Visual Studio c++ 2015 runtime deployment with legacy application - visual-studio

I have a winforms .net4.5.2 application which depends on a c++\cli wrapper which is included in the VS project by reference. When the winforms application, that is built using Any CPU, is launched a assembly resolver is used to point out the correct platform dll for the reference and Assembly.Load(ed) in the platform specific folders in the root of the application folder i.e. \x64 or \x86.
This c++\cli is now built using the v140 platform toolset which depends on the Universal CRT dll:s. Looking here I was able to locate the necessary dll:s (41 * 2 of them) and I did what I was told to copy them inside the \x86 and \x64 folders. Now since the change to v140 platform my application does not start anymore and ProcessMonitor file operations tell me the following:
SUCCESS C:\MyApp\x64\TheCLIWrapper.x64.dll
SUCCESS C:\MyApp\x64\ADependency.dll
SUCCESS C:\MyApp\x64\msvcp140.dll
SUCCESS C:\MyApp\x64\vcruntime140.dll
SUCCESS C:\MyApp\x64\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
NAME NOT FOUND C:\MyApp\ucrtbase.dll
How is this even possible if before assembly resolving my c++\cli wrapper I explicitly set the dll directory (using SetDllDirectory) to the C:\MyApp\x64 folder? By this I mean why is the loading process looking in C:\MyApp for the ucrtbase.dll?
Naturally, if all the 41 dlls of a specific platform are copied to the root C:\MyApp\ folder it works but this is not an option for me, nor is the installation of c++ runtime executable on the clients running the application.
Does anyone have an idea or any tips on how to solve this deployment problem?

So you basically wanna do x-xopy deployment with x86-dll's in MyApp\x86, and x64-dll's in MyApp\x64?
How about explicitly loading the dll's with LoadLibrary?

I used procmon to inspect where the UCRT DLLs were trying to load each other from. Noticed the paths it was searching did not include the path set from the earlier SetDllDirectory. No matter what I tried the paths it searched seemed to only include the default values.
The working directory was always included as per Dynamic-Link Library Search Order and the only solution I could get was to change the current working directory to the appropriate one, load the DLL with the UCRT requirement, and change it back. Nothing else worked (including changing PATH environment variable)
Note this is very much not threadsafe


Why are my DLLs loading from SysWOW64 when they exist in the application directory?

I'm writing a 32-bit C++ application on Windows 8.1 x64 using Visual Studio 2013 that depends on Python 3.3 and libVLC. I have python33.dll, libvlc.dll, and libvlccore.dll in the same directory as my executable, which I also have set as the working directory under Project > Properties > Debugging. According to MSDN, unless you're using the altered search path (which should only apply if you're using LoadLibraryEx to load the DLLs at run-time; in my case these DLLs are loaded at load-time), the application directory should always be searched before the system directory. However, according to Visual Studio, all three of these DLLs are being loaded from C:\Windows\SysWOW64. This is causing me problems as the version of libVLC I have there is much older than the one I'm trying to use.
That MSDN article only lists 3 exceptions to the normal search process. These DLLs are loaded as soon as the process starts, so obviously it couldn't be the system versions were already loaded (but just to be sure, I created a .local file since it mentioned redirection would override that, and it had no effect). I've checked the registry to see that they didn't somehow get registered as "Known DLLs", so that doesn't appear to be the problem. It's possible that python33 is being loaded as a dependency of Boost.Python, but even if it's loaded only by name the app directory should still be searched first, and in any case none of my other dependencies reference VLC. As a guess I tried marking the VLC libs as delay-load (I couldn't with Python due to data imports), and I got the following warnings, which I found interesting:
1>LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:libvlc.dll ignored; no imports found from libvlc.dll
1>LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:libvlccore.dll ignored; no imports found from libvlccore.dll
However, dumpbin shows that my compiled exe imports several functions from libvlc.dll.
I could of course replace or delete the system versions, but that's not really a solution if I ever attempt to distribute this application. I'm not really sure what else would be causing this. Can anyone suggest anywhere else for me to look?

Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies

I have a VS2010 C# project, that references a large set of native .dll's (a commercial java runtime). These file are referenced as 'Content' files in the project, since the need to be copied with the project.
The code in these libraries is called using PInvoke, there is no assembly reference.
Every time I compile the solution, the Visual Studio testing framework tries to load all the referenced dll files, expecting to find .net assemblies which may contain unit tests. Since the are no .net assemblies, the following exception is thrown:
Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. If you build your test project assembly as a 64 bit assembly, it cannot be loaded. When you build your test project assembly, select "Any CPU" for the platform. To run your tests in 64 bit mode on a 64 bit processor, you must change your test settings in the Hosts tab to run your tests in a 32 bit process. Error details: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
This takes a whole lot of time, and I would like to tell Visual Studio to not try to load these files.
How can I tell Visual Studio to stop trying to load these files?
Correct me if I got this wrong:
You are including the P/Invoke target binaries in to the VS solution because you want the binaries to be copied over to the target directory when the solution is built. You want this because the project will execute from the target directory as soon as the VS solution is built. Correct?
Often times VS packages (both default and 3rd party) try to get smart about the solution content and will follow certain triggers (which are difficult to contain and control by ourselves) and load the solution and project content in their own ways. Fighting the battle in this area has poor ROI than employing a simpler work around (below).
While I can't provide you with an authoritative answer on how to tell VS's test package to not load all binaries, I suggest removing such binaries from the project as 'content' and leave them in your source control where they are today. Add a post-build task that will copy the said binaries over to the target. This will still give you the same result as it is working today but, takes those binaries out of reach for the test probes.
You must check out configuration settings by just right clicking on your solution name and click on "Configuration Manager"
It will open a pop up window for Configuration Manager.
Check not for the platform your projects are using it is better to choose any CPU.
Hope this can help.Give it a try:)
Because thats what your exeception says as you have quoted
I tried to repro this issue and found that the root cause is that you have set your test project to be compiled as !AnyCpu. Is there any particular reason why you would want this for managed test code?
So unless you change this you will continue to see this message.
If you want to continue using this configuration for your test project you would need to update your .testsettings file as suggested in the message.
Sorry if this seems remedial. I am including it for the sake of completeness.
General library behavior
A library can be referenced either in the project file (and so the compiler injects to code to load the references) or dynamically at runtime with LoadLibrary() or PInvoke calls. When a referenced library is loaded, a function at the entry point is run can in turn load any libraries it depends on. When loading the library, there is a well-known set of paths that Windows will search, including %WINDIR%\Assembly and the current directory. There's a lot of good conceptual information on Wikipedia about this. I recommend reading it.
Possible Root Causes
I can't tell from your question if you are having trouble building the application, building the tests, or executing either. Generally I would not expect PInvoke to cause compile errors.
Error during app build: VS generally will show you that you have a reference to a DLL it can't find. However, you may be missing a DLL that is needed to satisfy all the dependencies. To resolve, just add the reference to the missing DLL. (This is the simplest issue, so I'm guessing this isn't what you're seeing.)
Error during test build: Since your test will reference your application/library, it also needs to have the same reference. Usually the easiest way to ensure you are getting everything is to remove all references and add a reference to the project you are testing. It's possible you some additional libraries are necessary for some tests, but not your app/lib itself. These need to be added separately.
Error during app execution: This can happen when starting the application, or later when an call to the external library is made if late binding is used.
Error during test execution: This can happen the same as with app execution. However, tests can also be "partially built" to only execute a small number of tests. In these cases, some files may not be copied. Using the [DeploymentItem()] attribute, you can specify that a test requires the presence of certain files in the test or app/lib project to function. MSDN describes how this can be done.
For #1 & #2 the solution lies in adjusting the references in the project.
For #3 & #4, it may get trickier. There is a similar question to yours regarding Windows Mobile here which you may find useful, especially referring to using dumpbin to list out library dependencies. You can also use procmon from SysInternals to monitor file access during compile or load to see which files are not found. Then you can either include the missing file, or remove the library referencing it.
Good luck. Hope this helps.

