Fit a curve parallel to line segments - curve-fitting

I have a set of (2-dimensional) line segments. I want to fit a curve of second degree which is parallel to the linesegments.
I would like to do this by using an implicit function like this: f(x,y) = a x^2 + b xy + c y^2 + d x + e y + f = 0.
I also have a couple of points where the curve should start with, so it is possible to determine f.
Here is what I tried so far:
I computed lines which are perpendicular to my line segments. Then I would like to set the gradient at the intersection point of the curve perpendicular to the lines gradient (and so equals the line segment). Unfortunately there are two problems: 1) I might have 2 solutions (intersections) 2) I do not know the intersecting points as long I don't know the coefficient of f. Eventually I get non linear equation systems which I do not know how to solve.
So far I used the singular value decomposition to solve my linear equation systems.


Algorithm for plotting polar equations in general form

I'm looking for an algorithm, which can decide if a given point (x,y) satisfies some equation written in polar form, like r-phi=0. The main problem is that the angle phi is bounded between (0,2pi), so in this example I'm only getting one cycle of the spiral. So how can I get all the possible solutions for any polar equation written in such form?
Tried bounding r value to (0-2pi) range, which didn't work on some more complicated examples like logarithmic spirals
You can use the following transformation equations:
r = √(x² + y²)
φ = arctan(y, x) + 2kπ
where the function arctan is on four quadrants.
In the case of your Archimedean spiral, check that
(√(x² + y²) - arctan(y, x)) / 2π
is an integer.

Genetic Algorithm : Find curve that fits points

I am working on a genetic algorithm. Here is how it works :
Input : a list of 2D points
Input : the degree of the curve
Output : the equation of the curve that passes through points the best way (try to minimize the sum of vertical distances from point's Ys to the curve)
The algorithm finds good equations for simple straight lines and for 2-degree equations.
But for 4 points and 3 degree equations and more, it gets more complicated. I cannot find the right combination of parameters : sometimes I have to wait 5 minutes and the curve found is still very bad. I tried modifying many parameters, from population size to number of parents selected...
Do famous combinations/theorems in GA programming can help me ?
Thank you ! :)
Based on what is given, you would need a polynomial interpolation in which, the degree of the equation is number of points minus 1.
n = (Number of points) - 1
Now having said that, let's assume you have 5 points that need to be fitted and I am going to define them in a variable:
var points = [[0,0], [2,3], [4,-1], [5,7], [6,9]]
Please be noted the array of the points have been ordered by the x values which you need to do.
Then the equation would be:
f(x) = a1*x^4 + a2*x^3 + a3*x^2 + a4*x + a5
Now based on definition (, the coefficients are computed like this:
Now you need to used the referenced page to come up with the coefficient.
It is not that complicated, for the polynomial interpolation of degree n you get the following equation:
p(x) = c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x^2 + ... + cn * x^n = y
This means we need n + 1 genes for the coefficients c0 to cn.
The fitness function is the sum of all squared distances from the points to the curve, below is the formula for the squared distance. Like this a smaller value is obviously better, if you don't want that you can take the inverse (1 / sum of squared distances):
d_squared(xi, yi) = (yi - p(xi))^2
I think for faster conversion you could limit the mutation, e.g. when mutating choose a new value with 20% probability between min and max (e.g. -1000 and 1000) and with 80% probabilty a random factor between 0.8 and 1.2 with which you multiply the old value.

