Approach to filtering and validating return values with rxjs - rxjs

So here is the scenario I am attempting to figure out how to implement using rxjs:
Load some set of metadata from a file/database/etc. Each element in the metadata has an id and additional information - like the location of the actual data. Currently, I am loading all of this metadata at the start of the application, asynchronously. After this data is loaded the Observable calls complete. Eventually I may add a refresh capability
At some later point in the application, I will need to load specific sets of data based upon what is available in the metadata. I am currently attempting to do this with a function like fetchData(ids:string[]):Observable. This is where I am unclear about how to proceed under the rxjs paradigm. I am equally unsure of what to do with requesting a single item using a function like fetchDatum(id:string):Observable
I can of course use filter to operate only on those IMetdata items emitted from the IMetadata Observable that match one of the names in the list - but I also need to confirm that ALL requested items are found in the IMetadata Observable emissions, and if not I need to error.
So if someone requests the IMetadata with id = "Bob" - but there is no such IMetadata emitted from the source Observable, then it needs to error. Or if they request { "Shirley", "Rex", "Samantha" } and there is no data for "Rex" then it should error.
I've considered using a Rx.Subject here, but from what I've read that is generally undesirable under the rxjs paradigm. Please advise on what approaches would work for this scenario under the rxjs paradigm. Thanks!

Here's the solution I came up with. This function creates an Observable that relies upon a IBufferEvaluator to tell it what to do with each item that is emitted by the source Observable. It can APPEND the item to the buffer, SKIP the emitted item, CLEAR the buffer, FLUSH the buffer to the subscriber, etc. Let me know if you find a better way to do this, especially if its an out-of-the-box rxjs solution. Thanks.
import Rx from 'rxjs/Rx';
export enum BufferAction {
APPEND, /** Append the current emission to the buffer and continue **/
SKIP, /** Do nothing, ignoring the current emission if applicable **/
FLUSH, /** This will ignore the current emission, if applicable, and flush the existing buffer contents */
CLEAR, /** Clear the buffer contents. Ignore the current emission, if applicable */
COMPLETE, /** Mark the Observable as Complete. The buffer will be cleared upon completion. **/
APPEND_THEN_FLUSH, /** Append the current emission to the buffer prior to flushing it **/
APPEND_THEN_COMPLETE, /** Append the current emission to the buffer and then complete **/
CLEAR_THEN_APPEND, /** Clear the buffer contents and then append the current emission to it */
FLUSH_THEN_APPEND, /** Flush the buffer contents and then append the current emission to it */
FLUSH_THEN_COMPLETE, /** Flush the buffer contents and then mark the Observable as complete */
APPEND_FLUSH_COMPLETE /** Append the current emission, flush the buffer, and then complete */
export function bufferActionToString(action: BufferAction):string
case BufferAction.APPEND: return "APPEND";
case BufferAction.SKIP: return "SKIP";
case BufferAction.FLUSH: return "FLUSH";
case BufferAction.CLEAR: return "CLEAR";
case BufferAction.COMPLETE: return "COMPLETE";
case BufferAction.APPEND_THEN_FLUSH: return "APPEND_THEN_FLUSH";
case BufferAction.CLEAR_THEN_APPEND: return "CLEAR_THEN_APPEND";
case BufferAction.FLUSH_THEN_APPEND: return "FLUSH_THEN_APPEND";
default: return "Unrecognized Buffer Action [" + action + "]";
export interface IBufferEvaluator<T>
evalOnNext(next:T, buffer: T[]):BufferAction;
evalOnComplete(buffer: T[]):BufferAction;
/** bufferWithEval.ts
* An Operator that buffers the emissions from the source Observable. As each emission is recieved,
* it and the buffered emissions are evaluated to determine what BufferAction to APPEND. You can APPEND
* the current emission value to the end of the buffered emissions, you can FLUSH the buffered emissions
* before or after appending the current emission value, you can SKIP the current emission value and then
* (optionally) FLUSH the buffer, and you can CLEAR the buffer before or after appending the current emission.
* The evalOnNext and evalOnComplete are expected to return a BufferAction to indicate
* which action to take. If no evalOnNext is supplied, it will default to APPENDing each emission. The evalOnComplete
* will default to FLUSH_THEN_COMPLETE. If evalOnNext or evalOnComplete throw an exception, the Observable will emit
* the exception and cease.
export function bufferWithEval<T>
( source: Rx.Observable<T>,
evaluatorFactory?: () => IBufferEvaluator<T>
) : Rx.Observable<T[]>
/** if no evaluatorFactory supplied, use the default evaluatorFactory **/
evaluatorFactory = () => {
return {
evalOnNext : function(next: T, buffer: T[]) { return BufferAction.APPEND; },
evalOnComplete : function(buffer: T[]) { return BufferAction.FLUSH; }
return new Rx.Observable<T[]>((subscriber: Rx.Subscriber<T[]>) =>
var _buffer = new Array<T>();
var _evaluator = evaluatorFactory();
var _subscription: Rx.Subscription = null;
function append(next: T)
function flush()
// Ignore any exceptions that come from
function clear()
_buffer = new Array<T>();
function next(next: T)
var action = _evaluator.evalOnNext(next, _buffer.slice(0));
case BufferAction.APPEND: { append(next); break; }
case BufferAction.SKIP: { break; }
case BufferAction.FLUSH: { flush(); break; }
case BufferAction.CLEAR: { clear(); break; }
case BufferAction.COMPLETE: { complete(); break; }
case BufferAction.APPEND_THEN_FLUSH: { append(next); flush(); break; }
case BufferAction.APPEND_THEN_COMPLETE: { append(next); complete(); break; }
case BufferAction.APPEND_FLUSH_COMPLETE: { append(next); flush(); complete(); break; }
case BufferAction.CLEAR_THEN_APPEND: { clear(); append(next); break; }
case BufferAction.FLUSH_THEN_APPEND: { flush(); append(next); break; }
case BufferAction.FLUSH_THEN_COMPLETE: { flush(); complete(); break; }
default: throw new Error("next(): Invalid BufferAction '" + bufferActionToString(action) + "'");
function complete()
var action = _evaluator.evalOnComplete(_buffer.slice(0));
case BufferAction.FLUSH_THEN_COMPLETE:
case BufferAction.FLUSH: { flush(); }
case BufferAction.CLEAR:
case BufferAction.COMPLETE: { break; }
case BufferAction.APPEND:
case BufferAction.APPEND_THEN_FLUSH:
case BufferAction.SKIP:
case BufferAction.CLEAR_THEN_APPEND:
case BufferAction.FLUSH_THEN_APPEND:
default: throw new Error("complete(): Invalid BufferAction '" + bufferActionToString(action) + "'");
function error(err: any)
_subscription = source.subscribe(next, error, complete);
return _subscription;


