How to get GPS data from Waze with rest-client? - ruby

I'm trying to get my GPS data from the Waze app using the rest-client lib. I'm basicly trying to fake a login via the website After login (you can use JohnDoeSpeedy228:gre#tStory92) when you visit, click on "Drives" after review the the network calls you'll get to see the raw JSON data.
I seem to have succesfully logged in but when making the request to return the list of all my drives it returns the following
{"users"=>{"objects"=>[]}, "archives"=>{"totalSessions"=>0, "objects"=>[]}}
It should return something like this:
Here's what I'm trying:
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
AUTH = {'user_id'=>'JohnDoeSpeedy228','password'=>'gre#tStory92'}
req = RestClient.get(GET_CSRF_URL)
csrfhash = req.cookies
csrfhash['editor_env'] = 'row'
headers = {'X-CSRF-Token'=>csrfhash['_csrf_token']}
log = RestClient::Request.execute(
method: :post,
cookies: csrfhash,
headers: headers,
payload: AUTH
ses = RestClient::Request.execute(
method: :get,
cookies: log.cookies,
payload: {'minDistance'=>1000,'count'=>50, 'offset'=>0}
puts JSON.parse(ses)
Am I doing something wrong?

My guess is that you are confusing two accounts. Are you sure you logged a drive while logged in as JohnDoeSpeedy228? If there are no sessions from that user when logged into the site manually, I wouldn't expect the code to work either.
We can't find any of your drives.
Have you started driving with the Waze app yet? If so, please make sure you logged into the Map Editor with the same credentials you use in the app.


OAuth error in using twitter API v2 for posting a tweet

Now I took a sample code of Twitter v2 API from this link. This sample code shows how OAuth and twitter v2 API work for positng a tweet. It works fine with my consumer key and consumer secret.
And I want to simplify the code like below. It assumes that the access token and access token secret are already known and it skips the process of user's approval, like providing the URL that provides PIN.
require 'typhoeus'
require 'json'
consumer_key = CONSUMER_KEY
consumer_secret = CONSUMER_SECRET
token_secret = ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
consumer =, consumer_secret, :site => '')
options = {
:method => :post,
headers: {
"User-Agent": "v2CreateTweetRuby",
"content-type": "application/json"
body: JSON.dump("Hello, world!")
create_tweet_url = ""
request =, options)
access_token =, token_secret)
oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :token => access_token}
oauth_helper =, oauth_params.merge(:request_uri => create_tweet_url))
request.options[:headers].merge!({"Authorization" => oauth_helper.header}) # Signs the request
response =
puts response
Then, I see the below error message.
ruby test_tweet.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/oauth-0.5.10/lib/oauth/request_proxy.rb:18:in `proxy': Typhoeus::Request (OAuth::RequestProxy::UnknownRequestType)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/oauth-0.5.10/lib/oauth/signature.rb:12:in `build'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/oauth-0.5.10/lib/oauth/signature.rb:23:in `sign'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/oauth-0.5.10/lib/oauth/client/helper.rb:49:in `signature'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/oauth-0.5.10/lib/oauth/client/helper.rb:82:in `header'
from test_tweet.rb:28:in `<main>'
When I used irb and tried step by step, this error happens at oauth_helper.header. As this is the first time to use OAuth API, I may be making some easy mistakes. Does anybody find anything wrong in my code?
I confirmed that my access token and access token secret work at
You need to insert
require 'oauth/request_proxy/typhoeus_request'
and your code may complete task you desire.
Other lines looks good to me!
In oauth/request_proxy.rb, oauth library check class of request object.
return request if request.is_a?(OAuth::RequestProxy::Base)
klass = available_proxies[request.class]
# Search for possible superclass matches.
if klass.nil?
request_parent = available_proxies.keys.find { |rc| request.is_a?(rc) }
klass = available_proxies[request_parent]
raise UnknownRequestType, request.class.to_s unless klass
By requiring 'oauth/request_proxy/typhoeus_request', Typhoeus::Request inherits OAuth::RequestProxy::Base and raising UnknownRequestType error can be avoided.

