DAX - Sum Workdays By Month within Range - business-intelligence

I've been at this one a while.
Objective: Pivot a monthly summary of days worked by Resource within the range for that Resource line where those dates (from StartDate to EndDate) correspond to the Dates table IsWorkday field.
Thanks for your help!

It depends on how you define what a workday is. I suspect this is Monday thru Friday? If so, try the weekday function.
Where serial_number is the cell with a date you want to identify. This would not exclude holidays, I would recommend an index/match on some holiday reference table for that.


How do I subtract two rows from a POWERBI custom table?

I have a table as followed seen above which ROW is month (filtered by a certain project) and values are cost of the project. I want to calcuate the difference between two months, but I am having trouble.
How do I subtract two rows from each other.
In the code I wrote:
Variance = [Cost] - CALCULATE([Cost],PREVIOUSMONTH('Month'[Month))
I get the following error, A column specified in the call to function is not of type date.
Is there a way to manual subtract two months?
The best way to do it is to replace your month with an actual Date value. The first of the month for example. The you should be able to do something like this assuming your month dates are unique: If they are not unique you should create a Dates table (See Microsoft's Guidance on date table) and join.
variance = [Cost] - Calculate([COST],(PARALLELPERIOD(Month[Month],-1,Month)
You can use EARLIER function here but, only when the Months have an Id. Such as
1 Jan
2 Feb
3 March
Link for details
However, I would suggest creating a date table and then having a relationship from the date table to your table. By using date table you can easily achieve using in-buit date functions.

Calculating total number of days based on the relative date range filter in tableau

I have a date column using which I created a "relative date" filter as follows:
Now I want to create a measure as follows:
SUM(value from another column)/total number of day in that date range.
Can someone help me how to create this measure?? Thanks!!
Assuming you Record Date field is at the day level of detail, you could do:
SUM(value from another column)/countd(record_date)

Can I generate the number of business days in a month in Visual Studio?

I have a report that takes sales data from a few tables. I want to add a field that will divide the total sales for the given month by the total number of business days in that same month. Is there a way I can calculate that in an expression? Do I need to create a new table in the database specifically for months and their number of business days? How should I go about this?
Thank you
Intuitively, I would say that you need a simple function and a table.
The table is to host the exceptions like Independence day, labor day, etc.
The function will get two parameters: Month and Year (I'm not providing any sample code since you haven't specified which language you are using).
It will then build a date as yyyy-mm-01 (meaning, first day of the month). If will then loop from 2 to 31 and:
Create a new date by adding the index of the loop to the initial date,
Check if the resulting date is still within the month,
Check if it is a working or not working day (e.g. Sunday),
Check if it is found within the table of exceptions.
If the created date passes all the above tests, you add 1 to the counter.
Though it might look complex, it is not and it will provide you the correct answer regardless of the month (e.g. Feb.) and the year (leap or not).

RethinkDB: Can I group by day / week / month?

My table has a timestamp field, which is a standard RethinkDB date field.
Can I group rows by day / week / month using this timestamp field? Couldn't find any examples in the group() docs.
To group by month, day, or day of week individually:
Grouping by the week isn't as easy at the moment, because ReQL is currently missing a function to get the week number from a data (see https://github.com/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/issues/2055 ). You can probably work around that by using some custom JavaScript code through r.js(). Please let me know if this is important for you, so I can look into it.
If you want to group by combinations of multiple things, e.g. day and month:
r.table(...).group([r.row('timestamp').month(), r.row('timestamp').day()])

How can I select entries for a given weekday using SQL?

I could use this query to select all orders with a date on a monday:
SELECT * from orders WHERE strftime("%w", date)="1";
But as far as I know, this can't be speed up using an index, as for every row strftime has to be calculated.
I could add an additional field with the weekday stored, but I want to avoid it. Is there a solution that makes use of an index or am I wrong and this query actually works fine? (That means it doesn't have to go through every row to calculate the result.)
If you want all Mondays ever, you'd need a field or sequential scan. What you could do, is calculate actual dates for example for all Mondays within a year. The condition WHERE date IN ('2009-03-02', '2009-02-23', ...) would use index
Or as an alternative to vartec's suggestion, construct a calendar table consisting only of a date and a day name for each day in the year (both indexed) and then perform your query by doing a JOIN against this table.