RxJs channing, setting and reading external values

I'm new in rxjs world and I have to rewrite some code. So, I draft my ideas.
I have a request, which could fail and return an observable. I simulate that with the ob-variable and two map operations. Then, I try to catch an error. I need the result in my local variable selected and raise an event on isChanged. I call my function now via subscription. I don't need a result.
My question: Is one big pipe enough and can I use following approach for the work with my local variables?
import { of, map, Observable, tap, Subject, throwError, EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
let selected = 0;
const isChanged = new Subject<number>();
function myfunc(): Observable<boolean> {
const ob = of(1,3,4,5,7);
return ob.pipe(
// simulates a http request
map(v => v*2),
// simulates a rare error condition
map(v => {
// if (v === 8) { throw `four`; }
if (v === 10) { throw `ten`; }
return v;
// play with different failure situations
catchError((e) => {
if (e === `four`) {
return of(4);
if (e === `ten`) {
return EMPTY;
return throwError(e);
// I need the result in a local variable
// I need a information about success
// I need the result not really
map((res) => {
selected = res;;
return true;
console.log(`a: selected is ${selected}`);
isChanged.subscribe(v =>
console.log(`b: isChanged received: ${v}, selected is ${selected}`));
console.log(`c: selected is ${selected}`);
// I have to call the function
myfunc().subscribe((b) => {
console.log(`d: selected is ${selected}`);
I create the world in Stackblitz too:
I see results like expected. But I'm not sure if all ideas are the right way to solve all problems.
Thanks for you thought.

