"Microsoft Azure App Service" target not appearing in visual studio 2015 while clicking on Publish - visual-studio

I am trying to run the Xamarin.Android app from Microsoft Azure Guides.
According to the guide I am supposed to right-click on the Service project and Rebuild, after that on clicking Publish I get the Publish Target window but there is no target of Azure App Service. I only get Target of Azure Web Apps

Updating the Azure SDK was the solution for me. The following page has all the downloads, select your visual studio version to the left
VS2015 Direct link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=518003&clcid=0x409

I'm assuming the project to which you refer is the "QuickStart" server-side project that is downloaded and named yoursite-Runtime.zip. When unpacked, you get a folder yoursite_AppService and yoursite.sln in the file.
When you right-click and select Publish, you should see the following picture as the pop-up:
If this is not the case, then there is something at issue with your install of Visual Studio 2015 - perhaps an additional plugin or an older version of Azure SDK? Try updating the Azure SDK as a starting point.


I'm having trouble connecting Visual Studio 2019 to the Microsoft Hololens v2 Emulator for deployment

I am trying to deploy a simple unity app to the Hololens v2 emulator. I followed some tutorials to build the unity files according to the Hololens build framework. The tutorials on Microsoft show there being an option in visual studio 2019 to connect the debugger to the hololens v2 emulator application, but no such option exists on my installation of Visual Studio, despite it being within the stated requirements, version 19.2 or later. Mine is 19.11
My version of Visual studio is 19.11, which should meet the requirement of 19.2 or later
here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/platform-capabilities-and-apis/using-visual-studio?tabs=hl2
It is shown having an option to target the emulator directly, and an option to target a remote device if using a physical hololens. I have neither option in my debug settings.
What the tutorials show
What my visual studio shows
I attempted to set it up like the remote machine setup shown in the tutorial, getting the correct hololens machine name by accessing the ip address of the emulator, but to no avail, it refuses to connect
It compiles properly, but then comes up with this error when run with those settings (with the correct machine name rather than a filler like I have in the image)
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this? I have updated visual studio multiple times already.
Please make sure the correct project has been selected for the startup project. To change the startup project, you should navigate to Solution Explorer, right-click the desired project and choose Set as StartUp Project from the context-sensitive menu that is displayed.

Develop an Azure Service Fabric Application with Visual Studio 2017 for Mac

my team is creating an Azure Service Fabric application using ASP.NET/Dotnet Core. Whenever I try to import the project into my Visual Studio 2017 for Mac I get the error
Error while trying to load the project '.../Project.sfproj: Unknown solution item type'
The solution contains several projects, some with a csproj (which I can open just fine), and some with a sfproj, that cause the problems. I can't even browse them in VS2017:
I can run msbuild from the shell (get some Compiler errors, but that's fine), but cannot manage to load the project into my IDE. I guess I'm missing the Service Fabric SDK, but that is not available for mac afaik. I managed to pull some jars from the vagrant image, as described here but that doesn't help me in a ASP.NET/Dotnet Core application.
Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available. If anyone wants it, vote for it on the visual studio user voice page.

Azure WebJob not working in VS 2015

I'm using VS 2015 Community with Update 2 and recently I have got a strange problem where Azure WebJob dialog won't appear.
I have an existing ASP.NET Web Application Project and want to add a new WebJob project to it, but I can't get any dialog or logs when I right-click the project and click "Add" -> "New Azure WebJob Project" or "Existing Project as Azure Webjob". Just the second screenshot in this article I want to see.
I have already installed Azure SDK 2.9.1 and Nuget Packages related to WebJob such as "Microsoft.Web.WebJobs. Also I tried to run VS as an Administrator according to this article, do the same command on my laptop, repair the SDK and deploy a standalone WebJob by creating a new project from scratch.
Yet the situation isn't changed so far. Is there still something necessary which I have not come up with?
I ran into the same issue today ( only difference is , i user VS 2015 enterprise update 2). So installed the Azure Tools for VS 2015 again and it got resolved , i can see publish as azure web job option now. Below is the link from where i downloaded the azure tools

Publish the server project from Visual Studio to Azure

I'm trying to publish the sample project for mobile backend as explain here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-dotnet-backend-how-to-use-server-sdk/#install-sdk
unfortunately I can't follow the correct procedure because I haven't "Microsoft Azure App Service" button.
Here it is what I have:
Can you help me?
It seems that you do not have the last version of the Azure Tools for Visual Studio. You can download the latest version from here: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/features/azure-tools-vs.aspx
The last version is 2.9 published on March, 30th.
After installing this version you should have the Azure App Service option available, as displayed on the first capture on the page linked above.

Cloud service project template not getting listed

I have installed Windows Azure SDK on my machine on top of VS 2010 SP1. "Windows Azure project" template is listed (file->new project) but "Cloud Service Project" template is not getting listed. Do I have to install anything else? Thanks.
I believe "Windows Azure project" is correct, and "Cloud Service Project" is just old terminology. I don't have a project template called that either.
Did you also install the Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio? I usually choose the tooling option as it also includes the SDK. Pro tip: use the Web Platform Installer and it will also setup any other dependencies you need.
Click the 'Get Started' link from here to use WebPI installer:
If you're on VS 2012, switch the .NET Framework version at the top to 4.0. I was totally flummoxed by this silly issue and even filed a connect bug!
The UI needs updating to discard the Framework version filter and have the supported frameworks listed in a column. Choosing the Framework to target should be moved down to the bottom where other pre-create config options are set.
