Session get lost even if I am interacting on page - session

I'm working with primefaces 3.4.2 Javax.faces 2.1.9
My web.xml
<p:idleMonitor id="idMonitorSession" timeout="2400000"
onidle="" />
<p:dialog header="Sesion Ended" resizable="false"
widgetVar="dlgMensajeSessionExp" width="300" height="120"
modal="true" closable="false" appendToBody="true">
<h:outputText value="Session Ended" />
<h:form id="sessionForm">
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{user.exit()}">
<h:graphicImage style="border:0px" value="/resources/images/login.png"
width="80px" />
However session get lost even if i am working in the pages, do you have any idea why is this happening,
Web Server is Websphere

Interacting with the page in such a way that the server isn't invoked via ajax or a complete form post doesn't reset the timeout against the session server side. Using ajax events for the idleMonitor should do the trick.
<p:idleMonitor id="idMonitorSession" timeout="2400000"
<p:ajax event="active"/>
Edit: I noticed the "active" event doesn't fire when the mouse is moved, the user will be required to interact with the page enough to trigger this event. If it is critical to keep the server synced with the page, ajax invocations will be required more often than this event will create. You don't have to necessarily invoke a noop action on the server side, setting the event type is enough.
Another possibility is to use ajax events when the type of interactions occur that indicate your users are actively using the page. For instance, typing a long message in a text area or filtering a large data table.
<p:ajax event="filter" listener="#{bean.activeListener}"/>
Either way, the goal is to keep the server aware that the user is indeed active without flooding the server with unneeded ajax events.


How can I display the reason for <a4j:status> error?

I'm currently debugging an annoying AJAX bug in our web application using JSF2 and RichFaces v4.5.12.Final where I need further information about the reason why an ajax update fails.
We generate rather complex forms with several elements and on some of these forms the following code snippet fails to re-render and sets to error.
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{myBean.value}">
<a4j:ajax event="valueChange" execute="#form" render="#form,messages" status="minimal" />
The AJAX status is displayed using the following code:
<a4j:status name="minimal" onstart="$('body').css('cursor', 'progress');" onstop="$('body').css('cursor', 'default');">
<f:facet name="start">
<h:graphicImage name="/3rd-Party/Fugue-Icons/hourglass.png" styleClass="middle" />
<f:facet name="stop"></f:facet>
<f:facet name="error">
<h:graphicImage name="/3rd-Party/Fugue-Icons/exclamation-red.png" styleClass="middle" />
Is there any way to display the reason why the render fails? Can I access any variable containing some kind of error message?
Debugging shows that the execute is performed and doesn't result in any server side errors. The error happens on client side where the AJAX fails to reload the page content. It doesn't matter if we use render="#all" or anything else... the error occurs on some of our pages. Others with the same <a4j:ajax> work normally.
The error handler is triggered when there is a problem with the server response. RichFaces has <a4j:log> specifically for debugging, it will at least tell you what kind of error it is.

ViewState lost after AJAX request

I have a very strange error with the following code:
<h:form id="myForm">
<h:panelGroup id="myPanelGroup">
action="#{mybean.action}" tabindex="301"
<f:ajax execute=":myPanelGroup" render=":messages #form"/>
So the problem is that after I click on the button the form (myForm) looses its viewState after render. The strange is that in my dev env it is working, but on an other server it is not. Have I made some common mistake with this kind of execute/render pair settings or what else could cause such problem? I was also wondering that probably the 2 servers have different Mojarra version or something like that.
The messages in the render attribute is an id of a panelgroup in an other form.
The container is a WebLogic server with JSf 2.1.
Any ideas?
So I found out it is a common JSF issue that can be solved with the following library:
More info:

Trigger HTML5 constraint validation before submitting a form using ajax

I have the following code snippet and the standard client side html validation is not triggerd. How can I trigger the standard validation and get the action called if valid.
<h:inputText type="text" value="#{myBean.value}">
<f:passThroughAttribute name="required" value="required" />
<h:commandButton value="submit" type="submit" action="#{}">
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#form" />
Without the ajax the client side validation will be triggered and the form will not be send if the input is empty.
How can I reach this with ajax?
JSF ajax engine does not check HTML5's form.checkValidity() before proceeding the request. Essentially, you need to do that job yourself in the onclick attribute of the command button. If it returns false, then it will block the ajax action.
Please note that you should never rely on only client side validation, because that's fully controllable by the enduser. I strongly recommend to add server side validation as well. When you add ajax, you can easily make use of server side validation with the same user experience as client side validation.
See also:
JSF2 Validation Clientside or Serverside?

Using <h:form> breaks my JSF page until I make a ajax request

I am using PrimeFaces and the newest jsf stuff.
<p:dataGrid var="terms" value="#{coursePlanSandbox.preProcessedTerms}" columns="4" rows="20">
<h:form style="margin:0px;">
<div class="list-widget classDrop">
<div class="list-head">
<div class="list-meta">
<span class="pull-right" style="margin-top:-3px;">
#{terms.fToi(terms.scheduledUnits)} /
<h:inputText styleClass="inputMaxUnits" value="#{terms.firstSession.maxUnits}" >
<p:ajax event="change" process="#this" />
This is a snippet of my Facelets file. What happens is if I do a fresh run of the page, right click the Facelets file in NetBeans and click 'Run File' which refreshes the server I guess, the page stops loading after <h:inputText> and nothing else loads after that point. Even when I refresh the page, it stops loading after that point. If I enter a value in the <h:inputText> and it sends an ajax request to the server, if I then click refresh, the page loads everything else after that. Is it a bug with the server or am I doing something wrong?
I don't understand why using Run File... normally you run the JSF Project (or Debug it) and you don't need to run anything else when doing changes inside xhtml files nor java files (except when you are adding / modifying classes and functions prototypes). Run file is useful to run a class that contains main().
Found out what it was, I was calling an object in my controller before it was made, breaking the page. And once the ajax call when thru, it called the class constructor and built the object. So thats why every refresh after that it worked just fine.

How to prevent reload of page in Richfaces on action/event?

I am using JSF2.0 and RichFaces 4.0.1 Final. I want to prevent the reload of page on occurence of event.
My use case is: There is a Command button with hidden style. I need to invoke the event attached to it in certain case from Javascript.
Problem: Though I am able to invoke the hidden button, the issue is, the moment it gets invoked, the page is getting reloaded. I want to prevent this reload.
Just use ajax:
<h:commandButton id="foo" action="#{}" styleClass="hide">
<f:ajax />
Or, since you're already using RichFaces:
<a4j:commandButton id="foo" action="#{}" styleClass="hide" />
