Generating a 3D space filling Hilbert curve using turtle graphics - algorithm

I have a turtle-graphics-based algorithm for generating a space-filling Hilbert curve in two dimensions. It is recursive and goes like this:
Wa want to draw a curve of order n, in direction x (where x ∈ {L, R}), and let y be the direction opposite to x. We do as follows:
turn in the direction y
draw a Hilbert curve of order n-1, direction y
move one step forward
turn in the direction x
draw a Hilbert curve of order n-1, direction x
move one step forward
draw a Hilbert curve of order n-1, direction x
turn in the direction x
move one step forward
draw a Hilbert curve of order n-1, direction y
I understand this and was able to implement a working solution. However, I'm now trying to "upgrade" this to 3D, and here's where I basically hit a wall; in 3D, when we reach a vertex, we can turn not in two, but four directions (going straight or backing up is obviously not an option, hence four and not six). Intuitively, I think I should store the plane on which the turtle is "walking" and its general direction in the world, represented by an enum with six values:
In (from the camera's perspective, it goes "inside" the world)
Out (same as above, outside)
The turtle, like in 2D, has a state containing the information outlined above, and when it reaches as vertex (which can be thought of as a "crossing") has to make a decision where to go next, based on that state. Whereas in two dimensions it is rather simple, in three, I'm stumped.
Is my approach correct? (i.e., is this what I should store in the turtle's state?)
If it is, how can I use that information to make a decision where to go next?
Because there are many variants of 3D space filling Hilbert curves, I should specify that this is what I'm using as reference and to aid my imagination:
I'm aware that a similar question has already been asked, but the accepted answer links to a website there this problem is solved using a different approach (i.e., not turtle graphics).

Your 2d algorithm can be summarized as “LRFL” or “RLFR” (with “F” being “forward”). Each letter means “turn that direction, draw a (n-1)-curve in that direction, and take a step forward”. (This assumes the x in step 8 should be a y.)
In 3d, you can summarize the algorithm as the 7 turns you would need to go along your reference. This will depend on how you visualize the turtle starting. If it starts at the empty circle, facing the filled circle, and being right-side-up (with its back facing up), then your reference would be “DLLUULL”.


algorithm to select a pair of vectors for the best "zigzag" profile

I have a set of distinct 2D vectors (over real numbers), pointing in different directions. We are allowed to pick a pair of vectors and construct their linear combination, such that the coefficients are positive and their sum is 1.
In simple words we are allowed to take a "weighted average" of any two vectors.
My goal is for an arbitrary direction to pick a pair of vectors whose "weighted average" is in this direction and is maximized.
Speaking algebraically given vectors a and b and a direction vector n we are interested in maximizing this value:
[ a cross b ] / [ (a - b) cross n ]
i.e. pick a and b which maximize this value.
To be concrete the application of this problem is for sailing boats. For every apparent wind direction the boat will have a velocity given by a polar diagram. Here's an example of such a diagram:
(Each line in this diagram corresponds to a specific wind magnitude). Note the "impossible" front sector of about 30 degrees in each direction.
So that in some direction the velocity will be high, for some - low, and for some directions it's impossible to sail directly (for instance in the direction strictly opposite to the wind).
If we need to advance in a direction in which we can't sail directly (or the velocity isn't optimal) - it's possible to advance in zigzags. This is called tacking.
Now, my goal is to recalculate a new diagram which denotes the average advance velocity in any direction, either directly or indirectly. For instance for the above diagram the corrected diagram would be this:
Note that there are no more "impossible" directions. For some directions the diagram resembles the original one, where it's best to advance directly, and no maneuver is required. For others - it shows the maximum average advance velocity in this direction assuming the most optimal maneuver is periodically performed.
What would be the most optimal algorithm to calculate this? Assume the diagram is given as a discrete set of azimuth-velocity pairs, from which we can calculate the vectors.
So far I just check all the vector pairs to select the best. Well, there're cut-off criterias, such as picking only vectors with positive projection on the advance direction, and opposite perpendicular projections, but still the complexity is O(N^2).
I wonder if there's a more efficient algorithm.
Many thanks to #mcdowella. For both computer-science and sailor answers!
I too thought in terms of convex polygon, figured out that it's only worth probing vectors on that hull (i.e. if you take a superposition of 2 vectors on this hull, and try to replace one of them by a vector which isn't on this hull, the result would be worse since new vector's projection on the needed direction is worse than of both source vectors).
However I didn't realize that any "weighted average" of 2 vectors is actually a straight line segment connecting those vectors, hence the final diagram is indeed this convex hull! And, as we can see, this is also in agreement with what I calculated by "brute-force" algorithm.
Now the computer science answer
A tacking strategy gives you the convex combination of the vectors from the legs that make up the tacks.
So consider the outline made by just one contour in your diagram. The set of all possible best speeds and directions is the convex polygon formed by taking all convex combinations of the vectors to the contour. So what you want to do is form the convex hull of your contour ( To find out how to go fast in any particular direction, intersect that vector with the convex hull, and use tacks with legs that correspond to the corners on either side of the edge of the convex hull that you intersect with.
Looking at your diagram, the contour is concave straight upwind and straight downwind, which is what you would expect. However there is also another concave section, somewhere between 4 and 5 O'Clock and also symmetrically between 7 and 8 O'Clock, which appears as a straight line in your corrected diagram - so I guess there is a third direction to tack in, using two reaches on the same side of the wind which I don't recognise from traditional sailing.
First the ex-laser sailor answer
At least for going straight upwind or downwind, the obvious guess is to tack so that each leg is of the same length and of the same bearing to the wind. If the polar diagram is symmetric around the upwind-downwind axis this is correct. Suppose upwind is the Y axis and possible legs are (A, B), (-A, B), (a, b) and (-a, b). Symmetrical tacking moves (A, B)/2 + (-A, B)/2 = (0, B) and the other symmetrical tack gives you (0, b). Asymmetrical tacking is (-A, B)a/(a+A) + (a, b)A/(a+A) = (0, (a/(a+A))B + (A/(a+A))b) and if b!=B lies between b and B and so is not as good as whichever of b or B is best.
For any direction which lies between the port and starboard tacks that you would take to work your way upwind, the obvious strategy is to change the length of those legs but not their direction so that the average vector traveled is in the required direction. Is this the best strategy? If not, the better strategy is making progress upwind faster that the port and starboard tacks that you would take to work your way upwind, which I think is a contradiction - so for any direction which lies between the port and starboard tacks made to go upwind I think the best strategy is indeed to make those tacks but alter the leg lengths to go in the required direction. The same thing should apply for tacking downwind, if you have a boat that makes that a good idea.

