How do I create a Task using Asana Ruby Gem - ruby

I'm looking for a really simple "HelloWorld" example of creating a task in Asana using the ruby gem.
Here is what I am trying to run, and I'm just not quite grokking how to pass in the parameters:
Asana::Task.create_in_workspace(client,workspace,{ 'name': 'new task' })

I think you will need to do:
require 'asana'
client = do |c|
c.authentication :access_token, 'personal_access_token'
workspace = client.workspaces.find_by_id(12)
client.tasks.create_in_workspace(workspace:, options: {}, **data)
You can directly pass in a workspace id if you know it before hand. options is a hash of request I/O options and data is a hash of attributes to post.
You can look into the documentation for more details on them.
You can also look at this official Hello World example in Ruby that does not use any SDK.


Unknown response for all methods and commands in ruby-asterisk

Testing ruby-asterisk manager interface with ruby version 1.9.3p0 and gem 1.8.11, for all command and methods its printing the the same output.
Anyone faced similar problem.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'ruby-asterisk'
#ami ="",5038)
puts #ami.command("sip show peers")
Project URL
Problem solved. Didn’t check the readme RESPONSE OBJECT section.
It's working.
var = #ami.command(""sip show peers)
You are putting the Instance of the RubyAsterix. I think after haveing a brief look at the project that most/all of the instance methods returns the instance it self. The reason for doing it that way is that it makes it very easy to chain multiplie actions which makes for a nice syntax/usage.
I think you should remove the puts and allow the gem to display what it wants to display.

Is it better idea to save elements in yml file?

I'm writing automated tests using Selenium WebDriver with Ruby. So, I'm thinking to keep elements in another file and actual code in another file. And for Ruby, I found yaml gem which allows to store data and access it. Hence I stored elements in lib.yml and test code in test.rb as following:
frame: 'mainPage'
email: 'loginPage-email'
password: 'loginPage-password'
login_button: 'btnLogin'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'yaml'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.get ''
config = YAML.load_file('./lib/lib.yml')
email = driver.find_element(:id, config['homepage']['email'])
password = driver.find_element(:id, config['homepage']['password'])
email.send_keys ''
password.send_keys 'password'
driver.find_element(:id, config['homepage']['login_button']).click
This way maintenance becomes easier. I just want to make sure if doing so is a good way or not. I'm asking because I'm trying this first time and don't know what difficulties I'll run into if I choose this for larger project.
I know, using Page object model, we can achieve same thing. But I don't know about Page object. So should I avoid using yml gem and directly go for page object gem?
Also, can someone explain how using yml will not be good idea(if it's not)?
In above code, config['homepage']['something'] is repetitive code. I'll write method to avoid repetition for that.
Yeah this definitely is useful... It keeps the changes to minimum when there is UI change in future.. You always have just one place to edit... Is there any data you have to pass to your code? How are storing the automation data passed to your test.. The only concern might be you might end up with too many yaml files which could be difficult to keep track...
In your specific case I don't see how this adds much value. Half of the settings (frame, login_button) won't change for your tests, so I suggest leaving them directly in the code where they are used. The html structure is not something that usually changes.
The other two values (email, password) seem like they might change when you want to try out different users (i.e. different cases). If you have one test with several example inputs then I suggest using a more readable solution as Cucumber.
(I'd suggest using capybara anyway for testing browser interaction, as it abstracts away many details of the underlying driver)
Apart from that, yaml is usually the ruby way for storing configuration.
I added one more step: Declared locator (id, name etc) in the yaml itself.
Declared env.rb which load the environment from yaml files
UserName: {id: UserName}
Password: {id: Password}
RememberME: {id: RememberMe}
Submit: {xpath: "//input[#value='Log On']"}
Then added "pages\Login.rb"
#Loads all objects from yaml
def get_objects
username=#browser.find_element( $object_array['LOGIN']['UserName'])
password=#browser.find_element( $object_array['LOGIN']['Password'])
remember_me=#browser.find_element( $object_array['LOGIN']['RememberME'])
submit= #browser.find_element($object_array['LOGIN']['Submit'])
#Added methods in this class like
def loginas(uname,pass)
username.send_keys uname
password.send_keys pass
end #loginas_siteadmin
Created Tests file Login_tests.rb
This way your scripts and maintainable and most importantly you are free of any other external gem or dependency.

Ruby -- Using facebook's Graph API Explorer in conjunction with the koala gem

I've found facebook's 'Graph API Explorer' tool ( to be an incredibly easy way, welcoming (for beginners) & effective way to use facebook's graph API via its GUI.
I'd like to be able to use the koala gem to pass these generated URLs to facebook's api.
Right now, lets say I had a query like this
url = "me?fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message)"
I'd like to be able to pass that directly into koala as a single string.
It doesn't like that so I separate out the uid and the ? operator like the gem seems to want
url = "fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message)"
#graph.get_connections("me", url)
This however, returns an error as well:
type: OAuthException, code: 2500,
message: Unknown path components: /fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message) [HTTP 400]
Currently this is where I am stuck. I'd like to continue using koala because I like the gem-approach to working with API's, especially when it comes to using OAuth & OAuth2.
I'm starting to break down the request into pieces which the koala gem can handle, for example
posts = #graph.get_connections("me", "posts")
postids = { |p| p['id'] }
likes = postids.inject([]) {|ary, id| ary << #graph.get_connection(id, "likes") }
So that's a long way of getting two arrays, one of posts, one of like data.
But I'd quickly burn up my API requests limit in no time using this kind of approach.
I was kind of hoping I'd just be able to pass the whole string from the Graph API Explorer and just get what I wanted rather than having to manually parse all this stuff.
I don't really know about your posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name) -this does not work in the Graph API Explorer- and stuff like that but I know you can do this:
fb_api =
# => => {"id"=>"71170", "name"=>"My Name", "posts"=>{"paging"=>{"next"=>"", "previous"=>""}, "data"=>[{"id"=>"71170_1013572471", "comments"=>{"count"=>0}, "created_time"=>"2013-06-09T08:03:43+0000", "from"=>{"id"=>"71170", "name"=>"My Name"}, "updated_time"=>"2013-06-09T08:03:43+0000", "privacy"=>{"value"=>""}, "type"=>"status", "story_tags"=>{"0"=>[{"id"=>"71170", "name"=>" ", "length"=>8, "type"=>"user", "offset"=>0}]}, "story"=>" likes a photo."}]}}
And you will receive in a hash what you asked for.
From time to time, you must pass nil as a param to koala:
result += graph_api.batch do |batch_api|
facebook_page_ids.each do |facebook_page_id|
batch_api.get_connections(facebook_page_id, nil, {"fields"=>"posts"})

Use ruby mechanize to get data from foursquare

I am trying to use ruby and Mechanize to parse data on foursquare's website. Here is my code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent =
page = agent.get('')
page = page.link_with(:text => /Log In/)
form = page.forms[1]
form.F12778070592981DXGWJ = ARGV[0]
form.F1277807059296KSFTWQ = ARGV[1]
page = form.submit form.buttons.first
puts page.body
But then, when I run this code, the following error poped up:
`method_missing': undefined method `F12778070592981DXGWJ='
for #<Mechanize::Form:0x2b31f70> (NoMethodError)
from four.rb:10:in `<main>'
I checked and found that these two variables for the form object "F12778070592981DXGWJ" and "F1277807059296KSFTWQ" are changing every time when I try to open foursquare's webpage.
Does any one have the same problem before? your variables change every time you try to open a webpage? How should I solve this problem?
Our project is about parsing the data on foursquare. So I need to be able to login first.
Mechanize is useful for sites which don't expose an API, but Foursquare has an established REST API already. I'd recommend using one of the Ruby libraries, perhaps foursquare2. These libraries abstract away things like authentication, so you just have to register your app and use the provided keys.
Instead of indexing the form fields by their name, just index them by their order. That way you don't have to worry about the name that changes on each request:
form.fields[0].value = ARGV[0]
form.fields[1].value = ARGV[1]
However like dwhalen said, using the REST API is probably a much better way. That's why it's there.

Rails -- use RSpec "get" and "response" methods in Rake task

I know RSpec has useful methods "get" and "response.should" to run integration tests - I want to know how I can use these (or other methods to achieve the same result) in a Rake task:
desc "Check all content items with type 0 and do something"
task :my_task => :environment do
ContentItem.where("content_type = ?", 0).each do |obj|
get "/my_path/"+obj.value
if (response has a certain html tag)
perform some action on obj
I know that I can't just run rspec methods like that, but this is effectively what I need to do, and I need to be able to process information returned when /my_path/obj.value is opened. Does anyone have any suggestions?
why do you need to go through the url to do this action with your ContentItem ? Why not just use the local obj and do stuff?
Basically it looks like you're mixing up view-code with model code here... the model's object should not depend on values in the html... if there is some information being figured out in the view... put it into a method on the ContentItem model and call that code either from the view... or from this rake task.
Ok.... well if you really need to GET a URL - look into Ruby's Net::Http gem - that will literally fetch URLs. Rails doesn't do that as standard... even for local URLs.
You might then be able to use a parser such as hpricot or nokogiri to parse the results to find the tag you need.