[InvalidStateError: "setRemoteDescription needs to called before addIceCandidate" code: 11

I create a simple video calling app by using web Rtc and websockets.
But when i run the code, the following error occured.
DOMException [InvalidStateError: "setRemoteDescription needs to called before addIceCandidate"
code: 11
I don't know how to resolve this error.
Here is my code below:
enter code here
var localVideo;
var remoteVideo;
var peerConnection;
var uuid;
var localStream;
var peerConnectionConfig = {
'iceServers': [
{'urls': ''},
{'urls': ''},
function pageReady() {
uuid = uuid();
console.log('Inside Page Ready');
localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo');
remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
serverConnection = new WebSocket('wss://' + window.location.hostname +
serverConnection.onmessage = gotMessageFromServer;
var constraints = {
video: true,
audio: true,
if(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
alert('Your browser does not support getUserMedia API');
function getUserMediaSuccess(stream) {
localStream = stream;
localVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
function start(isCaller) {
console.log('Inside isCaller');
peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
peerConnection.onicecandidate = gotIceCandidate;
peerConnection.onaddstream = gotRemoteStream;
if(isCaller) {
console.log('Inside Caller to create offer');
function gotMessageFromServer(message) {
console.log('Message from Server');
console.log('Inside !Peer Conn');
var signal = JSON.parse(;
// Ignore messages from ourself
if(signal.uuid == uuid) return;
if(signal.sdp) {
console.log('Inside SDP');
RTCSessionDescription(signal.sdp)).then(function() {
// Only create answers in response to offers
if(signal.sdp.type == 'offer') {
console.log('Before Create Answer');
} else if( {
console.log('Inside Signal Ice');
function gotIceCandidate(event) {
console.log('Inside Got Ice Candi');
if(event.candidate != null) {
serverConnection.send(JSON.stringify({'ice': event.candidate,
'uuid': uuid}));
function createdDescription(description) {
console.log('got description');
peerConnection.setLocalDescription(description).then(function() {
console.log('Inside Setting ');
peerConnection.localDescription, 'uuid': uuid}));
function gotRemoteStream(event) {
console.log('got remote stream');
remoteVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
function errorHandler(error) {
// Taken from
// Strictly speaking, it's not a real UUID, but it gets the job done here
function uuid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) *
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() +
s4() + s4();
This is my code, I don't know how to arrange the addIceCandidate and addRemoteDescription function.
You need to make sure that
peerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(
is called after description is set.
You have sitution where you receive ice candidate and try to add it to peerConnection before peerConnection has completed with setting description.
I had similar situation, and I created array for storing candidates that arrived before setting description is completed, and a variable that checks if description is set. If description is set, I would add candidates to peerConnection, otherwise I would add them to array. (when you set your variable to true, you can also go through array and add all stored candidates to peerConnection.
The way WebRTC works (as much as i understand) is you have to make two peers to have a deal to how to communicate eachother in the order of give an offer to your peer get your peers answer and select an ICE candidate to communicate on then if you want to send your media streams for an video conversation
for you to have a good exampe to look on how to implemet those funcitons and in which order you can visit he has a good understading of how to do this.
you might already have a solution to your problem at this time but im replying in case you do not.
EDIT: As I have been told, this solution is an anti-pattern and you should NOT implement it this way. For more info on how I solved it while still keeping a reasonable flow, follow this answer and comment section:
TLDR: Instead of calling addIceCandidate as soon as the signaling information arrives, add the candidates to a queue. After calling setRemoteDescription, go through candidates queue and call addIceCandidate on each one.
From this answer I learned that we have to call setRemoteDescription(offer) before we add the Ice Candidates data.
So, expanding on #Luxior answer, I did the following:
When signaling message with candidate arrives:
Check if remote was set (via a boolean flag, ie: remoteIsReady)
If it was, call addIceCandidate
If it wasn't, add to a queue
After setRemoteDescription is called (in answer signal or answer client action):
Call a method to go through the candidates queue and call addIceCandidate on each one.
Set boolean flag (remoteIsReady) to true
Empty queue

Operator that skips the next emission from the source whenever another Observable emits