Find the point furthest away from n other points

I am trying to create an algorithm for 'fleeing' and would like to first find points which are 'safe'. That is to say, points where they are relatively distant from other points.
This is 2D (not that it matters much) and occurs within a fixed sized circle.
I'm guessing the sum of the squared distances would produce a good starting equation, whereby the highest score is the furthest away.
As for picking the points, I do not think it would be possible to solve for X,Y but approximation is sufficient.
I did some reading and determined that in order to cover the area of a circle, you would need 7 half-sized circles (with centers forming a hex, and a seventh at the center)
I could iterate through these, all of which are within the circle to begin with. As I choose the best scoring sphere, I could continue to divide them into 7 spheres. Of course, excluding any points which fall outside the original circle.
I could then iterate to a desired precision or a desired level.
To expand on the approach, the assumption is that it takes time to arrive at a location and while the location may be safe, the trip in between may not. How should I incorporate the distance in the equation so that I arrive at a good solution.
I suppose I could square the distance to the new point and multiply it by the score, and iterate from there. It would strongly favor a local spot, but I imagine that is a good behavior. It would try to resolve a safe spot close by and then upon re-calculating it could find 'outs' and continue to sneak to safety.
Any thoughts on this, or has this problem been done before? I wasn't able to find this problem specifically when I looked.
I've brought in the C# implementation of Fortune's Algorithm, and also added a few points around my points to create a pseudo circular constraint, as I don't understand the algorithm well enough to adjust it manually.
I realize now that the blue lines create a path between nodes. I can use the length of these and the distance between the surrounding points to compute a path (time to traverse and danger) and weigh that against the safety (the empty circle it is trying to get to) to determine what is the best course of action. By playing with how these interact, I can eliminate most of the work I would have had to do, simply by using the voronoi. Also my spawning algorithm will use this now, to determine the LEC and spawn at that spot.
You can take the convex hull of your set of locations - the vertices of the convex hull will give you the set of "most distant" points. Next, take the centroid of the points you're fleeing from, then determine which vertex of the convex hull is the most distant from the centroid. You may be able to speed this up by, for example, dividing the playing field into quadrants - you only need to test the vertices that are in the furthermost quadrant (e.g., if the centroid is in the positive-x positive-y quadrant, then you only need to check the vertices in the negative-x negative-y quadrant); if the playing field is an irregular shape then this may not be an option.
As an alternative to fleeing to the most distant point, if you have a starting point that you're fleeing from (e.g. the points you're fleeing from are enemies, and the player character is currently at point X which denotes its starting point), then rather than have the player flee to the most distant point you can instead have the player follow the trajectory that most quickly takes them from the centroid of the enemies - draw a ray from the enemies' centroid through the player's location, and that ray gives you the direction that the player should flee.
If the player character is surrounded then both of these algorithms will give nonsense results, but in that case the player character doesn't really have any viable options anyway.

