How can I allow a user to get access to survey results using the Google Consumer Surveys API? - google-api

I’ve created a survey using Google Consumer Surveys. I want use a different account to check results of the survey.
How do I allow a second google account to access the survey though the API?

You can add a second account by modifying the owners of a survey.
You can do this through the UI by selecting a survey from your list of surveys and then clicking the +Share button in the top right hand corner of the page. Then put the email address of the new owner in.
You can also do this programatically through the API by issuing an update call to the Survey resource with a new Owners list. Note that this overwrites the owners field and does not append to it, so make sure to include the current owners when issuing an update so that no one losses access. You can find the documentation for this here:


Google API to view any user's calendar list

I am using Google API to try to view a user's calendar list, mainly the shared calendars a user had access to. But according to the Google Calendar.List api , I can view only the logged user's calendar. So I wanted to ask if there is a way around this.
The use case that I am working on requires removing any shared calendars of a user whose status has been changed to suspended.

How do I see invited users in bintray?

Steps to Reproduce
Sign up for a new enterprise trial.
Go to the Organization Edit screen.
Click on the Members section.
Click on invite by email.
User clicks on received email.
They create an account using the pattern of username#orgid.
The admin cannot see them in an member lists.
The user cannot see any products or repos.
I can admin a user just fine if they create a full bintray account, but we would like to not tell our users that they need to create a new account, which right now also forces them to create a new organization also.
What step am I missing here?
This was a temporary issue with invite-by-email members not being shown in the members list (judging by the time the question was raised). It should all be okay now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Segment mailchimp list based on activation link clicked in email

In my Codeignitor website, I have a registration form.. Earlier my developer added mailchimp API to collect users details in mailchimp who register and it's working fine (as soon as someone registers their details get saved both in mailchimp and in my site's backend).
After registration users receive an email as well with a link to activate their account on my website.. Now I want to segment my mailchimp list based on who activated their account and who didn't.. (want to move users in separate lists based on who clicked the activation link).. Currently, as soon as someone registers their details get saved in one list whether they activate their account or not..
Please note that the email users are receiving on signup is coming from Codeignitor site itself (not from mailchimp, it's not the confirmation mail from mailchimp).
Please let me know if this is possible and how can it be accomplished.. If you can provide any reference link that would be very helpful..
I've a solution for this,
Step 1: Create a Group/Segment as Radio button(prefered) with two options'Activated Users' and 'Not-activated Users'
Step 2: Add all users who signing up to the site into the 'Not-activated Users' segment.
Step 3: After a user clicks the activation link, you need to write custom code after the activation process to add that user into the 'Activated Users' segment.
Step 4: Remove the user from 'Not-activated Users' segment.
Please give me some feed back…

How can I reliably link to a Gmail conversation given a thread ID if the user is logged into multiple accounts?

If you're logged into multiple Gmail accounts, Google changes the URLs to reference which account you're currently using. For example: for a convo in my primary account vs for a convo in another one of my accounts.
Note that one account has /u/0 in the URL and the other has u/1.
My question is: given that I've used the Gmail REST API to find the ID of a particular thread, how can I reliably link to that thread? Is there any programmatic way to ask Google which accounts the user is logged into, and what sequence (0, 1, 2, ...) each account falls under?
Looks like you can include a query parameter called authUser that specifies the email account you want to link to:

add calendar to another user's calendar list

Not sure if this is possible or if anyone has managed to do this. I have user with super admin access, with which I can create a new user for my domain. However I also want to add a couple of calenders to the created user's calendar list. When I create a user I authenticate using my super admin, but then I can't add a calendar to the user's calendar list since I am not logged in as the user. Is it possible to do this as the super admin, or do I have to logout and authenticate as the created user in order to add calendars to their list? This is the base url to which the post request is made:
in the place of me could I pass in the id of the user? I couldn't find any parameter in the documentation with which I can specify the user to whose list I want to add a calender.
Two options:
Each user much login to google calendar and share thier calendar to a single user. You can then use this account to update their calendars. Note that google has limitations to how many calendars and request you are allowed before the account goes to read-only mode.
Buy a google apps domain (5$per user per month) and create a service account at Create a project and give it domain wide delgation at In Apps engine you should be able to give access for admin to modify all users calendars.
No matter what case you choose, you also need to enable CalendarAPI at dev console site. Now with private key created from website request OAuth2 access token, where sub field is set for the users that you want to change calendar for. With returned access token use CalendarAPI to modify calendar.
Sry for bad english and short description, i'm in a hurry. /conner ;)
