Jekyll: How to use for loop to generate table row within the same table inside markdown - for-loop

I am trying to generate a table, based on the posts that I have. Now, the challenge here is that this is inside a markdown file, so for each row that I generate, liquid seems to generate a new table for each generated row. Is there a way to fit all rows inside one single table?
Here is my code:
|Title |Link |
{% for my_post in site.posts %}
{% if my_post.title %}
|{{ my_post.title }} |[Click Here]({{ my_post.url }}) |
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The generated output looks like this
As you can see, the outcome is actually a messed-up table header row + two separate tables. Can I really generate rows and fit them all inside one table? or am I better off switching to html code?

The liquid markup introduces line breaks in markdown.
Edit : you can now manage use whitespace control in Liquid
In Liquid, you can include a hyphen in your tag syntax {{-, -}}, {%-, and -%} to strip whitespace from the left or right side of a rendered tag.
|Title |Link |
{% for my_post in site.posts -%}
{% if my_post.title -%}
|{{ my_post.title }} |[Click Here]({{ my_post.url }}) |
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
old answer
If you put your liquid tags on same line you'll have a valid table outputed.
| Title | Link |
|---|---|{% for my_post in site.posts %}{% if my_post.title %}
|{{ my_post.title }} |[Click Here]({{ my_post.url }}) |{% endif %}{% endfor %}


Making a custom collection in shopify liquid - liquid

I want to make a custom collection in collection.liquid based on some conditional scenario and for this I applied concat, append and join but the problem is that it returns ProductDropProductDropProductDropProductDrop... or LazyProductDropCollectionLazyProductDropCollection instead of products. Following is the code snippet
{% assign custom_products = '' %}
{% for product in collections["paneer-easy-indie-bowls"].products %}
{% assign custom_products = custom_products | append: product %}
{% endfor %}
instead of append I tried both join and concat but returns ProductDropProductDropProductDropProductDrop...
{% assign custom_products = custom_products | concat: product %}
then I tried the following:
{% capture custom_products %}
{% for product in collections["paneer-easy-indie-bowls"].products %}
{{ custom_products }},{{ product.handle }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign custom_products = custom_products | split: ',' %}
{% for product in custom_products %}
{{ product}}
{% endfor %}
but this code not appending the products in right way. I want products like same as{{collection.products}}. Any suggestion ?
If I read your pseudo-code correctly, you are trying to build a collection of products from a collection of products. Which leads to the question, why? Since you already have a perfect collection, use it as is!

Expanding variables into Jekyll Front-End

It is possible to expand a variable into a post Front-Matter?
I use a series of items for links into my template, like:
- text: foo
link: bar
But sometimes I need to refer to other posts into my site. Normally I would use just /bar into link, but this is also used as shownotes into a podcast, I want to expand the link for But using {% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %} results into:
Error: could not read file [REDACTED]: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 33 column 12
Any tips?
If you use
- text: foo
link: {% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %}
you will get an error because the { will start a flow style mapping and % cannot start a token in YAML. You have to put the whole scalar in (double) quotes:
- text: foo
link: "{% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %}"
What you want to do does not work because of Jekyll's pipeline:
parse YAML front matter
process rest of document with Liquid
parse result of previous step with Markdown
{% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %} is a Liquid command. As you see, Liquid processes just the part of your file below the YAML front matter. Therefore, no Liquid replacement takes place there.
You can instead write something like this below the front matter:
{% assign link = post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %}
And then use {{link}} elsewhere. If you have multiple links, things get hacky. Something like this might work, but I am not enough of a Liquid user to know for sure:
{% capture nl %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture rawlinks %}
{% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %}
{% post_url YYYY-MM-DD-bar %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign links = rawlinks | split nl %}
You can then specify indexes in your YAML front matter:
- text: foo
linkindex: 0
And finally, somewhere in your document:
{{ links[related_link.linkindex] }}
YMMV if this level of uglyness is justified for your use-case.
I found a more elegant at my own:
{% assign %}
{% assign link_start = real_link | slice: 0 %}
{% if link_start == "/" %}{% assign real_link = real_link | prepend: site.url %}{% endif %}
As I start al my locak links with a / to warrant that the link will be related with the root in the site, that was a better way for me.

