Using Spring Integration as a glue between spring beans - spring

I have a web application with controllers, services and simple beans.
I want to use Spring Integration as a glue to link the beans. So instead of using a reference to the next bean to be called in a bean I just want to send (return) a message (e.g. a domain object) which would be the incoming parameter in the method signature of the next bean.
Is it a good idea to use Spring Integration for this? Would SI degrade the performance?

Please, read the Reference Manual ( and other resources before asking similar questions. Spring Integration isn't a glue.
It's an Enterprise Integration Patterns implementation Framework. Even if it can do what you are asking, its purpose is much farther.
I'd say such a requirements may be addressed just with the raw ApplicationEvent model.


Which should I use mail outbound-channel-adapter or org.springframework.mail.MailSender [duplicate]

I have too many emails. I should write scheduler in order to send messages to them. Messages are different. I use spring framework 4.x.
I can write simple class, which connects to SMTP server. But in this case I should write my thread library too in order to send emails parallel.
Do spring have already written library which give me more flexible way to do this tasks? I do not want to use threads. It will be nice if spring already have this functionality.
Do I need Spring integration for this?
Best regards,
Yes, you definitely can do that with Spring Integration, because there is an ExecutorChannel implementation with can be supplied with an TaskExecutor from the Spring Core:
<channel id="sendEmailChannel">
<dispatcher task-executor="threadPoolTaskExecutor"/>
<int-mail:outbound-channel-adapter channel="sendEmailChannel" mail-sender="mailSender"/>
But anyway you should keep in mind that all Spring Integration components are based on the Java and that ExecutorService is used on the background.
From other side if you need only the mail sending stuff from the Spring Integration, it would be an overhead and can simply use Core Spring Framework legacy like JavaMailSender as a bean and #Async for the sendMail method to achieve your parallel requirement.
could you tell me whether I need JMS for this situation?
I don't see any JMS-related stuff here. You don't have (or at least don't show) any real integration points in your solution. The same I can say even about Spring Integration just for email sending. However with the Spring Boot your SI config will be enough short. From other side if you'll study Spring Integration better eventually you'll get more gain to rely on the Integration components for your systems, as internally, as well as externally with other systems through JMS, AMQP, Kafka etc.
To be honest: a lot of years ago my first acquaintance with Spring Integration was due the requirement to get files from the FTP and have ability to pick up new files automatically. I found the solution only in the Spring Integration 1.0.0.M1. After that short XML config for the <int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter> I loved Spring Integration and since that time it became as a part of my life. :-)
So, it's up to you to go ahead with Spring Integration in your simple app, or just follow with more formal solution with JavaMailSender direct usage.
You should use java executors framework. For example you can write something like the code below:
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newWorkStealingPool();
executor.execute(() -> mailSender.send(mail));

Camelize a spring boot application

We have a spring boot application that is growing in complexity because of integration needs - like send an email after you do this, or broadcast a jms message after you that etc. In looking for some higher level abstractions, I came across apache camel (haven't used camel ever before). The question that I have is what do I do with the spring boot application? The application has the standard spring controllers, services and uses spring-data for connecting to databases. I didn't find much help online on how to merge camel into a spring-boot restful application. Is that even something that is doable or is camel a completely different beast that the spring boot won't fit?
I did read that Camel tightly integrates with Spring, but still I didn't know if 1) Spring Controllers are still something that can be used along with Camel 2) If I can call the other spring beans from camel routes and whether I can call invoke a camel route from a spring bean (sorry if these sound like camel newbie questions to the experts)
As an example of what we have to do:
After finishing writing anything to the database about an order, we have to send an email out to the order processing department
If someone deletes a particular user address, we have to send to a jms topic so other applications can take action.
Every http request is coming in through the Spring MVC stack today.
Is there a way to "hand-off" the processing to camel after a particular task is complete? (like writing the order to the database successfully via the Spring MVC stack and hand off to camel to send a jms message and do other things)? Or should we completely replace Spring with Camel?
Not sure what the right path is. Can someone please guide us?
This question is slightly old, but though it was worth mentioning here that Apache Camel now includes a Spring Boot component.
Details can be found here
and they document an example here
Follow this for the current best practice in camelising a spring boot application!
One option is to
1> define camel routes either in Spring DSL or Java DSL or other means and define it in Spring Application context.
2> And have a class that implements ApplicationContextAware and cache the Spring ApplicationContext in a Static Variable.
3> For #Controller we can get this static variable and get hold of ApplicationContext .
4> With the camel context ID we can do a getBean from ApplicationContext.
5> This is the instance of DefaultCamelContext,with this we can do a createProducer and call camel routes from #Controller.
Like some others mentioned, spring-boot-camel (but use spring-boot-camel-starter as your dependency) works very well and it is really easy to set up. When you annotate your RouteBuilder extensions and your Processor implementations with #Component, they wire up directly into the context and you are good to go. Then, you can #Autowire a CamelContext or a ProducerTemplate into your classes and use them as necessary.
You asked about how Controllers can work with Camel, and if you #Autowire any of the things you need (probably a context or a producer template), then the answer is a definite "yes" that you can use them together quite easily. And when you use spring-web, your context will start and remain running without any additional configuration, etc.
Like Matthew Wells suggested, the links will get you pointed in the right direction. If you, or others on your team, are at all familiar with Camel, then it will be very easy for you to do what you need to do. But, ah, I notice that this question is from 2014, and you're probably well past the point of your question. At least if anyone else stops by this thread, they will have plenty of information to get going. If you come by and re-visit your question, please let us know how it went for you, and what you ended up doing. Cheers!

