Instantiation fault ECLiPSe CSP - prolog

I have problems with my CSP under ECLiPSe. I wish to add a constraint to my cryptogram which requires that the number represented by TWO is divisible by 2.
[eclipse 11]: test(Xs).
instantiation fault in (_268{[1..4]}*100 + _200{[0..9]}*10 + _302{[0..9]}*1) mod 2#=0
Thanks for your help.
My code :
+ T H R E E
+ T H R E E
:- lib(fd).
T #> 0,E #> 0,
O + E + E #= C1*10 + T,
W + E + E + C1 #= C2*10 + H,
T + R + R + C2 #= C3*10 + G,
H + H + C3 #= C4*10 + I,
T + T + C4 #= E,
(T*100 + W*10 + O*1) mod 2 #= 0,

The mod/2 operation in
(T*100 + W*10 + O*1) mod 2 #= 0
isn't supported. You can rewrite the line as
T*100 + W*10 + O*1 #= 2*_
which says that the left hand side expression is equal to twice an anonymous integer variable, and thus a multiple of two.


Implementing rules on functions in Mathematica

Suppose you have the following expression:
expr = f[p^(3) * q^(5) * m] * f[p^(-2) * q^(-5) * m] * f[p^(1/2) * q^(1) * m] + 5 * f[p^(1) * q^(2) * n] * f[q^(-2) * n] + s * f[p^(h) * q^(r) * j] * f[p^(1-h) * q^(-r) * j].
Moreover, suppose that the function f is such that
f[p^(a) * q^(b) * x] * f[p^(1-a) * q^(-b) * x] == 1
for any value (numerical or symbolic) of the exponents a,b and for any x.
This means that
expr == f[p^(1/2) * q^(1) * m] + 5 + s.
How can I teach Mathematica to recognise this property of f and then simplify expr according to it?
I tried to implement it as the following rule
but it doesn't work. It only works if you specify the numerical value of the exponents a and b, but not if you want them to be generic.
What is the right way to write such a rule?
The answer here may provide a solution : How to insert a subexpression into a larger expression in Mathematica? c/o Rojo
For example, using your expression expr and a larger expression A
expr = f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x] f[p^(1 - a)*q^(-b)*x];
A = 3 expr + z (f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x]) + y expr
doThat[expr_, vars_List] := Expand[Simplify[expr /. Flatten[
Solve[# == ToString##, First#Variables##] & /# vars]],
Alternatives ## ToString /# vars] /.
Thread[ToString /# vars -> vars];
done = doThat[A, {expr}];
ans = Simplify[done //. expr -> 1]
3 + y + z f[p^a q^b x]
The expected answer.
For general cases as per the comment, a pattern can be used, e.g.
expr = f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x] f[p^(1 - a)*q^(-b)*x];
A = 3 expr + z (f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x]) +
y f[p^(h)*q^(l)*x] f[p^(1 - h)*q^(-l)*x];
done = doThat[A, {expr}];
ans = Simplify[done //.
f[p^(a_)*q^(b_)*x] f[p^(1 - a_)*q^(-b_)*x] -> 1]
3 + y + z f[p^a q^b x]
But in the end it can simply be done by
A /. f[p^(a_)*q^(b_)*x] f[p^(1 - a_)*q^(-b_)*x] -> 1
3 + y + z f[p^a q^b x]
2nd edit
A = (3 f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x] f[p^(1 - a)*q^(-b)*x] +
z (f[p^(a)*q^(b)*x]) +
y f[p^(h)*q^(l)*x] f[p^(1 - h)*q^(-l)*x] f[p m])
A /. h -> 2 /. f[p^(a_)*q^(b_)*x_] f[p^(1 - a_)*q^(-b_)*x_] -> 1
3 + z f[p^a q^b x] + y f[m p] f[(q^-l x)/p] f[p^2 q^l x]
When h is 2 the second replacement no longer applies to the expression containing p^(1 - h) because the form has become p^(-1).
On the other hand, keeping the variables symbolic by using Z instead of 2
A /. h -> Z /. f[p^(a_)*q^(b_)*x_] f[p^(1 - a_)*q^(-b_)*x_] -> 1
3 + y f[m p] + z f[p^a q^b x]

Efficient Fibonacci in Prolog

I am trying to implement a Fibonacci predicate that can be efficiently used with CLP.
:- module(fibonacci, [fibonacci/2]).
fibonacci(N, F) :-
( var(N) ; integer(N) ),
( var(F) ; integer(F) ),
( var(F) ->
( integer(N) ->
fib_1(N, F), !
; fib_3(0, N, F)
; ( integer(N) ->
fib_1(N, F0), F0 = F, !
; fib_2(0, F, N0), N0 = N, !
fib_3(I, J, F) :-
( I = J, fib_1(I, F) ) ;
( I1 is I + 1, fib_3(I1, J, F) ).
fib_2(I, F, J) :-
fib_1(I, F0),
( F = F0 ->
J = I, !
; ( F0 > F -> !, fail
; I1 is I + 1,
fib_2(I1, F, J)
fib_1(0, 0).
fib_1(1, 1).
fib_1(2, 1).
fib_1(N, F) :-
N > 2,
( N mod 2 =:= 0 ->
N0 is div(N, 2),
N1 is N0 + 1,
fib_1(N0, F0),
fib_1(N1, F1),
F is F0 * (2 * F1 - F0)
; N0 is div(N + 1, 2),
N1 is N0 - 1,
fib_1(N0, F0),
fib_1(N1, F1),
F is F0 * F0 + F1 * F1
This is not the prettiest code, but it does what I want it to do.
?- fibonacci(A, 10).
?- fibonacci(A, 13).
A = 7.
?- fibonacci(12, A).
A = 144.
?- fibonacci(12, 144).
?- fibonacci(12, 145).
?- fibonacci(A, B).
A = B, B = 0 ;
A = B, B = 1 ;
A = 2,
B = 1 ;
A = 3,
B = 2 ;
A = 4,
B = 3 ;
A = B, B = 5 .
What's the magic potion that is missing for this query to work:
fibonacci(_, B), B #< 1000
Is it rectifiable at all, or is CLP a completely different beast altogether, and every predicate that is CLP-compatible needs to understand more than just integers and vars?
You should avoid using ! within an algorithm that uses clp(FD) as they don't mix well. Also if-then-else may backfire too. I'd also keep an eye on using var/1 within an algorithm that uses clp.
Here goes a solution that uses clp(FD) and accumulators to avoid double recursion:
fibonacci(0, 0).
fibonacci(1, 1).
fibonacci(N, F):-
N #> 1,
zcompare(C, 2, N),
fibonacci(C, 2, N, 0, 1, F).
fibonacci(=, N, N, F1, F2, F):-
F #= F1+F2.
fibonacci(<, N0, N, F1, F2, F):-
N1 #= N0+1,
F3 #= F1+F2,
F #> F3,
zcompare(C, N1, N),
fibonacci(C, N1, N, F2, F3, F).
Also for the test you should issue the constraint over the expected number before calling fibonacci/2. So instead of fibonacci(_, B), B #< 1000. use B #< 1000, fibonacci(_, B).
sample runs:
?- fibonacci(10, F).
F = 55.
?- B #< 1000, fibonacci(_, B).
B = 0 ;
B = 1 ;
B = 1 ;
B = 2 ;
B = 3 ;
B = 5 ;
B = 8 ;
B = 13 ;
B = 21 ;
B = 34 ;
B = 55 ;
B = 89 ;
B = 144 ;
B = 233 ;
B = 377 ;
B = 610 ;
B = 987 ;

Exponents are not getting add

I am a beginner in Mathematica and learning from Google.
I was trying to find the determinant of a 4*4 matrix.
TT = {{ap, b, c, d}, {e, fp, g, h}, {i, j, kp, l}, {m, n, o, pq}}
TT // MatrixForm
After it, I applied determinant command.
I am getting result as follow,
d g j m - c h j m - d fp kp m + b h kp m + c fp l m - b g l m - d g i n + c h i n + d e kp n - ap h kp n - c e l n + ap g l n + d fp i o - b h i o - d e j o + ap h j o + b e l o - ap fp l o - c fp i pq + b g i pq + c e j pq - ap g j pq - b e kp pq + ap fp kp pq
I want above expression as a polynomial in p, want to collect coefficients separately. I have tried various command such as Collect, Factor etc. But each time I get the answer as the same polynomial as above.
I assume you have a*p, f*p, k*p, p*q, instead of ap, fp, kp and pq.
Mathematica needs either space or multiple sign to treat them as a separate multiplier and not as a variable.
t = {{a p, b, c, d}, {e, f p, g, h}, {i, j, k p, l}, {m, n, o,
p q}};
Collect[Det[t], p]
(* d g j m - c h j m - b g l m - d g i n + c h i n - c e l n -
b h i o - d e j o + b e l o + a f k p^4 q +
p (b h k m + c f l m + d e k n + a g l n + d f i o + a h j o +
b g i q + c e j q) +
p^2 (-d f k m - a h k n - a f l o - c f i q - a g j q - b e k q) *)

AM + PM = DAY CryptoArithmetic Puzzle Prolog

I need the output to be in the format below. I have the exact output except the last line, and I cannot figure out how to add the last line to the output. I would appreciate any help.
A = 2,
M = 5,
P = 9,
D = 1,
Y = 0,
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
puzzle([A,M] + [P,M] = [D,A,Y]) :-
Vars = [A,P,M,D,Y],
Vars ins 0..9,
A*10 + M + P*10 + M #= D*100 + A*10 + Y,
A #\= 0,P #\= 0, D #\= 0,

Sicstus Prolog - Weight of a word

I've got a problem about how to weigh a word.
Every single letter in a word has specific weight, I need to calculate the total weight of the word.
For example:
A-E = 1, F-O = 2, P-Z = 3.
If the word is "PEN", the answer will be "Weight = 6",
cuz P = 3, E = 1 and N = 2.
I've tried:
word_weight([X], W):-
X = 65 -> W = 1;
X = 66 -> W = 3.
X = 65 -> W1 = 1;
X = 66 -> W1 = 3,
Y = 65 -> W2 = 1;
Y = 66 -> W2 = 3,
W is W1 + W2.
word_weight([X|Y], W):-
X = 65 -> W = 1;
X = 66 -> W = 3,
word_weight(Y, W).
Running res:
| ?- word_weight("B",W).
W = 3 ?
It only works with one letter. How to make it works with many letters? And the answers will be the total value of the weight.
The following program works with SWI-Prolog. It will be surely easy to adapt it to Sicstus Prolog.
char_weight(C, 1) :- C >= 65, C =< 69.
char_weight(C, 2) :- C >= 70, C =< 79.
char_weight(C, 3) :- C >= 80, C =< 90.
word_weight([], 0).
word_weight([Char| Chars], Weight) :-
char_weight(Char, W),
word_weight(Chars, Ws),
Weight is W + Ws.
How about
weight(C, 1) :- char_code('A') =< C, C =< char_code('E').
weight(C, 2) :- char_code('F') =< C, C =< char_code('O').
weight(C, 3) :- char_code('P') =< C, C =< char_code('Z').
word_weight(S, W) :- string(S), !, string_list(S, L), word_weight(L, W).
word_weight([], 0).
word_weight([H|T], W) :- W is weight(H) + word_weight(T).
in ECLiPSe-CLP, string_list/2 converts a string into a list of numberic character codes, char_code/2 gets the numeric code of a character.
Oops, I should have read your question completely:
Wen using ->/2, you should use brackets and don't hesitate to use indentation:
( Condition ->
Your second clause is a bit unreadable. But for this excercise you shouldn't need ->/2 at all.
Your third clause only works for a single-letter string, because it first unifies W with the value for X and then wants to unify W with the weight of X. This only works if Y and X have the same weight.
