Using a non-literal value in Apache Derby's OFFSET clause - derby

Using Derby, is it possible to offset by a value from the query rather than an integer literal?
When I run this query, it complains about the value I've given to the offset clause.
PRIZE."NAME" as "Prize Name",
PRIZE."POSITION" as "Position",
order by POINTS desc
offset PRIZE."POSITION" rows fetch next 1 row only <-- notice I'm trying to pass in a value to offset by
) as "Participant"
from PRIZE
With the expectation that the results would look like this:
| Prize Name | Position | Participant |
| Gold medal | 1 | Mari Loudi |
| Silver medal | 2 | Keesha Vacc |
| Bronze medal | 3 | Melba Hammit |
| Hundredth | 100 | James Thornby |
The documentation suggests that it's possible to pass in a value from java code, but I'm trying to use a value from the query itself.
By the way, this is just an example schema to illustrate the point.
I know there are other ways to achieve the ranking, but I'm specifically interested if there's a way to pass values to the offset clause.


Missing results after reducing the visualization size

I would like to count the same log messages in Kibana. With the Size set to 200, it turns out that there are two results that happened twice
But, if I lower the Size to 5, I don't see those two:
It should show me top 5 rows, ordered by count. I expected something like this:
| LogMessage | Count |
| xx | 2 |
| yy | 2 |
| zz | 1 |
| qq | 1 |
| ww | 1 |
What am I missing?
The issue is the little warning about Analyzed Field. You should use a keyword field.
With analyzed fields, the analyzer breaks down the original string during indexing into sub-strings to facilitate search use cases (handling things like word boundaries, punctuation, case insensitivity, declination, etc)
A keyword field is just a simple string.
What's probably happening is that you have data like
| LogMessage | Count |
| a | 1 |
| b | 1 |
| c x | 1 |
| d x | 1 |
With an analyzed field, if you have a terms agg of size 2 you might (depending on the sort order) get a and b
With a larger terms agg, the top sub-string will be x
This is a simplified example, but I hope it gets the issue across.
The Terms Aggregation docs have a good section about how to avoid/solve this issue.

MySQL - Top 5 rank best seller plans or courses

I sell subscriptions of my online course, as well as the courses in retail.
I would bring the "top 5" of best selling plans / courses. For this, I have a table called "subscriptionPlan", which stores the purchased plan ID, or in the case of a course, the course ID, and the amount spent on this transaction. Example:
table subscriptionPlan
sbpId | subId | plaId | couId | sbpAmount
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 499.99
2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 499.99
3 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 899.99
4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 499.99
Just for educational purposes, plaId = 1 is a plan called "Single Sale" that I created, to maintain the integrity of the DB. When the couId isn't empty, you also have bought a separate course, not a plan where you can attend any course.
My need is: List the top 5 sales. If it is a plan, display the plan name (plan table, column plaTitle). If it is a course, display its name (table course, colna couTitle). This logic that I can't code. I was able to rank a top 5 of PLANS, but it groups the courses, since the GROUP BY is by the ID of the plan. I believe the prank is here, maybe creating an IF / ELSE in this GROUPBY, but I don't know how to do this.
The query that i code, to rank my top 5 plans is:
SELECT sp.plaId, sp.couId, p.plaTitle, p.plaPermanent, c.couTitle, SUM(sbpAmount) AS sbpTotalAmount
FROM subscriptionPlan sp
LEFT JOIN plan p ON sp.plaId = p.plaId
LEFT JOIN course c ON sp.couId = c.couId
GROUP BY sp.plaId
ORDER BY sbpTotalAmount DESC
The result that i expected was:
plaId | couId | plaTitle | couTitle | plaPermanent | sbpTotalAmount
1 | 1 | Venda avulsa | Curso 01 | true | 999.98
2 | 0 | Acesso total | null | false | 899.99
3 | 2 | Venda avulsa | Curso 02 | true | 499.99
How could I get into this query formula?
When grouping you can use:
Simple columns, or
Any [complex] expression.
In your case, it seems you need to group by an expression, such as:
GROUP BY CASE WHEN sp.plaId = 1 THEN -1 ELSE sp.couId END
In this case I chose -1 as the grouping for the "Single Plan". You can replace the value for any other that doesn't match any couId.