How to use third party SDKs/Libraries in Visual Studio (2010) projects? (OpenGL/FreeGLUT/GLEW)

For the last two years I have been using Java and NetBeans, where all I need to do to add a new third party library to my project is throw in the .jar file and NetBeans does the rest.
Recently I have switch to C++ and Visual Studio and I am having a really hard time getting a project to compile using OpenGL, GLUT and GLEW due to 'Missing reference' errors.
Some tutorials tell me I need to download the projects for GLUT/GLEW and run them (that didn't work), some tutorials tell me I need to add a .dll file to my Win32 folder, others say just put the header files in the same directory as your project and some say I need to install these libraries in to Visual Studio itself, not just to my project.
None of these approaches have worked thus far.
All I want is for this one project to use these libraries. This is throwing a major spanner in the works for me at the moment, any help would be appreciated.
Sorry, I don't have an easy answer for you. I've been using OpenGL on Windows for years, and it can be a pain.
MS doesn't even (really) support OpenGL, the headers that come with Windows are the old 1.x ones - and they have no plans on changing that (they want to you use DX).
So, I would start small.
First, get a basically empty Win32 console "Hello World" app running.
Then, just add one component, like Glut.
Then, do the same - keeping it compiling / linking - incrementally add other components.
Wherever they tell you to put headers, libraries, DLLs, etc, it needs to be reflected in your project file. So:
add the location of the header files to "C/C++->Additional Include Directories"
add the .lib files to the "Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies"
(it still won't find them so) add the location of the .lib files to "Linker->General->Additional Library Directories"
With all that in place it should compile and link, but may not run still because it can't find the DLLs (that go along with the .lib files).
The shortest path to getting running might just be to dump the DLLs in the Windows/System32 folder. But in the long run that can be problematic as other apps may overwrite it (or see you as overwriting theirs).
What I do with specific DLLs is just load them explicitly in my application so I know for sure what DLL I'm getting (I don't do much Windows-specific GL, but when I did, I had my own \OpenGL directory with the versions of .h files, libs and DLLs I wanted).
Good Luck!
Oh, LoadLibrary() will load a DLL, etc.

