SMS Link for Mobile APP Download - sms

We have developed mobile apps having invite friends option. This functionality has option to send SMS to a friend for invite. We have the phone number and the name of the user to whom invite is to be sent and no device info. I want to create a generic link on clicking which should redirect user to play store app link if the device is Android and to app store app link if device is IOS. Solutions that I have thought of are as below:
Deploy a web page having javascript which detects the device OS
(browser can do that) and then redirect user further to appropriate
Redirecting the user to the website of the app where there are links to both the stores.
Except the above two is there a way that I can create a generic link in SMS redirect the user directly to appropriate store?


How can I get access to Vodapay for testing purposes as a developer?

I am a developer working on the mini programs platform. I need access to the Vodapay app but I cannot find it on both the app store for iOS and the play store for Android. How can I get access to the app?
The app is scheduled to launch sometime in August, that is why it is not available on the app store or google play store. To get access to the test version of the app, send an email to . You will need to provide the following:
Mini program you are working on
Platform you want access to: (For iOS, send associated apple ID, for Android, send email address used on google account found on the device)

How to send app download link to user's phone via text when he or she gives his or her phone number

I want to code on my website where my users will give number to their phone and I will send them my app download direct link like this image(from groupon)
My framework is in laravel.
example attached
There appear to be SAS sites that offer SMS SDKs, such as

Does app store or Play Store allow apps that have a WebView only to my site?

I want to publish an app witch contains a WebView to my site only
and thats the whole app. Like Mobile Web app but comes from the stores.
Does app store or Play Store allow apps that have a WebView only to my site?
Yes, you can published an app which contains just a WebView of your own website. Please note that according to Google Play Developer Program Policies, it's not allowed to publish apps that provide a WebView of a website you don't own or administer:
Do not post an app where the primary functionality is to:
Provide a webview of a website not owned or administered by you (unless you have permission from the website owner/administrator to do so)
According to Apple's App Store Review Guidelines,
apps which are just web views are not allowed:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store.
Yes You can but when you implement webview in your application few things must keep in mind
Webviews and Affiliate Spam
We don’t allow apps whose primary purpose is to drive affiliate traffic to a website or provide a webview of a website without permission from the website owner or administrator.
Here are some examples of common violations:
An app whose primary purpose is to drive referral traffic to a website to receive credit for user sign-ups or purchases on that website.
Apps whose primary purpose is to provide a webview of a website without permission:
Google play Developer Policy Center link

App inventor share file with message via facebook

I'm building an app with Google's App Inventor, and user uses his/her camera, takes a pictures, then taps Share and choose a program from list.
I what when sharing the image with Facebook to show a given message, but it dosn't work.
My quession is how I willl get the same message that appears in gmail sharing as well as in facebook sharing.
Thank you.!

Approve content aggregator app itunes

I've built an IOS app that has a tab bar and extracts content from a website and displays it.
I need it to be approved in itunes but when i sent it to review they replied
"We've completed the review of your app but cannot post this version to the App Store because it is only a content aggregator and provides a limited set of features and functionality to users"
I've read about it and i noticed that there are a lot of apps just like my app that are used by news sites and they were approved.
My content must be on a remote web server due to security reasons and i have complied with the reachibility protocol that apple requires which means that i monitor if there is network available on the device and warns the user that the content can only appear on connected ipad.
Is there a way that i can add approve my app or must i become a large news site in order to make my app approved?
Add searching or filtering of the content displayed in your app. That should do the trick.
