I have tests which create local files with results. Can I define in the .testsetting file to pull these result files from the test agent, once the tests are finished?
I know that copying files in the other direction is possible, that is
<TestSettings name="BAT-SOME-NAME" id="111111ce-f87a-22222-85b0-cea1111111">
<DeploymentItem filename="..\bin\Release\x64\MyFile.xml" />
will copy MyFile.xml to the test agent before starting the tests. How can I define to pull MyCustomOutput.xml after the test are finished?
The .testsettings file has a section for set-up and clean-up scripts, ie batch command or .exe files etc. You could put suitable remote copy command into the clean-up script.
How to deploy (copy the application files) to multiple locations when TFS build is executed.
See the picture when ever build is initiated I am copying to a location, I wanted to give multiple location in MSBuild Arguments.
MSBuild Arguments : /p:DeployPath=\\ServerName\C$\Inetpub\wwwroot\ApplicationName
Add another CopyDirectory activity to your build process template XAML.
<mtbwa:CopyDirectory DisplayName="Drop Files to Drop Location" Source="[BinariesDirectory]" Destination="[DropLocation]" />
Or, use MSBuild Copy task in the last scipt being run in the build (AKA post-build script).
I did quite a lot of research on the web and tried a few settings, but I couldn't reproduce the behavior of running MsTest in Visual Studio 2012 on the command line.
Our solution consists of many projects that build to the same bin folder residing at the solution level (e.g. C:\MySolution\bin) - this is the code-under-test (CUT). The tests are grouped in a separate project that resides in its own solution and builds in its own bin folder (e.g. C:\MySolution\Tests\bin). There are really a lot of plugins thus we want MsTest to reference the CUT bin folder when running the test intead of copying everything to the TestResults folder. We did achieve this in Visual Studio 2012 by editing the .testrunconfig and specifying ".\bin" as "root folder for the assemblies to be loaded" (in tab "Unit Test" when editing the testrunconfig). So we can load the test solution in VS2012 and run the tests there without having to copy the bin folder contents to the TestResults directory.
Now I wanted to create a .bat file that would run MsTest the same way as in VS2012 so that we can omit launching Visual Studio just for running the tests. I'm now working on how to execute MsTest on the command line, but have been quite frustrated. This is what I tried (command executed on the solution level in a VS command prompt):
MsTest /testcontainer:Tests\bin\Tests.dll
This did not work at all, it couldn't even find the referenced dlls that Tests.dll need to run. So I re-used the configuration and ran it again:
MsTest /runconfig:LocalTestRun.testrunconfig /testcontainer:Tests\bin\Tests.dll
Still it did not work. It could start the tests, but all of them failed. I got a lot of warnings of the kind
Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module '....' directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'C:\MySolution\Tests\bin\tests.dll' was not found.
and in the end it said:
The configured application base directory 'C:\MySolution\TestResults\User_Machine 2013-07-28 13_16_59\Out\bin' does not exist. The test directory will be used instead.
When I changed the option applicationBaseDirectory in the testrunconfig to an absolute path (C:\MySolution\bin), it worked. Still I get many warnings such as:
Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module '....' directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'C:\MySolution\Tests\bin\tests.dll' was not found.
But anyway, it's not really a feasible solution to specify an absolute path. How can I run MsTest on the command line with a different, but relative assembly base directory?
My LocalTestRun.testrunconfig is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TestSettings name="Local Test Run" id="...." xmlns="http://microsoft.com/schemas/VisualStudio/TeamTest/2010">
<Description>This is a default test run configuration for a local test run.</Description>
<DeploymentItem filename="Tests\....\Resources\" />
<Execution hostProcessPlatform="MSIL">
<UnitTestRunConfig testTypeId="....">
<AssemblyResolution applicationBaseDirectory=".\bin">
<TestDirectory useLoadContext="true" />
<WebTestRunConfiguration testTypeId="....">
<Browser name="Internet Explorer 7.0">
<Header name="User-Agent" value="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)" />
<Header name="Accept" value="*/*" />
<Header name="Accept-Language" value="{{$IEAcceptLanguage}}" />
<Header name="Accept-Encoding" value="GZIP" />
<AgentRule name="LocalMachineDefaultRole">
After more searching we changed to use the test console runner that is included with VS2012:
VSTest.Console.exe Tests\bin\Tests.dll /Framework:framework40 /Settings:LocalTestRun.testrunconfig
This works with a relative path as applicationBaseDirectory.
This is due to an MSTest bug that sets the current directory to its own working directory, rather than the test project's bin (or deployment) folder. The workaround is to execute the following code in the constructor of your test class:
I got the idea from http://www.ademiller.com/blogs/tech/2008/01/gotchas-mstest-appdomain-changes-in-vs-2008/; however, note that, in my case at least, it required setting Environment.CurrentDirectory, rather than the reverse, as suggested in the article.
I started using ccnet to build my project. This is quite new issue for me so I have some problems.
First thing: Why does ccnet copy directory with my project to another directory (ccnet creates new folder named the same as project name included in ccnet.config file and copies to them directory with my project)
Second thing: Dashboard page cannot show reports for recent build (When I click on any item in recent build then I get page: "The page Cannot be found" I suppose that page cannot link files with logs. but I don't know how to link it.
I create one publisher:
<xmllogger logDir="c:\Branches" />
Can anyone help me?
Just a question, does the batch file "C:\Branches\Scripts\Build Release.bat" perform that step?
Because I can't see anything obvious within the CruiseControl config to copy the files into "c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Sever\TestProject"...
In build Release script I just call devenv to compile my project
Not sure I fully understand the 'first thing' if you can elaborate on it I'll try to help.
On our system it performs an SVN checkout of the code to a specified location and builds it there. Even though our CCNet installation is on the same box as the SVN repository it still needs somewhere separate to build the project.
On the 'second thing' it sounds like you have not set the <webURL> element properly - not a major problem. If you can post your config file that may help (with both issues).
Our CCNet installation pretty much worked out of the box but it is pretty fussy about it's config files. Have you made any changes to the dashboard.config file or is it as installed?
[Edit in response to posted config file]
I can't see anything in this config that will cause CCNet to copy the project to c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Server\TestProject. It could be something to do with the way you are calling devenv in your batch file - do you specify any paths in there?
Based on your config file and assuming you have an out of the box installation, your <webURL> element should read something like this:
On top of all that I would highly recommend that you drop the use of .bat files and devenv.exe for building your projects. Although this is the way I started with CCNet I quickly found that using NAnt and MSBuild well worth the effort.
I Try explain it more.
I have my local copy of repository on the path: "c:\Branches\trunk"
here is my config file:
<project name="testProject">
<intervalTrigger name="interval trigger" seconds="600" initialSeconds="30" />
<sourcecontrol type="svn" autoGetSource="true">
<description>Compile program</description>
<executable>C:\Branches\Scripts\Build Release.bat</executable>
<xmllogger logDir="C:\Branches\Trunk\Logs" />
<state type="state" directory="C:\Branches\Trunk\Logs"></state>
I didn't change anything in dashboard.config File.
cnet copy all folder c:\Branches\Trunk
to new folder c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Sever\TestProject
First problem was cause because in previous version of config file i use filesystem as sourcecontrol. Right now this problem don't occur.
Second problem is not resolved, But I have one Idea, Does any configuration files should be placed in virtual directory?
I wrote a Nant script that executes MSBUILD.exe to compile a project on my dev machine. On my dev machine, the projects builds its output to bin\x86\Release and my Nant script zips up the contents of that directory. I then commit everything to SVN and let TeamCity run the Nant script that executes MSBUILD.exe to compile the project and zip the output, but the output is created in bin\Release and the zip file is empty because it looks in bin\x86\Release. Why does this happen?
When I make changes to the configuration and platform in VS.NET 2008, I do not see the project file light up as being changed. Are these settings stored in the project file, solution file, or user configuration file and therefore not carried over to the build server?
Quick fix: You can use the flag /property:OutDir=bin\x86\Release
You would have to find root cause of this. Probably configuration is incorrect. You can change configuration explicitly to something like /p:Configuration=Release
Are you sure ${project.config} point to the same place in both local and TeamCity environments?
The agent are not always running with the sem environment variables as the local machine. So I would start out to check all properties and see where they point in the local machine as well as TeamCity.
As for the /p:Configuration=${project.config}, you can only have one configuration running but you can specify more properties with ; between them:
Is there a way to invoke an external script or batch file from VC6 (and later) project files?
I have a background process that I need to kill before attempting to build certain projects (DLLS, executables) and haven't found a way to successfully do so from the project itself. I'd like simply to call a batch file with a taskkill command in it.
(Yes, I could run the batch file from a command line before building the projects, but I don't always remember to do so and having it done automatically would be more convenient and less irritating for the whole development team.)
You can create a utility project (configuration type: Utility in the project property pages) that has a post build event. You then call the batch file from that Post-Build event. If I remember correctly, utility configuration appeared in VS2005. But I believe the same can be achieved with another type of configuration on VC6.
Here is an example of a setup (this is the text of the Command Line property of the Post-Build Event):
set solutionDir=$(SolutionDir)
set platformName=$(PlatformName)
set configurationName=$(ConfigurationName)
call $(SolutionDir)PostBuild.bat
As you can see, you have all the flexibility of customizing the batch environment based on VisualStudio macros.
If you want to have this batch file called every time you build, add a dependency to the requiring project (your main executable or dll project for example). You can add your batch file to the solution items for convenient access (right-click on the solution and select Add -> Existing Item...).
You can even invoke the build command on this utility project to force the execution of the batch file.
At work we have a similar setup to start our unit tests each time a build is triggered.
You could invoke it from a custom build step or a build event.
At least for C# in Visual Studio 2008, you can open the project file and find within the file the following comment:
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
Uncomment the one that works best for you, in this case the "BeforeBuild" item. Then substitute your batch file for the one I have here:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Exec Command="MyBatchFile.bat" />
That's all there is to it; whenever you build that project, this will take place each and every time.
That said, I do not know if this works the same for VS 2005 or, especially, VC6. YMMV!