Chat using rust-websocket - websocket

I'm trying to use Rust-Websocket to create a simple chatroom where multiple people can talk to each other.
I looked at the examples and the '' and 'websockets.html' looked like a decent starting point to me. So I just tried starting it up and connecting from web. Everything works but I can only communicate with myself and not with other connections (since it sends the message back directly to sender and not to every connection).
So I'm trying to get a vector with all senders/clients so I can just iterate through them and send the message to each one but this seems to be problematic. I cannot communicate the sender or client since It's not thread safe and I cannot copy any of these either.
I'm not sure if I just don't understand the whole borrowing 100% or if it's not intended to do cross-connection communication like this.
I might be approaching this from the wrong direction. It might be easier to share a received message with all other threads. I thought about this a little bit but the only thing I can think of is sending a message from inside a thread to outside using channels. Is there any way to broadcast messages directly between the threads? All I would need to do is send a string from one thread to the other.

So this is not quite as straight-forward as one might think.
Basically I used a dispatcher thread that would act like a control center for all the connected clients. So whenever a client receives a message it's sent to the dispatcher and this then distributes the message to every connected client.
I also had to receive the messages in another thread because there is no non-blocking way to receive messages in rust-websocket. Then I ways able to just use a permanent loop that checks both for new messages received from the websocket and from the dispatcher.
Here's how my code looked like in the end:
extern crate websocket;
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use websocket::{Server, Message, Sender, Receiver};
use websocket::header::WebSocketProtocol;
use websocket::message::Type;
fn main() {
let server = Server::bind("").unwrap();
let (dispatcher_tx, dispatcher_rx) = mpsc::channel::<String>();
let client_senders: Arc<Mutex<Vec<mpsc::Sender<String>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
// dispatcher thread
let client_senders = client_senders.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
while let Ok(msg) = dispatcher_rx.recv() {
for sender in client_senders.lock().unwrap().iter() {
// client threads
for connection in server {
let dispatcher = dispatcher_tx.clone();
let (client_tx, client_rx) = mpsc::channel();
// Spawn a new thread for each connection.
thread::spawn(move || {
let request = connection.unwrap().read_request().unwrap(); // Get the request
let headers = request.headers.clone(); // Keep the headers so we can check them
request.validate().unwrap(); // Validate the request
let mut response = request.accept(); // Form a response
if let Some(&WebSocketProtocol(ref protocols)) = headers.get() {
if protocols.contains(&("rust-websocket".to_string())) {
// We have a protocol we want to use
let mut client = response.send().unwrap(); // Send the response
let ip = client.get_mut_sender()
println!("Connection from {}", ip);
let message: Message = Message::text("SERVER: Connected.".to_string());
let (mut sender, mut receiver) = client.split();
let(tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<Message>();
thread::spawn(move || {
for message in receiver.incoming_messages() {
loop {
if let Ok(message) = rx.try_recv() {
match message.opcode {
Type::Close => {
let message = Message::close();
println!("Client {} disconnected", ip);
Type::Ping => {
let message = Message::pong(message.payload);
_ => {
let payload_bytes = &message.payload;
let payload_string = match str::from_utf8(payload_bytes) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => panic!("Invalid UTF-8 sequence: {}", e),
let msg_string = format!("MESSAGE: {}: ", payload_string);
if let Ok(message) = client_rx.try_recv() {
let message: Message = Message::text(message);


Socket.IO emitting to specific room not working, it's sending to all sockets

I'm using'XYZ') to send to a room, but for some reason it's sending to sockets not in the room. Does anyone know why this would be happening? Here's a screenshot, as you can see I looked for sockets in the room PPPC but its returning a socket that isn't in that room. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Edit- Added more code:
Creating a namespace /game in my server file:
Then I import that namespace in my Game class
Later on in one of my methods I call'PPCC').emit(...) and this message is emitted to all sockets rather than just the sockets in the room. I verified that the sockets receiving the message were not in the room it was sent to.
When I was debugging I found that'PPCC').sockets was returning sockets that weren't in the room 'PPCC'.
export const g = io.of("/game");
g.on("connection", (client) => {
const { id: room, uid, nick } = client.handshake.query;
const game = Game.getGame(room);
console.log(`Connection in lobby ${room} (${nick})`);
if (!game) {
console.log("404 game does not exist");
return client.disconnect(true);
const player = game.getPlayer(uid);
if (!player) {
console.log("Player does not exist");
return client.disconnect(true);
game.checkActive();"lobby", game.state.players);
client.emit("game", game.serialize());
if (player.state.drawing) {
client.emit("drawing", game.state.currentWord);
import { g } from "..";
class Game {
constructor() {
this.socket = g; // imported from server file = 'ABCD'
emitMessage() { // sent to all sockets
// note- I ran and found that it contained sockets not in the room

