Invalid image path Xcode:7.2.1 - xcode

I am doing ionic app debugging. After the debug and all. I am trying to release an update to app store, but It works perfectly in iPhone6 emulator. The following errors shows up.
This error shows up when i am trying to add this to app store.
I have already sent few updates before this, and there were not such errors.

Ionic use cordova and since cordova 6.0, there is a bug on the iOS builder 4.1.0.
You can temporally downgrade cordova or iOS builder until this bug will be fixed
to downgrade cordova (and so downgrade iOS builder)
sudo npm uninstall -g
sudo npm install -g cordova#5.4.1
to downgrade only ios
sudo ionic platform rm ios
sudo ionic platform add ios#3.9.2
to check iOS version
sudo ionic platforms

It didn't find any icon for one of the resolutions your app supports
Try by regenerating icons from Ionic CLI:
$ ionic resources --icon
Build again for the iOS plateform
After this make sure there is icons in the resources folder of your app:
ios - App name folder - Resources - icons
Another solutiion try to delete the CFBundleIconFile from the info.plist file : Reference


I cant get my ionic app to open in iOS emulator

My new ionic app won't run in the iOS emulator.
Its a fresh install of ionic and Xcode, these are my steps:
npm install -g ionic
ionic start myApp tabs
ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova build ios
ionic cordova emulate ios
Then I get the following error:
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to undefined simulator
file not found.
According to this thread (Fresh Ionic Fails to Emulate iOS 12 - Info.plist file not found) it should work with the following command:
ionic cordova emulate ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
But then I get the following error:
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to undefined simulator
Device type "" could not be found.
And then according to this thread (Issues starting iOS simulator from CLI) it should work by updating ios-sim like this:
cd platforms/ios/cordova && npm install ios-sim#latest
But I still get the following error:
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to undefined simulator
Device type "" could not be found.
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.10.2 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic)
Ionic Framework : #ionic/angular 4.0.1
#angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.12.4
#angular-devkit/schematics : 7.2.4
#angular/cli : 7.2.4
#ionic/angular-toolkit : 1.4.0
cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.1.2 (cordova-lib#8.1.1)
Cordova Platforms : ios 4.5.0
Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 3.1.2, (and 4 other plugins)
ios-deploy : 1.9.4
ios-sim : 7.0.0
NodeJS : v10.15.1 (/usr/local/bin/node)
npm : 6.4.1
OS : macOS Mojave
Xcode : Xcode 10.1 Build version 10B61
The problem lie with ios-sim package which couldn't detect running simulators.
Updating to 8.0.1 with the following steps resolved the issue for me.
force update ios-sim to a working version
IMPORTANT needs to be done from inside the platforms/ios/cordova directory.
cd platforms/ios/cordova && npm install ios-sim#8.0.1
check if devices are now listed, takes a few seconds
ionic cordova emulate --list
installs appscript if not installed already
ionic cordova build ios
try to deploy to simulator
ionic cordova emulate --release --prod --livereload ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
This will find any running simulator and deploy the app
Try just building the project and then running it from Xcode instead first.
ionic cordova build ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
Then open the platforms/ios folder in Xcode and you'll be able to run it from there plus see any errors there may be with the project. When you eventually decide to push the app to the store you'll need to do this anyway.
Then try targeting a specific emulator:
ionic cordova emulate ios --list get list of available targets to copy into the next command.
ionic cordova emulate --livereload ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" --target="iPhone-X, 12.1" example targeting iPhone XR.
The issue is related to a breaking changes on Xcode 10 not already reflected on ios-sim. You can check on ion-sim repo issue "List empty of devices simulator with Xcode 10".
The issue have already been fixed but is waiting for a new release submission.
You can continue running your App on emulator directly from Xcode.

Missinig provisoning profile error when building an ios ionic app using xcode 10

I updated my version of xcode yesterday, and now when I build an ionic app that worked perfectly before I get the following error when validating the ipa:
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision..
How can I get the embedded.mobileprovision to be generated/ included?
Currently the best workaround is to opt-out of the new build system:
If you're building on the command-line, you can specify --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0":
Cordova CLI
cordova run ios --buildFlag='-UseModernBuildSystem=0'
cordova build ios --buildFlag='-UseModernBuildSystem=0'
Ionic CLI
ionic cordova run ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
ionic cordova build ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
If you're building with a build.json config file, you can add the following under the iOS release or debug config:
"buildFlag": [
If you are opening the project in the Xcode IDE, you need to change the build system in Workspace Settings to "Legacy Build System"
Solution from here
Worked For Me. Cheers. has an answer,
\just build with the --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" and adjust project settings to build using legacy mode.
It seems like this issue has been resolved with the release of cordova ios 5.0.0 ( ) - they added compatibility with the modern build system

IOS emulator working app is not installed on it

I have started the IOS emulator through apache cordova CLI and it works, says the build is successful. I can interact with the emulator however my app is not installed on it?
Is there a command that im missing to install my app on this emulated device?
To build
cordova build ios
To run in emulator
cordova emulate ios
To run in device
cordova run ios
It might be a bug in Cordova CMD. Try the following commands from your project root directory:
1) cordova build --emulator
2) ios-sim launch platforms/ios/build/emulator/<your_app_name>.app --devicetypeid ", 8.1"
If you don't have ios-sim install it: npm install -g ios-sim

ionic build android doesn't do anything

I am trying to set up ionic in my Windows 7 machine. I follow the steps here
When i do the step, ionic add platform android, it does nothing. ionic platform android tries to download cordova-android but not sure if its fine. Below are my console logs. Can someone help me how to solve this issues.
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic platform android
npm http GET
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic build android
reinstalling the android sdk worked.

Phonegap can't add platform FireFox OS

I have problems adding Firefox OS as a platform to my Cordova project. I tried the simplest way:
installed phonegap globally:
sudo npm install -g phonegap
created phonegap project:
cordova create HelloWorld com.domain.hello HelloWorld
CD'd into the new HelloWorld folder, then added iOS as platform:
cordova platform add iOS
which worked, but when trying to add Firefox OS, I get
[Error: Platform "firefoxos" not recognized as core cordova platform.]
I tried updating the platform with:
phone gap platform update firefoxos
but all I get is
[phonegap] updating Fire Fox OS platform...
[error] Platform "firefoxos" is not installed. See "platform list".
You want to use Cordova not PhoneGap (yes, there is a difference).
npm install -g cordova
then follow along in the link provided.
Additional information related to Cordova and FirefoxOS:
