Fortran GUI: Can Dislin be used to create an event handling GUI? - user-interface

I have been searching for the easiest way to integrate a GUI into my Fortran programs. So far Dislin has been the simplest to implement but it seems like it can only take some input and then pass those values to the rest of the code after the GUI closes. I cannot figure out how to get a button to call a function. Is this even possible with Dislin?
The idea is to have the user select a file or two, add some input and run the code. I specifically want a button to open a file chooser window, the dwgfil subroutine in Dislin.


GUI adapter for old DOS application

I have an old DOS application which accepts some files as input, does some calculations and saves results into file system. This app uses terminal as sort of GUI, where you can choose input files, types of calculations to perform and choose where to save the result. I don't know the logics behind calculations and am not able to reuse them in a new project.
The problem is that the users of this app want a modern looking GUI which will be easier to work with.
That is why, I have an idea to create an adapter which will translate button clicks into commands in DOS and grab text output to show in modern GUI.
Is it possible and where should I start from?
It is possible. How to start from depends on your programming Tools. If you use a RAD tool like Delphi or Lazarus or Visual Besic or ... then make your GUI design first and define Events after. For a Button click it is ButtonXClick(); In the RAD tool you will find a object inspector with properties and ther values and Events and their values. Go to Events page there, look for onClick-event. Double click there in the value line and you will get an empty Event handler, wehre you can write your Code for your application.
If you dont have or use such RAD tool, take a GUI Framework for DOS. Create your frontend and write your Code which is to call in Dependance of your button clicks.

Is there a way to parent a standard Windows dialog inside another form?

I know it's possible to take a dialog that you built yourself and parent it on another form. But is it possible to parent a standard Windows system dialog on a form that you designed?
Specifically, I'm trying to set up a form with multiple tabs that provide different ways to obtain a reference to data used by the program. One of those tabs should represent the file system, and the ideal way to do this would be with the standard Open dialog that can be instantiated with the COM identifier CLSID_FileOpenDialog.
Is there any way to take a system dialog and cause it to appear parented on another window, without the border, title bar, etc?
There are ways to use a hook, either via SetWindowsHookEx() or SetWinEventHook(), to grab a system dialog's HWND, then you can do whatever you want with it, such as call SetParent(). But just because you CAN does not mean you SHOULD. System dialogs are designed to run as their own windows, not embedded in someone else's window. A better solution might be to use the same Shell display components that are used by Windows Explorer (and system dialogs) via IShellFolder::CreateViewObject() or SHCreateShellFolderView(), or find a third-party solution that does the hard work of interacting with the Shell for you.

VBScript - create button in the notepad window

Using VBScript, I want to add an additional button to Notepad labeled “send” . The send button should be located near the help menu in the Notepad window
Please advise if it is possible to add a button inside Notepad. And if it possible then how can I create the button using VBScript?
Note - why I need to add the send button: The purpose of the send button is to send the file opened in Notepad to a remote Linux machine over the network.
This is not possible with VBScript. You could possibly manage to add the button, but you couldn't hook anything to respond to it being clicked.
You could probably hack something together using the native Win32 API, but it's more work to do that than it would be to write your own simple editor in any other language and use it instead of Notepad. (Notepad is simply a thin wrapper around a multiline edit control provided by the Windows API.)
It's Impossible via VBScript but with help of more serious languages like c# or c++ freely:
for example see project of my friend:

General Question about a GUI to execute a batch file

I'm new to programming and have taken some classes in it so I'm not sure if this is possible. I want to use a COTS software called 010 Hex Editor and write a script for the program to automate a couple tasks. These tasks can be run from a batch file according to their documentation.
Then I want to instruct the user to eject the device and reinsert it to clear the cache. (This I want done just with a simple pop-up window.
Then I also want to format the device which I assume can be done in a batch file as it can be done through dos on Windows.
My question is, with these 3 steps, can I build a simple GUI that has a button that says, "Start" or something like that, then the pop up window comes up to eject and reinsert, and then another button to format, and another button to exit. I'm not really familiar with what language this could be done in, and how to do this as the C++/Java classes I've taken have been more about syntax and OOP. Thanks!
You can use the windows messenger service to put up an alert - but on newer windows (vista/7) it's a pain to set all the permissions to allow this.
There are lots of free utilities that will popup a dialog from the command line, with a given message and wait for a response.
They are generally called messagebox or msgbox - sorry can't recommend any in particular

Creating quick GUI front ends

I wanted to have a GUI front-end for a script that accepts numerous command-line options, most of them are UNIX paths. So I thought rather than typing them in (even with auto-completion) every time, I'd create a GUI front end which contains text boxes with buttons beside them, which when clicked will invoke the file browser dialogue. Later, I thought I'd extend this to other scripts which would sure require a different set of GUI elements. This made me think if there's any existing app that would let me create a GUI dialog, after parsing some kind of description of the items that I want that window should contain.
I know of programs like Zenity, but I think it's doesn't give me what I want. For example, if I were to use it for the first script, it'll end up flashing sequence of windows in succession rather than getting everything done from a single window.
So, basically I'm looking at some corss-platform program that lets me create a window from a text description, probably XML or the like. Please suggest.
Mozilla's XUL is a cross platform application framework - . You could write an app as a Firefox plugin or a standalone XUL application.
mono and monodevelop could work for this. Or even something super simple like shoes.