How to check internet connection?

I use ConnectivityPlugin (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected field) to check the Internet connection. The problem is that it only checks if the internet connection button is pressed. That is, if I am connected to the mobile network, but there is no Internet itself (for example, problems from the operator), then the CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected field for such a situation returns true (although there is no connection). Question: how to check whether there is access to the Internet? Thanks
You can use the Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan, Func) method.
Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () =>
//insert checking of internet connection
Assuming "" is always up and running:
if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
try {
Ping ping = new Ping();
String host = "";
byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
int timeout = 1000;
PingOptions pingOptions = new PingOptions();
PingReply reply = ping.Send(host, timeout, buffer, pingOptions);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success){
// Your code here...
catch (Exception) {
return false;
I recommend to add the following code to your App.xaml.cs class OnStart method and that take care of it.
CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectivityChanged += (sender, e) =>
if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
Console.WriteLine("Internet connectivity lost");

[InvalidStateError: "setRemoteDescription needs to called before addIceCandidate" code: 11

I create a simple video calling app by using web Rtc and websockets.
But when i run the code, the following error occured.
DOMException [InvalidStateError: "setRemoteDescription needs to called before addIceCandidate"
code: 11
I don't know how to resolve this error.
Here is my code below:
enter code here
var localVideo;
var remoteVideo;
var peerConnection;
var uuid;
var localStream;
var peerConnectionConfig = {
'iceServers': [
{'urls': ''},
{'urls': ''},
function pageReady() {
uuid = uuid();
console.log('Inside Page Ready');
localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo');
remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
serverConnection = new WebSocket('wss://' + window.location.hostname +
serverConnection.onmessage = gotMessageFromServer;
var constraints = {
video: true,
audio: true,
if(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
alert('Your browser does not support getUserMedia API');
function getUserMediaSuccess(stream) {
localStream = stream;
localVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
function start(isCaller) {
console.log('Inside isCaller');
peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
peerConnection.onicecandidate = gotIceCandidate;
peerConnection.onaddstream = gotRemoteStream;
if(isCaller) {
console.log('Inside Caller to create offer');
function gotMessageFromServer(message) {
console.log('Message from Server');
console.log('Inside !Peer Conn');
var signal = JSON.parse(;
// Ignore messages from ourself
if(signal.uuid == uuid) return;
if(signal.sdp) {
console.log('Inside SDP');
RTCSessionDescription(signal.sdp)).then(function() {
// Only create answers in response to offers
if(signal.sdp.type == 'offer') {
console.log('Before Create Answer');
} else if( {
console.log('Inside Signal Ice');
function gotIceCandidate(event) {
console.log('Inside Got Ice Candi');
if(event.candidate != null) {
serverConnection.send(JSON.stringify({'ice': event.candidate,
'uuid': uuid}));
function createdDescription(description) {
console.log('got description');
peerConnection.setLocalDescription(description).then(function() {
console.log('Inside Setting ');
peerConnection.localDescription, 'uuid': uuid}));
function gotRemoteStream(event) {
console.log('got remote stream');
remoteVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
function errorHandler(error) {
// Taken from
// Strictly speaking, it's not a real UUID, but it gets the job done here
function uuid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) *
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() +
s4() + s4();
This is my code, I don't know how to arrange the addIceCandidate and addRemoteDescription function.
You need to make sure that
peerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(
is called after description is set.
You have sitution where you receive ice candidate and try to add it to peerConnection before peerConnection has completed with setting description.
I had similar situation, and I created array for storing candidates that arrived before setting description is completed, and a variable that checks if description is set. If description is set, I would add candidates to peerConnection, otherwise I would add them to array. (when you set your variable to true, you can also go through array and add all stored candidates to peerConnection.
The way WebRTC works (as much as i understand) is you have to make two peers to have a deal to how to communicate eachother in the order of give an offer to your peer get your peers answer and select an ICE candidate to communicate on then if you want to send your media streams for an video conversation
for you to have a good exampe to look on how to implemet those funcitons and in which order you can visit he has a good understading of how to do this.
you might already have a solution to your problem at this time but im replying in case you do not.
EDIT: As I have been told, this solution is an anti-pattern and you should NOT implement it this way. For more info on how I solved it while still keeping a reasonable flow, follow this answer and comment section:
TLDR: Instead of calling addIceCandidate as soon as the signaling information arrives, add the candidates to a queue. After calling setRemoteDescription, go through candidates queue and call addIceCandidate on each one.
From this answer I learned that we have to call setRemoteDescription(offer) before we add the Ice Candidates data.
So, expanding on #Luxior answer, I did the following:
When signaling message with candidate arrives:
Check if remote was set (via a boolean flag, ie: remoteIsReady)
If it was, call addIceCandidate
If it wasn't, add to a queue
After setRemoteDescription is called (in answer signal or answer client action):
Call a method to go through the candidates queue and call addIceCandidate on each one.
Set boolean flag (remoteIsReady) to true
Empty queue

