Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0034' when trying to add image - vbscript

I am not a coder, and am working on an old asp site, and there is a page to upload images to given page (from a dropdown list), but when I try to add images to the corresponding page I get this error, which I guess has been there since the beginning.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0034'
Bad file name or number
/path-to-file/foto.asp, line 105
The relevant code is this
'Create and Write to a File
strChiave = Cstr(Right(DatePart("yyyy", Date()),2))
strChiave = strChiave + Cstr(DatePart("y", Date()))
strChiave = strChiave + Replace(Time(),".","")
strChiave = strChiave + Right(Session.SessionID,4)
strChiave = strChiave + CSTR(INT(RND()*1000))
strImmagine = strChiave + Right(filename,4)
Set MyFile = ScriptObject.CreateTextFile(Application("path_public") & "/" & strImmagine)
For i = 1 to LenB(value)
MyFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(value,i,1)))
Line 105 is this
Set MyFile = ScriptObject.CreateTextFile(Application("path_public") & "/" & strImmagine)
Thank you

The Time() method returns time with such structure: HH:mm where "HH" is the hour, and "mm" the minutes. As you see, it contains a colon character, not a dot and colon is not valid inside file path.
Change this line in your code:
strChiave = strChiave + Replace(Time(),".","")
To this instead:
strChiave = strChiave + Replace(Time(),":","")


Using Find to find a user property in Outlook/Redemption

I'm trying to return a single calendaritem from Outlook from our C# windows desktop application. It keeps returning this error:
Assertion failed: Number of fields == 1.
I use similar code in an Outlook addin I created and it works fine. The main difference is the filterprefix.
In the AddIn I use:
string filterprefix = "[" + OurCustomProperty.OurItemId + "] = '";
var filter1 = filterprefix + parentItem.NeedlesId + "'";
var findItem = folder.Items.Find(filter1);
but this code does not work from our desktop app.
Here is the code from the desktop App which is returning the error:
The appointment.Id contains a valid value which we set when we create the item.
string Filterprefix = "#SQL="+"{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/OurCustomProperty.OurItemId/0x0000001f = '";
RDOSession rdoSession = new RDOSession();
rdoSession.Logon("", "", false, false, null, false);
RDOFolder folderRDO = rdoSession.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar);
var filter1 = filterprefix + appointment.Id + "'";
string ls_find = Filterprefix + appointment.Id + "'" ;
var findItem = folderRDO.Items.Find(ls_find);
I've tried several variations of the syntax but can't seem to get it right.
I also tried using Sort then Restrict but no luck with that either.
Thanks, Rick
RDOItems.Find takes a SQL statement, please do not use the #SQL= prefix - it is OOM specific. Also do not forget to doublequote the DASL property name:
"{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/OurCustomProperty.OurItemId/0x0000001f" = '<some value>'

Issue running Classic ASP written in VBScript on Windows 2012 with IIS 8

This is a very peculiar issue. I have a 2012 Server running IIS 8 with support for classic ASP installed. I am building a comma separated string from a form. I then am retrieving this string from a table and want to split on the commas.
First, when I build the string and submit it to the DB (SQL Express 2014), something is adding a space after each comma even though there is no space in the code.
Second, when I return the string and attempt to split on the comma, it doesn't do anything; the ubound method returns -1... For testing purposes, I hand built an array and this has the same behavior.
Code that builds the csv string:
If fieldName = "txt_EnvironmentType" then
strTempEnvCSV = strTempEnvCSV & fieldValue & ","
End If
Test code for split:
txtEnvironmentType = "This,Is,A,Test,String"
If txtEnvironmentType <> "" then
array = split(txtEnvironmentType,",")
l = ubound(array)
response.write("<br>array is " & l & " long")
For i = LBound(array) to UBound(array)
response.write("<br>" & array(i))
End If
The Above test code returns the following to the browser:
array is -1 long
Am I missing something?
For the mysterious spaces, add a TRIM() to make sure you aren't starting with spaces:
If fieldName = "txt_EnvironmentType" then
strTempEnvCSV = strTempEnvCSV & TRIM(fieldValue) & ","
End If
This ran (for your second issue) for me - the only change I made was to dim the array variable and name it something other than "array"
dim arrMine
txtEnvironmentType = "This,Is,A,Test,String"
If txtEnvironmentType <> "" then
arrMine = split(txtEnvironmentType,",")
l = ubound(arrMine)
response.write("<br>arrMine is " & l & " long")
For i = LBound(arrMine) to UBound(arrMine)
response.write("<br>" & arrMine(i))
End If

