Cannot install Horde Imap Client with composer - composer-php

I try to install Horde/Imap_Client, as documented here
In an empty directory, I create a composer.json file with the following content
"repositories": [
"type": "pear",
"url": ""
"require": {
"": "*"
I then download the composer executable and run the installation running the 2 following commands
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
The download and installation process fails, on both Mac OS X and Ubuntu 14.04. The message I get is
Initializing PEAR repository PEAR repository
from could not be loaded. Your configuration
does not allow connection to http:// See for details.
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) Your requirements
could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- The requested package could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting see for more
Read for
further common problems.
Is the Horde/Imap_Client deprecated or am I doing something wrong?

How much more verbose do you want the error?
Initializing PEAR repository PEAR repository from could not be loaded. Your configuration does not allow connection to http:// See for details.
Composer no longer allows installing packages from insecure sources out of the box. Regrettably the Horde PEAR repository does not support HTTPS at this time, so you can't go that way. The other way however is pretty clear in the documentation, just add this to your composer.json file:
"config": {
"secure-http": false
So it looks like this:
"repositories": [
"type": "pear",
"url": ""
"require": {
"": "*"
"config": {
"secure-http": false
Please do note that this disables all checks for secure communications completely. So you're opening the doors to install random code on your system via DNS poisoning, MitM attacks, you name them. The fundamental solution is to bug the Horde PEAR repository maintainers to add an SSL certificate to their repo.

Horde recently added support for HTTPS, allowing you to use Composer without the 'secure-http'=false flag.
So you can use the repository:


How to configure a seamless npm proxy?

I'm using Verdaccio as my NPM proxy for a long time. However, recently I realized that the following .npmrc configuration that makes the npm proxy to work:
also causes the package-lock.json files generated with localhost:4873 entries instead of the original package addresses. For example:
"ms": {
"version": "2.0.0",
- "resolved": "http://localhost:4873/ms/-/ms-2.0.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha1-VgiurfwAvmwpAd9fmGF4jeDVl8g="
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-Tpp60P6IUJDTuOq/5Z8cdskzJujfwqfOTkrwIwj7IRISpnkJnT6SyJ4PCPnGMoFjC9ddhal5KVIYtAt97ix05A=="
The original package address ( for example) is a crucial data when the application is being installed on another machine.
How can I keep using my npm proxy and still keep the original package addresses in package-lock.json so any other user who doesn't use a local proxy still have a valid package-lock.json?

Requesting specific tagged version for locally developed composer package

I am developing a package for a Laravel project on my local machine. I have also spun up a Laravel app so I can manually test the package. My package is located at /home/me/packages/me/my-package and a commit (git) has been tagged with '0.1'.
I want to be able to switch between tagged versions and use specific versions in different projects but having issues.
In my main apps composer file, I am requiring the package like so:
"require" : {
"me/my-package" : "0.1"
"repositories" : [
"type": "path",
"url": "/home/me/packages/me/my-package"
This results in an error:
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires me/my-package 0.1, found me/my-package[dev-main] but it does not match the constraint.
I have also tried:
"require" : {
"me/my-package" : "dev-main#0.1"
(This was an idea taken from How to use a specific tag/version with composer and a private git repository?). This goes through without any errors but:
$ composer show | grep me/my-package
me/my-package dev-main My Package
What is the correct way install a specific version of a package when developing it locally?
Probably the only thing why you hit this message is that you have "type": "path" and not "type": "vcs".
This is that Composer will only refer one version and only one version dev-main. The reason is:
If the package [path repository] is a local VCS repository, the version may be inferred by the branch or tag that is currently checked out. (ref)
You have the main branch checked out at /home/me/packages/me/my-package (/home/me/packages/me/my-package/.git/HEAD content is ref: refs/heads/main and /home/me/packages/me/my-package/.git/refs/heads/main points to the git revision) and composer will only take that one.
You should have no problem to make that change from path to vcs given:
You already have a (git) repository at /home/me/packages/me/my-package (looks so by your question)
You know the absolute path on your local system to that repository (again, looks so by your question: /home/me/packages/me/my-package).
Given these two points, Composer is able to obtain the VCS tagged versions from that path. So basically only the change of the "type":
"repositories" : [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "/home/me/packages/me/my-package"
Just take care that "url" contains the absolute path (and there is a git repository at that place). Likely already all set in your case, just saying.
Git is very prominent that's why I mentioned it here, for other types of VCS Composer also has options at hand. The details - also for git etc. - are available here:
VCS - Repositories (

secure-http flag in a composer.json doesn't work

I need to use http composer registry for several packages:
{"type":"composer", "url":"http://<url>"}
But when I am trying to composer update to update lock file, I got:
Your configuration does not allow connection to http://<url>.
See for details.
By responding url I found next information;
Defaults to true.
If set to true only HTTPS URLs are allowed to be downloaded via Composer.
If you really absolutely need HTTP access to something then you can disable it ...
So I am confused what I am doing wrong.
Wrong composer.json structure. secure-http must be in the config section:
Hey you could make it a global thorough writing :
composer config -g secure-http false

Composer custom repositories local AND remote

We are using custom repositories that are not held on Packagist, and thus need to use composer's "repositories" key:
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
However we also want to develop these locally before pushing them to GitHub
"type": "vcs",
"url": "/path/to/repo"
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
However if a new user downloads the repo and just wants to use from GitHub (maybe they won't be developing locally) they get a big red error:
No driver found to handle VCS repository /path/to/dir
Is there a way that composer can tolerate this and just move down to the next line where it will find the repo?
That this is possible right now, as far as I know. The defined "/path/to/dir" needs to exist, it needs to be a repo and the repo needs to contain a composer.json file, otherwise Composer will fail.
Sounds like a valid point for a PR to ignore an invalid repository definition but not sure what Jordie thinks of this ;)
As an alternative: You could set-up your own Satis repo and pull the package from there.