Fastest way of calculating the projection of a polygon onto a line

Recently I have started doing some research on the SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) for collision detection in a game I am making. I understand how the algorithm works and why it works, what I'm puzzled about is how it expects one to be able to so easily calculate the projection of the shape onto different axes.
I assume the projection of a polygon onto a vector is represented by line segment from point A to point B, so my best guess to find points A and B would be to find the angle of the line being projected onto and calculate the min and max x-values of the coordinates when the shape is rotated to the angle of the projection (i.e. such that it is parallel to the x-axis and the min and max values are simply the min and max values along the x-axis). But to do this for every projection would be a costly operation. Do any of you guys know a better solution, or could at least point me to a paper or document where a better solution is described?
Simple way to calculate the projection of the polygon on line is to calculate projection of all vertex onto the line and get the coordinates with min-max values like you suggested but you dont need to rotate the polygon to do so.
Here is algorithm to find projection of point on line :-
line : y = mx + c
point : (x1,y1)
projection is intersection of line perpendicular to given line and passing through (x1,y1)
perdenicular line :- y-y1 = -1/m(x-x1) slope of perpendicular line is -1/m
y = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
To find point of intersection solve the equation simultaneously :-
y = mx + c , y = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
mx + c = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
m^2*x + mc = x1-x + my1
(m^2+1)x = x1 + my1 - mc
x = (x1-my1 - mc)/(m^2+1)
y = mx + c = m(x1-my1-mc)/(m^2+1) + c
Time complexity : For each vertex it takes O(1) time so it is O(V) where V is no of vertex in the polygon
If your polygon is not convex, compute its convex hull first.
Given a convex polygon with n vertices, you can find its rotated minimum and maximum x-coordinate in n log n by binary search. You can always test whether a vertex is a minimum or a maximum by rotating an comparing it and the two adjacent vertices. Depending on the results of the comparison, you know whether to jump clockwise or counterclockwise. Jump by k vertices, each time decreasing k by half (at the start k=n/2).
This may or may not bring real speed improvement. If your typical polygon has a dozen or so vertices, it may make little sense to use binary search.

What is the most efficient algorithm to find a straight line that goes through most points?

The problem:
N points are given on a 2-dimensional plane. What is the maximum number of points on the same straight line?
The problem has O(N2) solution: go through each point and find the number of points which have the same dx / dy with relation to the current point. Store dx / dy relations in a hash map for efficiency.
Is there a better solution to this problem than O(N2)?
There is likely no solution to this problem that is significantly better than O(n^2) in a standard model of computation.
The problem of finding three collinear points reduces to the problem of finding the line that goes through the most points, and finding three collinear points is 3SUM-hard, meaning that solving it in less than O(n^2) time would be a major theoretical result.
See the previous question on finding three collinear points.
For your reference (using the known proof), suppose we want to answer a 3SUM problem such as finding x, y, z in list X such that x + y + z = 0. If we had a fast algorithm for the collinear point problem, we could use that algorithm to solve the 3SUM problem as follows.
For each x in X, create the point (x, x^3) (for now we assume the elements of X are distinct). Next, check whether there exists three collinear points from among the created points.
To see that this works, note that if x + y + z = 0 then the slope of the line from x to y is
(y^3 - x^3) / (y - x) = y^2 + yx + x^2
and the slope of the line from x to z is
(z^3 - x^3) / (z - x) = z^2 + zx + x^2 = (-(x + y))^2 - (x + y)x + x^2
= x^2 + 2xy + y^2 - x^2 - xy + x^2 = y^2 + yx + x^2
Conversely, if the slope from x to y equals the slope from x to z then
y^2 + yx + x^2 = z^2 + zx + x^2,
which implies that
(y - z) (x + y + z) = 0,
so either y = z or z = -x - y as suffices to prove that the reduction is valid.
If there are duplicates in X, you first check whether x + 2y = 0 for any x and duplicate element y (in linear time using hashing or O(n lg n) time using sorting), and then remove the duplicates before reducing to the collinear point-finding problem.
If you limit the problem to lines passing through the origin, you can convert the points to polar coordinates (angle, distance from origin) and sort them by angle. All points with the same angle lie on the same line. O(n logn)
I don't think there is a faster solution in the general case.
The Hough Transform can give you an approximate solution. It is approximate because the binning technique has a limited resolution in parameter space, so the maximum bin will give you some limited range of possible lines.
Again an O(n^2) solution with pseudo code. Idea is create a hash table with line itself as the key. Line is defined by slope between the two points, point where line cuts x-axis and point where line cuts y-axis.
Solution assumes languages like Java, C# where equals method and hashcode methods of the object are used for hashing function.
Create an Object (call SlopeObject) with 3 fields
Slope // Can be Infinity
Point of intercept with x-axis -- poix // Will be (Infinity, some y value) or (x value, 0)
poix will be a point (x, y) pair. If line crosses x-axis the poix will (some number, 0). If line is parallel to x axis then poix = (Infinity, some number) where y value is where line crosses y axis.
Override equals method where 2 objects are equal if Slope and poix are equal.
Hashcode is overridden with a function which provides hashcode based on combination of values of Slope and poix. Some pseudo code below
Hashmap map;
foreach(point in the array a) {
foeach(every other point b) {
slope = calculateSlope(a, b);
poix = calculateXInterception(a, b);
SlopeObject so = new SlopeObject(slope, poix, 1); // Slope, poix and intial count 1.
SlopeObject inMapSlopeObj = map.get(so);
if(inMapSlopeObj == null) {
} else {
inMapSlopeObj.setCount(inMapSlopeObj.getCount() + 1);
SlopeObject maxCounted = getObjectWithMaxCount(map);
print("line is through " + maxCounted.poix + " with slope " + maxCounted.slope);
Move to the dual plane using the point-line duality transform for p=(a,b) p*:y=a*x + b.
Now using a line sweep algorithm find all intersection points in NlogN time.
(If you have points which are one above the other just rotate the points to some small angle).
The intersection points corresponds in the dual plane to lines in the primer plane.
Whoever said that since 3SUM have a reduction to this problem and thus the complexity is O(n^2). Please note that the complexity of 3SUM is less than that.
Please check and also read
As already mentioned, there probably isn't a way to solve the general case of this problem better than O(n^2). However, if you assume a large number of points lie on the same line (say the probability that a random point in the set of points lie on the line with the maximum number of points is p) and don't need an exact algorithm, a randomized algorithm is more efficient.
maxPoints = 0
Repeat for k iterations:
1. Pick 2 random, distinct points uniformly at random
2. maxPoints = max(maxPoints, number of points that lies on the
line defined by the 2 points chosen in step 1)
Note that in the first step, if you picked 2 points which lies on the line with the maximum number of points, you'll get the optimal solution. Assuming n is very large (i.e. we can treat the probability of finding 2 desirable points as sampling with replacement), the probability of this happening is p^2. Therefore the probability of finding a suboptimal solution after k iterations is (1 - p^2)^k.
Suppose you can tolerate a false negative rate rate = err. Then this algorithm runs in O(nk) = O(n * log(err) / log(1 - p^2)). If both n and p are large enough, this is significantly more efficient than O(n^2). (i.e. Supposed n = 1,000,000 and you know there are at least 10,000 points that lie on the same line. Then n^2 would required on the magnitude of 10^12 operations, while randomized algorithm would require on the magnitude of 10^9 operations to get a error rate of less than 5*10^-5.)
It is unlikely for a $o(n^2)$ algorithm to exist, since the problem (of even checking if 3 points in R^2 are collinear) is 3Sum-hard (
This is not a solution better than O(n^2), but you can do the following,
For each point convert first convert it as if it where in the (0,0) coordinate, and then do the equivalent translation for all the other points by moving them the same x,y distance you needed to move the original choosen point.
2.Translate this new set of translated points to the angle with respect to the new (0,0).
3.Keep stored the maximum number (MSN) of points that are in each angle.
4.Choose the maximum stored number (MSN), and that will be the solution

What is the equation to calculate the distance from the end of a line segment to the edge of a circle?

I have a circle with two points inside it that make up a line segment. How can I calculate the distance from one endpoint to the edge of the circle where the line would intersect it?
I think the easist way is to figure out where the intersection of the line and the circle is, then just calculate the distance from the line segment point with the intersection point.
So, say your circle is described by the equation
x^2 + y^2 = 5
and your line segment is points like
(1,3), (2,4)
First, you figure out the equation for the line that is directly over the segment, which, in this case, would be
y = x + 2
You then substitute this equation into the first equation, and you get
x^2 + (x+2)^2 = 5
Simplify this into
2x^2 + 4x - 1 = 0
and solve via the quadradic formula.
You now have the x coordinates of the two intersection points. From there, plug into the line equation to get the y coordinates. Then you can just do normal point distance calculation ala Pythagoras.
sqrt ( (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 )
Use the center of the circle as a point of reference. Get the distance from the center point to your two points, then the radius of the circle. You can now draw a triangle between any three of those points (center, segment point, and circle edge.) Pythagoras can handle the rest.
Two points define a line L. Solve for an equation Cx + L = 0 where C is the equation of the circle. If I remember correctly :P Some more information here.