I have a use case where I need an Observable to skip its next emission whenever another notifier Observable emits.
source: |---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X--|>
notifier: |-------------X---------X----------X-------|>
result: |---X---X---X-------X---X-------X-------X--|>
Basically, I want an operator called skipNextWhen that takes in the notifier observable and skips the next emission from the source.
I tried using an implementation that uses the pausable operator (re-implemented using switchMap), but couldn't get it to work.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/never';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/startWith';
declare module 'rxjs/Observable' {
interface Observable<T> {
pausable: typeof pausable;
function pausable<T>(notifier: Observable<boolean>): Observable<T> {
return notifier.startWith(false).switchMap((paused) => {
if (paused) {
return Observable.never();
} else {
const source = new Subject();
return source;
Observable.prototype.pausable = pausable;
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import './pausable';
declare module 'rxjs/Observable' {
interface Observable<T> {
skipNextWhen: typeof skipNextWhen;
function skipNextWhen<T, R>(other: Observable<T>): Observable<R> {
const notifier = Observable.merge( => false), => true));
return this.pausable(notifier);
Observable.prototype.skipNextWhen = skipNextWhen;
Is there a more suitable operator that I should consider using instead? The behavior I'm seeing with my current implementation is that the result Observable emits once, and then never again - even if the notifier Observable never emits.
I can think of two solutions to this:
Using .filter(), .do() and a few side-effects.
This is mayne easier to understand solution even though it's not that "Rx" way:
function skipNextWhen(other) {
let skipNext = false;
return this.merge( => skipNext = true).filter(() => false))
.filter(val => {
const doSkip = skipNext;
skipNext = false;
return !doSkip;
I'm using merge() just to update skipNext, other's value is always ignored.
Using .scan():
This solution is without any state variables and side-effects.
function skipNextWhen(other) {
const SKIP = 'skip';
return this.merge(other.mapTo(SKIP))
.scan((acc, val) => {
if (acc === SKIP) {
return null;
} else if (val === SKIP) {
return SKIP;
} else {
return val;
}, [])
.filter(val => Boolean(val) && val !== SKIP);
Basically, when SKIP arrives I return it right away because it's going to be passed again in acc parameter by the scan() operator and later ignored by filter().
If I receive a normal value but the previous value was SKIP I ignore it and return just null which is later filter away.
Both solutions give the same result:
Observable.prototype.skipNextWhen = skipNextWhen;
const source = Observable.range(1, 10)
.concatMap(val => Observable.of(val).delay(100));
This prints the following:
Just be aware that you're not in fact creating new operator. You just have a shortcut for an operator chain. This for example doesn't let you unsubscribe from other when the source completes.
I've started a (very) small library of some rxjs utils I've wanted. It happens to have a function to do exactly what you ask: skipAfter. From the docs:
source: -1-----2-----3-----4-----5-|
skip$: ----0----------0-0----------
result: -1-----------3-----------5-|
The library is here:

How to retry failures with $q.all

I have some code that saves data using Breeze and reports progress over multiple saves that is working reasonably well.
However, sometimes a save will timeout, and I'd like to retry it once automatically. (Currently the user is shown an error and has to retry manually)
I am struggling to find an appropriate way to do this, but I am confused by promises, so I'd appreciate some help.
Here is my code:
//I'm using Breeze, but because the save takes so long, I
//want to break the changes down into chunks and report progress
//as each chunk is saved....
var surveys = EntityQuery
var promises = [];
var fails = [];
var so = new SaveOptions({ allowConcurrentSaves: false});
var count = 0;
// I iterate through the surveys, creating a promise for each survey...
for (var i = 0, len = surveys.length; i < len; i++) {
var query = EntityQuery.from('AnsweredQuestions')
.where('PropertySurveyID', '==', surveys[i].ID)
var graph = manager.getEntityGraph(query)
var changes = graph.filter(function (entity) {
return !entity.entityAspect.entityState.isUnchanged();
if (changes.length > 0) {
.saveChanges(changes, so)
.then(function () {
//reporting progress
count++;'Uploaded ' + count + ' of ' + promises.length);
function () {
//could I retry the fail here?
//....then I use $q.all to execute the promises
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
if (fails.length > 0) {
//could I retry the fails here?
else {
To clarify why I have been attempting this:
I have an http interceptor that sets a timeout on all http requests. When a request times out, the timeout is adjusted upwards, the user is displayed an error message, telling them they can retry with a longer wait if they wish.
Sending all the changes in one http request is looking like it could take several minutes, so I decided to break the changes down into several http requests, reporting progress as each request succeeds.
Now, some requests in the batch might timeout and some might not.
Then I had the bright idea that I would set a low timeout for the http request to start with and automatically increase it. But the batch is sent asynchronously with the same timeout setting and the time is adjusted for each failure. That is no good.
To solve this I wanted to move the timeout adjustment after the batch completes, then also retry all requests.
To be honest I'm not so sure an automatic timeout adjustment and retry is such a great idea in the first place. And even if it was, it would probably be better in a situation where http requests were made one after another - which I've also been looking at:
Orchestrating retries downstream of $q.all() is possible but would be very messy indeed. It's far simpler to perform retries before aggregating the promises.
You could exploit closures and retry-counters but it's cleaner to build a catch chain :
function retry(fn, n) {
* Description: perform an arbitrary asynchronous function,
* and, on error, retry up to n times.
* Returns: promise
var p = fn(); // first try
for(var i=0; i<n; i++) {
p = p.catch(function(error) {
// possibly log error here to make it observable
return fn(); // retry
return p;
Now, amend your for loop :
use Function.prototype.bind() to define each save as a function with bound-in parameters.
pass that function to retry().
push the promise returned by retry().then(...) onto the promises array.
var query, graph, changes, saveFn;
for (var i = 0, len = surveys.length; i < len; i++) {
query = ...; // as before
graph = ...; // as before
changes = ...; // as before
if (changes.length > 0) {
saveFn = manager.saveChanges.bind(manager, changes, so); // this is what needs to be tried/retried
promises.push(retry(saveFn, 1).then(function() {
// as before
}, function () {
// as before
return $q.all(promises)... // as before
It's not clear why you might want to retry downsteam of $q.all(). If it's a matter of introducing some delay before retrying, the simplest way would be to do within the pattern above.
However, if retrying downstream of $q.all() is a firm requirement, here's a cleanish recursive solution that allows any number of retries, with minimal need for outer vars :
var surveys = //as before
var limit = 2;
function save(changes) {
return manager.saveChanges(changes, so).then(function () {
return true; // true signifies success
}, function (error) {
logger.error('Save Failed');
return changes; // retry (subject to limit)
function saveChanges(changes_array, tries) {
tries = tries || 0;
if(tries >= limit) {
throw new Error('After ' + tries + ' tries, ' + changes_array.length + ' changes objects were still unsaved.');
if(changes_array.length > 0) {'Starting try number ' + (tries+1) + ' comprising ' + changes_array.length + ' changes objects');
return $q.all( {
var successes = results.filter(function() { return item === true; };
var failures = results.filter(function() { return item !== true; }'Uploaded ' + successes.length + ' of ' + changes_array.length);
return saveChanges(failures), tries + 1); // recursive call.
} else {
return $q(); // return a resolved promise
//using reduce to populate an array of changes
//the second parameter passed to the reduce method is the initial value
//for memo - in this case an empty array
var changes_array = surveys.reduce(function (memo, survey) {
//memo is the return value from the previous call to the function
var query = EntityQuery.from('AnsweredQuestions')
.where('PropertySurveyID', '==', survey.ID)
var graph = manager.getEntityGraph(query)
var changes = graph.filter(function (entity) {
return !entity.entityAspect.entityState.isUnchanged();
if (changes.length > 0) {
return memo;
}, []);
return saveChanges(changes_array).then(saveSuccess, saveFail);
Progress reporting is slightly different here. With a little more thought it could be made more like in your own answer.
This is a very rough idea of how to solve it.
var promises = [];
var LIMIT = 3 // 3 tris per promise.
data.forEach(function(chunk) {
data: chunk,
retries: 0
function tryOrFail(data) {
if (data.tries === LIMIT) return $q.reject();
return processChunk(data.chunk)
.catch(function() {
//Some error handling here
return tryOrFail(data);
$q.all(promises) //...
Two useful answers here, but having worked through this I have concluded that immediate retries is not really going to work for me.
I want to wait for the first batch to complete, then if the failures are because of timeouts, increase the timeout allowance, before retrying failures.
So I took Juan Stiza's example and modified it to do what I want. i.e. retry failures with $q.all
My code now looks like this:
var surveys = //as before
var successes = 0;
var retries = 0;
var failedChanges = [];
//The saveChanges also keeps a track of retries, successes and fails
//it resolves first time through, and rejects second time
//it might be better written as two functions - a save and a retry
function saveChanges(data) {
if (data.retrying) {
retries++;'Retrying ' + retries + ' of ' + failedChanges.length);
return manager
.saveChanges(data.changes, so)
.then(function () {
successes++;'Uploaded ' + successes + ' of ' + promises.length);
function (error) {
if (!data.retrying) {
//store the changes and resolve the promise
//so that saveChanges can be called again after the call to $q.all
return; //resolved
logger.error('Retry Failed');
return $q.reject();
//using map instead of a for loop to call saveChanges
//and store the returned promises in an array
var promises = (survey) {
var changes = //as before
return saveChanges({ changes: changes, retrying: false });
});'Starting data upload');
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
if (failedChanges.length > 0) {
var retries = (data) {
return saveChanges({ changes: data, retrying: true });
return $q.all(retries).then(saveSuccess, saveFail);
else {