Shape casting a capsule against convex polyhedra

Let's say I have a upright capsule shape (swept sphere) that I would like to cast it along a velocity vector. I would like to be able to find the point of contact and a surface normal for any convex shapes it would intersect along this path. I would also like to find the distance the swept caspule traveled to the point of first contact.
Heres a quick diagram of a capsule being casted against a large convex polyhedra (only one face is drawn)
What kind of algorithm or process could do this? I assume it would be similar to a sphere-cast, but i can't find much on that either.
Since you are considering capsules and convex polyhedra, I suppose you could use something based on GJK. You would get the point of contact and a surface normal during a collision, and the minimum distance between the objects and the associated witness points if there is no collision.
You can also take a look at this publication on Interactive and Continuous Collision Detection for Avatars in Virtual Environments.
Right if its the same as your diagram then finding where it collides is the easy part. Get the circles x and y coordinates and plus '+' the radius of the circle. If that point is at the line of the path then its a collision. The line will have to be found using the line equation here y = mx+c.
The distance can be calculated by setting an intial values of x and y. and then when the object hits set final variables to x and y again. then just the lenght of a line formula to calculate the distance travelled.
The problem is im going on what i know from C++ and i dont know what your programming in.
i think you wanted something else but cant work out what that is from paragraph.

Is there a simple algorithm for calculating the maximum inscribed circle into a convex polygon?

I found some solutions, but they're too messy.
Yes. The Chebyshev center, x*, of a set C is the center of the largest ball that lies inside C. [Boyd, p. 416] When C is a convex set, then this problem is a convex optimization problem.
Better yet, when C is a polyhedron, then this problem becomes a linear program.
Suppose the m-sided polyhedron C is defined by a set of linear inequalities: ai^T x <= bi, for i in {1, 2, ..., m}. Then the problem becomes
maximize R
such that ai^T x + R||a|| <= bi, i in {1, 2, ..., m}
R >= 0
where the variables of minimization are R and x, and ||a|| is the Euclidean norm of a.
Perhaps these "too messy" solutions are what you actually looking for, and there are no simplier ones?
I can suggest a simple, but potentially imprecise solution, which uses numerical analysis. Assume you have a resilient ball, and you inflate it, starting from radius zero. If its center is not in the center you're looking for, then it will move, because the walls would "push" it in the proper direction, until it reaches the point, from where he can't move anywhere else. I guess, for a convex polygon, the ball will eventually move to the point where it has maximum radius.
You can write a program that emulates the process of circle inflation. Start with an arbitrary point, and "inflate" the circle until it reaches a wall. If you keep inflating it, it will move in one of the directions that don't make it any closer to the walls it already encounters. You can determine the possible ways where it could move by drawing the lines that are parallel to the walls through the center you're currently at.
In this example, the ball would move in one of the directions marked with green:
Then, move your ball slightly in one of these directions (a good choice might be moving along the bisection of the angle), and repeat the step. If the new radius would be less than the one you have, retreat and decrease the pace you move it. When you'll have to make your pace less than a value of, say, 1 inch, then you've found the centre with precision of 1 in. (If you're going to draw it on a screen, precision of 0.5 pixel would be good enough, I guess).
If an imprecise solution is enough for you, this is simple enough, I guess.
Summary: It is not trivial. So it is very unlikely that it will not get messy. But there are some lecture slides which you may find useful.
Your problem is not trivial, and there
is no C# code that does this straight
out of the box. You will have to write
your own. I found the problem
intriguing, and did some research, so
here are a few clues that may help.
First, here's an answer in "plain
English" from
The answer references Voronoi Diagrams
as a methodology for making the
process more efficient. In researching
Voronoi diagrams, in conjunction with
the "maximum empty circle" problem
(same problem, different name), I came
across this informative paper:
It was written by Martin Held, a
Computational Geometry professor at
the University of Salzberg in Austria.
Further investigation of Dr. Held's
writings yielded a couple of good
Further research into Vornoi Diagrams
yielded the following site:
This site has lots of information,
code in various languages, and links
to other resources.
Finally, here is the URL to the
Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Division of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (U.S.), a
wealth of information and links
regarding mathematics of all sorts:
-- HTH,
Kevin Spencer Microsoft MVP
The largest inscribed circle (I'm assuming it's unique) will intersect some of the faces tangentially, and may fail to intersect others. Let's call a face "relevant" if the largest inscribed circle intersects it, and "irrelevant" otherwise.
If your convex polygon is in fact a triangle, then the problem can be solved by calculating the triangle's incenter, by intersecting angle bisectors. This may seem a trivial case, but even when
your convex polygon is complicated, the inscribed circle will always be tangent to at least three faces (proof? seems geometrically obvious), and so its center can be calculated as the incenter of three relevant faces (extended outwards to make a triangle which circumscribes the original polygon).
Here we assume that no two such faces are parallel. If two are parallel, we have to interpret the "angle bisector" of two parallel lines to mean that third parallel line between them.
This immediately suggests a rather terrible algorithm: Consider all n-choose-3 subsets of faces, find the incenters of all triangles as above, and test each circle for containment in the original polygon. Maximize among those that are legal. But this is cubic in n and we can do much better.
But it's possible instead to identify faces that are irrelevant upfront: If a face is tangent
to some inscribed circle, then there is a region of points bounded by that face and by the two angle bisectors at its endpoints, wherein the circle's center must lie. If even the circle whose center lies at the farthest tip of that triangular region is "legal" (entirely contained in the polygon), then the face itself is irrelevant, and can be removed. The two faces touching it should be extended beyond it so that they meet.
By iteratively removing faces which are irrelevant in this sense, you should be able to reduce the
polygon to a triangle, or perhaps a trapezoid, at which point the problem will be easily solved, and its solution will still lie within the original polygon.

