aptly can't open database leveldb - apt

Probably after a reboot, the MANIFEST file have been cleared and is now empty
:# aptly repo show -with-packages unstable
ERROR: can't open database: leveldb: manifest corrupted (field 'comparer'): missing [file=MANIFEST-010975]
I'm looking for a way to rebuild the MANIFEST,
or to backup the db, reinstall it properly and restore my backup.

Have you tried "aptly db recover"? http://www.aptly.info/doc/aptly/db/recover/


How Disable Locked Files in 8.1 without encryption key

I delete my unity project which has a .git folder and ask me to create an encryption key I don't know why it asks me to do that, now when I try to add files in git it refuses to add any things and it prompts this error
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
error: open("Temp/UnityLockfile"): Permission denied
error: unable to index file 'Temp/UnityLockfile'
fatal: adding files failed
Any suggestion
In general the Temp folder is one of the things you do NOT want to be under version control! It should be ignored as mentioned by the first comment! Use this .gitignore file in the root folder of your git project!
Also see Cleaning up and Migrating existing Unity project into new one or another PC where I explained it a bit more in detail and also how to copy your project with only the necessary files.
As said if there is no such file yet simply create it, otherwise adopt the content accordingly.
Also refer to How can I make Git "forget" about a file that was tracked, but is now in .gitignore?.
In your specific case here the error itself is caused because you currently have your project opened in Unity.
In that case there is the - as the name says - LOCK file which ensures you cannot open the same project twice in a second Unity instance.
This file is locked/owned by the Unity Editor process itself and therefore can't be overwritten/accessed by git at the same time.
Now if for some reason after adding the .gitignore file mentioned above this issue still persists you can close Unity, manually delete the Temp folder, make your git merge and reopen Unity.

Unable to find TeamCity 9.1.x data directory

This is really weird.
I am trying a clean Teamcity 9.1.1 install but the Data Directory is nowhere to be found.
if I access the Global Settings tab under Administration, it lists "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.BuildServer" - a folder that doesn't exist.
if I try to browse to that folder, it shows me a range of files; uploading a specific file there instead uploads it to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile.BuildServer.
there is no teamcity-startup.properties file anywhere - I am unable to customize the location of the data directory.
when I restore a backup, the backup files are instead restored to C:\Users\[user name]\.BuildServer rather than in the correct data directory.
Does anyone has any suggestions on how to regain control of the situation? How can I tell TeamCity which data folder to use?
I resolved the situation by:
stopping TC services;
creating a teamcity-startup.properties in [install folder]\conf with the following content:
teamcity.data.path=D:\\[install folder]\\config
restarting TC services;
restoring my backup.
This restored the 9.1.1 install as well as stabilizing the location of the data directory. After this was done, the subsequent installation of 9.1.7 prompted me to uninstall 9.1.1 first (which it hadn’t done the first time around) and the upgrade succeeded.
I believe the system was already compromised at the beginning, unknown to me, due to the data folder being all over the place. Once that was resolved, everything else fell into place.

TFS Build Error Path already mapped to another workspace Occuring even after deleting cache file

Firstly I read through many existing threads and followed the instructions there
Almost all the above threads asked me to delete the cache file. I went into the machine and deleted the cache file. I even edited the cache file (XML file named version config) but still it gets overwritten
But still even after that I am seeing the same issue.
The build agent has got dynamic $SourceDir as value
What else can I do to fix this? Please Help.
I tried doing tf workspaces but it simply keeps saying that "Unable to determine the source control server"
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets (838): Unable to create the workspace 'NVM1756PDV_105_7' due to a mapping conflict. You may need to manually delete an old workspace. You can get a list of workspaces on a computer with the command 'tf workspaces /computer:%COMPUTERNAME%'.
Details: The path C:\Builds\7\Common_Security\cloud\src is already mapped in workspace NVM1756PDV_104_7.
Run the tf workspace /delete NVM1756PDV_104_7 command to correct this error.
Try using TFS Sidekicks to delete the workspace using the Workspace Sidekick.

biicode "ERROR: Unable to properly clean project DB:" or "ERROR: Unexpected Exception database is locked"

I was playing with biicode, but I am facing this issue. I don't exactly know how I obtained that (I probably called the bii cpp:build command several time in parallel), but I want to fix my project :
bii cpp:build
INFO: Processing changes...
ERROR: Unexpected Exception
database is locked
ERROR: Error executing command.
Check the documentation in http://docs.biicode.com
or ask in the forum http://forum.biicode.com
and when I try to clean stuffs I am obtaining that :
bii clean
ERROR: Unable to properly clean project DB:
database is locked
The project is really simple, nothing really tricky so I think it's not relevant to explain it.
I did not find any relevant information on the doc neither in the forum. I did not find any process still building it (my ide, nor my terminal)
Any idea to get it works ?
Many thanks for your answers !
PS : whouhou a biicode is now available :)
The problem is not the cache "bii.db" database located in .biicode, but your project one, which is located in:
You can safely delete it. After that, inside your project folder, do a init again:
yourproject$ bii init
That will restore a clean database. I suggest running a clean build:
$ bii clean
$ bii cpp:build
Those databases are only caches to store temporary information. All the information required is in your block files: biicode.conf, CMakeLists.txt, so deleting those caches is not dangerous.
Sqlite database seems to be locked, try rebooting computer.
If it doesn't work try to remove database file manually.
The file is in your home directory in the folder .biicode and its named bii.db
If you are using linux/osx its on ~/.biicode/bii.bd
Hope it works!

Xcode project snapshot tries to make disk image?

When Xcode makes it's auto-snapshots, prior to a global find-and-replace for instance, the snapshot is created without error. When I select File -> Create Snapshot the machine chugs away for 10-15 minutes (this is posted without hyperbole), and then fails with an error message similar to:
**Unable to create a snapshot**
fatal: unable to stat 'Users/{me}/Library/Caches/Google/Chrome/Default/Cache/f_00476e': No such file or directory
Yes, that's the cache file for my browser. No, it's not explicitly included in my project. How can I tell Xcode to not do this? I am using the default Snapshot folder, which is
PS -> I don't have the courage to test whether or not the Xcode--auto-generated snapshots are valid.
I'll answer my own question for posterity.
For some reason, there was a .git and .gitK lurking in /users/{me}; I killed those and then git init in the project folder and voila, re-initialized and running git.
git init was not enough; I had to purge the folder tree of bad .gits.
