maven-javadoc-plugin : How could customize the package - maven

My target that's extract whole javadoc in the package com.axonivy.compensation.entity to html my maven
I already tried with:
<!-- <goals> <goal>javadoc</goal> </goals> -->
Or following this way
<!-- <goals> <goal>javadoc</goal> </goals> -->
But still unsuccessfully. Now the javadoc of whole project are extracted, not just the package com.axonivy.compensation.entity,
Could anyone have some idea about that? Thanks


maven command to execute multiple executions in plugin

I am trying to generate sources from wsdl
This is my plug-in.
When I run mvn compile, only gen1 is generated. I want it to generate both executions. I cannot combine them as they are residing in different wsdl directories and require different packagenames.
I understand that I can split into profiles and run it like mvn compile -Pprofile1,profile2.
But is there an easier way?

Configuring Findbugs in Jenkins

My goal is to fail jenkins build for my project in case bugs are reported by FindBugs plugin. For that I have integrated FindBugs config in the project's pom.xml & the execution part of the config is below
I found the above config from online sources & with this config, the project is not failing incase of bugs reported by FindBugs. Also I have tried other configs like below
Can someone please let me know what is the correct execution which needs to be used for failing build in case of bugs in FindBugs ?
Below is the correct configuration for find-bugs in pom.xml. It does the following - Perform FindBugs check, Generate xml report during verify phase , Transform it to html & Fail build in case bugs are present during check
<!--<stylesheet>default.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>plain.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>fancy.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>summary.xsl</stylesheet> -->

Have integration tests in jacoco-it directory

I have integration tests and they are executed fine, but Jacoco considers them as unit tests. How to tell Jacoco to see them as integration tests and display their graph coverage, not in the jacoco-ut directory, but it the jacoco-it directory ?
Here in the Maven configuration:
UPDATE: I was missing this bit in the maven-failsafe-plugin plugin:
After having added it as in:
the integration tests report shows the integration tests.
The final full configuration is:
You misunderstood the pattern for the include tag of maven-failsafe-plugin. The pattern is used for the package name of the classes within the test classpath (see also
The build-helper-maven-plugin includes all classes in src/it/java to the test classpath. Then the pattern of include tag in both test plugins (surefire, failsafe) filters the classes within this test classpath. These filtered classes are executed by the test plugins.
So the workflow is
Build-Helper-Plugin extends the set of the test classes that have to be compiled and executed. Therefore the source directive is used. The path location defined in this source directive is related to the Maven project path.
Compiler Plugin compiles the java classes.
Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with unit tests. Therefore, the normal agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. You can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
Surefire-Plugin executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.
Now the Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with integration tests. Therefore, the integration agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. And again, you can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
The same for the Failsafe-Plugin. It executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.

Jenkins Jacoco post build action

I have the below dependency in my POM file
Below is the structure of my classes
I'm trying to run my functional test cases located at src/test and I want to ignore src/main
I've configured as below but it's not running on my test cases
u need to add few other things along with jacoco to get code coverage. because jacoco doesn't get code reports directly.
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
and If this doesn't show any code coverage, search if there is file named jacoco.exec in target folder of work-space of your project.

How can I combine jars using Maven?

The following snippet creates 2 JARS:
I would like to combine these two JARs into one using the assembly plugin, currently I have the following:
<!-- Combine all the JARs in the /target folder into one JAR -->
Currently only one of the two JARS in included in the final JAR that is created by the assembly plugin.
If I understand you correctly, you actually want to merge the jar files into one big jar file. This can be achieved using the maven-shade-plugin (instead of the maven-assembly-plugin).
For example:
<!-- Put your configuration here, if you need any extra settings.
(You should be okay with the defaults). -->