Is there a way to rank multiple columns in power query?

I am setting up a query where I need to rank multiple columns. I was able to sort the first column in descending order and inserted an index column. However, I am not able to rank the other columns.
I have included an example below:
Table to show agent performance
Agent | surveys | rank | outcalls |total calls |outcalls/total calls |rank
Dallas | 80% | 1 | 50 | 80 | 62.5% | ?
May | 75% | 2 | 90 | 100 | 90.0% | ?
Summer | 60% | 3 | 60 | 75 | 80.0% | ?
So basically from the example above, I was able to add an index column that ranked the surveys. How can I rank the outcalls/total calls column while still maintaining the rank in the other columns?
In this case, a simple approach would be to sort on outcalls/total calls, add another index column, and then sort the first rank column if you want to revert back to your starting order.

How to implement Oracle's "func(...) keep (dense_rank ...)" In Hive

I have a table abcd in Oracle DB
| abcd.speed | abcd.ab |
| 4.0 | 2 |
| 4.0 | 2 |
| 7.0 | 2 |
| 7.0 | 2 |
| 8.0 | 1 |
And I'm using a query like this:
select min(speed) keep (dense_rank last order by abcd.ab NULLS FIRST) MOD from abcd;
I'm trying to convert the code to Hive, but it looks like keep is not available in Hive.
Could you suggest an equivalent statement?
select -max(struct(ab,-speed)).col2 as mod
from abcd
| mod |
| 4.0 |
Let start by explaining min(speed) keep (dense_rank last order by abcd.ab NULLS FIRST):
Find the row(s) with the max value of ab.
For this/those row(s), find the min value of speed.
We are using 2 tricks here.
The 1st is based on the ability to get the max value of a struct.
max(struct(c1,c2,c3,...)) returns the same result as if you have sorted the structs by c1, then by c2, then by c3 etc. and then chose the last element.
The 2nd trick is to use -speed (which is the same of -1*speed).
Finding the max of -speed and then taking the minus of that value (which gives us speed), is the same of finding the min of speed.
If we would have ordered the structs, it would have looked like this (since 2 is bigger than 1 and -4 is bigger than -7):
| ab | speed |
| 1 | -8.0 |
| 2 | -7.0 |
| 2 | -7.0 |
| 2 | -4.0 |
| 2 | -4.0 |
The last struct in this case in struct(2,-4.0), therefore this is the result of the max function.
The fields names for a struct are col1, col2, col3 etc., so
struct(2,-4.0).col2 is -4.0. and preceding it with minus (which is the same as multiple it by -1) as in -struct(2,-4.0).col2 is 4.0.

Select only the rows which timestamp correspond to the current month

I am starting to try some experiments using Google SpreadSheets as a DB and for that I am collecting data from different sources and inserting them via spreadsheets API into a sheet.
Each row has a value (Column B) and a timestamp (Column A).
| ColA | ColB |
| 13/10/2012 00:19:01 | 42 |
| 19/10/2012 00:29:01 | 100 |
| 21/10/2012 00:39:01 | 23 |
| 22/10/2012 00:29:01 | 1 |
| 23/10/2012 00:19:01 | 24 |
| 24/10/2012 00:19:01 | 4 |
| 31/10/2012 00:19:01 | 2 |
What I am trying to do is to programmatically add the sum of all rows in Column B where Column A is equal to the current month into a different cell.
Is there any function that I can use for that? Or anyone can point me to the right direction on how can I create a custom function which might do something like this? I know how to do this using MySQL but I couldn't find anything for Google SpreadSheets
Thanks in advance for any tip in the right direction.
Would native spreadsheet functions do?
