How Stack Overflow has implemented caching? - performance

Not sure if Stack Overflow uses caching to enhance the loading speed of its pages, but if it has, it has done a great job. There are many components to be updated. I this picture you see every single second there are many components to be updated. How Stack Overflow does it so perfectly?

This is answered much more comprehensively on Meta.SE in this answer. The highlights, however, are:
Basically everything is cached, especially everything served to anonymous users.
They use Redis servers with 96 GB of Ram. This server keeps an "L1 Cache" of recently set and read values. These values are compressed before sending them to Redis. They also use IIS's Output Caching
Each site has 3 types of caches:
"Local" (user sessions, view counts, etc)
"Site" (hot question ids, user acceptance rates)
"Global" (user inboxes, API quotas)
There are even more details on High Scalability , though this is nearly 5 years old at this point. There is a newer article (from 2014) that mentions that there are two additional levels of caching involved as well:
SQL Server (the entire database sits in memory). As of 2013, the database servers had 384 GB of memory
SSD (hit only when the SQL server cache is warming not something I'd consider "cache", but it's mentioned in the article).


Does calling `writev` repeatedly with the same memory address allow hardware caching?

I've read some performance claims about how Elixir and Erlang use hardware, and I'm trying to see if I understand their basis. Some background:
First, Erlang supports writing nested lists of immutable strings (iolists) to IO (files, sockets, etc) and uses writev and the strings' memory addresses to do so (see Evan Miller's blog post on this).
Second, the docs for an Erlang web framework called Chicago Boss say:
Erlang Respects Your RAM!
Erlang is different from other platforms because when rendering a server-side template, it doesn't create a separate copy of a web page in memory for each connected client. Instead, it constructs pointers to the same pieces of immutable memory across multiple requests.
So if two people request two different profile pages at the same time, they're actually sent the same chunks of memory for the header, footer, and other shared template snippets. The result is a server that can construct complex, uncached web pages for hundreds of users per second without breaking a sweat.
Third, a book about an Elixir (Erlang VM) web framework called Phoenix says:
Templates are precompiled. Phoenix doesn’t need to copy strings for each rendered template. At the hardware level, you’ll see caching come into play for these strings where it never did before.
From looking at the source, I know that this framework uses iolists to represent a completed response template.
Putting all this together, I think what's being implied is that if a web framework uses writev to tell the OS to send the same header and footer strings from the same memory locations, one web request after another, the hardware will be able to say "oh, I know that value, it's already in CPU cache so I don't have to look in RAM for it."
Is that right? (I have very little understanding of system calls and hardware.) If not, any ideas on how hardware caching is involved?
(Bonus if you can tell me how to see or infer what's happening.)
Yes, it's mostly the processor caches that help you. The time needed to retrieve the data is smaller as it's in a faster memory (ie the CPU caches).
Some pointers for understanding what the caches are and how they work:
To see this, measure how much a request takes (client side) in the normal server operation. After that have a separate process within the same vm that constantly creates and writes to disk a very large string (it probably has to be megabytes in size - whatever the size of the L2/L3 caches on your process are). Remeasure how much the request takes - if done correctly this should be at least 1 order of magnitude slower.

