Golang Package Systemwide Installation - go

Is it possible to install a Golang package system-wide and not need the source code afterwards in order to compile programs that use it?
More particularly, having just the pkg/linux_amd64_dynlink/ directory with, for example, libstringutil.so stringutil.a and stringutil.shlibname files, how can I compile a simple hello.go that imports stringutil?


Using Go Modules with packages that require "make install"

I have an external package that apart from the usual go get, needs to run make install in its $GOPATH/src directory in order to use it (performs some makefile and git magic).
Trying to use this package with modules means a copy of it is downloaded to the vendor library using go mod vendor. However, this copy is not a git repository so running make install inside the package's vendor folder fails.
Does this mean that the package cannot be used in a module and I have to revert to using GOPATH?
Does this mean that the package cannot be used in a module
Contact the author and make him to check in what the makefile does.

What is the use of pkg directory in Go?

If we have bin directory already where executables go then what is the need of pkg directory? Please explain.
The pkg directory contains Go package objects compiled from src directory Go source code packages, which are then used, at link time, to create the complete Go executable binary in the bin directory.
We can compile a package once, but link that object into many executables. For example, the fmt package appears in almost every Go program. It's compiled once but linked many times, a big saving.
From How to Write Go Code, we know ~/go/pkg can store third party library. For example:
Create two file main.go and go.mod:
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(cmp.Diff("Hello World", "Hello Go"))
module example.com/user/hello
go 1.13
Install a third party library
$ ls ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/google/
$ go install example.com/user/hello
go: finding github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.2
go: downloading github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.2
go: extracting github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.2
$ ls ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/google/
... go-cmp#v0.5.2
$ ls ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/google/go-cmp#v0.5.2
And then, you will see a lot of go files, not compile files.
$ ls ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/google/go-cmp#v0.5.2/cmp/
... example_test.go options.go ...
pkg in user project
This pkg is a directory/package of user project. You can see it as Library and it's OK to use by external applications. For more things, you can check here.
You put your source code in src directory while pkg is the directory that holds compilation output of your actual source code. If you use multiple libraries/packages you will have different output with extension .a for each one, A linker should be responsible for linking and combining all of them together to produce one final executable in bin directory.
As pkg and bin are more specific to the machine or operating system into which you build your actual source code so it is not recommended to share both of them, your repo should have only your actual code.
A side note, if you plan to use docker containers, pkg dir should be ignored as we may build the source code in windows for example while you import/mount your code into linux container; at this time pkg will have compiled files that are only valid for windows

Golang Runtime recompile

Well ,I sooooo flesh for the Golang . And I get a mission to recompile the Golang 's runtime via this blog.
One way is to change this default number in the GO runtime (GCC-GO or GC) and recompile the runtime. In proc.go, you can change the line sched.maxmcount = 10000 to a number that is appropriate.
First: recompile the whole golang.
I follow this Installing Go from source ,and execute this cmd:
Output is :
Building Go bootstrap tool.
import cycle not allowed
package cmd/dist
imports bytes
imports errors
imports runtime
imports runtime/internal/atomic
imports unsafe
imports runtime
It seems everything work well, but while I check about the go cmd,it's the same. Also ,I can't find any change to bin or pkg dir.
Then ,try to build pkg
go install src/runtime
Also, it doesn't come out any error and I can't find any target build.
I have no any idea how to do it :(
Any suggestion well so appresiate !
You install packages by their import path, so you don't use the src/ prefix.
To recompile the runtime package, use:
$ go install -a -v runtime

publish a golang based binary on github to be installed with "go get"

I created a simple lazy package manager for go.
I published it at https://github.com/kfirufk/glpm.
when I execute go get github.com/kfirufk/glpm I get no errors, but it compiles it as a module since the resulted pkg content at $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/github.com/kfirufkis glpm.a.
I want it to be compiled as an executable. what am I missing?
To get your project building as an executable, you need to have:
All of the buildable Go files as part of the package main, and
Define a main function to be the entry point for your program
However, if your package can also be used as a library, a common pattern is to have your executable stored in $PACKAGE/cmd/$EXECUTABLE_NAME. This would mean your package executable would be fetched using:
go get -u github.com/kfirufk/glpm/cmd/glpm

Go: How does go run file.go work

The commands go build and go install compile the files into binaries. Does go run compile or interpret the file? I couldn't find explanations online and may have missed it. Appreciate pointers. Thanks!
It's more or less the equivalent of running go build X.go -o /tmp/random-tmp-folder/exe && /tmp/random-tmp-folder/exe
The go run command compiles and runs a main package comprised of the .go files specified on the command line. The command is compiled to a temporary folder.
The go build and go install examine the files in the directory to determine which .go files are included in the main package.
Command go run performs project's building under the hood (so yes it builds project)
and with flag --work (go run --work main.go) you can see the location of temporary build files.
Also in official documentation (go1.11) you can find:
go run - compiles and runs the named main Go package.
go build - compiles the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.
go install - compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths.
Unlike in java, where the bytcode is created and interpreted at the execution time, go creates an executable file that is dependent on the machine being used,like in c, c++.
