Show parameters in Canopy? - canopy

I have to use Canopy for some schoolwork, but it doesn't seem to show parameters of functions I call. So, when I type cv2.HoughCircle( I would expect it to tell me what the first parameter should be. Is there a way to enable this in Canopy? Perhaps some plugin?

Is this what you expect :
You will have to press Tab for the autocomplete to show you information about the method. Can you try that? Also, is cv2.HoughCircle a well commented object, similar to numpy.linspace shown above?


Gosublime:How does it can show me the function's params informations when it works

It can work good with sublime text 2,now i want to know the function's params count and type,it only show me the function's return type. The plugin can't do the thing,is there any methods can solve the problem ? or we can modify the code to reach it
When you start typing, the auto-completion will indeed show you only the return type.
But as soon as you select one (and remember, with Go, you will have only one method with a given name), you will see the function parameters directly in the code.
To get more out of the tooltip presented by GoSublime, you would have to modify the gosubl/ script.

TAB completion what it returns

my apologies for being stupid, but I am new to Canopy.
What does completion return?
when I type
print(), I get a list of %%??? items.
I am looking for info about the print() function or other functions.
I am sure it's in that manual but I can't find it.
Tab completion tries to show you a list of everything that might complete what you are typing.
print is unusual because it is both a python 2.7 keyword and a python-3-compatible function. IPython doesn't know what you want to print so it shows you the beginning of a list of every name it knows.
In contrast, if you type plot? you will see good help for matplotlib's plot function, etc.

Script not working only in Firefox

I have a script that basically is a search/filter that runs all browsers except firefox. And I dont know what is wrong. I'm trying since saturday find what is wrong, searching here if someone had the same problem and nothing. I'm LEARNING javascript, so I'm hoping someone can point me into the right direction to find what i'm not doing right or what i'm missing. Any help will be appreciated.
online here
The problem, as you can tell by looking in the error console, is this code:
$(listaProdutos).find('a:Contains(' + filter + ')').parent();
There is no "listaProdutos" variable in the script. You're relying on a non-standard behavior in other browsers that reflects all IDs into the global scope.
This should work:
$("listaProdutos").find('a:Contains(' + filter + ')').parent();
You need a similar change in some other places too.
Use the W3C validator to check interoperability of your web-scripts.
Click here to get yours validated.

VB6 intellisense problems

I am writing a simple application that utilizes option(radio) buttons in vb6.
I am attempting to make different buttons and labels appear based on which optionbutton has been selected. I attempted to use an if statement that looks like this:
If (EditOpenTicketRadioButton.value = True) Then
label.visible = true
elseIf(...) then....
and on.
things start acting strange when I begin to type the period after EditOpenTicketRadioButton. the only options that intellisense gives me are Count, Item, LBound, and UBound. I know from internet examples It should be like the above example right? it will not run with that syntax it gives me an error that states: compile Error: Method or data member not found. then it points me to the Load method for my form...
If anyone can help me make sense of this it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
From the (very, very) limited information you gave, I can only assume EditOpenTicketRadioButton is a victim of extremely poor name choice and is actually an array of radio buttons.
If that's the case, you need to figure out which button you mean, and use it like EditOpenTicketRadioButton(0) or whatever.

How to simulate pressing enter in html text input with Selenium?

In a web interface, I've got a text field. When user enters text and accepts with enter, application performs an action.
I wanted to test the behavior with Selenium. Unfortunately, invoking 'keypress' with chr(13) insert representation of the character into the field.
Is there a way other then submitting the form? I'd like to mimic intended user interaction, without any shortcuts...
This Java code works for me:
selenium.keyDown(id, "\\13");
Notice the escape. You probably need something like chr(\13)
I ended up using selenium.keyPress(id, "\\13");
Though I haven't tested this I imagine you can use "\r\n" appended to a string to simulate a new line. If not look for the languages equivalent to "Environment.NewLine;" ?
It's been a while since I've had to do this, but I seem to recall having to use a javascript snippet to execute the carrage return as opposed to using the Selenium keypress function.
you can use