Replacing nested if statements

This is related to a chapter from beautiful code.
And in that chapter I read about the nested ifs.
The author was talking about deeply nested ifs as originator of bugs and less readable.
And he was talking about replacing nested ifs with case statements and decision tables.
Can anybody illustrate how to remove nested ifs with case (select case) and decision tables ?
Well, not directly an answer to your question since you specifically ask about switch/case statements, but here is a similar question.
Invert “if” statement to reduce nesting
This talks about replacing nested if's with guard-statements, that return early, instead of progressively checking more and more things before settling on a return value.
One example I always try to do is replace heavily nested if's like this (actually this one's not too bad but I've seen them up to 8 or 9 levels deep in the wild):
if (i == 1) {
// action 1
} else {
if (i == 2) {
// action 2
} else {
if (i == 3) {
// action 3
} else {
// action 4
with this:
switch (i) {
case 1:
// action 1
case 2:
// action 2
case 3:
// action 3
// action 4
I also try to keep the actions as small as possible (function calls are best for this) to keep the switch statement compressed (so you don't have to go four pages ahead to see the end of it).
Decision tables, I believe, are simply setting flags indicating what actions have to be taken later on. The "later on" section is simple sequencing of actions based on those flags. I could be wrong (it won't be the first or last time :-).
An example would be (the flag-setting phase can be complicated if's since its actions are very simple):
switch (i) {
case 1:
outmsg = "no paper";
genmsg = true;
mailmsg = true;
phonemsg = false;
case 2:
outmsg = "no ink";
genmsg = true;
mailmsg = true;
phonemsg = false;
outmsg = "unknown problem";
genmsg = true;
mailmsg = true;
phonemsg = true;
if (genmsg)
// Send message to screen.
if (mailmsg)
// Send message to operators email address.
if (phonemsg)
// Hassle operators mobile phone.
How about chained ifs?
if (condition1)
if (condition2)
else (condition3)
if (condition1) {
} else if (condition2) {
} else if (condition3) {
This is much like switch statement for complex conditions.
Make the condition into booleans and then write boolean expression for each case.
If the code was:
if (condition1)
if (condition2)
else (condition3)
One can write it as:
bool cond1=condition1;
bool cond2=condition2;
bool cond3=condition3;
if (cond1) {do1;}
if (!cond1 and cond2) {do2;}
if (!cond1 and cond3) {do2;}
For decision tables, please see my answer to this question, or better still read chapter 18 in Code Complete 2.
You can just break once a part of the validation failed for example.
function validate(){
if(b=="" || b==null){
alert("Please enter your city");
return false;
if(a=="" || a==null){
alert("Please enter your address");
return false;
return true;
Decision tables are where you store the conditional logic in a data structure rather than within the code itself.
So instead of this (using #Pax's example):
if (i == 1) {
// action 1
} else {
if (i == 2) {
// action 2
} else {
if (i == 3) {
// action 3
} else {
// action 4
you do something like this:
void action1()
// action 1
void action2()
// action 2
void action3()
// action 3
void action4()
// action 4
#define NUM_ACTIONS 4
// Create array of function pointers for each allowed value of i
void (*actions[NUM_ACTIONS])() = { NULL, action1, action2, action3 }
// And now in the body of a function somewhere...
if ((i < NUM_ACTIONS) && actions[i])
If the possibilities for i are not low-numbered integers then you could create a lookup table instead of directly accessing the ith element of the actions array.
This technique becomes much more useful than nested ifs or switch statements when you have a decision over dozens of possible values.
If and switch statements are not purely OO. They are conditional procedural logic, but do a very good job! If you want to remove these statements for a more OO approach, combine the 'State' and 'Descriptor' patterns.
You might also consider using the Visitor pattern.
Nested if are equivalent to the logical operator AND
if (condition1)
if (function(2))
if (condition3)
// do something
Equivalent code:
if (condition1 && function(2) && condition3)
// do something
In both cases, when an expression evaluates false, the subsequent expression will not be evaluated. For example, if condition1 is false, the function() will not be called, and condition3 won't be evaluated.
Another example some languages allow is this
switch true{
case i==0
case j==2
case i>j