Loading multiple copies of a group of DLLs in the same process

I'm maintaining a plugin for an application. I'm Using Visual C++ 2003.
The plugin is composed of several DLLs - there's the main DLL, that's the one that the application loads using LoadLibrary, and there are several utility DLLs that are used by the main DLL and by each other.
Dependencies generally look like this:
plugin.dll -> utilA.dll, utilB.dll
utilA.dll -> utilB.dll
utilB.dll -> utilA.dll, utilC.dll
You get the picture.
Some of the dependencies between the DLLs are load-time and some run-time.
All the DLL files are stored in the executable's directory (not a requirement, just how it works now).
The problem
There's a new requirement - running multiple instances of the plugin within the application.
The application runs each instance of a plugin in its own thread, i.e. each thread calls functions exported by plugin.dll. The plugin's code, however, is anything but thread-safe - lots of global variables etc..
Unfortunately, fixing the whole thing isn't currently an option, so I need a way to load multiple (at most 3) copies of the plugin's DLLs in the same process.
Option 1: The distinct names approach
Creating 3 copies of each DLL file, so that each file has a distinct name. e.g. plugin1.dll, plugin2.dll, plugin3.dll, utilA1.dll, utilA2.dll, utilA3.dll, utilB1.dll, etc.. The application will load plugin1.dll, plugin2.dll and plugin3.dll. The files will be in the executable's directory.
For each group of DLLs to know each other by name (so the inter-dependencies work), the names need to be known at compilation time - meaning the DLLs need to be compiled multiple times, only each time with different output file names.
Not very complicated, but I'd hate having 3 copies of the VS project files, and don't like having to compile the same files over and over.
Option 2: The side-by-side assemblies approach
Creating 3 copies of the DLL files, each group in its own directory, and defining each group as an assembly by putting an assembly manifest file in the directory, listing the plugin's DLLs.
Each DLL will have an application manifest pointing to the assembly, so that the loader finds the copies of the utility DLLs that reside in the same directory. The manifest needs to be embedded for it to be found when a DLL is loaded using LoadLibrary. I'll use mt.exe from a later VS version for the job, since VS2003 has no built-in manifest embedding support.
I've tried this approach with partial success - dependencies are found during load-time of the DLLs, but not when a DLL function is called that loads another DLL.
This seems to be the expected behavior according to this article - A DLL's activation context is only used at the DLL's load-time, and afterwards it's deactivated and the process's activation context is used.
Edit: Works with ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED as expected - runtime loading of DLLs uses the original activation context of the loading DLL.
Got any other options? Any quick & dirty solution will do. :-)
Will ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED even work with VS2003? Edit: It does.
Comments will be greatly appreciated.
ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED is implemented by the Windows SDK header files and thus probably wont worth with VS2003 at all. However, it is possible to download the latest Windows 7 SDK and use that with VS2003.
You don't need to use MT to link in manifests. Manifests can be embedded as resources in environments that dont have explicit knowledge.
Add the following to a dll's .rc file to embed a manifest. (With a recent enough platform sdk RT_MANIFEST should already be defined):
#define RT_MANIFEST 24
#define APP_MANIFEST 1
#define DLL_MANIFEST 2
DLL_MANIFEST RT_MANIFEST dllName.dll.embed.manifest

Including MS C++ runtime in VS2005 generated MSI

I've got a project that depends on a particular version of MSVCR80.dll (the MS Visual C Runtime) and I'm running into problems where, depending on the particular system configuration, my app doesn't always get the right version of that file. It's been a bit of a crap shoot as to what path it takes to find a file with that name, and it's not always right...
Is there a way, when creating a Deployment Project in VS2005, to ensure that my app will always use the runtime that I provided?? When I add the runtime file to the project, it asks about creating a merge module...but not really sure what that does. And regardless of creating one, the issue remains.
Martin Richter wrote an article about that on CodeProject:
Create projects easily with private MFC, ATL and CRT assemblies
This solution does not rely on your MSI packages but on the application that uses the CRT files.
I am not sure if it is your application after installation that doesn't work, or if it is a dll you use as part of the installation that doesn't work?
To make a very long story, very short: new versions of the C / C++ runtimes are installed as Win32 assemblies, or side-by-side installation. This means the files will go into folders under C:\Windows\winsxs - the Win32 equivalent of the GAC, and several versions of the same file can co-exist here.
Applications compiled with Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 will put a manifest file into the binary, and this manifest specifies what side-by-side runtime version to bind to. It doesn't matter if you put the MSVCR80.dll next to your EXE or even in system32 - the manifest embedded in the EXE will load the file from C:\Windows\winsxs.
This is all "full circle". In the old days runtimes went to System32. This caused the original dll-hell: applications overwriting each other's global runtime files. To remedy all this the idea was to "isolate changes" to each application. Hence the new approach was to isolate a local copy of the runtime file next to the EXE. Now this caused an entirely new problem: how do you make sure security updates for the isolated dll was deployed? In most cases this never happened, and you had lots of applications running with local, unsafe dll's. So what to do? The decision was to introduce the second coming of dll-hell: the side-by-side assembly approach. In this approach runtimes are not local, but global - with the critical difference of supporting side-by-side installations. This way, in theory, applications can function without overwriting each other's runtime dlls.
So that was the quick summary of "how to make runtime deployment complicated". I am not positive it is still possible to do, but did you check whether you can statically link to the runtime? Sometimes old-school really is easier...