How to build any framework so that framework user does not need to learn any underlying frameworks used in building the framework?

I am involved in building framework offering financial, non financial mobile services.
Underlying technology we are using is Spring 3.2 framework , especially Spring MVC.
Now Spring MVC offers many features by way of annotations.for example, to create controller just annotate class with #Controller annotation and you are done.besides this, there are many more things like handlers,adapters, exception resolver.
My question is.
As I already leveraged Spring framework and I know how to use Spring framework or customize by available hook points.and I might had did it but what about my framework users.
Should I create wrappers on above offerings by Spring so that my framework user does not need to know or learn Spring framework?
For example, Spring provides flexibility to register exception handlers to handle exceptions but for that we need to create bean entry for required exception handler and need to register in exception resolvers class and its his job to dig into Spring details to get idea how they have provided exception handlers and all those stuff.
He needs to do exactly same as I already did.
instead of that Should I provide some provision so that user just can define bean entry for their exception handler and register it in my framework provided registry, not in Spring provided bean class?|
Spring already provide all those features, is widely used, is well documented, have thriving community, etc.
You should expose them directly so the user of your framework can easily adapt to your framework.
You should not try to hide Spring.
No matter how hard you try, your abstraction will leak,
and then the API users will need to know Spring anyway.

Transaction support in struts2

I am using struts2.0 for my project named online examination system.
I am using traditional JDBC approach in datya access layer. I can't use JPA.
I want to make entire service layer transactional, but i searched for the transaction support in struts2 but didn't get anything.
Although spring provides good support for making service layer transactional.
Please help me on this issue to find out transaction support in struts2.
You are on a wrong track here.Struts2 is only for MVC part and what you are doing at your service layer it has nothing to do with that.
If you want to take advantage of transaction API i suggest you to use either Spring AOP of if i am correct Google Guice also provides a way for AOP.
Whatever you use at your service layer for transaction handling Struts2 is independent of it and out of context

How to smoothly discover the Spring Framework?

I am starting to learn the Spring Framework. I came across this link but I can't understand in which order to learn from these?
Can anybody help me out?
The order of the entries on that page isn't organized so that you can gradually learn the concepts.
I'd rather advise you to try and go through the official Spring documentation first and take a look at the samples that come together with Spring. It'll give you an idea of the possibilities. Also, don't forget to make sure that you understand what the Inversion of Control (IoC) pattern is and why it's useful.
Here's what I'd recommend to someone starting out with Spring and IoC:
You should first try to use Spring in a very simple command-line application (hello world style).
Create an application context in xml and load it from your main method
Define a bean and retrieve it from your freshly loaded application context
Try to add a second bean definition in the application context and play with the bean definitions
Learn how to inject beans in properties, in constructors, ...
Play with those for a while in order to get a good feeling of what Spring core actually does for you (the IoC container) and how it can help you to decouple components in your code
Once you have a clear understanding of that, you can move on and read about Spring annotations and how you can either use xml or annotations (or even combine both approaches) to wire up your beans
You should only start using Spring in a Web application after having played around enough with the above. Once you have all that under control, then it'll be time to discover more advanced stuff and other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, ...
The following are nice to have on the desk:
- Spring Configuration Refcard
- Spring Annotations Refcard
In any case, have fun! :)
I suggest you to learn from a books
I use Spring Recipes Second Edition to learn spring, the books is very technical and explain a good concept about spring
