Source for hermes JMS - jms

It looks like Hermes JMS is no longer maintained. I was wondering if the source is available anywhere. It appears that only the jar files are available sourceforge. We are planning on using SoapUI to test some XML services exposed through ActiveMQ. We are concerned that we will painting ourselves into a corner if there is neither active maintenance or source. I looked for alternatives to Hermes.
It seems that JMSToolbox may be a long term solution, but the support for SoapUI and ActiveMQ have not matured yet. Any suggestions for other solutions would also be appreciated.

You could use Apache Camel ( to write a test harness. It has good support for testing & ActiveMQ.


Dynamic Camel route configuration at deployment time: Java DSL or XML DSL?

Let me preface this with the fact that I am still very new to Apache Camel. I'm still trying to understand how it all works, and what needs to be done (and HOW to do it) to achieve a particular effect.
I am trying to develop a Spring Boot application that will use Apache Camel to handle the transmission (and possibly also receipt) of data to/from a number of possible sources and destinations. The purpose of the application is to provide a means to produce/generate network traffic, at the network application level, that will be fed into another Spring Boot application - let's call this the target. We are trying to observe and measure the effects various network loads have on the target.
We would like to be able to transmit data via a number of protocols, including: ftp, http/s, file systems (nfs), various mail protocols (smtp, pop) and data streaming protocols for voice and video. There may be other protocols added at a later time. The data itself is irrelevant, we just need to be able to transmit data via various protocols with various loads.
These applications/services will be running in a containerized environment (Docker) that will be run within our local development and test environment, as well as possibly in a cloud environment, such as AWS. We have used Docker, Ansible, Terraform and are currently working towards using Kubernetes and Istio to manage the configuration, deployment, and operation of these applications.
We need to be able to provide specific configurations of Camel routes for particular deployments.
It would appear that the preferred method to configure Camel routes is via Java DSL, rather than XML DSL. The Camel documentation and nearly every other source of information I've found have a strong bias towards using Java DSL. Examples of XML DSL route configuration are far and few.
My initial impression is that going the Java DSL route (excuse the pun), would not work well with our need to be able to deploy a Camel application with a specific route configuration. It seems like you are required to have Java DSL defined route configurations hardwired into the code.
We think that it will be easier to provide a specific route configuration via an XML file that can be included in a deployment, hence why I've been trying to investigate and experiment with XML DSL. Perhaps we are mistaken in this regard.
My question to the community is: Considering what I've described above, can the Java DSL approach be used to meet the requirements as I've described them? Can we use Java DSL in a way that allows for dynamic route configuration? Keep in mind we would not be attempting to change configuration during operation, just in the course of performing a deployment.
If Java DSL could be used for this purpose, it would be very much appreciated if pointers to documentation, examples, etc. could be provided.
For your use cases you could use XML DSL also. Anyhow below book covers most aspects Camel development with examples. In this book authors describes XML DSL use for most of java DSL examples.
In below github repository you can find the source code for all the examples listed in above book.
Simple tutorial and github repository for Apache Camel using Spring boot.
Maven Plugin for build and deployment of spring boot container application into Kubernetes cluster
In case if your company can afford some funding for your effort look at below link which provides commercial offerings around Camel.
Madhu Gupta
Our team has a few projects which use the Java DSL for building routes. In order to make them dynamic, there are control structures for iterating and setting endpoints based off configurations. That works for us because the routes are basically all the same, just with different sources and sinks.
If you could dynamically add/change the XML DSL files in a way that doesn't involve redeploying your application, that might be a viable route to follow. One might, for example, change the camel.springboot.xml-routes property to point to a folder which changes as needed.

Websphere Liberty Support for Work Manager

I am migrating application from WebSphere to liberty. It uses WebSphere work managers.
What is the use of work manager? Is this supported in liberty. What is the alternative in liberty
I would refer to the JavaDoc for details regarding work manager, but in short
The WorkManager is the abstraction for dispatching and monitoring asynchronous work and is a factory for asynchronous beans.
WorkManager is not part of WebSphere Liberty, but you can largely recreate the functionality in Liberty by configuring a concurrencyPolicy for its managed executors. You can find more information on that here
I would also recommend looking into the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit as it might help you with the migration process. You can check out an example here.
The detailed help for the migration toolkit WorkManager rule recommends the concurrency utilities and gives several links to information including the one provided above. I am wondering if you are not seeing the detailed help when you use the tool? If you are using the Eclipse tool, open the help view (Window > Show view > Help), select the analysis result, and then click on Detailed help. If you are using the binary scanner, you can view the help directly from the HTML report. When I looked at the help file, I see that one of the links is broke, and I will open an issue for this. This article gives lots of examples on how to migrate to the concurrency utilities.

I can't find out AMQP in sts(IDE)

I want to make sample of rabbitmq.
So I tried to make a project including "AMQP in I/O" in STS.
But I couldn't do that
I found a this solution.
maybe, It seems that AMPQ in I/O turned into RabbitMQ in Integration

Problems with setting up ActiveMQ on Tomcat with Flex, BlazeDS

As i have seen on one of forums, i'm "tomcat idiot". And, unfortunately, BlazeDS, ActiveMQ idiot too :(
I have big project, built with Tomcat, Flex 4, BlazeDS and Spring. Oracle is our database. As IDE we're using IntelliJ Idea 10.5.
At this time i'm trying to add messaging (JMS) to our project. I chose ActiveMQ as JMS provider for our system.
First of all, i tried to set up ActiveMQ for starting as standalone application (manual running of activemq.bat). For example of set-up, i used article of M.Martin
Than I tried to analyze problems and used ActiveMQ help about ActiveMQ and Tomcat tuning.
But nothing helped to me. After running our web app, i've got this error from flex:
[MessagingError message='Destination "message-destination" either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any default channels.)']
I can post here config files, that i've got as the result of my trainings.
I loaded them on free file hosting here

Spring Integration as embedded alternative to standalone ESB

Does anybody has an experience with Spring Integration project as embedded ESB?
I'm highly interesting in such use cases as:
Reading files from directory on schedule basis
Getting data from JDBC data source
Modularity and possibility to start/stop/redeploy module on the fly (e.g. one module can scan directory on schedule basis, another call query from jdbc data source etc.)
repeat/retry policy
I found answers on all my questions except "Getting data from JDBC data source". Is it technically possible?
Remember, "ESB" is just a marketing term designed to sell more expensive software, it's not a magic bullet. You need to consider the specific jobs you need your software to do, and pick accordingly. If Spring Integration seems to fit the bill, I wouldn't be too concerned if it doesn't look much like an uber-expensive server installation.
The Spring Integration JDBC adapters are available in 2.0, and we just released GA last week. Here's the relevant section from the reference manual:
This link describes the FileSucker with Spring Integration. Read up on your Enterprise Integration patterns for more info I think.
I kinda think you need to do a bit more investigation your self, or do a couple of tries on some of your usecases. Then we can discuss whats good and bad
JDBC Adapters appear to be a work in progress.
Even if there is no specific adapter available, remember that Spring Integration is a thin wrapper around POJOs. You'll be able to access JDBC in any component e.g. your service activators.
See here for a solution based on a polling inbound channel adapter too.