Business Catalyst Liquid sorting

I can see that Liquid allows you to sort a collection using the below syntax:
{% assign sorted_items = items.all|sort:'Email' %}
{% for item in sorted_items %}
<div>Name: {{}}</div>
<div>Email: {{}}</div>
{% endfor %}
However this does not appear to work in Business Catalyst.
If I use this to render the result to the page it simply renders "null".
{{sorted_items | json }}
Should I be able to do this in Business Catalyst, or am I completely wasting my time trying to find a solution to sort my WebApp data?
You can sort the data like this:
{module_data resource="customers" version="v3" fields="firstName,email1" collection="myData"}
{% capture emails -%}
{% for item in myData.items -%}
,{{ item.email1.value }} - {{ item.firstName }};
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
<pre>{{ emails | split: "," | sort }}</pre>
The comma is not spelling mistake : )
After you split the string in array you can do whatever you need to do with it.
The answer from Daut is not good. Any solution in the for loop will only sort the number of items fetched from the module and the max amount for that is 500.
If you are using module_data you just use its actual sort!
{module_data resource="customers" version="v3" order="firstName" fields="firstName,email1" collection="myData"}
module_data supports both WHERE for filtering and ORDER to order the results.

How do you comment out in Liquid?

What is the correct way to comment out in the Liquid templating language?
In Liquid you comment out using the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags:
{% comment %} This is a comment in Liquid {% endcomment %}
It doesn't matter if the comment is inline or a block comment.
{% comment %}
This is a block comment in Liquid
{% endcomment %}
If, like me, you are looking for a solution that actually comments out "anything"/everything between the comment tags (as described in the documentation), you can use the {% raw %} tag (in conjuction with the {% comment %} tag if you don't want anything rendered in the browser).
{% comment %}
{% raw %}
Here is some text that I don't want displayed and
{% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}
{% endraw %}
{% endcomment %}
will render nothing at all.
In contrast,
{% raw %}
Here is some text that I want displayed but
{% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}
{% endraw %}
will render
Here is some text that I want displayed but
{% some_liquid_stuff_that_I_don't_want_parsed %}
{% comment %}
Here is some text that I don't want displayed but
{% some_liquid_stuff_that_will_be_parsed %}
{% endcomment %}
may result in a syntax error or Liquid exception, depending on the validity of the Liquid inside the comment tags.
An example of where this becomes an issue is where some work-in-progress code has been commented out:
{% comment %}
{% if some test %}
some stuff to render
{% elsif... %}
unfinished code...
{% endcomment %}
Additional information on this GitHub thread.
Liquid allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template by using the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags.
Anything you put between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags
is turned into a comment.
Anything you put between tags
is turned into a comment.
Reference documentation: Comment tag in Liquid
Starting with Liquid 5.4.0 you will be able to use a short inline comment that does not require a closing tag! The syntax is:
{% # This is a new inline comment! %}
As with other tags you can add hyphens to remove whitespace around it:
{%- # This is a new inline comment without whitespace! -%}
And even use multiple lines:
# This is a really big block #
More info is available in the merged PR.
In the liquid, using comment tag enclose the text to be commented inside the comment tag
Text to be commented
In liquid, you use {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags:
{% comment %} This would be commented out {% endcomment %}
You can also use it in block:
{% comment %}
This would also be commented out
{% endcomment %}
If the {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags would comment anything, including HTML elements and such:
{% comment %}
<div class="commented_out">
<p>This whole div would be commented out</p>
{% endcomment %}

Capturing Item Index in Collection

I was wondering what is the proper way of finding the index of an item in an array is in a Liquid template, and selected related items based off of the index. Currently I'm able to calculate the value, but it seems to be a string and I can't then find other items in the array with the string. For example in a CMS:
{% for site_page in site.pages.all %}
{% if == %}
{% assign page_index = forloop.index0 %}
{% capture previous_page_index %}
{{ page_index | minus: 1 }}
{% endcapture %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The expected value can be found in previous_page_index (in this case 0) however, if i try to do something like site.pages.all[previous_page_index] I receive no output. If I do the same thing with a hardcoded index value: site.pages.all[0] it does yield an output. Does anyone have an idea/example on how this is supposed to be done in liquid?
Best I can figure is to use {% for item in array limit:1 offset:forloop.index0 %}. For example:
require 'liquid'
chars = %w[a b c]
names = %w[alpha bravo charlie]
puts Liquid::Template.parse(<<DONE).render( 'chars'=>chars, 'names'=>names )
{% for c in chars %}
{{c}} is
{% for n in names limit:1 offset:forloop.index0 %}{{n}}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
…which produces…
a is
b is
c is
Editorial aside: ouch. What an ugly tempting language. I understand its goals, but the burden it places on users is heinous.
