dotted output after skeletonization in matlab - image

I wish to skeletonize this image
To do so i am using matlab's bwmorph function, Here is the snippet :
bw = bwmorph(img_bw,'skel',Inf);
However the output is not as expected. Here is the output.
Could someone suggest a better way to achieve proper results ?
EDIT: here is a stripped down relevant code
img = imread(name);
img = rgb2gray(img*4);
img_bw = img > 50;
img_bw = medfilt2(img_bw,[10 10]);
bw = bwmorph(img_bw,'skel',Inf);

What you see is aliasing, the imshow function can not display the full image because it is to large to fit the screen. To fit the screen some rows and columns are skipped, which cause the lines to be disconnected. To display an image at full resolution using a scrollpanel, use imscrollpanel
hFig = figure('Toolbar','none', 'Menubar','none');
hIm = imshow(bw);
hSP = imscrollpanel(hFig,hIm);


Rice grain Segmentation in Matlab

I have an image of multiple rice grains in jpg format. I need to separate the individual rice grains into a separate images.
The input image is as below:
The resultant images should contain individual rice as below:
Currently I am using the following code:
close all;
BW = imread('img11_Inp','jpg');
L = bwlabel(BW)
CC = bwconncomp(L);
stats = regionprops(L,'Image');
%Display the first component as an image
Image1 = stats(2).Image
There are two problems with this code. Firstly, it is showing only two images rice grains in the "stats" structure and secondly it is also showing some noise. Please let me know what is the problem with this code
Look at this code with the comments
close all;
I = imread('rice.jpg'); % jpg add noise. TODO: use png format
level = graythresh(I); % Global image threshold using Otsu's method
BW1 = imbinarize(I,level); % need to threshold, jpg add low level noise.
BW2 = imfill(BW1,'holes'); %fill holes inside grains
[L,n] = bwlabel(BW2); % label connected components
B = labeloverlay(I,L);
figure('Name',sprintf('NLables=%d',n)); imshow(B);
stats = regionprops(L,{'Centroid','Area'});
for i=1:length(stats)

How to store small images in MATLAB

I am attempting to convert a 1x8 array into an image, I know that the resulting image would be tiny. I do that using the following code:
filename = fullfile('/Users/jlmontalvo/Documents/MATLAB/train_data.csv');
T = readtable(filename);
C1 = [];
t = T(1,:);
a = t.Variables;
a(end) = []; %getting rid of the last value
test = getimage(imshow(a, [])); %display image
imwrite(test,'/Users/jlmontalvo/Desktop/hello.png'); %store image
the issue is that the image that MATLAB displays looks like this:
but the one that is actually saved is completely different and looks like this:
Why is this?
getimage gets the data displayed. That is, after
test = getimage(imshow(a, []));
test is identical to a.
You are showing the image with contrast stretch, making the smallest value black and the largest value white. But retrieving the data from those axes does not take any of that into account, it simply returns the displayed data.
Instead, you could stretch the data yourself:
test = double(a);
test = test - min(test(:));
test = test / max(test(:));

PIL: after drawing completely corrupts images and smurfs the ouput

I have these two functions in my program:
def depict_ph_increase(x,y,color, imobject):
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(imobject)
draw.text((x, y),color,(255,255,255))'tmp-out.gif')
im_temp ="tmp-out.gif")#.convert2byte()
im_temp = im_temp.resize((930, 340), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
MAP_temp = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im_temp)
map_display_temp = Label(main, image=MAP_temp)
map_display_temp.image = MAP_temp # keep a reference!
map_display_temp.grid(row=4,column=2, columnspan=3)
def read_temp_pixels(temperature_file, rngup, rngdown):
temp_image_object =
(length, width) = get_image_size(temp_image_object)
(rngxleft, rngxright) = rngup
(rngyup,rngydown) = rngdown
print 'the length and width is'
print length, width
hotspots = 5;
for hotspot in range(0,hotspots):
color = "#ffffff"
while color == "#ffffff" or color == "#000000" or color == "#505050" or color == "#969696":
yc = random.randint(rngxleft, rngxright)
xc = random.randint(rngyup,rngydown)
color = convert_RGB_HEX(get_pixel_color(temp_image_object, xc, yc))
depict_ph_increase(xc,yc,color, temp_image_object)
The bottom one calls the top one. Their job is to read in this image:
It then randomly selects a few pixels, grabs their colors, and writes the hex values of the colors on top. But, when it redisplays the image, it gives me this garbage:
Those white numbers up near the upper right corner are the hex values its drawing. Its somehow reading the values from the corrupted image, despite the fact that I don't collect the values until AFTER I actually call the ImageDraw() method. Can someone explain to me why it is corrupting the image?
Some background--the get_pixel_color() function is used several other times in the program and is highly accurate, its just reading the pixel data from the newly corrupted image somehow. Furthermore, I do similar image reading (but not writing) at other points in my code.
If there is anything I can clarify, or any other part of my code you want to see, please let me know. You can also view the program in its entirety at my github here: It should be commit #29.
Other SO questions I have examined, to no avail: Corrupted image is being saved with PIL
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I fixed the problem by editing this line:
temp_image_object =
to be
temp_image_object ='RGB')

Change Range Of Displayed Pixel Values from Command Line?

I'm working with some MRI data in Matlab 2014b, but the data is formed of intensity values not RGB. To get around this I use the code below to form a movie out of the MRI frames (I'm working on dynamic data here)
My problem is that the images need to have altered display values for the pixels, as the default only displays between -Inf and Inf, and I need between 0 and 0.25 to get a sensible image out of my data.
Are there any ways to pass that change from the script in to the movie, and then to write to file? I can only seem to do this per image in implay, and I'd like an automated way to edit each image and then store as a frame for a movie..?
%Code for producing movie.
graymap = gray(256);
for i = 1:32
a(:,:,i) = cmunique(Reformed_Data_Colourmap(:,:,i));
for i = 1:32
b = im2frame(a(:,:,i),graymap);
a(:,:,1) = ((b.cdata));
colormap 'gray'
%The change needs to be here, to display pixel values from 0 to 0.25, to allow for a sensible image from the MR data.
frames(1,i) = getframe;
The solution is provided:
for i = 1:32
b = im2frame(a(:,:,i),graymap);
a(:,:,1) = ((b.cdata));
clims = [0 250];
colormap 'gray'
%set('window', [0 400])
frames(1,i) = getframe;
clims solves the issue.

Matlab: How can I display several outputs in the same image?

Let's say my image is img=zeros(100,100,3), my outputs are several ellipse which i get using a created function [ret]=draw_ellipse(x,y,a,b,angle,color,img), I can display one ellipse using imshow(ret).For the moment, I'm trying to show serval ellipse in the image. But i don't know how to code it. will ‘for loop’ work or I need to hold them?
If this is related to what you were doing in your previous question, then what you need to do is to pass the result of one iteration as input to the next.
So assuming that the function [ret]=draw_ellipse(x,y,a,b,angle,color,img) you mentioned takes as input an image img and returns the same image with an ellipse drawn on it, you could do this:
%# ellipses parameters
%#x = {..}; y = {..};
%#a = {..}; b = {..};
%#angle = {..}; color = {..};
img = zeros(200,100,'uint8'); %# image to start with
for i=1:10
img = draw_ellipse(x{i},y{i}, a{i},b{i}, angle{i}, color{i}, img);
I'm a bit unsure of what you want. You want to show several ellipse in one image, like plotting several graphs with hold on?
There is no equivalent command for images, but a simple solution is to add the ellipses into one image and show that one:
several_ellipse = ellipse1 + ellipse2 + ellipse3;
Presumably you want to pass ret as the final input to the next call to draw_ellipse.
