Spring websocket with stomp: private message to multiple instances of same user - stomp

I am using Springwebsockets with the STOMP protocol over Websockets, and i am using the in memory borker. I want to send messages to specific users.
On the client side i subscribe to a private topic:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/private', function(greeting){
And i send the message like this:
stompClient.send("/user/"+ user +"/topic/private", {}, message);
This all works fine and i don't have to do anything on the server. But when i log in twice with the same user (eg different browsers, one desktop and one mobile), it doesn't work like i expected. I would expect that the private message ends up in both the browser. However it only seems to end up in the current browser.
Is there any better way to do this kind of private messaging? Or did i misunderstand how the private channel works?

You can try this:
#SendToUser(value = "your destination",broadcast = true)
public String handleException(Message message) {
//your logic goes here
return message; // this will be sent to user


Spring AMQP AsyncRabbitTemplate Doesn't Send Message In Delay Time

I'm trying to send delayed messages on RabbitMQ with Spring AMQP.
I'm defining MessageProperties like this:
MessageProperties delayedMessageProperties = new MessageProperties();
I'm defining the message which should be send in delay time like this:
org.springframework.amqp.core.Message amqpDelayedMessage = org.springframework.amqp.core.MessageBuilder.withBody(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(reversalMessage).getBytes())
And then, If I send this message with RabbitTemplate, there is no problem. Message is being sent in defined delay time.
rabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceiveAsType("delay-exchange",delayQueue, amqpDelayedMessage, new ParameterizedTypeReference<org.springframework.amqp.core.Message>() {
But I need to send this message asynchronously because I need not to block any other message in the system and to get more performance and if I use asyncRabbitTemplate, message is being delivered immediately. There is no delay.
asyncRabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceiveAsType("delay-exchange",delayQueue, amqpDelayedMessage, new ParameterizedTypeReference<org.springframework.amqp.core.Message>() {
How can I obtain the delay with asnycRabbitTemplate?
This is probably a bug; please open an issue on GitHub.
The convertSendAndReceive() methods are not intended to send and receive raw Message objects.
In the case of the RabbitTemplate the conversion is skipped if the object is already a Message; there are some cases where this skip is not performed with the async template; please edit the question to show your template configuration.
However, since you are dealing with Message directly, don't use the convert... methods at all, simply use
public RabbitMessageFuture sendAndReceive(String exchange, String routingKey, Message message) {

How to disconnect a Stomp client Session from Spring

I know how to disconnect Sessions from Client Side, but I couldn't find a way to disconnect my session from my Spring Boot Backend. I've already seen the following post:
Disconnect client session from Spring websocket stomp server
This would kinda adress my problem, but I thought maybe there is a much more elegant or easier way to solve my problem, since the above mentioned post is already 8 years old. And still i couldn't get it to work as expected.
Trying to sketch my exact problem:
JS-Client-Side looks like this(pseudo code):
![creates a simple request and sends it to my Spring Backend]
function subscribeToUser(){
request = {};
request.type = "USER";
var user = {};
user.userId = userId;
user.email = email;
request.user = user;
Here I detect a Subscribe Event, extract the destination, and check if it is valid. If there is some problem
with the destination I want my server to disconnect from that client.(This should happen in line 122)
private void handleSessionSubscribe(SessionSubscribeEvent event){
String destination =
Principal p = canSubscribeToThatEndpoint(destination,
private Principal canSubscribeToThatEndpoint(String dest, Principal
if(dest.containt("some invalid thing")){
//close the session from server-side
}else return user;
I already tried to follow the mentioned StackOverflow Post but I couldn't get it to run. Also another method would be to send a message from the backend and trigger a disconnect Event in JS. But I think it would be convient(if there is a way) to access current client sessions in Backend and disconnect from them if needed.