Closest grid square to a point in spherical coordinates

I am programming an algorithm where I have broken up the surface of a sphere into grid points (for simplicity I have the grid lines parallel and perpendicular to the meridians). Given a point A, I would like to be able to efficiently take any grid "square" and determine the point B in the square with the least spherical coordinate distance AB. In the degenerate case the "squares" are actually "triangles".
I am actually only using it to bound which squares I am searching, so I can also accept a lower bound if it is only a tiny bit off. For this reason, I need the algorithm to be extremely quick otherwise it would be better to just take the loss of accuracy and search a few more squares.
I decided to repost this question to Math Overflow: More progress has been made here
For points on a sphere, the points closest in the full 3D space will also be closest when measured along the surface of the sphere. The actual distances will be different, but if you're just after the closest point it's probably easiest to minimize the 3D distance rather than worry about great circle arcs, etc.
To find the actual great-circle distance between two (latitidude, longitude) points on the sphere, you can use the first formula in this link.
A few points, for clarity.
Unless you specifically wish these squares to be square (and hence to not fit exactly in this parallel and perpendicular layout with regards to the meridians), these are not exactly squares. This is particularly visible if the dimensions of the square are big.
The question speaks of a [perfect] sphere. Matters would be somewhat different if we were considering the Earth (or other planets) with its flattened poles.
Following is a "algorithm" that would fit the bill, I doubt it is optimal, but could offer a good basis. EDIT: see Tom10's suggestion to work with the plain 3D distance between the points rather than the corresponding great cirle distance (i.e. that of the cord rather than the arc), as this will greatly reduce the complexity of the formulas.
Problem layout: (A, B and Sq as defined in the OP's question)
A : a given point the the surface of the sphere
Sq : a given "square" from the grid
B : solution to problem : point located within Sq which has the shortest
distance to A.
C : point at the center of Sq
Tentative algorithm:
Using the formulas associated with [Great Circle][1], we can:
- find the equation of the circle that includes A and C
- find the distance between A and C. See the [formula here][2] (kindly lifted
from Tom10's reply).
- find the intersect of the Great Circle arc between these points, with the
arcs of parallel or meridian defining the Sq.
There should be only one such point, unless this finds a "corner" of Sq,
or -a rarer case- if the two points are on the same diameter (see
'antipodes' below).
Then comes the more algorithmic part of this procedure (so far formulas...):
- find, by dichotomy, the point on Sq's arc/seqment which is the closest from
point A. We're at B! QED.
It is probably possible make a good "guess" as to the location
of B, based on the relative position of A and C, hence cutting the number of
iterations for the binary search.
Also, if the distance A and C is past a certain threshold the intersection
of the cicles' arcs is probably a good enough estimate of B. Only when A
and C are relatively close will B be found a bit further on the median or
parallel arc in these cases, projection errors between A and C (or B) are
smaller and it may be ok to work with orthogonal coordinates and their
simpler formulas.
Another approach is to calculate the distance between A and each of the 4
corners of the square and to work the dichotomic search from two of these
points (not quite sure which; could be on the meridian or parallel...)
( * ) *Antipodes case*: When points A and C happen to be diametrically
opposite to one another, all great circle lines between A and C have the same
length, that of 1/2 the circonference of the sphere, which is the maximum any
two points on the surface of a sphere may be. In this case, the point B will
be the "square"'s corner that is the furthest from C.
I hope this helps...
The lazy lower bound method is to find the distance to the center of the square, then subtract the half diagonal distance and bound using the triangle inequality. Given these aren't real squares, there will actually be two diagonal distances - we will use the greater. I suppose that it will be reasonably accurate as well.
See Math Overflow: for an exact solution