APC with TYPO3: high fragmentation over time

Using APCu with TYPO3 6.2 extensively, I always get a high fragmentation of the cache over time. I already had values of 99% with a smaller shm_size.
In case you are a TYPO3 admin, I also switched the caches cache_pagesection, cache_hash, cache_pages (currently for testing purposes moved to DB again), cache_rootline, extbase_reflection, extbase_opject as well as some other extension caches to apc backend. Mainly switching the cache_hash away from DB sped up menu rendering times dramatically (
1) Does APC fragmentation matter at all or should I simply watch out that it just never runs out of memory?
2) To TYPO3 admins: do you happen to have an idea which tables cause fragmentation most and what bit in the apcu.ini configuration is relevant for usage with TYPO3?
I already tried using apc.stat = 0, apc.user_ttl = 0, apc.ttl = 0 (as in the T3 caching guide and to increase the shm_size (currently at 512M where normally around 100M would be used). Shm_size does a good job at reducing fragmentation, but I'd rather have a smaller but full cache than a large one unused.
3) To APC(u) admins: could it be that frequently updating cache entries that change in size as well cause most of the fragmentation? Or is there any other misconfiguration that I'm unaware of?
I know there is a lot of entries in cache (mainly JSON data from remote servers) where some of them update every 5 minutes and normally are a different size each time. If that is indeed a cause, how can I avoid it? Btw: APCU Info shows there are a lot of entries taking up only 2kB but each with a fragmented spacing of about 200 Bytes.
4) To TYPO3 and APC admins: apc has a great integration in TYPO3, but for more frequently updating and many small entries, would you advise a different cache backend than apc?
This is no longer relevant for us, I found a different solution reverting back to MySQL cache. Though if anyone comes here via search, this is how we did it in the end:
Leave the APC cache alone and only use it for the preconfigured extbase_object cache. This one is less than 1MB, has only a few inserts at the beginning and yields a very high hit / miss ratio after. As stated in the install tool in the section "Configuration Presets", this is what the cache backend has been designed for.
I discovered this bug in the process and reviewed our cache usage again. It resulted in huge cache entries only used for tag-to-ident-mappings. My conclusion is, even after trying out the fixed cache, that APCu is great for storing frequently accessed key-value mappings but yields when a lot of frequently inserted or tagged entries are around (such as cache_hash or cache_pages).
Right now, the MySQL cache tables have a better performance with extended usage of the MySQL server memory cache (but in contrast to APCu with disc backup). This was the magic setup for our my.cnf (found here:
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
innodb_thread_concurrency = 8
With this additional MySQL server setup, the default typo3 cache tables do their job best.

XPages performance - 2 apps on same server, 1 runs and 1 doesn't

We have been having a bit of a nightmare this last week with a business critical XPage application, all of a sudden it has started crawling really badly, to the point where I have to reboot the server daily and even then some pages can take 30 seconds to open.
The server has 12GB RAM, and 2 CPUs, I am waiting for another 2 to be added to see if this helps.
The database has around 100,000 documents in it, with no more than 50,000 displayed in any one view.
The same database set up as a training application with far fewer documents, on the same server always responds even when the main copy if crawling.
There are a number of view panels in this application - I have read these are really slow. Should I get rid of them and replace with a Repeat control?
There is also Readers fields on the documents containing Roles, and authors fields as it's a workflow application.
I removed quite a few unnecessary views from the back end over the weekend to help speed it up but that has done very little.
Any ideas where I can check to see what's causing this massive performance hit? It's only really become unworkable in the last week but as far as I know nothing in the design has changed, apart from me deleting some old views.
Try to get more info about state of your server and application.
Hardware troubleshooting is summarized here:
According to your experience - only one of two applications is slowed down, it is rather code problem. The best thing is to profile your code:
To go deeper you can start to look for semaphore locks:, or to look at javadumps: and NSDs$file/HND202%20-%20LAB.pdf and garbage collector Best setting for HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize in Domino 8.5.3 64 Bit.
This presentation gives a good overview of Domino troubleshooting (among many others on the web).
Ok so we resolved the performance issues by doing a number of things. I'll list the changes we did in order of the improvement gained, starting with the simple tweaks that weren't really noticeable.
Defrag Domino drive - it was showing as 32% fragmented and I thought I was on to a winner but it was really no better after the defrag. Even though IBM docs say even 1% fragmentation can cause performance issues.
Reviewed all the main code in the application and took a number of needless lookups out when they can be replaced with applicationScope variables. For instance on the search page, one of the drop down choices gets it's choices by doing an #Unique lookup on all documents in the database. Changed it to a keyword and put that in the application Scope.
Removed multiple checks on database.queryAccessRole and put the user's roles in a sessionScope.
DB had 103,000 documents - 70,000 of them were tiny little docs with about 5 fields on them. They don't need to be indexed by the FTIndex so we moved them in to a separate database and pointed the data source to that DB when these docs were needed. The FTIndex went from 500mb to 200mb = faster indexing and searches but the overall performance on the app was still rubbish.
The big one - I finally got around to checking the application properties, advanced tab. I set the following options :
Optimize document table map (ran copystyle compact)
Dont overwrite free space
Dont support specialized response hierarchy
Use LZ1 compression (ran copystyle compact with options to change existing attachments -ZU)
Dont allow headline monitoring
Limit entries in $UpdatedBy and $Revisions to 10 (as per domino documentation)
And also dont allow the use of stored forms.
Now I don't know which one of these options was the biggest gain, and not all of them will be applicable to your own apps, but after doing this the application flies! It's running like there are no documents in there at all, views load super fast, documents open like they should - quickly and everyone is happy.
Until the http threads get locked out - thats another question of mine that I am about to post so please take a look if you have any idea of what's going on :-)
Thanks to all who have suggested things to try.