ZeroMQ choose recipient

I'm new to ZeroMQ (and to networking in general), and have a question about using ZeroMQ in a setup where multiple clients connect to a single server. My situation is as follows:
--1 server
--multiple clients
--Clients send messages to server: I've already figured out how to do this part.
--Server sends messages to a specific client: This is the part I'm having trouble with. When certain events get handled on the server, the server will need to send a message to a specific client -- not all clients. In other words, the server will need to be able to choose which client to send a given message to.
Right now, this is my server code:
using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
using (var server = ctx.CreateResponseSocket())
while (true)
string fromClientMessage = server.ReceiveString();
Console.WriteLine("From Client: {0}", fromClientMessage);
server.Send("ack"); // There is no overload for the 'Send'
method that takes an IP address as an argument!
I have a feeling that the problem is that my design is wrong, and that the ResponseSocket type isn't meant to be used in the way that I want to use it. Since I'm new to this, any advice is very much appreciated!
when using the Response socket you always replying to the client that sent you the message. So the Request-Response socket types together are just simple request response.
To more complicated scenarios you probably want to use Dealer-Router.
With router the first frame of each message is the routing id (the identity of the client that sent you the message)
so your example with router will look like:
using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
using (var server = ctx.CreateRouterSocket())
while (true)
byte[] routingId = server.Receive();
string fromClientMessage = server.ReceiveString();
Console.WriteLine("From Client: {0}", fromClientMessage);
I also suggest to read the zeromq guide, it will probably answer most of your questions.

Spring Stomp #SubscribeMapping for User Destination

I am trying to get notified when an user subscribes to a stomp user destination using #SubscribeMapping annotation. My ideia is to send some initialization data to when it joins.
Although i am not being able to get this working:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/monitor', function(msg) {
Java side:
public void init(#DestinationVariable("clientId") String clientId) {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/user/" + clientId + "/monitor", getOps());
I tried many mapping combinations such as "/user/monitor-{clientId}", "/user/monitor" (Removing clientId), no success at all.
What is the expected mapping value so this get called?
Thank you!
Since the client subscribes to the "/user/monitor" queue, the server #SubscribeMapping annotation must be to "/user/monitor" and not to "/user/monitor{something}".
The server can understand what client is depending on your authentication scheme. If you use a sockjs websocket you can use HTTP authentication, and hence leverage Spring Security, and add a "Principal" parameter to your function that will hold user information:
public void init(Principal p) {
String user = p.getName();
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, "/monitor", getOps());
If you don't use http authentication you may send the server the user info, for example adding a custom STOMP header that can be accessed from the server using a SimpMessageHeaderAccessor:
public void init(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor) {
String user = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("userid");
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, "/monitor", getOps());
Another way could be to subscribe to a different queue name which contains the user information (and this maybe was your proposal). The client must use a code similar to:
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/byUser/'+userId, function(msg) {
so that the server can access it this way:
public void init(#DestinationVariable String userId) {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(userId, "/monitor", getOps());
but in this case keep in mind that that queue is public and hence other clients can access their messages if they knows other client names.

spring websocket notification

Ok here i'm , i'm right now following the guides on spring site but i'm having problem on how to deliver a notification to only one user using WebSocket, i'm following this guide https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/ .
What I want is: i have 2 users, both of them subscribe to process1... User1 need to let the server process his pass...now i want that the server will deliver the notification only to User1...
public class ProcessController {
public String notifica(#DestinationVariable String pass)throws Exception{
return "ok"+pass;
Now what should i write in the #SendTo field to deliver the answer only to user1 ? if ill write /Process/process1 both user1 and user2 will receive the message....
You ca use the sufix. It's send to every unique client.
When you subscribe in the js code:
client.connect('guest', 'guest', function(frame) {
var suffix = frame.headers['queue-suffix'];
client.subscribe("/queue/error" + suffix, function(msg) {
// handle error
client.subscribe("/queue/position-updates" + suffix, function(msg) {
// handle position update
On the server side you can use #ReplyToUser or the message template
String user = "fabrice";
String queue = "/queue/position-updates";
this.messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, queue, position);
See more here: http://assets.spring.io/wp/WebSocketBlogPost.html (section: Sending Messages To a Single User)
