I need to install Torch on server,
but its installation guide requires the following line as the first step:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torch/ezinstall/master/install-deps | bash
curl is not installed on my server, and I'm not the root, so I don't have permission to install it.
I downloaded the script file in the URL, and chmod-ed it,
but can't execute it, again due to permission.
Is there a way to install torch without usage of curl?
bash install-deps
resulted in
xxxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
Torch dependencies needs to be installed - if you install it via this script, that'll require root privileges.
If you saved the script, you can start it (without chmod) with
bash install-deps
I am trying to write a script, which starts pgadmin4. The program starts if I run the script python3 web/pgAdmin4.py from its own folder, but that isn't as fast as running a command from $PATH...
I managed to write a shell script based on other answers from different posts, but sadly the virtual environment still doesn't work (I assume).
The shell script:
source ~/pgadmin4/venv/bin/activate
python3 ~/pgadmin4/web/pgAdmin4.py
The output:
If you have followed these installation steps no need to activate the virtual environment. You can call the executable file pgadmin4 under bin directory that will be executed with the pgadmin4 virtual environment:
The error message you provided indicates that you lack the "flask" module. Please install it through "pip install flask" or "python3 - m pip install flask".
python3 -m pip install flask
Most of you may know OpenAI playground, so I built an function generator app and followed all the instructions but I can't launch it via venv-python. I can actually install the requirements using pip while venv is not active and can launch the site with flask, but when I try to install requirements after activating venv, I get this error;
User#lalec ~
$ cd openai-quickstart-python
User#lalec ~/openai-quickstart-python (master)
$ . venv/Scripts/activate
User#lalec ~/openai-quickstart-python (master)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Users\celal\openai-quickstart-python\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\Users\User\openai-quickstart-python\venv\Scripts\pip.exe" install -r requirements.txt': The system cannot find the file specified.
How do I fix this? I added every possible script locations into PATH I thought it would help but no result.
I just realized two directories in the error doesn't match, and "C:\Users\celal\openai-quickstart-python\venv\Scripts\python.exe" actually does not even exist. Maybe that's the problem... How can I change this ??
Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions I'm new to all this... Also, I don't get why I need venv activated while I can just launch it by accessing the directory and type flask run in cmd, would appreciate any answers.
ss of the project's directory
ss of venv/Scripts/
ss of bash screen with errors
The error message suggests that the requirements.txt file can't be read. Check that you definitely can read it and it's in the expected location.
The perferred command for running pip is:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
This makes sure that you know which python3 binary you're running pip with - some systems have more than one python3 binary in various locations.
You could achieve similar without activating the virtual environment:
./venv/bin/python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
I am very new to python and plan to use psychopy quite a lot. I am on a work computer but have full admin rights.
Psychopy came with python version 2.7.11 and includes setuptools already.
I am trying to install the selenium module, but having trouble getting pip to work at all.
In cmd, it is recognising the 'python' command, so I know python is in my path.
I get the message "can't open file 'pip': [Errno2] No such file or directory" from:
python pip install selenium
I get " 'pip' is not recognised as an internal or external command" from:
pip install selenium
When I change directory to where pip is located, I get:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
Using pip2 makes no difference.
It seems a simple thing but where am I going wrong with this?!
I never really got to the bottom of this, but this is what I found out and here are the commands that worked for me in Windows. Be aware that I am far from expert!
To run python scripts (*.py) from command line (cmd) then C:\PsychoPy2 and C:\PsychoPy2\DLLs need to be in path. ('Path' contains directories or file extensions that can be more globally accessed, i.e. do not require you to change the prompt to the relevant directories first).
To check, open cmd and either type echo %PATH% or just type python. (If python starts, the line will say >>>. You can exit by typing quit())
To add to path, get properties of computer, then advanced system settings, then environment variables.
To check pip.exe (a sort of installation wizard) is installed, either search for the file, or check C:\PsychoPy2\Scripts for it. This may also need to be in path.
To reinstall the latest versions of pip and setup tools, I went to cmd and typed:
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
If the same code did not work for other modules (which in my case was due to network access), then I downloaded the wheel file (*.whl) for that module (from their website) and ran the following code:
python -m pip install c:/modulename.whl
These may not be the correct ways of doing things, but they worked for me when I couldn't get other ways to work!
I've just had the exact same issue with the pip install, and a conflict with PsychoPy installations. I think it's because python automatically wants to call on the path that's been set by Psychopy, so it can't get to the 'pip' folders that for me, remain in a temporary/hidden file. This wasn't intuitive for me - on any machine without psychopy python just 'works' when you download it.
I'm having some difficulty installing Play on my mac.
I've successfully installed the program after running
export PATH=/path/to/activator-x.x.x:$PATH
But, I can't run the activator command. It says that activator: command not found.
I tried running
chmod u+x /path/to/activator-x.x.x/activator
But, I just get the "no such file or directory" message.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
If you just want to install activator successfully, you can do it with the help of HomeBrew which is a software management tool. Type the following command
brew install typesafe-activator
if you have not installed HomeBrew, you can install it using the following command
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Good luck with you
You have to write the export command to the login profile. Usually, this is $HOME/.profile. This file is referred to whenever you open a command shell and thus the system knows the path to activator. If you run the export command directly in the command shell then it will be available only for that session and not when you open a new shell. Here is a tutorial to edit your .profile file.
I am trying to install GitLab on a Debian Wheezy and experiencing an issue I don't understand.
Following the install guide for version 5.0:
step 1: was run as explained
step 2: I used rvm (multi-user install) instead (ruby-1.9.3-p392)
steps 3 to 5: were run as explained (MySQL chosen)
step 6: everything works fine until the "Install Gems" section, where I get the following error:
/home/git/gitlab$ sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres
sudo: unable to execute /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory
I run this as my normal user (in the sudo and rvm groups), and the git user is not a sudoer.
I think that the line sudo gem install bundler, in step 2, does not grant the git user to execute bundle properly, but I don't know how to fix this.
I probably did something wrong but cannot figure out what it is, as I tried to respect the standard instructions as close as possible.
Any clue about this? Thanks, I am losing hope...
For information, I have written to the GitLab mailing-list about this problem but did not get any answer. Moreover, last time I asked something similar on ServerFault, I have been advised to post on StackOverflow instead... hence this question :)
When I do $ which bundle, I get /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin/bundle.
The git user has been created with the --disabled-login flag and thus I cannot login as git to run bundle.
When I do $ sudo -u git bundle, I get
sudo: unable to execute /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory
That means git user has not /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin in its PATH, and you cannot modify its .profile or .bashrc because of the --disabled-login flag.
It seems that running sudo -i -u git bundle instead of sudo -u git bundle does the trick
That is the safest route, and will execute the command as git, but will simulate first an initial login, using the PATH defined in .profile and .bashrc of user root.
See "How does sudo search the path for executable?" for more.
On my local machine after upgrade from 6.4 to 7.7 I had such issue.
The compilation of ruby was made under root account.
So need permissions to read compiled ruby and installed bundle.
chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/bundle
chmod -R ugo+rX /usr/local/lib/ruby/
In production mode You could be more strict.