What should be stored in cache for web app?

I realize that this might be a vague question the bequests a vague answer, but I'm in need of some real world examples, thoughts, &/or best practices for caching data for a web app. All of the examples I've read are more technical in nature (how to add or remove cache data from the respective cache store), but I've not been able to find a higher level strategy for caching.
For example, my web app has an inbox/mail feature for each user. What I've been doing to date is storing typical session data in the cache. In this example, when the user logs in I go to the database and retrieve the user's mail messages and store them in cache. I'm beginning to wonder if I should just maintain a copy of all users' messages in the cache, all the time, and just retrieve them from cache when needed, instead of loading from the database upon login. I have a bunch of other data that's loaded on login (product catalogs and related entities) and login is starting to slow down.
So I guess my question to the community, is what would you do/recommend as an approach in this scenario?
This might be better suited to, but generally you want to cache:
Metadata/configuration data that does not change frequently. E.g. country/state lists, external resource addresses, logic/branching settings, product/price/tax definitions, etc.
Data that is costly to retrieve or generate and that does not need to frequently change. E.g. historical data sets for reports.
Data that is unique to the current user's session.
The last item above is where you need to be careful as you can drastically increase your app's memory usage, by adding a few megabytes to the data for every active session. It also implies different levels of caching -- application wide, user session, etc.
Generally you should NOT cache data that is under active change.
In larger systems you also need to think about where the cache(s) will sit. Is it possible to have one central cache server, or is it good enough for each server/process to handle its own caching?
Also: you should have some method to quickly reset/invalidate the cached data. For a smaller or less mission-critical app, this could be as simple as restarting the web server. For the large system that I work on, we use a 12 hour absolute expiration window for most cached data, but we have a way of forcing immediate expiration if we need it.
This is a really broad question, and the answer depends heavily on the specific application/system you are building. I don't know enough about your specific scenario to say if you should cache all the users' messages, but instinctively it seems like a bad idea since you would seem to be effectively caching your entire data set. This could lead to problems if new messages come in or get deleted. Would you then update them in the cache? Would that not simply duplicate the backing store?
Caching is only a performance optimization technique, and as with any optimization, measure first before making substantial changes, to avoid wasting time optimizing the wrong thing. Maybe you don't need much caching, and it would only complicate your app. Maybe the data you are thinking of caching can be retrieved in a faster way, or less of it can be retrieved at once.
Cache anything that causes duplicate database queries.
Client side file caching is important as well. Assuming files are marked with an id in your database, cache them on every network request to avoid many network requests for the same file. A resource to do this can be found here ( If you don't need to cache files, web storage, local storage and cookies are good for smaller pieces of data.
//if file is in cache
//refer to cache
//make network request and push file to cache

