understanding goal exec in maven - maven

I'm trying to create a native installer for javafx 8 application using the fxlauncher as explained at http://fxldemo.tornado.no/
In the pom.xml provided with the example, I do not understand what the execution embed-manifest-in-launcher is doing.
Question: Could someone please explain whats happening there?
The first execution is straight forward, it has specified a java class which has main method and provided the arguments.
<!-- Embed app.xml inside fxlauncher.xml so we don't need to reference app.xml
to start the app -->

The comment just above the execution is already providing a first hint:
Embed app.xml inside fxlauncher.xml so we don't need to reference app.xml to start the app
The executable configuration entry is set to jar, so it will run the jar command.
It will then pass to it the parameters uf, from the jar help command we can see that:
-u update existing archive
-f specify archive file name
Hence, the f option is also expecting a parameter, which is indeed the fxlauncher.jar entry.
As such, the full command which will be executed would be:
jar uf fxlauncher.jar app.xml
Which will update the existing and provided fxlauncher.jar file adding to the app.xml file, as per comment above.
Such execution has a binding to the package phase in a project with packaging jar (the default one, hence no need to specify it), which will be executed after the default bindings to this packaging for this phase (the Maven Jar Plugin, for instance). Hence the build will firstly create/package the jar file, then run these executions to change/update it.


What does "echo" mean when it comes to using Maven?

I'm currently learning how to use Maven and have encountered a term called "echo". I was just wondering what it actually means?
There are few important concepts related to Maven Lifecycles, which
are worth to mention:
1) When a phase is called via Maven command, for example mvn compile,
only phases up to and including that phase will execute.
2) Different maven goals will be bound to different phases of Maven
lifecycle depending upon the type of packaging (JAR / WAR / EAR).
In the following example, we will attach maven-antrun-plugin:run goal
to few of the phases of Build lifecycle. This will allow us to echo
text messages displaying the phases of the lifecycle.
echo is an ant task which allow to print messages to console (system.out)
This makes sense when using maven-antrun-plugin which allow to execute ant tasks in a maven build.
It can be used to print some maven properties during the build as there is no built-in way to output value to console in maven.
<echo>Configuration properties :</echo>
It means to use echo tag in ant script executed by maven-antrun-plugin:run. Nothing directly related to maven itself.

Use maven-exec-plugin to run command line

I want to use maven-exec-plugin to run command line (cmd) for converting a Markdown file to a PDF file using Pandoc.
To do that manually, I've executed these commands:
pandoc ReadMe.md -o ReadMe.html
pandoc ReadMe.html --latex-engine=xelatex -o ReadMe.pdf
I wasn't able to run that in one command, pandoc giving weird error! But this is another problem...
I've added this to my pom file using other sample found on the web but without success.
I'm not a maven guru and help is appreciate!
The defined phase, <phase>generate-pdf</phase>, is not a maven phase, hence Maven didn't bind the execution to its workflow.
You should bind it to a standard Maven phase, depending on your need. Try <phase>package</phase> for instance, it will be executed nearly at the end of your build.
The id element of a plugin execution is free text, you can type the id you want, it will appear as part of the build output in curved brackets after the plugin and goal name,
i.e. exec-maven-plugin:1.1:exec (pandoc)
The phase element instead must match a well known maven phase in order to attach the plugin/goal execution to it. If the phase is not well known, then Maven will simply ignore that plugin/goal execution (which is also an adopted approach, usually using the de-facto standard none as phase, to disable an inherited plugin execution, but that's a bit advanced for the scope of this question I would say).
For more details on maven phases, look at the official documentation, here.
For a full list of maven phases, here.

How to generate a resource to be included in Jar file with maven?

During my build I need to some files to be generated by an external tool. For my minimal compilable example I reduced my "external tool" to the following script:
mkdir -p target/generated-resources
echo "hello world" > target/generated-resources/myResource.txt
Now I want to execute my external tool during build and the generated resource should be included in the war file. I could not find any documention on how that should be done, so it was just a guess that I need to write my generated resource to target/generated-resources. So maybe that is a problem?
I created a pom.xml file with the following build configuration:
If I run mvn package my createResource.sh script gets executed successfully and the myResource.txt file is created. However the myResource.txt file is not included in the resulting .jar file.
I noticed that it works if I add
to my build config, but I fear that this may cause problems if other plugins which may use this directory differently (Do they? I could not really find anything about the conventions of the target directory).
Additionally I'd prefer a solution that works with the usual maven conventions (if a convention for this case exists).
How do I correctly generate a resource to be included in the jar file during build using maven?
Convention (or main usage at least)for Maven is to generate resources inside (target/generated-resources/[plugin/process]).
But unlike generated sources and compiler plugin, generated resources are not handled specifically by the jar plugin, so you do have to add it as a resource (with a new resource like you did or the build-helper-plugin).
If you follow the convention to place everything you generate under a sub-directory of generated-resources, you should have no fear about how other plugins use it.

Eclipse Maven multi module project with xmlbeans

I have a multi module project, in which one of the module ( say MODULE-A) generates sources and classes using xmlbeans plugin. So everytime when I do a clean install of parent project, eclipse recognizes all of the generated sources as new classes, and I don't want to commit the same files again and again when there is no schema change. To overcome this problem, I wrapped xmlbeans build under a profile so that I can build it with profile whenever there is a schema change. But it didn't solve the problem completely.
Whenever I try to do clean build of parent, MODULE-A is not creating 'schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans' under build directory ( which is something only generated by xmlbean plugin when I run with profile ). I can tell maven to exclude 'schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans' from the clean task. But I want to know if this is the right way to handle.
Appreciate your responses.
Thanks in advance
One alternative to this approach is to add this plugin:
This will allow the generated-sources to be added as a source folder so every time it generates you will have them built and available. You wouldn't commit these but when the actual jar gets built/released they will be in there and work all the same. This allows you to always be using code most up to date with your schema. This may not be the best solution for you but I found it to be a good idea when I ran into a similar situation.

Configure maven-license-plugin to use excludedGroups correctly

When this plugin is attached to the test or package phase, it causes a multi module build to break since it forces dependency resolution before the module dependencies are in the local repository (first build upon updating to a new snapshot version). I'm trying to get the plugin to ignore the offending com.cons3rt group dependencies which are not required for license output. Tried several variations of:
Nothing seems to work - looking at the output of mvn -X, it seems like the plugin is not honoring the configuration setting for excludedGroups. Anyone have any luck using this configuration approach?
In your configuration use a pipe to separate multiple groupIds and set the .* to refer to all sub packages:
A workaround for this problem is to pass the parameter through the command line using the
e.g. mvn package -Dlicense.excludedGroups=com.jhla.*
Simply Change
as the given string needs to be a regular expression.
For further information, see documentation at:
