Sprite loading in compass - compass-sass

I am learning how to use Compass from a tutorial that is about 4 years old. My problem is that the sprites are not loading at all, although the directory listed in the error is the correct location of the sprites.
I receive these two error messages:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE (12:12:47:223 | error, network)
at http://localhost:8383/images/spr-sf52e1e883c.png
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE (12:13:45:615 | error, network)
at http://localhost:8383/images/pitch-s4b17d3ee2e.png
This looks like the correct address to me given the directory structure of my project. See the image attached.
I discovered either my sprite files are in the incorrect location or my generated css is incorrect in where the sprite files are located. Below is the code generate in the CSS.
/* ===================================================== */
/* Sprites
/* ===================================================== */
.spr-sprite, header h1 {
background-image: url('/images/spr-sf52e1e883c.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.pitch-sprite, .pitch.left div, .pitch.middle div, .pitch.right div {
background-image: url('/images/pitch-s4b17d3ee2e.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
What works is to back up one directory in the calling the sprite:
.spr-sprite, header h1 {
background-image: url('../images/spr-sf52e1e883c.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.pitch-sprite, .pitch.left div, .pitch.middle div, .pitch.right div {
background-image: url('../images/pitch-s4b17d3ee2e.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Now I can see sprites.
What I don’t know is where to look to resolve this issue and I hope my description is enough for someone to offer me advice
All of my research points to using the configuration parameter “relative_assests = true”, to resolve this but I can’t seem to convince my compass project to give me relative directories “../” for my sprite images. I compile my sprites with this configuration file.
/* ===================================================== */
/* Sprites
/* ===================================================== */
#import "spr/*.png";
#import "pitch/*.png";
And this is my config.rb
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
project_path = File.expand_path("..",File.dirname(__FILE__))
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
relative_assets = true
http_images_dir = "images"
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "scss"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "js"
# Output style and comments
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
# output_style = :expanded or :nested or :compact or :compressed
# Over-ride with force compile to change output style with: compass compile --output-style compressed --force
output_style = :expanded
#environment = :development
line_comments = false
cache = true
color_output = false # required for Mixture
require 'sass-globbing'
# Obviously
preferred_syntax = :scss
# SASS core
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Chrome needs a precision of 7 to round properly
Sass::Script::Number.precision = 7
I wonder if anyone sees a problem

There is something I don't know what incorrect in the config.rb file. By substituting one from another tutorial it worked.


Use !default value with #use in SCSS

I am having some difficulty overwriting !default values in SCSS while using #use. When I use #import instead of #use it behaves correctly but while using #use the console gives an error (This module and the new module both define a variable named "$variable-name").
When I change the variable inside the same file where I assign the variable to an element it behaves correctly:
// variables/variable.scss
$color-accent: red !default;
// variables/index.scss
#forward ./variable.scss;
// change.scss
#use './variables/index' as *;
$color-accent: blue;
body {
background-color: $color-accent;
// body background color is blue
But when I try overwriting it in a seperate file it won't work:
// change.scss
$color-accent: blue;
// variables/index.scss
#forward ./variable.scss;
#forward ./change.scss;
// base.scss
#use './variables/index' as *;
body {
background-color: $color-accent;
// main.scss
#use './base';
// error: Two forwarded modules both define a variable named $color-accent
Also, when I only #forward the variable.scss and #use the change.scss in the main.scss file it doesn't give the right outcome (body background color stays red without an error).
Does anyone have a suggestion? All help is appreciated.
The error is where you used two #forward in index.scss and these two files have variables with the same name. Just loading the change.scss file with #import can solve the problem.
More Information about the difference between #import, #use and #forward is here: https://www.liquidlight.co.uk/blog/use-and-import-rules-in-scss/.
// variables/index.scss
#forward "./variable.scss";
#import "./change.scss";

SASS compile with comments

I am compiling a SCSS file and it seems to remove my comments. What command can I use to keep all the comments?
>SASS input.scss output.css
I see two types of comments in my SCSS.
// Comment
/* Comment */
What is the difference?
As #Roy said above, multi-line comments (/* */) are kept in resulted css, but it depends on format you are using to pre-process your SASS.
If you are using compact mode, or any other 'CSS minifier', you should better use
/*! important comment */
These comments are kept in the compact(minified) versions of your CSS as well.
html {
/*! important comment */
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
Result (compact, minified version):
html{/*! important comment */-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}
The difference between the two type of comments is pretty easy:
// Some comment for a single line
/* This is
a multiline comment
for large descriptions */
According to the officials docs of SASS, you can only use the multiline comment option to preserve it into a compiled output file.
Like Sass, SCSS supports both comments that are preserved in the CSS output and comments that aren't. However, SCSS's comments are significantly more flexible. It supports standard multiline CSS comments with /* */, which are preserved where possible in the output. These comments can have whatever formatting you like; Sass will do its best to format them nicely.
SCSS also uses // for comments that are thrown away, like Sass. Unlike Sass, though, // comments in SCSS may appear anywhere and last only until the end of the line.
So the following CSS:
/* This comment
should be kept
and not be thrown away */
.class {
margin: 0 auto;
// This comment will be thrown away
.extra-class {
color: blue;
will be compiled into:
/* This comment
should be kept
and not be thrown away */
.class {
margin: 0 auto;
.extra-class {
color: blue;
To fix your compilation problems, you need to convert the // to /* */ comments.

Sass variable concatenation in loops in Shopify

My SCSS compiles fine on sassmeister 1:
$black: "black_rgb(0,0,0)";
$honey-brown: "honey-brown_rgb(144,122,106)";
$red: "red_rgb(255,0,0)";
$paints: $black, $honey-brown, $red;
#each $color in $paints {
$colSplit: str-index($color, _);
$colName: str-slice($color, 1, $colSplit - 1);
$colVal: str-slice($color, $colSplit + 1);
.paint-#{$colName}-paint {background-color: #{$colVal};}
However Shopify is throwing an error:
Invalid CSS after ".paint-str-slice": expected selector, was
"("black_rgb(0,0..." at 9706
So it looks like the variable concatenation .paint-#{$colName}-paint isn't working properly.
I am not sure if it is to do with versions of software - I set Sassmeister to the lowest settings (v3.3.14) but it still works fine there. I do not know how to find out the version of scss Shopify uses.
Try to use a map:
black: rgb(0,0,0),
honey-brown: rgb(144,122,106),
red: rgb(255,0,0)
#each $name, $color in $paints {
.paint-#{$name}-paint {background-color: $color;}
It turns out that Shopify uses an old version of Sass which doesn't support some of the latest features such as #import for partials or indeed Maps1:
Note: Shopify is using a forked version of Sass v3.2 which does not support importing partial Sass files with the #import directive. This may cause some issues when trying to work with 3rd party Sass libraries.

Get a different random number within a SCSS for loop [duplicate]

I need to output this:
#footer-widgets .container .row {
background-image: url("RANDOMLY PICKED");
background-position: right bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
... and there should be a list with 4 or 5 links to the actual background-images (http://domain.com/blablabla/image.png) to pick from. How can I do this with SASS?
The most recent version of Sass (v3.3.0) adds a new random function. If you mix that with a list of images (and a wee bit of variable interpolation), you will have CSS with a randomly selected background image every time Sass is compiled. Example:
$imgKey: random(5);
$list: apple, banana, cherry, durian, eggplant;
$nth: nth($list, $imgKey);
body {
background-image: "/images/#{$nth}.jpg";
Live example: http://sassmeister.com/gist/8966210
As above, the random value will only change when the Sass is compiled, which won't necessarily be every time your page is visited.

Rails: SVG to PNG using imagemagick/RMagick

I've been struggling to get SVG string conversion to PNG image in Rails 3.2 application, using Rmagick and ImageMagick installed.
SVG stream
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?><svg height=\"500\" version=\"1.1\" width=\"535\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" xml:space=\"preserve\" viewBox=\"0 0 535 500\" preserveAspectRatio=\"xMinYMin\" preserveaspectratio=\"xMinYMin\" style=\"overflow: hidden; position: absolute;\"><image x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"535\" height=\"500\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\" xlink:href=\"/home/kamesh/apps/tuosystems/develop/public/system/product_images/67bf5f8332fbe4584c64eae7be25b70a80473d3d.jpg\" id=\"productImage\" laservice=\"true\" style=\"-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\"></image><desc style=\"-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\"></desc><defs><link xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" href=\"/home/kamesh/apps/tuosystems/develop/app/assets/stylesheets/fonts.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/></defs><text x=\"0\" y=\"0\" text-anchor=\"middle\" font=\"10px "Arial"\" stroke=\"none\" fill=\"#00ffff\" transform=\"matrix(2.6709,0,0,2.6709,253.5,162)\" font-size=\"32px\" fix-storke-scale=\"true\" id=\"id1408688358639\" font-weight=\"normal\" font-style=\"normal\" font-family=\"SfCollegiate\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); text-anchor: middle; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 32px; line-height: normal; font-family: SfCollegiate; cursor: pointer;\"><tspan dy=\"9\" style=\"-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\">BMCC</tspan></text><svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"535\" height=\"543px\" viewBox=\"0 0 587 543\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 587 543\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><g id=\"Layer\">\t<polygon fill=\"#CC0000\" points=\"470,0 532,0 587,55 587,117 \t\"></polygon>\t<g>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M504.561,13.174l5.748-5.749l-2.068-2.068l1.326-1.326l5.643,5.643L513.883,11l-2.058-2.058l-5.748,5.749\t\t\tL504.561,13.174z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M513.099,21.712l1.124-3.903l-1.103-1.103l-2.514,2.514l-1.506-1.506l7.074-7.075l3.309,3.309\t\t\tc1.475,1.475,1.421,3.352,0.106,4.667c-1.241,1.241-2.716,1.124-3.66,0.541l-1.092,4.296L513.099,21.712z M518.052,17.056\t\t\tc0.583-0.583,0.487-1.4-0.106-1.994l-1.591-1.591l-1.909,1.909l1.591,1.591C516.63,17.564,517.447,17.66,518.052,17.056z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M515.921,24.534l7.074-7.075l1.506,1.506l-7.074,7.075L515.921,24.534z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M523.716,32.329l0.753-1.644l-3.033-3.033l-1.645,0.752l-1.707-1.707l9.8-4.349l1.888,1.888l-4.349,9.8\t\t\tL523.716,32.329z M527.322,24.799l-4.146,1.941l2.205,2.205L527.322,24.799z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M526.018,34.631l7.074-7.075l1.517,1.517l-5.749,5.749l2.99,2.99l-1.325,1.326L526.018,34.631z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M536.624,45.237l4.179-9.97l0.7,0.7l-3.818,8.973l8.962-3.829l0.7,0.7l-9.97,4.179L536.624,45.237z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M541.313,49.926l7.074-7.075l4.486,4.486l-0.552,0.552l-3.882-3.882l-2.62,2.62l3.808,3.808l-0.551,0.552\t\t\tl-3.808-3.808l-2.801,2.8l3.882,3.882l-0.551,0.552L541.313,49.926z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M551.441,60.055l0.943-4.911l-1.56-1.56l-2.927,2.928l-0.604-0.604l7.074-7.075l2.641,2.641\t\t\tc1.22,1.22,1.378,2.927,0.084,4.221c-1.283,1.283-2.896,1.093-3.998,0.075l-0.923,5.017L551.441,60.055z M556.458,55.059\t\t\tc0.891-0.891,0.891-2.143-0.053-3.086l-1.984-1.984l-3.044,3.044l1.984,1.984C554.305,55.96,555.567,55.95,556.458,55.059z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M554.199,60.818l0.848-0.064c-0.064,0.976,0.169,2.227,1.188,3.246c1.442,1.442,2.663,1.05,3.268,0.446\t\t\tc2.078-2.079-3.245-5.239-0.774-7.71c1.156-1.156,2.927-0.849,4.21,0.434c1.05,1.05,1.485,2.228,1.4,3.395l-0.849,0.042\t\t\tc0.106-1.124-0.339-2.122-1.134-2.917c-0.944-0.944-2.196-1.114-2.96-0.351c-1.814,1.813,3.425,5.059,0.784,7.7\t\t\tc-0.912,0.912-2.608,1.401-4.519-0.509C554.495,63.363,554.092,62.005,554.199,60.818z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M559.757,68.37l7.074-7.075l0.604,0.604l-7.074,7.075L559.757,68.37z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M565.389,66.938c2.068-2.068,5.017-2.302,7.095-0.224c2.068,2.068,1.847,5.029-0.222,7.097\t\t\tc-2.067,2.068-5.028,2.29-7.097,0.222C563.087,71.955,563.321,69.007,565.389,66.938z M571.625,73.175\t\t\tc1.793-1.792,2.005-4.211,0.308-5.908c-1.707-1.707-4.115-1.485-5.908,0.308c-1.781,1.782-2.015,4.201-0.308,5.908\t\t\tC567.414,75.179,569.844,74.957,571.625,73.175z\"></path>\t\t<path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M575.284,83.897l1.622-10.533l-6.077,6.078l-0.604-0.604l7.074-7.075l0.615,0.615l-1.559,10.426\t\t\tl5.992-5.993l0.604,0.604l-7.074,7.075L575.284,83.897z\"></path>\t</g>\t<g opacity=\"0.15\">\t\t<path d=\"M88.701,103.649l36.314-36.314l7.785,7.785l-29.509,29.509l15.353,15.353l-6.806,6.806L88.701,103.649z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M117.068,132.016l36.314-36.314l7.73,7.73l-36.314,36.314L117.068,132.016z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M142.167,157.114l22.323-50.306l8.765,8.765l-17.802,37.949l37.947-17.804l8.765,8.765l-50.306,22.323L142.167,157.114z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M169.227,184.175l36.314-36.314l25.697,25.697l-6.806,6.806l-17.967-17.967l-7.622,7.622l17.586,17.586l-6.806,6.806\t\t\tl-17.586-17.586l-8.275,8.275l17.967,17.967l-6.806,6.806L169.227,184.175z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M226.068,241.016l3.865-8.439l-15.571-15.571l-8.439,3.865l-8.765-8.765l50.306-22.323l9.692,9.692l-22.322,50.306\t\t\tL226.068,241.016z M244.58,202.36l-21.288,9.963l11.324,11.324L244.58,202.36z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M258.736,273.684l5.771-20.036l-5.662-5.661l-12.903,12.903l-7.731-7.731l36.315-36.314l16.986,16.987\t\t\tc7.567,7.567,7.296,17.205,0.545,23.956c-6.37,6.37-13.938,5.771-18.783,2.776l-5.609,22.05L258.736,273.684z M284.162,249.782\t\t\tc2.994-2.994,2.504-7.187-0.545-10.235l-8.166-8.166l-9.8,9.8l8.167,8.166C276.866,252.396,281.059,252.886,284.162,249.782z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M281.061,296.008l29.509-29.509l-10.617-10.617l6.806-6.806l28.965,28.965l-6.806,6.806l-10.563-10.563l-29.509,29.509\t\t\tL281.061,296.008z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M331.422,346.369l17.259-17.259l-23.03-23.03l-17.259,17.259l-3.104-3.104l36.314-36.314l3.104,3.104l-16.225,16.225\t\t\tl23.03,23.03l16.225-16.225l3.104,3.104l-36.314,36.314L331.422,346.369z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M352.819,367.767l33.483-33.483l-11.868-11.868l2.831-2.831l26.895,26.895l-2.831,2.831L389.46,337.44l-33.483,33.483\t\t\tL352.819,367.767z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M405.088,420.035l32.395-32.395l-45.625,19.164l-1.197-1.197l19.109-45.68l-32.395,32.395l-3.103-3.103l36.314-36.314\t\t\tl4.628,4.628l-17.858,42.575l42.521-17.912l4.683,4.683l-36.314,36.314L405.088,420.035z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M416.523,431.471l36.314-36.314l3.157,3.157l-33.483,33.483l17.586,17.586l-2.831,2.831L416.523,431.471z\"></path>\t\t<path d=\"M448.429,452.813h4.137c-0.979,5.662,0.328,10.672,5.01,15.354c5.281,5.281,12.903,5.28,17.857,0.326\t\t\tc5.499-5.499,5.063-12.685-0.163-17.911c-3.321-3.321-7.241-5.063-12.358-5.282l-1.361-3.32l19.056-19.056l20.961,20.961\t\t\tl-2.831,2.831l-17.857-17.857l-14.21,14.21c3.538,0.054,8.274,1.524,12.031,5.281c6.098,6.098,7.568,15.625,0.001,23.192\t\t\tc-7.241,7.241-17.26,6.152-23.956-0.544C448.701,464.955,447.339,458.911,448.429,452.813z\"></path>\t</g></g></svg></svg>"
For converting svg string to svg image (after some path adjustment):
def get_svg_image(svg_data)
replace_path = LIVEARTPRODUCTS["product_#{#liveart_id.to_s}"]["path"] if LIVEARTPRODUCTS["product_#{#liveart_id.to_s}"]
replace_image = replace_path ? replace_path : "/liveart_images/default_products/cool-t-shirt_White_front.jpg"
svg_data = svg_data.gsub(replace_image, "#{params["edited_image"].split("?")[0]}") if params["edited_image"].present?
svg_data = svg_data.gsub("/system/product_images/", "#{Rails.root}/public/system/product_images/");
svg_data = svg_data.gsub("/liveart_images/default_products", "#{Rails.root}/public/liveart_images/default_products")
svg_data = svg_data.gsub("/liveart_images/uploads", "#{Rails.root}/public/liveart_images/uploads")
svg_data = svg_data.gsub("/liveart_images/graphic_images", "#{Rails.root}/public/liveart_images/graphic_images")
svg_data = svg_data.gsub("/assets/fonts.css", "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/fonts.css")
ilist = Magick::ImageList.new
svg_image = ilist.from_blob(svg_data)
Have called this method in controller as:
require 'RMagick'
def save_design
svg_data = (getting from some json got from submit)
svg_image = get_svg_image(svg_data)
# write svg image as png image
png_file = Tempfile.new(["#{rand(9999).to_s}",'.png'])
# Create new product image from new temp image formed
#pi = ProductImage.new
#pi.image = png_file
respond_to do |format|
if (#pi.save)
format.json {render :json => {status => 'error', message => 'Internal error occurred'}}
This above code is working fluently on one my development machine.
Machine Config:
Fedora: 16
Rails: 3.2
Ruby: 1.9.2-p320
ImageMagick: 6.7.0-10 (installed yum install ImageMagick-devel)
gem RMagick: 2.13.2
But, on another Ubuntu machine, (also staging and production):
Ubuntu: 14.04
Rails: 3.2
Ruby: 1.9.2-p320
ImageMagick: 6.7.7-10 (installed sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev librsvg2-dev)
gem RMagick: 2.13.2
But, Only Blank image is getting created only with text in fonts applied. No linked Image is included in SVG and PNG image finally created.
Image included in above SVG string as:
Tried to change access rights and reinstalling all libraries, but not yet fruitful.... :(
Issue was in the path for the images while replacing relative path to absolute path.
Just corrected path for the images in above SVG. ImageMagick was able to find images embedded in SVG and Final image is created.
ImageMagick requires absolute directory and file path to file or image, if its embedded in SVG stream.
Keep Rocking!!
