using ckeditor in sailsjs but filebrowser is not working - ckeditor

I am using ckeditor latest version and full package in sailsjs. I am using file browse from server functionality.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/files';
There is many images in assets/files folder. When i click on browse server then one new tab is opening and url is
But i am getting default not found screen. But if i access image from url like I Can see it in browser. But if i request . I need to see list of images from files folder. What i need is the following or something file browser.

The screen you provided shows CKFinder file manager, which can be easily integrated with CKEditor. CKFinder to work requires a server side connector - unfortunately, for now there's no connector for node.js.
You may find CKEditor File Browser API helpful, as it allows to integrate any other file browser. See this answer for a basic usage in sails.js.


When I share a link with the editor it shows the system URL and share URL both in Laravel 8

When I share a link with the editor it shows the system URL and share URL both in Laravel 8.
Please see the attachement.
I want to share only real links (like I add a link with my editor when it shows my website it pulls with my current Url /
base URL (like
''). I
want only '')
I want to remove '' from my created link.

How to insert image into strapi article?

I'm beginner of strapi, nodejs headless cms framework.
I've followed quick start guide of official document. I've created gatsby-blog and it works.
After setup, I've created new article with uploaded image, in the middle of article. (Not the image field in the Slug section) In the strapi admin page, I can find my new image in the media library list.
But when I open my strapi client in browser, the image is not shown. The source of image seems to the file path of backend server. I can find the image file on the backend/public/uploads folder. But it returns 404 error.
So, What am I missing of strapi setting? I've searched a lot but I can't find similar issue.
Make sure that the field is public in your Strapi admin dashboard.
Beyond that, it seems like the src tag in your screenshot has a relative url - if you are not hosting the backend on the same path as the frontend, I would suspect you have to prepend the backend base path :-)

laravel file manager not showing uploaded image

I am new to laravel file manager and I'm developing a blog using tinymce5 and this package.
Everything works just fine. But...
The problem:
The problem is that none of the uploaded images are being shown. neither in file manager "when it's uploaded" nor in the blog.
image is not shown in file manager :
What I have done:
Well the problem is caused by the image url. The url is the url below:
When I changed it to:
everything worked fine.
The Question is:
Is there any way to force laravel file manager to save image urls using "" instead of "localhost"?
Or is there any way to load images using a more efficient method?

CKFinder 3 json file loading error

I am trying to use CKFinder 3 hosted on IIS on the local html file. But I am getting the following script error
I tried to dig in the source code. and what I found is, the language file (en.json) is getting loaded by script tag with type attribute as text/javascript which is causing the error. Can anyone help?
Such error is usually displayed when you have CKFinder installed on one domain but you try to use it or reference it on the other.
CKFinder doesn't allow that and currently it doesn't have a built-in support for cross-domain messaging. You need to use CKFinder on the same domain where is has been installed.

Magento css and js are not loading properly after migrate to cloud server

I have recently migrated the website ( from shared server to cloud server. The website is developed in magento using mysql.
After moving the magento files and database to the cloud server, the website css and js are not loading properly. After given the proper permission for the css and js folder also, not resolved the issue.
While checking the page source, it appears that the css were merged and js were merged. Please refer the screenshot for the better understanding below:
When I check the page source, I could see that there is "m" folder and "1497249376" folder. Actually these folder are not exist or not created properly in the respective location. It is applicable for the js files also. Js files also resides inside "m" folder. But there is no "m" folder physically.
I am not sure what is the exact issue and how to resolve this issue? Is there any permission issue or any plugin /module causes this issue? Can you guide me / help me to sort out this issue?
Just disable JS and CSS merging until you figure out the problem.
For Magento 1.x go to admin panel > System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer.
Make sure you are using Default Config for Current Configuration Scope (dropdown menu at the top in left sidebar).
Go to JavaScript Settings and CSS Settings and set the Merge options to No.
Reset Magento cache and browser cache, then reload your page.
