Updating ElasticSearch mapping - elasticsearch

I have an index with more than 30.000.000 docs.
I need to add a new field for new upcoming documents.
But I need to specify the correct mapping of this new field.
Will this command leads to any reindexing operation for already existing documents?
PUT /my_index/_mappings/my_type
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"A": {
"properties": {
"new_field": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "analyzer_keyword"

No, above query will not lead to any kind of re-indexing.This will just add a new field in your mapping.New field will get added if you update existing document or create new document.
You can refer here for more details.


Create a new index with field property marked as 'not-analyzed' in Kibana Dev Tools

How to create in the Kibana dev-tools a new Elasticsearch index and define one of its text field properties a not-analyzed ?
I know the command to create a new index is:
PUT /myNewIndexName
but I want one of the properties in the document to be not-analyzed
the analyzed value is from <7.X, the current approach to doing that is to use a keyword field - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/keyword.html
PUT myNewIndexName
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"field_name": {
"type": "keyword"

Add default value on a field while modifying existing elasticsearch mapping

Let's say I've an elasticsearch index with around 10M documents on it. Now I need to add a new filed with a default value e.g is_hotel_type=0 for each and every ES document. Later I'll update as per my requirments.
To do that I've modified myindex with a PUT request like below-
PUT myindex
"mappings": {
"rp": {
"properties": {
"is_hotel_type": {
"type": "integer"
Then run a painless script query with POST to update all the existing documents with the value is_hotel_type=0
POST myindex/_update_by_query
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"script" : "ctx._source.is_hotel_type = 0;"
But this process is very time consuming for a large index with 10M documents. Usually we can set default values on SQL while creating new columns. So my question-
Is there any way in Elasticsearch so I can add a new field with a default value.I've tried below PUT request with null_value but it doesn't work for.
PUT myindex/_mapping/rp
"properties": {
"is_hotel_type": {
"type": "integer",
"null_value" : 0
I just want to know is there any other way to do that without the script query?

Is it possible to update an existing field in an index through mapping in Elasticsearch?

I've already created an index, and it contains data from my MySQL database. I've got few fields which are string in my table, where I need them as different types (integer & double) in Elasticsearch.
So I'm aware that I could do it through mapping as follows:
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"userid": {
"type": "text",
"fielddata": true
"responsecode": {
"type": "integer"
"chargeamount": {
"type": "double"
But I've tried this when I'm creating the index as a new one. What I wanted to know is how can I update an existing field (ie: chargeamount in this scenario) using mapping as a PUT?
Is this possible? Any help could be appreciated.
Once a mapping type has been created, you're very constrained on what you can update. According to the official documentation, the only changes you can make to an existing mapping after it's been created are the following, but changing a field's type is not one of them:
In general, the mapping for existing fields cannot be updated. There
are some exceptions to this rule. For instance:
new properties can be added to Object datatype fields.
new multi-fields can be added to existing fields.
doc_values can be disabled, but not enabled.
the ignore_above parameter can be updated.

How do I remove a mapping on all indices including .kibana and .marvel?

I am new to Elasticsearch for .NET (NEST) and didn't specify the index when adding a mapping. Now the mapping exists on my indices for Kibana & Marvel.
How do I undo what I've done? I'm using Elasticsearch 2.* and can't delete the mapping. They say to just reindex, but I'm not sure how to do that for these indices.
".kibana": {
"mappings": {
"company": {
"properties": {
"iD": {
"type": "double",
"precision_step": 1
Unfortunately, you can't.
The only way to remove a mapping is to recreate the index without that mapping. The impact of that mapping (as goofy as it is) is low.

How to define dynamically / override the _default_ mapping in elasticsearch?

Use case :
The index/indices will be built dynamically from a template, so that
it will pick some custom settings (number of shards/replicas/ etc).
Generate dynamically the types and their mappings, enabling for them all the timestamp
& ttl fields. Also define the same parent type for all types, except
the parent type itself (I know its name).
"template": "*",
"settings": {
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"_parent": {
"type": "ParentType"
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true,
"store": true
"_ttl": {
"enabled": true
How could I disable the _parent field for the ParentType type itself ?
After a little big of digging on the docs, I found out that you can override __default__ mappings using this work around.
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"_parent": {
"type": "my_parent_type" # 1
"my_parent_type": {
"_parent": {
"type": "_dummy" # 2
1) This mapping configuration will be inherited by all your types including my_parent_typetype. Step 2 explains how to override your parent type _parent meta-field.
2) I found here https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/default-mapping.html that you can override any of the mappings from __default__ when you provide a specific mapping for the type in question.
In this case we are assigning the _parent mapping of my_parent_type to a _dummy parent type that does not have to exists in your index.
Note: ElasticSearch 2.x documentation states:
The _parent.type setting can only point to a type that doesn’t exist yet. This means that a type cannot become a parent type after it is has been created.
For this reason, you have to make sure you index first, a document that is not my_parent_type type, otherwise you'll get an at indexing time.
I hope this helps.
