API page keeps not loading on Google Developer Console - google-api

I am trying to open the API page on Google developer console but it keeps on loading and doesn't give any result. I have searched for similar problems but the solutions did not work for me.

If you've added a content-filtering/ad-blocking extension to your browser (e.g. Disconnect), try to disable it.


Microphone Permission on Firefox Mobile not permanent

I am facing an issue with our web tool that I am unable to solve. I already tried to google a solution but failed to find one.
We have a website where we use JavaScript to record audio from the users microphone via getUserMedia. The first time the user enters a html page on the https website, there is a notification popping up about permission rights. Thats fine, but on Firefox Mobile it doesn't matter if you gave your permission already, you will be asked on every single page again. Thats not the case for every other browser we tried.
So, is this some kind of our error or is it a limitation of Firefox Mobile?
Hope anyone solved that issue already in the past.
Best regards,
It's a limitation in Firefox for Android (fennec). It intentionally asks users each time.
It's being solved in the next generation version, available in beta as Firefox Preview (fenix). The prompt there adds this checkbox, similar to Firefox for desktop:
☐ Remember decision for this site

Cannot start web-simulator on google actions for API.AI project

I am working on Google Cloud Platform to develop a project in API.AI, I have an integration (in API.AI) with Google Actions (for Google Home or Google Assistant), they provide me to see my progress as real time in web-simulator, that you can find here:
I am trying to START the web-simulator clicking on START button, then I get a window pop-up but after open, it closes, I try and try again but I obtain the same result, I cannot open the web-simulator. I have allowed the popup windows in my browser.
Of course I have completed all steps to start web-simulator...
I don't know what is happening. Someone can help me? Thank you, have a good day.
First, are you using a compatible browser? Try it in Chrome if you're
not already using it, as Chrome is a Google product, and so is the
web simulator.
Next, are you using any Ad-Blockers or
Script-Blockers like NoScript? If so, try disabling them, as they
could interfere with the operation of the tool.
If it still doesn't work, try going to an Incognito Windows by pressing the
three dots button and opening a New Incognito Window. Go to the page, and log
in. This will ensure that no cookies are interfering.
At this point, if you're still having issues, try a different browser.
(Either Firefox or Opera)

Google developer console not loading in Chromium on Debian 7

I am using Debian 7 and Chromium browser.
I'm setting up OAuth authentication via google developer console, but for some reason when I enter https://console.developers.google.com, browser starts loading the page, saying "Waiting for console.developers.google.com" and is stuck forever.
Once in ~7 times it eventually loads the page, but then when I click on any tab, it freezes again.
Anyone experienced something like that?
P.S. On Windows everything's fine.
P.P.S The problem is specific for Chromium browser. Chromium also glitches with google+ notifications - they won't load.
you can try loading Google developer console in privacy mode, meaning opening the console from https://cloud.google.com/ in an incognito window.
"If it works there, it means one of your extensions is causing the security problem and you should remove it." as it explained on the Google Chome Help page :'Fix connection errors.' (Your connection is not private > Tip 2: Try opening the page in incognito mode.)

Getting embedded google docs viewer to work under IE 7,8

Wanted to throw this question out to see if there's been any solutions as the Google Doc viewer is amazing.
Creating an iframe with an embedded Google Docs viewer does not work in IE 7,8.
Does anyone have a work around?
I have the same problem, but didn't think it was acceptable to have to ask users to add the URL to their trusted sites in IE.
Luckily I came across the following post:
The embedded version of Google Docs Viewer (gview) will not load its images correctly if third party cookies are disabled. This problem is an issue for most IE users as by default it will be disabled. Below I provide a work around to this problem for at least until google adds a p3p. The original discussion of the issue can be found at google docs help forum.
I've tried this out and it works in IE8, IE7 and IE6.
I just tried an iframe targeting https://docs.google.com/viewer in IE7 and it is working.
But I have ChromeFrame installed in IE - maybe that's the reason it is working for me!
I tested displaying PDFs in Google Viewer with IE8 with following settings.
You may see the solution at http://victoriarange.blogspot.com/2010/07/solution-for-display-problem-of-pdfs-in_24.html

How to find the source of IE8 Internet explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting

One of my customers gets "Internet explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting" error on her website on IE8.
The page has several ajax calls to the same domain + calls to standard js files outside the domain such as google analytics.
How can I detect which call from the browser is actually causing it?
You can see your request and other error information with the help of IE Developer Toolbar. See its documentation for more info about it. It is addon of IE, once you install it, it will be integrated into IE.