Composer [UnexpectedValueException] error will trying to use composer to install a github project

I am trying to install a github project using composer and get the following error
Composer [UnexpectedValueException]
Your Github oauth token for contains invalid characters: ""
Can anyone explain what I need to do to correct this error?
I am using the following command
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev vova07/yii2-start yii2-start
Thank you
I started getting a similar error and the reason was that Github recently changed the format of their auth tokens:
To resolve the error:
Find the composer/auth.json file (if you're running the project in a container, you'll have to bash into it and find the file in there)
Remove its entry. Your file will probably look like the following after removing the entry: {"github-oauth": {}}
Run composer self-update. The issue got resolved in version 2.0.12. See the first item in the changelog for that version here:
After that, you can restore your composer/auth.json file to its initial state as the newer version of composer will recognize the new key format.
You can try Basic Auth instead:
Change this (oauth):
"github-oauth": {
To this (basic auth):
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
You can find instructions on how to create a Personal Access Token
Inspired from github docs. Apparently, you can use Basic Authentication with a Personal Access token instead of oauth in some cases (e.g. like mine: installing a private git repo with composer).
I fixed it.
Goto C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json
delete the entry under "github-oauth": {}
That's it.
Update answer for Masiorama and Ruchir Mehta:
If you looking for file auth.json but don't know how, use this command:
locate auth.json
And here's the result:
You can see that auth.json will look like this:
/home/{your user name}/.config/composer/auth.json
Then you could use this command to edit the file:
sudo gedit /home/dev/.config/composer/auth.json
And remove content inside github-oauth.
If you're on MacOS, the auth.json file is at ~/.composer/auth.json. Then from there, you can remove the value for github-oauth. I tried fully deleting the file but I got a parse error, Expected one of: 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '['. Your auth.json file should look like this:
"github-oauth": {}
This is similar to other answers posted but I wasn't able to use the locate command on MacOS so this might be helpful to other Mac users
This error recently popped up from nowhere.
Simply deleting the whole auth file worked for me..! Not sure why / when it appeared in the first place.
As far as I know (I'm a beginner with composer too), the problem is with your authentication, so you have to fix your credentials in auth.json inside path-to-composer/.composer/
Inside you will find a json which will probably looks like:
"github-oauth": {
"": null
Fix that and you should be ok ;)
The solution is just to upgrade your Composer version
using command composer self-update.
Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json file.
Clear everything and paste the below code
"bitbucket-oauth": {},
"github-oauth": {},
"gitlab-oauth": {},
"gitlab-token": {},
"http-basic": {},
"bearer": {}
I hope it will be solved
I run in the same problem after upgrading githup api token to the new format.
The answer is you need to upgrade composer version 1.10.21 or higher that fixes this problem.
Same solution as the answer of Paulina Khew but with command lines on MacOS :
cd ~/.composer/
nano auth.json
Delete what is inside th bracket :
"github-oauth": {}
When you're ready to save the file, hold down the Ctrl key and press the letter O
Press the Enter key on your keyboard to save.
When finished, press Ctrl + X to close nano and return to your shell.
Edit the composer authentication configuration file ~/.composer/auth.json
Then replace the following.
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
Now run the command composer install
That's a bug.
If you have Debian or Ubuntu, try this patch. Otherwise read the last line.
Quick copy-paste patch
If you have Debian 10 buster or Ubuntu 20.LTS or similar distributions, try this copy-paste command:
wget -O /tmp/fix-composer.patch
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, write it in the comments.
Step-by-step explaination
Your Composer version has a bug: you are able to save a valid GitHub token, but then it's not able to read that token again because Composer thinks that your GitHub token cannot contain underscores or stuff like that. Moreover, it's strange that Composer checks its syntax only the second time. Why? that's another story.
The fix is simple. You can temporary disable that wrong validation in your Composer version. Also because GitHub is a proprietary service and their specifications can change over time (as you demonstrated today). So it makes sense not to validate the syntax of GitHub tokens. The only person who should hard-validate GitHub tokens is GitHub itself, not Composer.
If you installed Composer via apt install composer, probably you will not have any update available and surely you cannot use self-update because Composer is read-only for security reasons (and for a similar reason, you should not execute Composer from root). Instead, you can create a safe hot-patch to fix that specific issue.
To create a patch, create a file called /tmp/fix-composer.patch with this exact content:
< if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
< throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
< }
> // if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
> // throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
> //
That content can also be seen from here:
Then run this command to apply that patch:
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, probably you have not installed composer via apt.
In short, whatever operating system, and whatever installation method, locate the file BaseIO.php in your Composer and comment out the validation check.
