How to show Marker Bar in Visual Studio - visual-studio

In Visual Studio 2012, is there a way to enable/disable the error marker bar next to the text editor?
Mine is currently not showing any marker, although I have compile errors in my code.

Only in Visual Studio 2015 with Roslyn analyze your code in real time such markers can appear. All older VS releases won't show them unless you use a third party tool such as ReSharper.


Maximize current split tab group in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

Visual Studio Code has a nice feature that allows automatic expansion of currently selected tab group (called editors) once you select a document.
How this feature works can be seen in these release notes of VS Code.
Is there an extension to obtain the same effect in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I've asked something similar a while ago but never managed to develop the plugin.
You can look for all visual studio extensions on visual studio market place.
I search there for an extension like you described but didn't found. So until today your answer is no.

Visual Studio 2017 - How to get rid of split view bar?

How to get rid of bar marked on below screenshot? Previously I had there some kind of code tracking, like code minimap, using which I could quickly move to specific part of my code, but I decided to remove it. It worked, but bar remained and it is misleading for me, as it cuts my code (it can also be seen on screenshot) and just waste space.
I remember that I saw this feature for first time in Visual Studio Code, but disabling it was easy as it required only to add one line to settings JSON file. Unfortunately, I can't see such a file for Visual Studio 2017. On the other side - last time Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code acted like two separate beings and that's fine for me. This time they act like Visual Studio 2017 inherits settings from Visual Studio Code. I had this code minimap though I never enabled it. I had ESLint enabled in Visual Studio 2017 though I never enabled it. However both of those were enabled in Visual Studio Code. Is there a way to separate Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code again? I would like my settings from Visual Studio Code to not be adopted by Visual Studio 2017.
Fixed. I had to enter Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars and changed Behavior from "Use map mode for vertical scroll bar" to "Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar".
My question about inheriting settings from Visual Studio Code by Visual Studio 2017 is still up-to-date.

How can I disable this pop-up that appears during hover in the Visual Studio editor?

I've already turned off many options in Visual Studio 2017, but I can't suppress this annoying pop-up. (Not this specific one, but all of them, for all the API's)
Can someone please show me the setting I need?
Check this old post How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010. In it a workaround is provided but you will probably make a new extension from the source for it to work in Visual Studio 2017.
Looks like there is no setting for this except for the C/C++ language.

Colorizing methods on Visual Studio 2013 with Roslyn C# Colorizer

Was anyone able to get the Roslyn C# Colorizer VS extension working?
I've installed it and under settings I can customize the colors and everything however I'm not seeing the results, I was particularly looking to colorize method calls just like it is on the demo screenshot from the gallery:
You need Roslyn installed. This means either installing Visual Studio 2014 or installing the End User Preview for Visual Studio 2013. Note: the End User Preview is no longer updated, so if you want to use this with the latest features then you will need Visual Studio 2014.

Visual Studio 2012 Pro Power Tools class/method name hover tooltip

I installed Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and I guess one feature is either missing or turned off. I mean the tooltip that appears when howering on the classname and method name.
Here are the screens of what I mean. This is from VS 2010.
How can I turn on the same feature in the Visual Studio 2012 or is it just removed from this version of IDE?
The Solution Navigator has been incorporated into Visual Studio 2012 and is no longer part of the Productivity Power Tools extension. There also doesn't seem to be any way to enable interactive tooltips.
