outputting a buffer stream - boost

I am simiply trying to display a message I receive from a tcp socket which terminates with "\r\n\r\n".
C++ however terminates immediately even though the server indicates that the message has been successfully transmitted.
void handle_read( const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred)
std::istream response_stream(&response_);
std::string incoming;
std::string res_time = make_daytime_string();
while (std::getline(response_stream, incoming) && incoming != "\r")
std::cout << incoming << std::endl;
std::cout <<"message received on "<< res_time <<std::endl;
In Eclipse I see the following in consol,
(exit value = -1)
When the program is terminated, If I switch to the consol of Linux I see the following error:
* Error in `/home/administrator/Documents/eclipse/Projects/Asynchronous_TCP/Debug/Asynchronous_TCP': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001040580 *

Apperantly I only needed to resolved the socket connection


How to suppress "ERROR message: short read (SSL routines, SSL routines), value: 335544539"

// Read a message into our buffer
// Close the WebSocket connection
Based on my test, the ws.close will spit out a warning below:
ERROR message: short read (SSL routines, SSL routines), value:
Based on this post short read, this error can be safely ignored in the end of the session. I have tried the following method to suppress the warning:
boost::system::error_code close_ec;
ws.close(websocket::close_code::normal, close_ec);
if (close_ec)
std::cerr << "ERROR message: " << close_ec.message() << ", value: " << close_ec.value() << std::endl;
However, the ws.close still prints out the warning message.
Question> Is there a way that I can suppress this message?
However, the ws.close still prints out the warning message.
Are you sure? It looks like that's simply coming from the line:
std::cerr << "ERROR message: " << close_ec.message() << ", value: " << close_ec.value() << std::endl;
So, you would check the value of close_ec and conditionally handle it: Short read error-Boost asio synchoronous https call
Also, note that some kinds of "short reads" can constitute security errors. Some of the samples have very insightful comments about this:
// `net::ssl::error::stream_truncated`, also known as an SSL "short read",
// indicates the peer closed the connection without performing the
// required closing handshake (for example, Google does this to
// improve performance). Generally this can be a security issue,
// but if your communication protocol is self-terminated (as
// it is with both HTTP and WebSocket) then you may simply
// ignore the lack of close_notify:
// https://github.com/boostorg/beast/issues/38
// https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/91435/how-to-handle-a-malicious-ssl-tls-shutdown
// When a short read would cut off the end of an HTTP message,
// Beast returns the error beast::http::error::partial_message.
// Therefore, if we see a short read here, it has occurred
// after the message has been completed, so it is safe to ignore it.
if(ec == net::ssl::error::stream_truncated)
ec = {};
else if(ec)

