Apache Spark with Hadoop distribution failing to run on Windows - windows

I tried running spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6 distribution (and newer versions of Spark with same results) on Windows using Cygwin.
When trying to execute spark-shell script in the bin folder, I get below output:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.spark.launcher.Main
I tried to set CLASSPATH to the location of lib/spark-assembly-1.5.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar but to no avail.
(FYI: I am able to run the same distribution fine on my MAC with no extra setup steps required)
Please assist in finding resolution for Cygwin execution on Windows.

I ran into and solved a similar problem with cywin on Windows 10 and spark-1.6.0.
build with Maven (maybe you're past this step)
mvn -DskipTests package
make sure JAVA_HOME is set to a JDK
$ export JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60"
$ ls "$JAVA_HOME"
use the Windows batch file. Launch from PowerShell or CommandPrompt if you have terminal problems with cygwin.
$ chmod a+x bin/spark-shell.cmd
$ ./bin/spark-shell.cmd

My solution to the problem was to move the Spark installation into a path that didn't have spaces in it. Under Program Files I got the above error, but moving it directly under C:\ and running spark-shell.bat file cleared it up.


Installing Github .zip files on Chromebook via Linux

I'm using a Linux Debian terminal, trying to install a Github .zip file by following a walkthrough (from Chromebook). They're using a Windows terminal and access the zip file from a G: drive. They run the following:
G:\>cd filename.zip
G:\filename>npm install
Which installs the Github zip. I've looked all over online and tried a few different solutions but can't get past the second command they run.
I was able to open /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads from Linux by sharing the Downloads folder with it.
I'm not sure how to change the directory from here to the filename.zip and/or run commands from it. Whenever I try to run cd filename.zip or cd /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads/filename.zip it always fails. Is this even possible on a Chromebook?

Hive on window 10 using cygwin: Path error

I got this error when install hive on window 10 using cygwin.
I had added this code
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mklink /J D:\cygdrive\d\ d:\
But the path like below. I think Cygwin doesn't understand cygdrive\d\hadoop\hive3.1.2....
It must be cygdrive/d/hadoop/hive3.1.2/....
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException: File /cygdrive/d/hadoop/hive3.1.2\scripts\metastore\upgrade\mssql\upgrade.order.mssqlnot found
Underlying cause: java.io.FileNotFoundException : \cygdrive\d\hadoop\hive3.1.2\scripts\metastore\upgrade\mssql\upgrade.order.mssql (The system cannot find the path specified)
How can I fix this?
Update: Solved.
I was fixed by using Wsl instead of Cygwin. In Wsl, install openJdk8 of Java, set Java_home to /user/lib/jvm/openJdk8... then rerun hive command again. Done.
It seems Cygwin calls java of windows, it should be using Linux version.

Installing Glassfish, Wildfly using homebrew on Mac OSX

Trying to install Glassfish(Java EE App. Server) and Wildfly App Server using Homebrew .
used these above mentioned tutorials .
I got the following errors while trying to run them by typing just "glassfish" & "wildfly-as" respectively.
-bash: glassfish: command not found
-bash: wildfly-as: command not found
Searched about it and I think it has something to do with $PATH. I don't understand $PATH Variable . Need help.
The issue is that there are two asadmin scripts. One at $GLASSFISH_HOME/bin and one at $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/bin
Here are full instructions to get your domain up
brew update
brew install glassfish
you should see message, add that line to your .bash_profile
==> Caveats
You may want to add the following to your .bash_profile:
export GLASSFISH_HOME=/usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec
Open a new terminal then, cd $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/bin
./asadmin start-domain --verbose
Browse to http://localhost:8080 for welcome page and http://localhost:4848 for admin console
I actually installed Wildfly-Application Server using homebrew but could not find a way to run it.
This tutorial helped me .
And for glassfish, my installation was again successful using homebrew but was not able to run it . I did figure it out when I ran the following commands.
$ cd /usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec/bin
$ ./asadmin
asadmin> start-domain
You need to understand about the PATH variable. It is an environment variable on Unix-like operating systems, specifying a set of directories in which executable programs are located. In general, each executing process, or user session, has its own PATH setting.
So, you need to add the glassfish home path to your actual path variable.
Now, as per your problem with running the Glassfish server; try this:
export GLASSFISH_HOME=/usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec/
Add it to your bash profile, if you do not want to do this everytime.

How to open gnuplot from mobaxterm?

I'm not sure how to open Gnuplot from MobaXterm. I've been trying many different commands but they all don't work. When I try, I get the same error.
-bash: gnuplot: command not found
I'm curious if I downloaded Gnuplot to the wrong part of the computer or if I'm not getting the command right? I'm trying to write a program in shell script that opens Gnuplot on it's own and plots data through the shell script.
Any help is appreciated!
mobaxterm is not a linux server. So you cant install packages into it normally.
you must download plugins if you can find the plugin you are looking for
check their list here
and it seems gnuplot is not there .
in this case your easiest solution is to download cygwin and add gnuplot on it which is possible
other option is to run small virtual machine so you can test on it
in all cases mobaxterm is not real linux enviroment so to be sure your shel do work on normal linux machines you will need to develop and test on real linux
You can install the winbuild of gnuplot and add the path to the bin directory, with gnuplot.exe in it, to mobaxterm's PATH (probably set it in .initrc or .bashrc, whichever you prefer).
MobaXterm is a standalone program which 'emulates' a Linux terminal but has no idea about your frame system (e.g. your Windows and your programs). So if you type 'gnuplot' Moba has no idea what is this. You have to
change the current directory to where is wgnuplot.exe e.g.:
cd /drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or run directly it:
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
or change your $PATH:
PATH=$PATH:/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or create a script named 'gnuplot' which runs wgnuplot.exe
#File name: 'gnuplot'
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
and place it into some $PATH directory:
`/bin` or `/usr/bin` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS/system32`
or... :)
The simplest way I found out is to use the Moba Package Manager to install the win version of gnuplot.
Open MobaXterm and type MobApt. An GUI will open up and you can type in "gnuplot" in the filter field.
Just select and install the package, MobApt will take care of any dependencies for you.

Run bin files on Ubuntu

I'm trying to run SQLiteStudio on Ubuntu. I'm getting error when I try to run it with terminal:
ubuntu#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sqlitestudio-2.0.22.bin
sqlitestudio-2.0.22.bin: command not found
I tried other sqlite managers but SQLiteStudio has more options, I've used it on Windows.
You need a ./ in front of the command