Make TCP socket bi-directional in Thunderbird extension?

In a Thunderbird extension I use the following code to wait for an incoming TCP connection:
function MyExtension_OnNewConnection(srvSock, newSock)
var block = Components.interfaces.nsITransport.OPEN_BLOCKING |
var istream = newSock.openInputStream(block, 0, 0);
var ostream = newSock.openOutputStream(block, 0, 0);
var cstream = Components.
var y =;
if(y == "")
var y = "The socket is Tx-Only!\r\n";
ostream.write(y, y.length);
waitSocket = Components.classes[";1"].
waitSocket.init(-1, false, -1);
onSocketAccepted: MyExtension_OnNewConnection,
onStopListening: function(socket, status) {}
According to the documentation can only return an empty string when the TCP socket is closed.
The ostream.write() function will send some data which is only possible if the TCP socket is not closed, yet.
However returns an empty string, ostream.write() sends some data and the other end of the TCP connection receives the string!
This means that the TCP connection is monodirectional (from the beginning!).
How can I make the TCP conenction bidirectional so I can receive data?
What I already tried:
not to use OPEN_BLOCKING nor OPEN_UNBUFFERED flags => No effect.
checking istream.available() in a loop instead of using cstream => Will always return 0 even if data has been sent by the other end of the TCP connection.
I analyzed the source code of Thunderbird:
Obviously openInputStream uses a quite "simple" implementation if OPEN_UNBUFFERED is set and OPEN_BLOCKING is not set while a rather complex implementation is used for the three other combinations.
The simple implementation works perfectly however blocking socket access is not possible then.
Another page says that Javascript functions should be written in a non-blocking way so I decided to use the following implementation:
function CalledOnTimer()
data =;
if(data == "")
/* Socket has been closed */
/* Process the data */
/* Currently no (more) data on the socket */
var istream = newSock.openInputStream(
Components.interfaces.nsITransport.OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 0, 0);

Using sockets (nsIServerSocket) in XPCOM component (Firefox Extension) (sockets + new window = seg faults)