Post request to selling partner API sandbox endpoint return InvalidSignature

I'm currently trying to create a document and upload it to the SP-API sandbox environment using ruby and HTTP.rb gem. My steps are:
Request the LWA access token by a refresh token
Assume the role and request the STS token
Sign the request header using AWS::SignV4 SDK
Send the POST request to the endpoint /feeds/2020-09-04/documents with body json: { 'contentType' => 'text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8' }
However, SP-API keeps returning "code": "InvalidSignature" to me. But all my other 'GET' requests like get_orders, get_order_items are working correctly.
Here is how I send my request:
#url = '/feeds/2020-09-04/documents'
#body = if sandbox
{ 'contentType' => 'text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8' }
{ 'contentType' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' }
#request_type = 'POST'
response = http.headers(headers).send(#request_type.downcase.to_sym, request_url, json: #body)
I checked the AWS::Signer::V4 document, turns out I should pass the body into the signer as well.
signer.sign_request(http_method: #request_type, url: request_url, body: #body)
I published the amz_sp_api rubygem that does this, but I would welcome a contribution of the ruby code for encrypting the feed submissions as required by SP-API:

Ruby rest-client 401 Unauthorized after post of data

I'm new to using the rest-client. I know I'm missing something, but I am trying to do the following:
Post to a login endpoint to authenticate
After authentication, post csv text to another endpoint that requires a logged in user
The authentication portion is successful, however, I am getting a 401 Unauthorized when step 2 occurs.
rest_client = RestClient
login_response =
{ userName: 'user', password: 'password'},
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
import_response =
headers: { 'X-System-Name': 'AndroidMobile', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data },
csv: csv_string
My understanding of how authentication works could be wrong. My assumption is that as long as the same instance of the client has a successful login, then the post of csv data would also be successful.
I appreciate any input.
HTTP (1.1) is stateless so a request does not contain any information about previous requests unless that information is encoded and added to the request in some way (e.g. cookies or headers). So when you make your import request the server does not know if/that you are authenticated even though you just made a login request.
You'll have to include the token you receive from your login request in subsequent requests. This should go in the 'Authorization' header.
For example:
auth_token = login_response["success"]["token"] # or whatever the key is for the token
import_response =
headers: { 'Authorization': "Bearer #{auth_token}", 'X-System-Name': 'AndroidMobile', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data },
csv: csv_string
The way authentication works depends on the server and can be different in different cases. So the site you are accessing might expect the Authorization header to be like "Token #{auth_token}" or anything else, but they should mention it in their documentation.

Ajax calls from node to django

I'm developing a django system and I need to create a chat service that was in real-time. For that I used node.js and
In order to get some information from django to node I made some ajax calls that worked very nice when every address was localhost, but now that I have deployed the system to webfaction I started to get some errors.
The djando server is on a url like this: and the node server is on When I make a ajax get call to django I get this error on the browser:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Probably I misunderstood some concept but I'm having a hard time figuring out which one.
The snippet where I think the problem is, is this one:
socket.on('id_change', function(eu){
sessionid = data['sessionid']
var options = {
host: '',
path: '/get_username/',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': sessionid.length
var request = http.request(options, function(response) {
response.on('data', function(msg){
console.log('Received something')
if(response.statusCode == 200){
//do something here
And I managed to serve and make connections to the node server, so this part of the setup is ok.
Thank you very much!
You're bumping into the cross origin resource sharing problem. See this post for more information: How does Access-Control-Allow-Origin header work?
I am NOT a Django coder at all, but from this reference page ( it looks like you need to do something like this in the appropriate place where you generate responses:
response = HttpResponse()
response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = ''

"Error validating client secret." 404 with Facebook Oauth and ruby

I am trying to implement facebook authentication for an app with warden, after the user allows facebook auth and redirects to my app callback with the token I get a 400 while consuming the api. My warden strategy is this:
class Facebook < Warden::Strategies::Base
def client
#client ||= MyApp::Facebook::AppID, MyApp::Facebook::AppSecret, :site => ''
def params
#params ||= Rack::Utils.parse_query(request.query_string)
def authorize_url
client.web_server.authorize_url :redirect_uri => request.url, :scope => 'email,publish_stream'
def authenticate!
throw(:halt, [302, {'Location' => authorize_url}, []]) unless params['code']
facebook = client.web_server.get_access_token params['code'], :redirect_uri => request.url
rescue OAuth2::HTTPError => e
puts e.response.body
Strategies.add :facebook, Facebook
The result of printing the response body is this:
{"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"Error validating client secret."}}
I am pretty shure the app id and app secret are the ones provided by FB.
I've seen that error message many times. Here are the things I would double check:
your domain is the same as what you listed in the facebook callback url
the app id is correct (actually print this out on a page, sometimes y
the app secret is correct
Add redirect_uri while creating the object of facebook that will fix the issue.
Redirect the user to
After user click allow, it'll hit our Redirect Uri
At that point we'll get the code and we need to do a server side HTTP Get to the following Url to exchange the code with our oAuth access token:
Now at step 3, I kept on getting Http 400 response back.
So after some research, I found out that on that redirect_uri that we submitted on step 3 doesn't do anything but validate the request. Thus, the value need to match with step 2.
I also get the same error and i resolved by doing as below:
double check your client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri.
Add Accept: "application/json" header to thye request
method: "GET",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