Full duplex named pipe lockup when written to

I'm trying to use one NamedPipe for bi-direction IPC. In my mind (and I can't find more information on MSDN), one full-duplex pipe would be sufficient. Here's my code.
//Compiled with these commands during my test:
//g++ -DCLIENT -o client.exe xxx.cpp
//g++ -DSERVER -o server.exe xxx.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
HANDLE pipe = (HANDLE)a;
BOOL result;
char buffer[256];
DWORD numBytesRead;
while (true)
result = ReadFile(pipe, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, &numBytesRead, NULL);
if (result)
buffer[numBytesRead] = 0;
cout << "[Thread] Number of bytes read: " << numBytesRead << endl;
cout << "[Thread] Message: " << endl
<< buffer << endl
<< endl;
cout << "[Thread] Failed to read data from the pipe. err=" << GetLastError() << endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
#ifdef CLIENT
cout << "[Main] Connecting to pipe..." << endl;
cout << "[Main] Creating an instance of a named pipe..." << endl;
HANDLE pipe = CreateNamedPipeA("\\\\.\\pipe\\PipeTest", PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
if (pipe == NULL || pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
cout << "[Main] Failed to acquire pipe handle." << endl;
return 1;
#ifdef CLIENT
cout << "[Server] Waiting for a client to connect to the pipe..." << endl;
BOOL result = ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, NULL);
if (!result)
cout << "[Server] Failed to make connection on named pipe." << endl;
return 1;
cout << "[Server] Client is here!" << endl;
const char *buf = "Hello pipe!\n";
WriteFile(pipe, buf, strnlen(buf, 30), 0, 0);
CreateThread(0, 0, ReadingThread, pipe, 0, 0);
cout << "[Main] Ready to send data." << endl;
while (true)
char buffer[128];
DWORD numBytesWritten = 0;
BOOL result;
cin >> buffer;
if (!strcmp(buffer, "q"))
cout << "[Main] Writing data to pipe..." << endl;
result = WriteFile(pipe, buffer, strnlen(buffer, _countof(buffer)), &numBytesWritten, 0);
if (result)
cout << "[Main] Written " << numBytesWritten << " bytes to the pipe." << endl;
cout << "[Main] Failed to write data to the pipe. err=" << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << "[Main] Done." << endl;
return 0;
I can get the "Hello pipe!" message from server-side to client-side. And I'm expecting to type some string on either program's terminal and press enter, and see it on the other side.
However after the hello message, both program will stuck on the WriteFile call. Meanwhile the thread is stuck at the ReadFile call. How can I make it work, or did I left something out?
when file created for synchronous I/O (flag FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO present in FILE_OBJECT ) all I/O operations on file is serialized - new operation will be wait in I/O manager before passed to driver, until current(if exist) not complete. in concurrent can execute only single I/O request. if we do blocked read in dedicated thread - all another I/O request on this file will be blocked until read not complete. this related not only to write. even query file name/attributes will block here. as result render reading in separate not help here - we block on first write attemp. solution here use asynchronous files - this let any count of I/O operation execute in concurrent.
Named Pipes in Windows are HALF DUPLEX. As demonstrated on Windows 10. The MSDN Documentation is Wrong. A request has been submitted to Microsoft to correct their documentation.
While a pipe can be opened on the client to be "Generic Read | Generic Write" you can NOT do both at the same time.
And Overlapped IO submitted after the First Overlapped IO will break the pipe.
You can submit overlapped io. Then Wait for it to finish. Then submit the next overlapped io. You can not simultaneously Submit overlapped Reads AND overlapped Writes.
This is by definition, "Half Duplex".

Getting an `Undefined error: 0` using ifstream::read

I'm playing a little with ifstream on macOS with clang.
I'm trying to read the whole file using the read method:
ifstream is(filename);
is.exceptions(ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
// This set up a buffer with a size of 2048 bytes.
void *buff = XML_GetBuffer(parser, 2048);
do {
is.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buff), 2048);
auto charBuff = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buff);
std::cout << charBuff << std::endl;
} while (!is.eof());
By processing a long file, an exception is thrown:
ios_base::clear: unspecified iostream_category error
I tried to get more information with strerror(errno) but I only get :
Err:Undefined error: 0
What is wrong with this code ?
How could I get more information about the reason of the failure ?

Callback passed to boost::asio::async_read_some never invoked in usage where boost::asio::read_some returns data

