Why is Tomcat behaviour different in two pcs? - tomcat7

I did the same install in 2 pcs, both have the default tomcat-users.xml , one (with administrator rights) doesn't ask for password/user when trying to access localhost:8080, the other one (without administrator rights) asks for a username and password.
Why does that happens? Should I config manually the tomcat-users.xml with administrator role?

I don't know about this kind of behaviour but when I installed it, it didn't have any default user. I added user with required permissions. For adding new user you can follow these
Or these
How do I use Apache tomcat 7 built in Host Manager gui?


Where to find domain credentials for Jenkins 2.289.3 Windows Installer?

On my new Windows 10, as I am trying to install Jenkins, I encountered following prompt:
Since I don't know what local or domain user creds to enter, I keep on getting following error:
Error logging on DESKTOP-xxxx\user: The user name or password is incorrect
From reading the official doc, I am understanding that this is something new that Jenkins installer is doing for running as a Windows service, but where do I find these credentials on Windows?
Most of the applications when installed on Windows OS may want to run as a service using either the local system account or a specific account which needs specific permissions on the OS. Please use any local admin account which already there on the system where you are trying to install Jenkins. If the system is joined to a domain, prefer to use an domain account which has admin privileges on the system.
The worst advice to grand admin permissions for a single service.
You need to use local existing credentials from your windows system (if it's not connected to a domain) or a domain creds. Don't use admin creds for the installation.

IBM Websphere 6.1 start up with limited user access

I have successfully installed IBM websphere on my windows 7 machine as administrator user.
Now, when I am trying to run the server using limited access user login, it is exiting with message .
However, when I try to run it using administrative login, server runs successfully.
Since my user Id is of limited access, what needs to be done for starting successfully the server with user login.
Do I need to first create a profile associated with user login.
If yes, then how to create new user profile.
Since IBM Websphere was installed as administrator user, its installation directory (c:/Program Files/IBM/Websphere/*) was not accessible by limited access user. Since log files were also in the same directory, system was not allowing to start the server.
Also, I needed admin access on my system for starting/stopping the server.
I got read-write access on the installation folder and then again tried to start server using command prompt (serverStatus.bat server1).
The server started successfully on ports 9060/9043.

Trouble creating admin account in Jenkins for Windows

Hello I just enabled Legacy mode authorization in Jenkins and it seems that it has now locked me out of all the administrative privileges.
I need to create an admin account so that I can continue with Jenkins configuration. I have direct access to the server and have tried running this line from command line:
java -jar jenkins.war --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin Jenkins starts but I am unable to access it from the web when starting from command line.
I've also tried starting Jenkins through services.msc, which is how I typically start it, and passing it the parameters --argumentsRealm.passwd.jenkins=swordfish --argumentsRealm.roles.jenkins=admin. Jenkins starts and I am able to access it through the web, but unable to log in with the username.
Any ideas how get admin access back?
I deleted the entries related to security and authentication in the config.xml, restarted, and I am able to access again. I was able to add myself as an admin using matrix based security. Still not sure how to do it with legacy tho.
Recently, I had the same problem. I would try to login to jenkins (hosted on glassfish), and would encounter the same thing. Basically getting a glassfish error that the application was not available. If I cleared all temporary internet files from browser, browse to jenkins home page, I would be presented with the Jenkins login, and when I provided the correct userID and password, WHAMMO! Back to application not available.... This too was using matrix-based administration.
To fix:
Locate the config.xml of the userID that is experiencing problems, under "users" directory.
Deleted the "apiToken" tag under "jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty" tag.
Bounced glassfish and was able to login again.

Why is my TeamCity Admin user no longer an Admin user after I switch over to NTLM authentication?

Just installed teamcity 6.5.6 after uninstalling 6.5.4 after trying to implement a svn 1.7 plugin that seemed to have buggered up my TC configurations.
Trying to revert back to working times so I did a fresh install of the latest release.
I created my initial admin user with the same credential I have for the admin user on the server machine that is running TC.
Once I change the config to NTLM auth, I login as the same user, and that user no longer has admin privileges. Any ideas why?
The documentation states that:
Please note that each authentication type maintains own list for users. This means that on switching from one authentication to another you start with no users (and no administrator) and will be prompted for administrator account on first TeamCity start after the authentication change. This also means that all the existing users will need to create their accounts and re-enter their settings anew.
So when you switched to NLTM authentication you will have be prompted to specify the admin user again.

Default username and password for TFS2010 installed as localhost

Merry Christmas everyone !
I've installed Team Foundation Server 2010 with advanced configuration but I left the settings as default (like Service Account: NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE and others)...
All good until when I typed http://localhost:8080/tfs and there it asks me to provide username and password.
What is the default username and password ? I didn't provide any username and/or password during configuration.
I typed as my Windows account name but it doesn't work.
Help me please...
Thank you
EDIT: Please watch my short video capture: http://youtu.be/i8C5mp7fUsA
TFS uses Window's accounts for its permissions. If you're logging in on a workstation setup, rather than one linked to AD then remember you need to specify your machine name as part of the username, for example MACHINE\michaels.
In order to setup new projects you will need to first start off using an administrator account - if your normal username isn't a Windows administrator, then login using your admin username and password (you can then grant permissions to your normal account. You can also use the Windows security groups on the machine to add yourself - there will be a local group called "Team Foundation Administrators". MSDN has a list of the Windows groups you can configure.
it is the windows login , password and u can set it in the administration panel also .
UPDATE - mine was ashutosh-pc\ashutosh and my windows password
You have set your service account to LOCAL SERVICE. Please change this to NETWORK SERVICE. The login box you are getting is not to login TFS, but to get access to your machine resources. The LOCAL SERVICE account does not have enough permissions to operate TFS.
If you don't have NETWORK SERVICE, then use a regular windows account.
See for more information the TFS 2010 Install Guide.
Yeah definitely it works using your windows account, but in my case I have my hotmail email account linked to my windows.. so, I just used my email address and the password for this, I am sharing an screenshot, this is the firs default page after logged in.
