Oracle enconding inverted interrogation characters - oracle

I do find a problem with enconding of characters into Oracle
They are two inverted interrogation characters coming from imported data.
How can i search for two inverted characters into Oracle so i can see how many lines have this problem ?

I assume by "inverted interrogation character" you mean character ¿.
There are two possibilities:
Character ¿ is actually stored in your database, because your database character set (check with SELECT * FROM V$NLS_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER LIKE '%CHARACTERSET') is not capable to support special characters you tried to import.
You can find affected rows with SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(COL_NAME, '¿');
Your client (e.g. SQL*Plus) is not able to display the special character and substitute those by placeholder ¿. In this case set your NLS_LANG value properly, see this answer for more details.
Unfortunately you did not tell us how you imported your data nor any of your characters sets. Thus I cannot provide you a guideline to set NLS_LANG properly.


Special character conversion issue in Datastage

In Datastage, we have source system as Oracle and target system as Netezza. In Oracle the column datatype is varchar whereas in Netezza it is nvarchar. Most of the characters are Latin and Dutch.
We are getting character in our table row which is exactly opposite to the one mentioned in bracket (`) means it's heading towards right and slanting on left(mostly dutch). We feel it is Dutch character which represent apostrophe. The table consists of million records and many values in table have this special character. We want to process the value as it is but we are getting garbage value. Can anyone help us in which conversion function we should try?
I tried iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-15

Special Character issue in Oracle DB

I need to update value in one table, which is having special character.
Below is the Update Query I have Executed:
WHERE ID='idNumber'
Special Character "¦" is not getting updated in Oracle.
I have already tried below approaches:
Checked the character set being used in Oracle using below query
select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
It is having "US7ASCII" Character set.
I have tried to see if any of the character set will help using below query
I have tried below different encoding:
BINARY - this one is giving error "ORA-01482: unsupported character set"
Before Changing the character set in DB i wanted to try out 'CONVERT' function from Oracle, but above mentioned character set is either returning "Block Symbol" or "QuestionMark � " Symbol.
Any idea how can I incorporate this special symbol in DB?
Assuming that the character in question is not part of the US7ASCII character set, which it does not appear to be unless you want to replace it with the ASCII vertical bar character |, you can't validly store the character in a VARCHAR2 column in the database.
You can change the database character set to a character set that supports all the characters you want to represent
You can change the data type of the column to NVARCHAR2 assuming your national character set is UTF-16 which it would normally be.
You can store a binary representation of the character in some character set you know in a RAW column and convert back from the binary representation in your application logic.
I would prefer changing the database character set but that is potentially a significant change.

Gibberish filed values when Loading data with Oracle SQL Loader (sqlldr)

to load data in an oracle table doesn't result in any errors but the value of the fields are gibberish. not all the values of course, only the values which was in persian(arabic) format.
already read many questions here but could not resolve the issue, most relatable topic to this problem were :[Unreadable character in generated sqlplus file
although the values in my case isn't question mark, but something like ,ÑÇå Âåä or äÇ ãÔÎÕ
Also played with the NLS_LANG environment variable but it was to no avail.
Created different oracle databases with different character set's, this also was to no avail.
I'm new to oracle, so it is highly likely that I'm making a rookie mistake while creating database and setting character set or something else, to be honest i have no idea. but tried many responses from users and here i am.
I Uploaded the table schema and Ctl extension File to replicate the problem, the link to the related files are resided in this link: [][1]
In total you have three character sets or encodings.
What is the encoding of your file? Check the save options of the editor or the application which created the file.
The character set of your command line window cmd.exe, called "codepage". You can interrogate (or change) with command chcp
The character set of your database.
1) and 2) must be the same. Use command chcp to set them equal (or change settings in your editor)
3) can be different but the character set must support persian/arabic characters, so most likely AL32UTF8 which is the default nowadays.
Use the NLS_LANG value to tell the database which character set is used for 1) and 2), example
C:\>chcp 1256
Aktive Codepage: 1256.
C:\>set NLS_LANG=.AR8MSWIN1256
C:\>sqlldr ...
You can get a list of codepages vs. Oracle character set with this query:
And here a list of Code Page Identifiers
See also OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?" to get more details.

What is 'nsl' character in Oracle db?

I was reading an instruction manual and it was mentioned to check the nsl character set. Can someone please tell me what is 'NSL' character and why do we need to set 'NSL' character in DB?
When your computer process characters, they use numeric codes instead of the graphical representation of the character. For example, when the database stores the letter A, it actually stores a numeric code that is interpreted by software as the letter. These numeric codes are especially important in a global environment because of the potential need to convert data between different character sets.
Basically we use UTF8 and UTF16 most cases. Refer documentation for further details
Query current setting
SELECT value$ FROM sys.props$ WHERE name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET' ;
# Session level
# DB level
ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET <new_character_set_name>;

Special Characters not getting displayed in Oracle tables

I have data which contains special characters like à ç è etc..
I am trying to insert the data into tables having these characters. Data gets inserted without any issues but these characters are replaced with with ?/?? when stored in tables
How should I resolve this issue?I want to store these characters in my tables.
Is it related to NLS parameters?
Currently the NLS characterset is having AL32UTF8 as seen from V$Nls_parameters table.
Is there any specific table/column to be checked ? Or is it something at the database settings ?
Kindly advise.
Thank in advance
From the comments: It is not required that column must be NVARCHAR (resp. NVARCHAR2), because your database character set is AL32UTF8 which supports any Unicode character.
Set your NLS_LANG variable to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 before you launch your SQL*Plus. You may change the language and/or territory to your own preferences.
Ensure you select a font which is able to display the special characters.
Note, client character set AL32UTF8 is determined by your local LANG variable (i.e. en_US.UTF-8), not by the database character set.
Check also this answer for more information: OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?"