I have been working on implementing a half duplex serial driver by learning from a basic serial terminal example using boost::asio::basic_serial_port:
I need to read asynchronously but still detect when the handler is finished in the main thread so I pass async_read_some a callback with several additional reference parameters in a lambda function using boost:bind. The handler never gets invoked but if I replace the async_read_some function with the read_some function it returns data without an issue.
I believe I'm satisfying all of the necessary requirements for this function to invoke the handler because they are the same for the asio::read some function which returns:
The buffer stays in scope
One or more bytes is received by the serial device
The io service is running
The port is open and running at the correct baud rate
Does anyone know if I'm missing another assumption unique to the asynchronous read or if I'm not setting up the io_service correctly?
Here is an example of how I'm using the code with async_read_some (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/basic_serial_port/async_read_some.html):
void readCallback(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transfered, bool & finished_reading, boost::system::error_code& error_report, size_t & bytes_read)
std::cout << "READ CALLBACK\n";
error_report = error;
bytes_read = bytes_transfered;
finished_reading = true;
int main()
int baud_rate = 115200;
std::string port_name = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
boost::asio::serial_port serial_port_(io_service_,port_name);
boost::thread service_thread_;
service_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service_));
std::cout << "Starting byte read\n";
boost::system::error_code ec;
bool finished_reading = false;
size_t bytes_read;
int max_response_size = 8;
uint8_t read_buffer[max_response_size];
serial_port_.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(read_buffer, max_response_size),
finished_reading, ec, bytes_read));
std::cout << "Waiting for read to finish\n";
while (!finished_reading)
std::cout << "Finished byte read: " << bytes_read << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < bytes_read; ++i)
printf("0x%x ",read_buffer[i]);
The result is that the callback does not print out anything and the while !finished loop never finishes.
Here is how I use the blocking read_some function (boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/basic_serial_port/read_some.html):
int main()
int baud_rate = 115200;
std::string port_name = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
boost::asio::serial_port serial_port_(io_service_,port_name);
boost::thread service_thread_;
service_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service_));
std::cout << "Starting byte read\n";
boost::system::error_code ec;
int max_response_size = 8;
uint8_t read_buffer[max_response_size];
int bytes_read = serial_port_.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(read_buffer, max_response_size),ec);
std::cout << "Finished byte read: " << bytes_read << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < bytes_read; ++i)
printf("0x%x ",read_buffer[i]);
This version prints from 1 up to 8 characters that I send, blocking until at least one is sent.
The code does not guarantee that the io_service is running. io_service::run() will return when either:
All work has finished and there are no more handlers to be dispatched
The io_service has been stopped.
In this case, it is possible for the service_thread_ to be created and invoke io_service::run() before the serial_port::async_read_some() operation is initiated, adding work to the io_service. Thus, the service_thread_ could immediately return from io_service::run(). To resolve this, either:
Invoke io_service::run() after the asynchronous operation has been initiated.
Create a io_service::work object before starting the service_thread_. A work object prevents the io_service from running out of work.
This answer may provide some more insight into the behavior of io_service::run().
A few other things to note and to expand upon Igor's answer:
If a thread is not progressing in a meaningful way while waiting for an asynchronous operation to complete (i.e. spinning in a loop sleeping), then it may be worth examining if mixing synchronous behavior with asynchronous operations is the correct solution.
boost::bind() copies its arguments by value. To pass an argument by reference, wrap it with boost::ref() or boost::cref():
boost::bind(..., boost::ref(finished_reading), boost::ref(ec),
Synchronization needs to be added to guarantee memory visibility of finished_reading in the main thread. For asynchronous operations, Boost.Asio will guarantee the appropriate memory barriers to ensure correct memory visibility (see this answer for more details). In this case, a memory barrier is required within the main thread to guarantee the main thread observes changes to finished_reading by other threads. Consider using either a Boost.Thread synchronization mechanism like boost::mutex, or Boost.Atomic's atomic objects or thread and signal fences.
Note that boost::bind copies its arguments. If you want to pass an argument by reference, wrap it with boost::ref (or std::ref):
boost::bind(readCallback, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred, boost::ref(finished_reading), ec, bytes_read));
(However, strictly speaking, there's a race condition on the bool variable you pass to another thread. A better solution would be to use std::atomic_bool.)

Cause of serial port transmitting bad data and WriteFile return wrong number of bytes written?

