small hacky workaround is to have
this.__validationReporter__ = ValidationEngine
Instead of:
this.reporter = ValidationEngine.getValidationReporter(this.user_data);
I have reported this issue and will update once they come up with something.
For now I'm gonna use
this.__validationReporter__ = ValidationEngine
Or one other workaround is to downgrade to 0.3.x which is not very recommended as there might have been some important changes.
Have you used form-group? Usually our validation problems come down to HTML structure not conforming to the library.
<form action="" submit.delegate="createUser()">
<div class="form-group ${user_data.Login | loginClass}">
<input placeholder="Login" type="text" class="form-control"
keyup.delegate="validate()" value.bind="Login & validate">

If search don't return values from database show an empty form

So i got a page that have a search form, and when the user search for a value if there are no records on database the form returns empty, but if there are records the form is populated with data.
What i was thinking was this
var db = Database.Open("myDataBase");
var selectCommand = "SELECT * FROM exportClient";
var searchTerm = "";
if(!Request.QueryString["searchField"].IsEmpty() ) {
selectCommand = "SELECT * FROM exportClient WHERE clientAccount = #0";
searchTerm = Request.QueryString["searchField"];
var selectedData = db.Query(selectCommand, searchTerm);
And Then:
<div class="col_12">
<form method="get">
<label>search</label><input type="text" class="col_3" name="searchField" />
<button type="submit" class="button red" value="search">search</button>
#if(!Request.QueryString["searchField"].IsEmpty() ){
foreach(var row in db.Query(selectCommand, searchTerm)) {
<div class="col_12 box">
<form method="post">
} else {
<div class="col_12 box">
<form method="post">
But what is happening is that the form that is not populated is always showing up when i enter the page, and i need that the only thing that user see when enter the page is the input field to do the search.
What am i doing wrong ?
I'm not sure of having understood your goal, but in my opinion your main problem is to detect if either exists or not a query string.
I think that your code should be like this
if(!Request.QueryString["searchField"].IsEmpty() ){
<p>searchField has value</p>
} else {
<p>searchField hasn't value</p>
There are a number of potential issues I can see with your code, hopefully you can put these together to achieve what you wanted:
As Selva points out, you are missing the action attribute on your forms.
The selectedData variable you create inside your IsPost() block goes out of scope before you do anything with it. Perhaps you didn't include all your code though, so ignore this if it just isn't relevant to the question.
To answer the main question: if you don't want the empty form to appear when the user hasn't yet performed a search, surely you just need to completely remove the else block - including the empty form - from your HTML?
Hope that helps.

How to make Dojo as generic while submitting a form?

I have the following dojo (ver 1.9) code:
require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/request", "dojo/dom-form"],
function(dom, on, request, domForm){
var form = dom.byId('user_login');
var selectedTabId = showIdOfSelectedTab();
// Attach the onsubmit event handler of the form
on(form, "submit", function(evt){
// prevent the page from navigating after submit
// Post the data to the server
request.post("login1.php", {
// Send the username and password
data: domForm.toObject("user_login"),
// Wait 2 seconds for a response
timeout: 2000
}).then(function(response) {
dom.byId(selectedTabId).innerHTML = response;
And html below:
<form name="user_login" id="user_login">
User name: <input type="text" name="user_name" id="user_name" /><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="user_password" id="user_password" /><br />
<button id="submitbutton" name="submitbutton">Submit</button>
I want to make the above dojo code as generic by sending the post action (login1.php) and the form id (i.e., user_login). I tried several ways but I could not achieve it.
Please let me know if any of you have idea.
Thanks in advance.
This is the demo drom the dojo Tutorial right?
Did you get any Errormessages?
So let's see.
Have you load the dojo libary correct? If not, the widgets can't be loaded.
Must be somthing like:
Check the path to the login1.php.
If it's in another Folder than your code the path must be something like "../myfolder /myphp/login1.php"
Regards, Miriam

How to get checked checkbox value from html page to spring mvc controller

im using spring mvc framework with thymeleaf template engine
the problem is , i have 1 page with multiple check box iterated sing thymeleaf th:each iterator.When i clicked multiple check boxes i want to pass check box values to the controller method..
html content
<tr th:each="q : ${questions}">
<h3 th:text="${q.questionPattern.questionPattern}"></h3>
<p >
<input type="checkbox" class="ads_Checkbox" th:text="${q.questionName}" th:value="${q.id}" name="id"/>
#RequestMapping(value = Array("/saveAssessment"), params = Array({ "save" }))
def save(#RequestParam set: String, id:Long): String = {
var userAccount: UserAccount = secService.getLoggedUserAccount
var questionSetQuestion:QuestionSetQuestion=new QuestionSetQuestion
var questionSet: QuestionSet = new QuestionSet
questionSet.setCreatedDate(new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime))
var list2: List[Question] = questionService.findAllQuestion
var limit=list2.size
var qustn:Question=null
var a = 1;
for( a <- 1 to limit ){
println( a );
qustn= questionService.findQuestionById(a)
questionSetQuestion.setCreatedDate(new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime))
questionSetQuestionService.addQuestionSetQuestion(questionSetQuestion) } "redirect:/teacher/Assessment.html" }
I think you pretty much have it. With a checkbox, you can only send one piece of information back with the form...that being the value. So if you are trying to determine which checkboxes are checked when the user clicks the submit button, then I would have the checkboxes all use one name...like "id" (exactly like you have). Value is the actual id of the question (again like you have). Once submitted, "id" will be a String array which includes all the values of the checkboxes that were checked.
So your controller method needs to take param called "ids" mapped to parameter "id" which is a string[]. Now for each id, you can call questionService.findQuestionById.
(I'm not a Groovy guru so no code example sry :)
I have used JSTL with JSP and thymeleaf was something new. I read the THYMELEAF documentation.
There is a section which explains multi valued check boxes.
<input type="checkbox"
th:value="${q.id}" name="id"/>
In the above code we are not binding the value to the field of the command object. Instead try doing this
<input type="checkbox"
th:value="${q.id}" />
here the selectedQuestions is an array object present in the spring command object.