Say I put this code into the JS of my extension.
var reader = {
onInputStreamReady : function(input) {
var sin = Cc[";1"]
var request = '';
while (sin.available()) {
request = request +;
console.log('Received: ' + request);
var listener = {
onSocketAccepted: function(serverSocket, clientSocket) {
console.log("Accepted connection on "":"+clientSocket.port);
input = clientSocket.openInputStream(0, 0, 0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
output = clientSocket.openOutputStream(Ci.nsITransport.OPEN_BLOCKING, 0, 0);
var serverSocket = Cc[";1"].
serverSocket.init(-1, true, 5);
console.log("Opened socket on " + serverSocket.port);
Then I run Firefox and connect to the socket via telnet
telnet localhost PORT
I send 5 messages and they get printed out, but when I try to send 6th message I get
firefox-bin: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.
Even worse, when I try to put this same code into an XPCOM component (because that's where I actually need it), after I try sending a message via telnet I get
Segmentation fault
or sometimes
GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.24.1/glib/gmem.c:137: failed to allocate 32 bytes
printed to the terminal from which I launched firefox.
This is really weird stuff.. Can you spot something wrong with the code I've pasted or is smth wrong with my firefox/system or is the nsIServerSocket interface deprecated?
I'm testing with Firefox 3.6.6.
I would really appreciate some answer. Perhaps you could point me to a good example of using Sockets within an XPCOM component. I haven't seen many of those around.
I just realised that it used to work so now I think that my Console
component breaks it. I have no idea how this is related. But if I
don't use this component the sockets are working fine.
Here is the code of my Console component. I will try to figure out
what's wrong and why it interferes and I'll post my findings later.
Likely I'm doing something terribly wrong here to cause Segmentation
faults with my javascript =)
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
Console.prototype = (function() {
var win;
var initialized = false;
var ready = false;
var _log = function(m, level, location) {
if (initialized&&ready) {
var prefix = "INFO: ";
switch (level) {
case "empty":
prefix = ""
case "error":
prefix = "ERORR: "
case "warning":
prefix = "WARNING: "
win.document.getElementById(location).value =
win.document.getElementById(location).value + prefix + m + "\n";
} else if (initialized&&!ready) {
// Now it is time to create the timer...
var timer = Components.classes[";1"]
// ... and to initialize it, we want to call
event.notify() ...
// ... one time after exactly ten second.
{ notify: function() { log(m); } },
} else {
var log = function(m, level) {
_log(m, level, 'debug');
var poly = function(m, level) {
_log(m, "empty", 'polyml');
var close = function() {
var setReady = function() {
ready = true;
var init = function() {
initialized = true;
var ww = Components.classes["
win = ww.openWindow(null, "chrome://polymlext/content/
"console", "chrome,centerscreen,
resizable=no", null);
win.onload = setReady;
return win;
return {
init: init,
log : log,
poly : poly,
// turning Console Class into an XPCOM component
function Console() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
prototype2 = {
classDescription: "A special Console for PolyML extension",
classID: Components.ID("{483aecbc-42e7-456e-b5b3-2197ea7e1fb4}"),
contractID: ";1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(),
//add the required XPCOM glue into the Poly class
for (attr in prototype2) {
Console.prototype[attr] = prototype2[attr];
var components = [Console];
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule(components);
I'm using this component like this:
console = Cc[";1"].getService().wrappedJSObject;
And this breaks the sockets :-S =)
Ok, if anyone is interested in checking this thing out I would really
appreciate it + I think this is likely some kind of bug (Seg fault
from javascript shouldn't happen)
I've made a minimal version of the extension that causes the problem,
you can install it from here:
The important part is chrome/content/main.js:
The way my friend and me can reproduce the error is by launching the
firefox, then a new window should appear saying "Opened socket on
9999". Connect using "telnet localhost 9999" and send a few messages.
After 2-6 messages you get one of the following printed out in the
terminal where firefox was launched:
1 (most common)
Segmentation fault
2 (saw multiple times)
firefox-bin: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on
server :0.0.
3 (saw a couple of times)
GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.24.1/glib/gmem.c:137: failed
allocate 32 bytes
4 (saw once)
firefox-bin: ../../src/xcb_io.c:249: process_responses: Assertion
`(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)'
If you need any more info or could point me to where to post a bug
report :-/ I'll be glad to do that.
I know this is just one of the many bugs... but perhaps you have an
idea of what should I do differently to avoid this? I would like to
use that "console" of mine in such way.
I'll try doing it with buffer/flushing/try/catch as people are suggesting, but I wonder whether try/catch will catch the Seg fault...
This is a thread problem. The callback onInputStreamReady happened to be executed in a different thread and accessing UI / DOM is only allowed from the main thread.
Solution is really simple:
var tm = Cc[";1"].getService();