Bugfix update:
As of Jun, 2013 FTDI did acknowledge to me that the bug was real. They have since released a new version of their driver (, dated 2013-July-12) that fixes the problem. The driver made it through WHQL around the first of August, 2013 and is available via Windows Update at this time.
I've re-tested running the same test code and am not able to reproduce the problem with the new driver, so at the moment the fix seems to be 'upgrade the driver'.
The original question:
I've got an 8 port USB-serial device (from VsCOM) that is based on the FTDI FT2232D chip. When I transmit at certain settings from one of the ports, AND I use the hardware handshaking to stop and start the data flow from the other end, I get two symptoms:
1) The output data sometimes becomes garbage. There will be NUL characters, and pretty much any random thing you can think of.
2) The WriteFile call will sometimes return a number of bytes GREATER than the number I asked it to write. That's not a typo. I ask for 30 bytes to be transmitted and the number of bytes sent comes back 8192 (and yes, I do clear the number sent to 0 before I make the call).
Relevant facts:
Using FTDI drivers, which is the latest as of today.
Serial port settings are 19200, 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit.
I get this same behavior with another FTDI based serial device, this time a single port one.
I get the same behavior with another 8 port device of the same type.
I do NOT get this behavior when transmitting on the built-in serial ports (COM1).
I have a very simple 'Writer' program that just transmits continuously and a very simple 'Toggler' program that toggles RTS once per second. Together these seem to trigger the issue within 60 seconds.
I have put an issue into the manufacturer of the device, but they've not yet had much time to respond.
Compiler is mingw32, the one included with the Qt installer for Qt 4.8.1 (gcc 4.4.0)
I'd like to know first off, if there's anything that anyone can think of that I could possibly do to trigger this behavior. I can't conceive of anything, but there's always things I don't know.
Secondly, I've attached the Writer and Toggler test programs. If anyone can spot some issue that might trigger the program, I'd love to hear about it. I have a lot of trouble thinking that there is a driver bug (especially from something as mature as the FTDI chip), but the circumstances force me to think that there's at least SOME driver involvement. At the least, no matter what I do to it, it shouldn't be returning a number of bytes written greater than what I asked it to write.
Writer program:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cerr << "COM Writer, ctrl-c to end" << endl;
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Please specify a COM port for parameter 2";
return 1;
char fixedbuf[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
std::string portName = "\\\\.\\";
portName += argv[1];
cerr << "Transmitting on port " << portName << endl;
HANDLE ph = CreateFileA( portName.c_str(),
0, // must be opened with exclusive-access
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // overlapped I/O
NULL ); // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
cerr << "CreateFile " << portName << " failed, error " << GetLastError() << endl;
return 1;
DWORD ccfgSize = sizeof(COMMCONFIG);
ccfg.dwSize = ccfgSize;
GetCommConfig(ph, &ccfg, &ccfgSize);
GetCommState(ph, &(ccfg.dcb));
// Camino is 19200 7-O-1
ccfg.dcb.BaudRate = 19200;
ccfg.dcb.Parity = ODDPARITY;
ccfg.dcb.fParity = TRUE;
ccfg.dcb.ByteSize = 7;
ccfg.dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
// HW flow control
DWORD tout = 10;// 10 ms
ctimeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = tout;
ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = tout;
ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = tout;
ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
SetCommConfig(ph, &ccfg, sizeof(COMMCONFIG));
SetCommTimeouts(ph, &ctimeout);
DWORD nwrite = 1;
for(;;) {
if (nwrite > 30) nwrite = 1;
DWORD nwritten = 0;
if (!WriteFile(ph, fixedbuf, nwrite, &nwritten, NULL)) {
cerr << "f" << endl;
if ((nwritten != 0) && (nwritten != nwrite)) {
cerr << "nwrite: " << nwrite << " written: " << nwritten << endl;
return 0;
Toggler program:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cerr << "COM Toggler, ctrl-c to end" << endl;
cerr << "Flips the RTS line every second." << endl;
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Please specify a COM port for parameter 2";
return 1;
std::string portName = "\\\\.\\";
portName += argv[1];
cerr << "Toggling RTS on port " << portName << endl;
HANDLE ph = CreateFileA( portName.c_str(),
0, // must be opened with exclusive-access
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // overlapped I/O
NULL ); // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
cerr << "CreateFile " << portName << " failed, error " << GetLastError() << endl;
return 1;
DWORD ccfgSize = sizeof(COMMCONFIG);
ccfg.dwSize = ccfgSize;
GetCommConfig(ph, &ccfg, &ccfgSize);
GetCommState(ph, &(ccfg.dcb));
// Camino is 19200 7-O-1
ccfg.dcb.BaudRate = 19200;
ccfg.dcb.Parity = ODDPARITY;
ccfg.dcb.fParity = TRUE;
ccfg.dcb.ByteSize = 7;
ccfg.dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
// no flow control (so we can do manually)
DWORD tout = 10;// 10 ms
ctimeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = tout;
ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = tout;
ctimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = tout;
ctimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
SetCommConfig(ph, &ccfg, sizeof(COMMCONFIG));
SetCommTimeouts(ph, &ctimeout);
bool rts = true;// true for set
for(;;) {
if (rts)
EscapeCommFunction(ph, SETRTS);
EscapeCommFunction(ph, CLRRTS);
rts = !rts;
Sleep(1000);// 1 sec wait.
return 0;
I don't have a good answer yet from FTDI, but I've got the following suggestions for anyone dealing with this issue:
1) Consider switching to a non-FTDI usb-serial converter. This is what my company did, but certainly this isn't an option for everyone (we're putting the chip in our own product). We're using Silicon Labs chips now, but I think there are one or two other vendors as well.
2) Per Hans Passant in the comments - reconsider the use of RTS/CTS signalling. If the writes don't fail due to blocking, then you shouldn't trigger this bug.
3) Set all writes to infinite timeout. Again, no fail due to blocking, no triggering of the bug. This may not be appropriate for all applications, of course.
Note that if pursuing strategy #3, if Overlapped IO is used for writes, then CancelIo and it's newer cousin CancelIoEx could be used to kill off the writes if necessary. I have NOT tried doing so, but I suspect that such cancels might also result in triggering this bug. If they were only used when closing the port anyway, then it might be you could get away with it, even if they do trigger the bug.
If anyone else is still seeing this -- update your FTDI driver to or later, as this is caused by a driver bug in earlier versions of the FTDI driver.
