Send a html string in multipart post call using rest client ruby gem - ruby

I am using RestClient ruby gem to make a multipart call like below and it works fine 'my_url', {:myfile =>"/path/to/image.jpg", 'rb') ,:multipart => true}
In second case I have a html string like this "<html> <title>sometitle</title></html>"
I want to post this html as a file in above call. Is it possible to post the above html in the call below.
One option is to create a new file with above html content and use that but I don't want to do this. I am new to ruby . Can anyone help.


How to get api data using api keys in httparty ruby

i have been trying to get the api data using httparty and been doing it like this
require 'httparty'
doc = HTTParty.get('')
puts doc['status']
The api response is
a:14:{s:6:"status";s:7:"success";s:7:"country";s:5:"Kenya";s:11:"countryCode";s:2:"KE";s:6:"region";s:2:"30";s:10:"regionName";s:16:"Nairobi Province";s:4:"city";s:7:"Nairobi";s:3:"zip";s:5:"09831";s:3:"lat";d:-1.25909;s:3:"lon";d:36.7858;s:8:"timezone";s:14:"Africa/Nairobi";s:3:"isp";s:17:"Safaricom Limited";s:3:"org";s:3:"SFC";s:2:"as";s:25:"AS33771 Safaricom Limited";s:5:"query";s:13:"";}
but the output when i run my script is just
but i need it to return the data responding to the status key which is success. I can't figure it out how to do this. Initially in python this method works but ruby is different
Just use the JSON formatted API endpoint:
require 'httparty'
doc = HTTParty.get('')
puts doc['status']
#=> "success"
Notice the json instead of the php in the URL path. The serialized PHP endpoint is deprecated anyway.

Accept file upload (without a form) in Sinatra

I have this Sinatra::Base code:
class Crush < Sinatra::Base
post '/upload' do
erb params.inspect
I am using Postman and its interface for uploading a file. So I send a POST request with form-data, where in the body of the request the name is hello and the value is a file test.txt which contains just a simple string hey there.
When I do params.inspect I get this long string
{"------WebKitFormBoundaryocOEEr26iZGSe75n\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name"=>"\"hello\"; filename=\"test.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nhey there\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryocOEEr26iZGSe75n--\r\n"}
So basically a long has with a single key and a single value. Reading most Sinatra tutorials (where the file is accepted from a form), there's a nice way Sinatra handles this using params[:file], but this doesn't seem to be the case when the file is coming straight from the body of an HTTP request.
I tried a non-modular approach too withou Sinatra::Base, thinking it's some parsing middle-ware missing, but got the same result.
Is there something I'm missing here? Must I go and make my own custom parser to get the content of this long hash? Or is there an easier way?
I figured it's Postman issue. When I switch from 'x-www-form-urlencoded' to 'form-data' in Postman, in the Header section, the field: Content-Type => application/x-www-form-urlencoded is NOT removed. So for those who encounter this problem, make sure you remove it manually.

How to use open-uri or paperclip to download images into database and feed them to a Rest API

I am working on a data integration app which need to fetch images from one API (with XML's urls) and post the images to a rails built REST API.
I tried paperclip to download all the images however don't know how to handle the Paperclip::Attachment type when trying to post the images with HTTMultiParty.
I am thinking about use open-uri instead of paperclip which will store file into binary. Can anyone give me an example on that? And is there any good option for posting image to API apart from httmultiparty.
It's better to answer this question myself because the solution can be varied.
So image fetch and feed through api can be done by httparty(download&upload text)+paperclip(download image by url)+httmultiparty(upload image), here are some code example I use in my application.
To me, httparty is easiest way to deal with api, codes can be easily done like this:
response = HTTParty.get('url')
response ='url',
:headers => 'head content',
:body => {'data':'data content'})
Code example on paperclip is here: answer on stack over flow
The important part is parsing the paperclip image to binary file, code goes:
The last example is HTTmultiparty, When you pass a query with an instance of a File as a value for a PUT or POST request, the wrapper will use a bit of magic and multipart-post to execute a multipart upload,apart from that it is pretty much the same as httparty:
class ImgClient
include HTTMultiParty
base_uri 'http://localhost:3000'
respond ='url',
:headers => head,
:query => {
:image => Paperclip.io_adapters.for(product.image)
Hope this will be helpful for other api newbies.

How to send DELETE request with body using ruby gem?

I am communicating with API that requires DELETE request with JSON body. This works on console:
-d '{"items":[{"type":"type1","item_id":"item1"}]}'
It seems that most gems for making HTTP requests don't support DELETE request with body (I tried RestClient and Curb). Is there a way to do it using some Ruby gem (preferably Curb) or Net::HTTP?
Here's one way using HTTParty:
HTTParty.delete("", {
:body => '{"items":[{"type":"type1","item_id":"item1"}]}'
it could be used her. This is ORM for api.
Example of usage:
RestResource.destroy_existing(id, body_params)
I also spent some time on this issue and #Casper's answer shed the light.
Seems to me that the key is to pass the body value as JSON string, which is not written in most of the documentations I found.
Here's another example using httpclient
require 'json'
body = { 'items': [{ 'type': 'type1', 'item_id': 'item1' }]}'', body.to_json)

Using Ruby Mechanize to download file served as attachement

I need the ability to grab reports off of a particular website. The below method below does everything I need it to do, the only catch is the report, "report.csv", is served back with "content-disposition:filename=report.csv" in the response header when the page is posted (the page posts to itself).
def download_report
page = => /Reporting/))
page.form.field_with(:name => "rep").option_with(:value => "adperf").click
page.form_with(:name => "get-report").field_with(:id => "sasReportingQuery.dateRange").option_with(:value => "Custom").click
start_date = DateTime.parse(#start_date)
end_date = DateTime.parse(#end_date)
page.form_with(:name => "get-report").field_with(:name => "sd_display").value = start_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
page.form_with(:name => "get-report").field_with(:name => "ed_display").value = end_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
page.form_with(:name => "get-report").submit
As far as I can tell, Mechanize is not capturing the file anywhere that I can get to it. Is there a way to get Mechanize to capture and download this file?
#mechanize.current_page() does not contain the file and #mechanize.history() does not show that the file url was presented to Mechanize.
The server appears to be telling the browser to save the document. "Content-disposition:filename" is the clue to that. Mechanize won't know what to do with that, and will try to read and parse the content, which, if it's a CSV, will not work.
Without seeing the HTML page you're working with it's impossible to know exactly what mechanism they're using to trigger the download. Clicking an element could fire a JavaScript event, which Mechanize won't handle. Or, it could send a form to the server, which responds with the document download. In either case, you have to figure out what is being sent, why, and what specifically defines the document you want, then use that information to request the document.
Mechanize isn't the right tool to download an attachment. Use Mechanize to navigate forms, then use Mechanize's embedded Nokogiri to extract the URL for the document.
Then use something like curb or Ruby's built-in OpenURI to retrieve the attachment, or see "Using WWW:Mechanize to download a file to disk without loading it all in memory first" for more information.
Check the class of the returned page page.class. if it is File then you can just save it.
page = page.form_with(:name => "get-report").submit
page.class # File?'path/to/file')