Strategies for Caching on the Web? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What concerns, processes, and questions do you take into account when deciding when and how to cache. Is it always a no win situation?
This presupposes you are stuck with a code base that has been optimized.
I have been working with DotNetNuke most recently for web applications and there are a number of things that I consider each time I implement caching solutions.
Do all users need to see cached content?
How often does each bit of content change?
Can I cache the entire page?
Do I need a manual way to purge the cache?
Can I use a single cache mechanism for the entire site, or do I need multiple solutions?
What impacts occur if informaiton is somehow out of date?
I would look at each feature of your website/application a decided for each feature:
Should it be cached?
How long should it be cached for?
When should the cache be expunged?
I would personally go against caching whole pages in favour of caching sections of the website/application.
First off, if your code is optimized as you said, you will only see noticable performance benefits when the site is being hammered with a lot of requests.
However, It is faster to pull resources from RAM than from the disk, so your web server will be able to handle more requests if you have a caching strategy in place.
As for knowing when you're going to need caching, consider that even low end modern web servers can handle hundreds of requests per second, so unless you expect a decent amount of traffic, caching is probably something you can just skip.
Also, if you are pulling content from your database (for example, StackOverflow probably does this) caching can be very helpful because database operations are relatively expensive and can be a huge bottleneck in high-volume situations.
As for a scenario when it's not appropriate to cache or when caching becomes difficult... If you try to cache a dynamic page that, say, displays the current date and time, you will constantly see an old date/time unless you get a little more involved with your caching strategy. So that's something to think about.
What language are you using? With ASP you have some very easy caching with only adding some property tag over the method and the value is cached depending of the time.
If you want more control over the cache, you can use some popular system like MemCached and have a control with time or by event.
Yahoo for example "versions" their JavaScript, so your browser downloads code-1.2.3.js and when a new version appears they reference that version. By doing this they can make their Javascript code cacheable for a very-very long time.
As for the general answer I think it depends on your data, on how often does it change. For example, images don't change very often, but html pages do. The "About us" page doesn't change too often, but the news section does.
You can cache by time. This is useful for data that change fast. You can set time for 30 sec or 1 min. Of course, this require some traffic. More traffic you have, more you can play with the time because if you have 1 visit every hour, this visit will be populate the cache and not using it...
You can cache by event... if your data change, you update the cache... this is one very useful if the data need to be accurate for the user very fast.
You can cache static content that you know that won't change ofen. If you have a top 10 of the day that refresh every day, than you can stock all in the cache and update every day.
Where available, look out for whole object memory caching. In ASPNET, this is a built-in feature where you can just plant your business logic objects in the IIS Application and access them from there.
This means you can store everything you need to generate a page in memory (persisting writes to database) and generate a page without ANY database IO.
You still need to use the page-building logic to generate the page, but you save a lot of time in getting the data.
Other techniques involve localised output caching, where you capture the output before sending and save it to file. This is great for static sections (like navigation on certain pages, or text bodies) and include them out when they're requested. Most implementations purge cached objects like this when a write happens or after a certain period of time.
Then there's the least "accurate": whole page caching. It's the highest performer but it's pretty useless unless you have very simple pages.
What kind of caching? Server side caching? Client side caching?
Client side caching is a no-brainer with certain things, like Static HTML, SWFs and images. Figure out how often the assets are likely to change, and set up "Expires" headers as appropriate. (2 days? 2 weeks? 2 months?)
Dynamic pages, by definition, are a little harder to cache. There have been some explorations in caching of certain chunks using Javascript (and degrading to IFrames if JS is not available.) This however, might be a little more difficult to retrofit into an existing site.
DB and application level caching may, or may not work, depending on your situation. That really depends on where your bottlenecks are. Figuring out where your application spends the most time on page-rendering is probably priority 1, then you can start looking at where and how to cache.