How to query from URL "Line" Format to VBA variable

I'm trying to make an application that will display user data through api on command... I have assembled the URL generator and everything. it's just beyond me to find a simple way to assign THIS: "" data to specific variables with my parameters. (Lines / Text format)
This is my code so far, I just want to be able to assign data like '' to playerid and display it. ( is the first value in the data linked above)
//the code below will be changed to user input, I don't need help with that this was just for theory
Public Class Form1
Public Sub URL_Player_Info(ByVal Address As String)
'Assign all data figures for constructing the "URL"...
Dim url, plat, player, webprefix, domain, paramsym, ext, preplat, preplayer, andsym, lineparam, format As String
'Variables for "Plat"
plat = "xbox"
'Input for "Player"
player = "Charlie Is TFTC"
'Structure for "URL"
webprefix = "http://"
domain = "api.bf4stats"
ext = ".com/api/playerInfo"
paramsym = "?"
preplat = "plat="
andsym = "&"
preplayer = "name="
format = "output="
lineparam = "lines"
'Generate Final "URL"
url = webprefix + domain + ext + paramsym + preplat + plat + andsym + preplayer + player + andsym + format + lineparam
'Getting Data / Assigning Data for "Plat. Player: Params"
End Sub
Thanks in advanced!

CurrentRegion.Select and Table format in VBS

I'm very new (1 week) to visual basic and basically I'm trying to automate some repetitive work, now to the point , within a number of files produced with varying data I need to format the selected range as a table (medium 9) but i'm in a block at the moment and need some help and would really appreciate it, here is what i have so far>>>>
Option Explicit
Dim strDate, strRepDate, strPath, strPathRaw , strDate2
dim dteTemp, dteDay, dteMth, dteYear, newDate, myDate
myDate = Date()
dteTemp = DateAdd("D", -1, myDate)
dteDay = DatePart("D", dteTemp)
dteMth = DatePart("M", dteTemp)
dteYear = DatePart("YYYY", dteTemp)
If (Len(dteDay) = 1) Then dteDay = "0" & dteDay
If (Len(dteMth) = 1) Then dteMth = "0" & dteMth
strDate = dteYear&"-"&dteMth&"-"&dteDay
strDate2 = dteYear&""&dteMth&""&dteDay
Dim objXLApp, objXLWb, objXLWs
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objXLWb = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\CuRrY\Desktop\"&strDate2&"\Agent Daily Disposition "&strDate2&".xls")
objXLApp.Application.Visible = True
'start excell
Set objXLWs = objXLWb.Sheets(1)
'objXLWs.Cells(Row, Column ).Value
With objXLWs
objXLWs.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Agent Name"
'End With
as you can see i reached as far as CurrentRegion.Select but how to format selected cells into (medium 9) i've tried so much and failed
Thanks for any help
You can configure the CurrentRegion(which represents a Range object) through the SpecialCells Submethod. Although your conditions are specific to your xls sheet, you will still have to follow the formatting available through the specialcells() method properties. Also, by utilizing the currentregion property, the page assumes you have a xls header. So it is important to verify your table structure before trying to incorporate this property.
For instance:
Sub FillIn()
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 _
= "=R[-1]C"
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
End Sub
View the available properties that can be applied to CurrentRegion -> Here
And the MSDN Article -> Here

How to save the active "Word" document in VBScript?

Here I have a small VBS script that helps me append a new line to a table in MS "Word" 2003:
Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wd.Visible = True
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open ("c:\addtotable.doc")
Set r = doc.Tables(1).Rows.Add
aa = Split("turtle,dog,rooster,maple", ",")
For i = 0 To r.Cells.Count - 1
r.Cells(i + 1).Range.Text = aa(i)
It works fine, but it doesn't save anything. I want it to save the performed changes.
By the method of macro-recording in the "Word" I got this macro command that saves active "Word" document:
So, I decided to append this macro to the VBS script above:
Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wd.Visible = True
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open ("c:\addtotable.doc")
Set r = doc.Tables(1).Rows.Add
aa = Split("turtle,dog,rooster,maple", ",")
For i = 0 To r.Cells.Count - 1
r.Cells(i + 1).Range.Text = aa(i)
But it doesn't save anything. What am I doing wrong here?
Have you already tried calling doc.Save after making those changes? If that doesn't work:
The issue is that ActiveDocument doesn't automatically reference what you think it does in VBScript the way it does in Word's VBA.
Try setting a new variable to the active document, like so:
Dim activeDoc
Set activeDoc = wd.ActiveDocument
I think you have to use ActiveDocument.SaveAs("C:\addtotable.doc"); because I can't find any documentation for .Save. SaveAs accepts a second parameter which specifies what format to save it in. Pastebin of the parameters here.
